/* * Ext GWT - Ext for GWT * Copyright(c) 2007-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ package com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.ComponentEvent; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Events; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.event.Listener; import com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.button.Button; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Timer; /** * Monitors the valid state of a form and enabled / disabled all buttons. */ public class FormButtonBinding { private FormPanel panel; private Timer timer; private int interval = 500; private Listener<ComponentEvent> listener; private List<Button> buttons; public FormButtonBinding(FormPanel panel) { this.panel = panel; buttons = new ArrayList<Button>(); timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { FormButtonBinding.this.checkPanel(); } }; listener = new Listener<ComponentEvent>() { public void handleEvent(ComponentEvent be) { if (be.getType() == Events.Attach) { FormButtonBinding.this.startMonitoring(); } else if (be.getType() == Events.Detach) { FormButtonBinding.this.stopMonitoring(); } } }; panel.addListener(Events.Attach, listener); panel.addListener(Events.Detach, listener); if (panel.isAttached()) { startMonitoring(); } } public void addButton(Button button) { buttons.add(button); } public int getInterval() { return interval; } public void removeButton(Button button) { buttons.remove(button); } public void setInterval(int interval) { this.interval = interval; } public void startMonitoring() { if (panel.isAttached()) { timer.run(); timer.scheduleRepeating(interval); } } public void stopMonitoring() { timer.cancel(); } protected boolean checkPanel() { boolean v = panel.isValid(true); for (Button button : buttons) { if (v != button.isEnabled()) { button.setEnabled(v); } } return v; } }