/* ========================================== * JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library * ========================================== * * Project Info: http://jgrapht.sourceforge.net/ * Project Creator: Barak Naveh (http://sourceforge.net/users/barak_naveh) * * (C) Copyright 2003-2008, by Barak Naveh and Contributors. * * This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under * either * * (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any * later version. * * or (per the licensee's choosing) * * (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by * the Eclipse Foundation. */ /* ------------------------------ * TransitiveClosureTest.java * ------------------------------ * (C) Copyright 2007, by Vinayak R. Borkar. * * Original Author: Vinayak R. Borkar * Contributor(s): * * Changes * ------- * 5-May-2007: Initial revision (VRB); * */ package org.jgrapht.alg; import junit.framework.*; import org.jgrapht.*; import org.jgrapht.generate.*; import org.jgrapht.graph.*; /** */ public class TransitiveClosureTest extends TestCase { //~ Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------- public void testLinearGraph() { SimpleDirectedGraph<Integer, DefaultEdge> graph = new SimpleDirectedGraph<Integer, DefaultEdge>(DefaultEdge.class); int N = 10; LinearGraphGenerator<Integer, DefaultEdge> gen = new LinearGraphGenerator<Integer, DefaultEdge>(N); VertexFactory<Integer> vf = new VertexFactory<Integer>() { private int m_index = 0; public Integer createVertex() { return Integer.valueOf(m_index++); } }; gen.generateGraph(graph, vf, null); TransitiveClosure.INSTANCE.closeSimpleDirectedGraph(graph); assertEquals(true, graph.edgeSet().size() == ((N * (N - 1)) / 2)); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < N; ++j) { assertEquals( true, graph.getEdge(Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(j)) != null); } } } public void testRingGraph() { SimpleDirectedGraph<Integer, DefaultEdge> graph = new SimpleDirectedGraph<Integer, DefaultEdge>(DefaultEdge.class); int N = 10; RingGraphGenerator<Integer, DefaultEdge> gen = new RingGraphGenerator<Integer, DefaultEdge>(N); VertexFactory<Integer> vf = new VertexFactory<Integer>() { private int m_index = 0; public Integer createVertex() { return Integer.valueOf(m_index++); } }; gen.generateGraph(graph, vf, null); TransitiveClosure.INSTANCE.closeSimpleDirectedGraph(graph); assertEquals(true, graph.edgeSet().size() == (N * (N - 1))); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) { assertEquals( true, (i == j) || (graph.getEdge(Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(j)) != null)); } } } } // End TransitiveClosureTest.java