package GKA.Graph; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.jgrapht.ListenableGraph; import GKA.Controler.MessageReceiver; import GKA.Controler.MessageSender; import com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph; public interface GKAGraphInterface extends MessageSender{ public static GKAGraphInterface newGraph(GraphType type){ return GKAGraph.newGraph(type); } public static GKAGraphInterface newGraph(File file){ return GKAGraph.newGraph(file); } public static GKAGraphInterface newGraphBigNet(int i, int j){ return GKAGraph.newGraph(i,j); } public static GKAGraphInterface newTourGraph(int i){ return GKAGraph.newRundReiseGraph(i); } public abstract ListenableGraph<String, GKAEdge> getjGraph(); /** * Returns the mxGraph for showing in Swing. * Please notices: All changes in this graph don't have any effect to the Graph * it's only in the GUI. * @return */ public abstract mxGraph getMxgraph(); public abstract boolean isDirected(); public abstract boolean isWeighted(); /** * Adds a new vertex, Returns false at all errors. * @param vertexName * @return */ public abstract boolean addVertex(String vertexName); /** * * @param source * @param target * @param name - can be null, in this case the vertexName is "source - target" * @param weight - has to be null at unweighted Graphs and must be set at weighted Graphs * @return */ public abstract boolean addEdge(String source, String target, String name, Double weight); public abstract void setLayout(); public boolean removeVertex(String vertexName); public boolean removeEdge(String source, String target); public void saveGraph(File file, boolean decreapted); public void colorEdge(GKAEdge edge); public void colorEdge(Collection<GKAEdge> edges); public GraphType getType(); /** * Find the shortest way from Source to Target * by using the broad search algorithm * @param source * @param target * @return */ public List<GKAEdge> shortesPathBroad(String source, String target); /** * Find the way with the smallest Weight from Source to Target * @param source * @param target * @return */ public List<GKAEdge> dijkstra(String source, String target); public void resetColor(); public List<GKAEdge> floydWarschall(String source, String target); public void fordFulkerson(String source, String sink); public void edmondKarp(String source, String sink); boolean addEdgeUnsave(String source, String target, String name, Double weight); public MinimumSpanningTree getMinimumSpanningTree(); public MSTHeuristic getMSTHeuristic(String startNode); public NearestNeighbour getNearestNeighbour(String startNode); }