package tk.captainsplexx.Game; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display; import org.lwjgl.opengl.DisplayMode; import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector2f; import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f; import org.newdawn.slick.opengl.ImageIOImageData; import tk.captainsplexx.Entity.Entity; import tk.captainsplexx.Entity.ObjectEntity; import tk.captainsplexx.Entity.Layer.EntityLayer; import tk.captainsplexx.Event.EventHandler; import tk.captainsplexx.JavaFX.JavaFXHandler; import tk.captainsplexx.Mod.ModTools; import tk.captainsplexx.Render.Render; import tk.captainsplexx.Render.Gui.GuiTexture; import tk.captainsplexx.Resource.FileHandler; public class Core { /*Main Components*/ public static Game game; public static Render render; public static EventHandler eventHandler; public static InputHandler inputHandler; public static ModTools modTools; public static JavaFXHandler jfxHandler; /*Defaults for Screen Configuration.*/ public static int DISPLAY_WIDTH; public static int DISPLAY_HEIGHT; public static int DISPLAY_RATE; public static float zNear; public static float zFar; public static float FOV; /*Boring stuff to make Ticks possible.*/ public static int TICK_RATE; public static int currentTick = -1; public static int currentTime = 0; public static int oldTime = -1; /*Active session*/ public static String gamePath; public static boolean keepAlive; public static boolean runEditor; public static boolean isDEBUG; public static String currentDir; /*You w00t mate ? :D*/ public static String buildVersion; /*Support for Cross-Threading*/ private static ArrayList<Runnable> runnables; private static ArrayList<Runnable> runnablesQ; private static boolean isExecutingRunnables; //public static Object[] sharedObjs; public static Random random = new Random(); public static void main(String[] args){ System.err.println("If Modtools has replaced a resource and then tries to request the orignal resource in the second run for a diffrent resource,\n" + "it can't find it and the loader will crash."); /*Initialize Variables*/ runnables = new ArrayList<Runnable>(); runnablesQ = new ArrayList<Runnable>(); isExecutingRunnables = false; //sharedObjs = null; gamePath = null; checkVersion(); currentDir = FileHandler.normalizePath(Paths.get("").toAbsolutePath().toString()); keepAlive = true; runEditor = false; FileHandler.cleanFolder("temp/images"); FileHandler.cleanFolder("output"); TICK_RATE = 20; DISPLAY_WIDTH = 1280; DISPLAY_HEIGHT = 720; DISPLAY_RATE = 60; zNear = 1f; zFar = 2500f; FOV = 60f; jfxHandler = new JavaFXHandler(); eventHandler = new EventHandler(); game = new Game(); if (buildVersion.contains("NEW VERSION")){ jfxHandler.getDialogBuilder().showInfo("Info", "Make sure to run the latest version!\n"+ ""); } modTools = new ModTools(); //jfxHandler.getMainWindow().createImagePreviewWindow(null, null, new ResourceLink(), "test"); /*Let's loop until user's exit request was initialized*/ while (keepAlive){ /* Wait for starting editor. * JavaFX is running on a different Thread, * so we can slow this one down in the mean time. */ System.out.print(""); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } /*Mod was selected -> Run Editor*/ if (runEditor){ jfxHandler.getMainWindow().toggleLeftVisibility(); jfxHandler.getMainWindow().toggleModLoaderVisibility(); try { Display.setDisplayMode(new DisplayMode(DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT)); Display.setTitle("Unofficial FrostBite 3 Editor "+buildVersion); Display.setResizable(true); Display.create(); Display.setIcon(new ByteBuffer[] { new ImageIOImageData().imageToByteBuffer( File("res/icon/16.png")), false, false, null), new ImageIOImageData().imageToByteBuffer( File("res/icon/32.png")), false, false, null) }); Mouse.setClipMouseCoordinatesToWindow(true); //Mouse.setGrabbed(true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Display.destroy(); System.exit(1); } game.getModelHandler().getLoader().init(); game.getShaderHandler().init(); game.buildExplorerTree(); game.getGuis().add(new GuiTexture(game.getModelHandler().getLoader().getCrosshairID(), new Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2f(0.15f, 0.15f))); render = new Render(game); inputHandler = new InputHandler(); /*EntityLayer testLayer = new EntityLayer("test"); Entity parentEnt = new ObjectEntity("test", null, null, null); stackEntityTest(0, 15, parentEnt);//15 means ~65.000!!! testLayer.getEntities().add(parentEnt); game.getEntityHandler().getLayers().add(testLayer);*/ while(!Display.isCloseRequested() && keepAlive){ currentTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis()%1000/(1000/TICK_RATE)); if (currentTime != oldTime){ oldTime = currentTime; currentTick++; //update at rate game.update(); if (currentTick%(TICK_RATE/4)==0){//0.25xTICK_RATE game.lowRateUpdate(); } eventHandler.listen(); } //update instantly inputHandler.listen(); render.update(); /*Proccess all runnables*/ isExecutingRunnables = true; for (Runnable runna : runnables){; } runnables.clear(); isExecutingRunnables = false; for (Runnable runnaQ : runnablesQ){ runnables.add(runnaQ); } runnablesQ.clear(); /*End of Runnable section*/ } game.modelHandler.loader.cleanUp(); //CleanUp GPU-Memory! game.shaderHandler.cleanUpAll(); //Thank u for using... } } System.out.println("Thanks for using this Editor/ModLoader.\n" + "If u have noticed any Bugs, make sure to report them\n" + "directly on Github to @CaptainSpleXx." + "\n\n" + "Have a good one, Bye!"); System.exit(0); } public static void runOnMainThread(Runnable run){ if (isExecutingRunnables){ runnablesQ.add(run); }else{ runnables.add(run); } } public static Game getGame(){ return game; } public static Render getRender(){ return render; } public static EventHandler getEventHander(){ return eventHandler; } public static JavaFXHandler getJavaFXHandler() { return jfxHandler; } public static ModTools getModTools() { return modTools; } /*public static Object[] getSharedObjs() { return sharedObjs; } public static void setSharedObjs(Object[] sharedObjs) { Core.sharedObjs = sharedObjs; }*/ public static void checkVersion(){ /*VERSION CHECK*/ String newVersion = ""; try{ URL url = new URL(""); URLConnection ec = url.openConnection(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( ec.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); String inputLine; StringBuilder a = new StringBuilder(); while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) a.append(inputLine); in.close(); newVersion += a.toString(); }catch(Exception e){ System.err.println("Could not get version info from GitHub..."); } try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader("version"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); buildVersion = br.readLine(); br.close(); fr.close(); }catch (Exception e){ buildVersion = "n/a"; System.err.println("NO VERSION FILE FOUND!"); } System.out.println("Version: "+buildVersion); if (buildVersion.contains("|")){ isDEBUG = true; System.err.println("RUNNING IN DEBUG MODE!"); String[] versionArgs = buildVersion.split("\\|"); gamePath = versionArgs[1]; buildVersion = versionArgs[0]+" DEBUG MODE! "; }else if (!buildVersion.equalsIgnoreCase(newVersion) && !newVersion.equalsIgnoreCase("")){ buildVersion += " | [NEW VERSION ADVILABLE]"; } /*END OF VERSION CHECK*/ } public static void keepAlive(boolean b) { keepAlive = b; } /*public static void stackEntityTest(int i, int max, Entity parent){ for (int ie = 0; ie<15;ie++){ if (i<=max){ i++; Entity e = new ObjectEntity("test"+i, null, parent, null); e.setPosition(new Vector3f(random.nextFloat(), random.nextFloat(), random.nextFloat())); e.setRotation(new Vector3f(random.nextFloat(), random.nextFloat(), random.nextFloat())); stackEntityTest(i, max, e); parent.getChildrens().add(e); }else{ break; } } }*/ }