package tk.captainsplexx.Camera; import org.lwjgl.util.vector.Vector3f; import tk.captainsplexx.Player.PlayerEntity; public class FPCameraController { //3d vector to store the camera's position in public Vector3f position = null; //the rotation around the Y axis of the camera public float yaw = 0.0f; //the rotation around the X axis of the camera public float pitch = 0.0f; public boolean considerPitch = false; public float dx = 0.0f; public float dy = 0.0f; public float mouseSensitivity = 0.05f; public PlayerEntity pe; //Constructor that takes the starting x, y, z location of the camera public FPCameraController(PlayerEntity pe) { = pe; //instantiate position Vector3f to the x y z params. position = new Vector3f(-pe.posX, -pe.posX, -pe.posX); } //increment the camera's current yaw rotation public void yaw(float amount) { //increment the yaw by the amount param yaw += amount; } //increment the camera's current yaw rotation public void pitch(float amount) { //increment the pitch by the amount param pitch += amount; } //moves the camera forward relative to its current rotation (yaw|pitch) public void walkForward(float distance) { position.x += distance * (float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yaw)); if (considerPitch){ position.y -= distance * (float)Math.tan(Math.toRadians(pitch)); } position.z -= distance * (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yaw)); } //moves the camera backward relative to its current rotation (yaw|pitch) public void walkBackwards(float distance) { position.x -= distance * (float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yaw)); if (considerPitch){ position.y += distance * (float)Math.tan(Math.toRadians(pitch)); } position.z += distance * (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yaw)); } //strafes the camera left relitive to its current rotation (yaw) public void strafeLeft(float distance) { position.x += distance * (float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yaw-90)); position.z -= distance * (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yaw-90)); } //strafes the camera right relitive to its current rotation (yaw) public void strafeRight(float distance) { position.x += distance * (float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yaw+90)); position.z -= distance * (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yaw+90)); } //translates and rotate the matrix so that it looks through the camera //this dose basic what gluLookAt() does public void lookThrough() { position.x = -pe.posX; position.y = -pe.posY; position.z = -pe.posZ; if (pe.velZ < 0){ walkForward(pe.movementSpeed*pe.velZ); }else{ walkBackwards(-pe.movementSpeed*pe.velZ); } if (pe.velX > 0){ strafeLeft(pe.movementSpeed*pe.velX); }else{ strafeRight(-pe.movementSpeed*pe.velX); } position.y -= pe.velY; if (!pe.onGround){ position.y += pe.gravity; } pe.velX *= 0.86; pe.velY *= 0.86; pe.velZ *= 0.86; //Apply Camera data to Player. pe.rotX = pitch; pe.rotY = yaw; pe.posX = -position.x; pe.posY = -position.y; pe.posZ = -position.z; /* //roatate the pitch around the X axis GL11.glRotatef(pitch, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //roatate the yaw around the Y axis GL11.glRotatef(yaw, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); //translate to the position vector's location GL11.glTranslatef(position.x, position.y, position.z);*/ } public Vector3f getPosition() { return position; } public void setPosition(Vector3f pos){ this.position = pos; } public float getYaw() { return yaw; } public float getPitch() { return pitch; } public boolean isConsiderPitch() { return considerPitch; } public void setConsiderPitch(boolean considerPitch) { this.considerPitch = considerPitch; } public void setRotation(Vector3f rot){ this.pitch = rot.x; this.yaw = rot.y; } public void changePosition(Vector3f relPos){ this.position.x += relPos.x; this.position.z += relPos.y; this.position.y += relPos.z; } public float getMouseSensitivity() { return mouseSensitivity; } public void setMouseSensitivity(float mouseSensitivity) { this.mouseSensitivity = mouseSensitivity; } }