package mediabrowser.model.livetv; import mediabrowser.model.entities.*; /** Class SeriesTimerInfoDto. */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [DebuggerDisplay("Name = {Name}")] public class SeriesTimerInfoDto : BaseTimerInfoDto public class SeriesTimerInfoDto extends BaseTimerInfoDto { public SeriesTimerInfoDto() { setImageTags(new java.util.HashMap<ImageType, String>()); setDays(new java.util.ArrayList<String>()); setType("SeriesTimer"); } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether [record any time]. <value><c>true</c> if [record any time]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private boolean RecordAnyTime; public final boolean getRecordAnyTime() { return RecordAnyTime; } public final void setRecordAnyTime(boolean value) { RecordAnyTime = value; } private boolean SkipEpisodesInLibrary; public final boolean getSkipEpisodesInLibrary() { return SkipEpisodesInLibrary; } public final void setSkipEpisodesInLibrary(boolean value) { SkipEpisodesInLibrary = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether [record any channel]. <value><c>true</c> if [record any channel]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private boolean RecordAnyChannel; public final boolean getRecordAnyChannel() { return RecordAnyChannel; } public final void setRecordAnyChannel(boolean value) { RecordAnyChannel = value; } private int KeepUpTo; public final int getKeepUpTo() { return KeepUpTo; } public final void setKeepUpTo(int value) { KeepUpTo = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether [record new only]. <value><c>true</c> if [record new only]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private boolean RecordNewOnly; public final boolean getRecordNewOnly() { return RecordNewOnly; } public final void setRecordNewOnly(boolean value) { RecordNewOnly = value; } /** Gets or sets the days. <value>The days.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> Days; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getDays() { return Days; } public final void setDays(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { Days = value; } /** Gets or sets the day pattern. <value>The day pattern.</value> */ private DayPattern DayPattern = null; public final DayPattern getDayPattern() { return DayPattern; } public final void setDayPattern(DayPattern value) { DayPattern = value; } /** Gets or sets the image tags. <value>The image tags.</value> */ private java.util.HashMap<ImageType, String> ImageTags; public final java.util.HashMap<ImageType, String> getImageTags() { return ImageTags; } public final void setImageTags(java.util.HashMap<ImageType, String> value) { ImageTags = value; } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has primary image. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has primary image; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasPrimaryImage public final boolean getHasPrimaryImage() { return getImageTags() != null && getImageTags().containsKey(ImageType.Primary); } /** Gets or sets the parent thumb item id. <value>The parent thumb item id.</value> */ private String ParentThumbItemId; public final String getParentThumbItemId() { return ParentThumbItemId; } public final void setParentThumbItemId(String value) { ParentThumbItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent thumb image tag. <value>The parent thumb image tag.</value> */ private String ParentThumbImageTag; public final String getParentThumbImageTag() { return ParentThumbImageTag; } public final void setParentThumbImageTag(String value) { ParentThumbImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent primary image item identifier. <value>The parent primary image item identifier.</value> */ private String ParentPrimaryImageItemId; public final String getParentPrimaryImageItemId() { return ParentPrimaryImageItemId; } public final void setParentPrimaryImageItemId(String value) { ParentPrimaryImageItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent primary image tag. <value>The parent primary image tag.</value> */ private String ParentPrimaryImageTag; public final String getParentPrimaryImageTag() { return ParentPrimaryImageTag; } public final void setParentPrimaryImageTag(String value) { ParentPrimaryImageTag = value; } }