/* ========================================== * JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library * ========================================== * * Project Info: http://jgrapht.sourceforge.net/ * Project Creator: Barak Naveh (http://sourceforge.net/users/barak_naveh) * * (C) Copyright 2003-2010, by Barak Naveh and Contributors. * * This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under * either * * (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any * later version. * * or (per the licensee's choosing) * * (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by * the Eclipse Foundation. */ /* ------------------------- * KShortestPaths.java * ------------------------- * (C) Copyright 2007-2010, by France Telecom * * Original Author: Guillaume Boulmier and Contributors. * Contributor(s): John V. Sichi * * $Id$ * * Changes * ------- * 05-Jun-2007 : Initial revision (GB); * 05-Jul-2007 : Added support for generics (JVS); * 06-Dec-2010 : Bugfixes (GB); * */ package org.jgrapht.alg; import java.util.*; import org.jgrapht.*; /** * The algorithm determines the k shortest simple paths in increasing order of * weight. Weights can be negative (but no negative cycle is allowed), and paths * can be constrained by a maximum number of edges. Multigraphs are allowed. * * <p>The algorithm is a variant of the Bellman-Ford algorithm but instead of * only storing the best path it stores the "k" best paths at each pass, * yielding a complexity of O(k*n*(m^2)) where m is the number of edges and n is * the number of vertices. * * @author Guillaume Boulmier * @since July 5, 2007 */ public class KShortestPaths<V, E> { /** * Graph on which shortest paths are searched. */ private Graph<V, E> graph; private int nMaxHops; private int nPaths; private V startVertex; /** * Creates an object to compute ranking shortest paths between the start * vertex and others vertices. * * @param graph * @param startVertex * @param k number of paths to be computed. */ public KShortestPaths(Graph<V, E> graph, V startVertex, int k) { this(graph, startVertex, k, graph.vertexSet().size() - 1); } /** * Creates an object to calculate ranking shortest paths between the start * vertex and others vertices. * * @param graph graph on which shortest paths are searched. * @param startVertex start vertex of the calculated paths. * @param nPaths number of ranking paths between the start vertex and an end * vertex. * @param nMaxHops maximum number of edges of the calculated paths. * * @throws NullPointerException if the specified graph or startVertex is * <code>null</code>. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if nPaths is negative or 0. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if nMaxHops is negative or 0. */ public KShortestPaths( Graph<V, E> graph, V startVertex, int nPaths, int nMaxHops) { assertKShortestPathsFinder(graph, startVertex, nPaths, nMaxHops); this.graph = graph; this.startVertex = startVertex; this.nPaths = nPaths; this.nMaxHops = nMaxHops; } /** * Returns the k shortest simple paths in increasing order of weight. * * @param endVertex target vertex of the calculated paths. * * @return list of paths, or <code>null</code> if no path exists between the * start vertex and the end vertex. */ public List<GraphPath<V, E>> getPaths(V endVertex) { assertGetPaths(endVertex); KShortestPathsIterator<V, E> iter = new KShortestPathsIterator<V, E>( this.graph, this.startVertex, endVertex, this.nPaths); // at the i-th pass the shortest paths with less (or equal) than i edges // are calculated. for ( int passNumber = 1; (passNumber <= this.nMaxHops) && iter.hasNext(); passNumber++) { iter.next(); } List<RankingPathElement<V, E>> list = iter.getPathElements(endVertex); if (list == null) { return null; } List<GraphPath<V, E>> pathList = new ArrayList<GraphPath<V, E>>(); for (RankingPathElement<V, E> element : list) { pathList.add(new PathWrapper(element)); } return pathList; } private void assertGetPaths(V endVertex) { if (endVertex == null) { throw new NullPointerException("endVertex is null"); } if (endVertex.equals(this.startVertex)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The end vertex is the same as the start vertex!"); } if (!this.graph.vertexSet().contains(endVertex)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Graph must contain the end vertex!"); } } private void assertKShortestPathsFinder( Graph<V, E> graph, V startVertex, int nPaths, int nMaxHops) { if (graph == null) { throw new NullPointerException("graph is null"); } if (startVertex == null) { throw new NullPointerException("startVertex is null"); } if (nPaths <= 0) { throw new NullPointerException("nPaths is negative or 0"); } if (nMaxHops <= 0) { throw new NullPointerException("nMaxHops is negative or 0"); } } private class PathWrapper implements GraphPath<V, E> { private RankingPathElement<V, E> rankingPathElement; private List<E> edgeList; PathWrapper(RankingPathElement<V, E> rankingPathElement) { this.rankingPathElement = rankingPathElement; } // implement GraphPath public Graph<V, E> getGraph() { return graph; } // implement GraphPath public V getStartVertex() { return startVertex; } // implement GraphPath public V getEndVertex() { return rankingPathElement.getVertex(); } // implement GraphPath public List<E> getEdgeList() { if (edgeList == null) { edgeList = rankingPathElement.createEdgeListPath(); } return edgeList; } // implement GraphPath public double getWeight() { return rankingPathElement.getWeight(); } // override Object public String toString() { return getEdgeList().toString(); } } } // End KShortestPaths.java