package net.minecraftforge.fml.client; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen; public interface IModGuiFactory { /** * Called when instantiated to initialize with the active minecraft instance. * * @param minecraftInstance the instance */ public void initialize(Minecraft minecraftInstance); /** * Return the name of a class extending {@link GuiScreen}. This class will * be instantiated when the "config" button is pressed in the mod list. It will * have a single argument constructor - the "parent" screen, the same as all * Minecraft GUIs. The expected behaviour is that this screen will replace the * "mod list" screen completely, and will return to the mod list screen through * the parent link, once the appropriate action is taken from the config screen. * * A null from this method indicates that the mod does not provide a "config" * button GUI screen, and the config button will be hidden/disabled. * * This config GUI is anticipated to provide configuration to the mod in a friendly * visual way. It should not be abused to set internals such as IDs (they're gonna * keep disappearing anyway), but rather, interesting behaviours. This config GUI * is never run when a server game is running, and should be used to configure * desired behaviours that affect server state. Costs, mod game modes, stuff like that * can be changed here. * * @return A class that will be instantiated on clicks on the config button * or null if no GUI is desired. */ public Class<? extends GuiScreen> mainConfigGuiClass(); /** * Return a list of the "runtime" categories this mod wishes to populate with * GUI elements. * * Runtime categories are created on demand and organized in a 'lite' tree format. * The parent represents the parent node in the tree. There is one special parent * 'Help' that will always list first, and is generally meant to provide Help type * content for mods. The remaining parents will sort alphabetically, though * this may change if there is a lot of alphabetic abuse. "AAA" is probably never a valid * category parent. * * Runtime configuration itself falls into two flavours: in-game help, which is * generally non interactive except for the text it wishes to show, and client-only * affecting behaviours. This would include things like toggling minimaps, or cheat modes * or anything NOT affecting the behaviour of the server. Please don't abuse this to * change the state of the server in any way, this is intended to behave identically * when the server is local or remote. * * @return the set of options this mod wishes to have available, or empty if none */ public Set<RuntimeOptionCategoryElement> runtimeGuiCategories(); /** * Return an instance of a {@link RuntimeOptionGuiHandler} that handles painting the * right hand side option screen for the specified {@link RuntimeOptionCategoryElement}. * * @param element The element we wish to paint for * @return The Handler for painting it */ public RuntimeOptionGuiHandler getHandlerFor(RuntimeOptionCategoryElement element); /** * Represents an option category and entry in the runtime gui options list. * * @author cpw * */ public static class RuntimeOptionCategoryElement { public final String parent; public final String child; public RuntimeOptionCategoryElement(String parent, String child) { this.parent = parent; this.child = child; } } /** * Responsible for painting the mod specific section of runtime options GUI for a particular category * * @author cpw * */ public interface RuntimeOptionGuiHandler { /** * Called to add widgets to the screen, such as buttons. * GUI identifier numbers should start at 100 and increase. * The callback will be through {@link #actionCallback(int)} * * @param x X * @param y Y * @param w width * @param h height */ public void addWidgets(List<Gui> widgetList, int x, int y, int w, int h); /** * Called to paint the rectangle specified. * @param x X * @param y Y * @param w width * @param h height */ public void paint(int x, int y, int w, int h); /** * Called if a widget with id >= 100 is fired. * * @param actionId the actionId of the firing widget */ public void actionCallback(int actionId); /** * Called when this handler is about to go away (probably replaced by another one, or closing the * option screen) */ public void close(); } }