package mediabrowser.model.sync; public class SyncJobItemQuery { /** Gets or sets the start index. <value>The start index.</value> */ private Integer StartIndex; public final Integer getStartIndex() { return StartIndex; } public final void setStartIndex(Integer value) { StartIndex = value; } /** Gets or sets the limit. <value>The limit.</value> */ private Integer Limit; public final Integer getLimit() { return Limit; } public final void setLimit(Integer value) { Limit = value; } /** Gets or sets the job identifier. <value>The job identifier.</value> */ private String JobId; public final String getJobId() { return JobId; } public final void setJobId(String value) { JobId = value; } /** Gets or sets the item identifier. <value>The item identifier.</value> */ private String ItemId; public final String getItemId() { return ItemId; } public final void setItemId(String value) { ItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the target identifier. <value>The target identifier.</value> */ private String TargetId; public final String getTargetId() { return TargetId; } public final void setTargetId(String value) { TargetId = value; } /** Gets or sets the status. <value>The status.</value> */ private SyncJobItemStatus[] Statuses; public final SyncJobItemStatus[] getStatuses() { return Statuses; } public final void setStatuses(SyncJobItemStatus[] value) { Statuses = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether [add metadata]. <value><c>true</c> if [add metadata]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private boolean AddMetadata; public final boolean getAddMetadata() { return AddMetadata; } public final void setAddMetadata(boolean value) { AddMetadata = value; } public SyncJobItemQuery() { setStatuses(new SyncJobItemStatus[] {}); } }