/* * Forge Mod Loader * Copyright (c) 2012-2013 cpw. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * Contributors: * cpw - implementation */ package net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityList; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityTracker; import net.minecraft.entity.EnumCreatureType; import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase; import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase.SpawnListEntry; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.ModContainer; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.network.internal.FMLMessage.EntitySpawnMessage; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.collect.ArrayListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.BiMap; import com.google.common.collect.HashBiMap; import com.google.common.collect.ListMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.primitives.UnsignedBytes; public class EntityRegistry { public class EntityRegistration { private Class<? extends Entity> entityClass; private ModContainer container; private String entityName; private int modId; private int trackingRange; private int updateFrequency; private boolean sendsVelocityUpdates; private Function<EntitySpawnMessage, Entity> customSpawnCallback; private boolean usesVanillaSpawning; public EntityRegistration(ModContainer mc, Class<? extends Entity> entityClass, String entityName, int id, int trackingRange, int updateFrequency, boolean sendsVelocityUpdates) { this.container = mc; this.entityClass = entityClass; this.entityName = entityName; this.modId = id; this.trackingRange = trackingRange; this.updateFrequency = updateFrequency; this.sendsVelocityUpdates = sendsVelocityUpdates; } public Class<? extends Entity> getEntityClass() { return entityClass; } public ModContainer getContainer() { return container; } public String getEntityName() { return entityName; } public int getModEntityId() { return modId; } public int getTrackingRange() { return trackingRange; } public int getUpdateFrequency() { return updateFrequency; } public boolean sendsVelocityUpdates() { return sendsVelocityUpdates; } public boolean usesVanillaSpawning() { return usesVanillaSpawning; } public boolean hasCustomSpawning() { return customSpawnCallback != null; } public Entity doCustomSpawning(EntitySpawnMessage spawnMsg) throws Exception { return customSpawnCallback.apply(spawnMsg); } public void setCustomSpawning(Function<EntitySpawnMessage, Entity> callable, boolean usesVanillaSpawning) { this.customSpawnCallback = callable; this.usesVanillaSpawning = usesVanillaSpawning; } } private static final EntityRegistry INSTANCE = new EntityRegistry(); private BitSet availableIndicies; private ListMultimap<ModContainer, EntityRegistration> entityRegistrations = ArrayListMultimap.create(); private Map<String,ModContainer> entityNames = Maps.newHashMap(); private BiMap<Class<? extends Entity>, EntityRegistration> entityClassRegistrations = HashBiMap.create(); public static EntityRegistry instance() { return INSTANCE; } private EntityRegistry() { availableIndicies = new BitSet(256); availableIndicies.set(1,255); for (Object id : EntityList.idToClassMapping.keySet()) { availableIndicies.clear((Integer)id); } } /** * Register the mod entity type with FML * @param entityClass The entity class * @param entityName A unique name for the entity * @param id A mod specific ID for the entity * @param mod The mod * @param trackingRange The range at which MC will send tracking updates * @param updateFrequency The frequency of tracking updates * @param sendsVelocityUpdates Whether to send velocity information packets as well */ public static void registerModEntity(Class<? extends Entity> entityClass, String entityName, int id, Object mod, int trackingRange, int updateFrequency, boolean sendsVelocityUpdates) { instance().doModEntityRegistration(entityClass, entityName, id, mod, trackingRange, updateFrequency, sendsVelocityUpdates); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void doModEntityRegistration(Class<? extends Entity> entityClass, String entityName, int id, Object mod, int trackingRange, int updateFrequency, boolean sendsVelocityUpdates) { ModContainer mc = FMLCommonHandler.instance().findContainerFor(mod); EntityRegistration er = new EntityRegistration(mc, entityClass, entityName, id, trackingRange, updateFrequency, sendsVelocityUpdates); try { entityClassRegistrations.put(entityClass, er); entityNames.put(entityName, mc); if (!EntityList.classToStringMapping.containsKey(entityClass)) { String entityModName = String.format("%s.%s", mc.getModId(), entityName); EntityList.classToStringMapping.put(entityClass, entityModName); EntityList.stringToClassMapping.put(entityModName, entityClass); FMLLog.finer("Automatically registered mod %s entity %s as %s", mc.getModId(), entityName, entityModName); } else { FMLLog.fine("Skipping automatic mod %s entity registration for already registered class %s", mc.getModId(), entityClass.getName()); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { FMLLog.log(Level.WARN, e, "The mod %s tried to register the entity (name,class) (%s,%s) one or both of which are already registered", mc.getModId(), entityName, entityClass.getName()); return; } entityRegistrations.put(mc, er); } public static void registerGlobalEntityID(Class <? extends Entity > entityClass, String entityName, int id) { if (EntityList.classToStringMapping.containsKey(entityClass)) { ModContainer activeModContainer = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); String modId = "unknown"; if (activeModContainer != null) { modId = activeModContainer.getModId(); } else { FMLLog.severe("There is a rogue mod failing to register entities from outside the context of mod loading. This is incredibly dangerous and should be stopped."); } FMLLog.warning("The mod %s tried to register the entity class %s which was already registered - if you wish to override default naming for FML mod entities, register it here first", modId, entityClass); return; } id = instance().validateAndClaimId(id); EntityList.addMapping(entityClass, entityName, id); } private int validateAndClaimId(int id) { // workaround for broken ML int realId = id; if (id < Byte.MIN_VALUE) { FMLLog.warning("Compensating for modloader out of range compensation by mod : entityId %d for mod %s is now %d", id, Loader.instance().activeModContainer().getModId(), realId); realId += 3000; } if (realId < 0) { realId += Byte.MAX_VALUE; } try { UnsignedBytes.checkedCast(realId); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, "The entity ID %d for mod %s is not an unsigned byte and may not work", id, Loader.instance().activeModContainer().getModId()); } if (!availableIndicies.get(realId)) { FMLLog.severe("The mod %s has attempted to register an entity ID %d which is already reserved. This could cause severe problems", Loader.instance().activeModContainer().getModId(), id); } availableIndicies.clear(realId); return realId; } public static void registerGlobalEntityID(Class <? extends Entity > entityClass, String entityName, int id, int backgroundEggColour, int foregroundEggColour) { if (EntityList.classToStringMapping.containsKey(entityClass)) { ModContainer activeModContainer = Loader.instance().activeModContainer(); String modId = "unknown"; if (activeModContainer != null) { modId = activeModContainer.getModId(); } else { FMLLog.severe("There is a rogue mod failing to register entities from outside the context of mod loading. This is incredibly dangerous and should be stopped."); } FMLLog.warning("The mod %s tried to register the entity class %s which was already registered - if you wish to override default naming for FML mod entities, register it here first", modId, entityClass); return; } instance().validateAndClaimId(id); EntityList.addMapping(entityClass, entityName, id, backgroundEggColour, foregroundEggColour); } public static void addSpawn(Class <? extends EntityLiving > entityClass, int weightedProb, int min, int max, EnumCreatureType typeOfCreature, BiomeGenBase... biomes) { for (BiomeGenBase biome : biomes) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<SpawnListEntry> spawns = biome.getSpawnableList(typeOfCreature); for (SpawnListEntry entry : spawns) { //Adjusting an existing spawn entry if (entry.entityClass == entityClass) { entry.itemWeight = weightedProb; entry.minGroupCount = min; entry.maxGroupCount = max; break; } } spawns.add(new SpawnListEntry(entityClass, weightedProb, min, max)); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void addSpawn(String entityName, int weightedProb, int min, int max, EnumCreatureType spawnList, BiomeGenBase... biomes) { Class <? extends Entity > entityClazz = (Class<? extends Entity>) EntityList.stringToClassMapping.get(entityName); if (EntityLiving.class.isAssignableFrom(entityClazz)) { addSpawn((Class <? extends EntityLiving >) entityClazz, weightedProb, min, max, spawnList, biomes); } } public static void removeSpawn(Class <? extends EntityLiving > entityClass, EnumCreatureType typeOfCreature, BiomeGenBase... biomes) { for (BiomeGenBase biome : biomes) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<SpawnListEntry> spawns = biome.getSpawnableList(typeOfCreature).iterator(); while (spawns.hasNext()) { SpawnListEntry entry = spawns.next(); if (entry.entityClass == entityClass) { spawns.remove(); } } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void removeSpawn(String entityName, EnumCreatureType spawnList, BiomeGenBase... biomes) { Class <? extends Entity > entityClazz = (Class<? extends Entity>) EntityList.stringToClassMapping.get(entityName); if (EntityLiving.class.isAssignableFrom(entityClazz)) { removeSpawn((Class <? extends EntityLiving>) entityClazz, spawnList, biomes); } } public static int findGlobalUniqueEntityId() { int res = instance().availableIndicies.nextSetBit(0); if (res < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("No more entity indicies left"); } return res; } public EntityRegistration lookupModSpawn(Class<? extends Entity> clazz, boolean keepLooking) { Class<?> localClazz = clazz; do { EntityRegistration er = entityClassRegistrations.get(localClazz); if (er != null) { return er; } localClazz = localClazz.getSuperclass(); keepLooking = (!Object.class.equals(localClazz)); } while (keepLooking); return null; } public EntityRegistration lookupModSpawn(ModContainer mc, int modEntityId) { for (EntityRegistration er : entityRegistrations.get(mc)) { if (er.getModEntityId() == modEntityId) { return er; } } return null; } public boolean tryTrackingEntity(EntityTracker entityTracker, Entity entity) { EntityRegistration er = lookupModSpawn(entity.getClass(), true); if (er != null) { entityTracker.addEntityToTracker(entity, er.getTrackingRange(), er.getUpdateFrequency(), er.sendsVelocityUpdates()); return true; } return false; } }