package mediabrowser.model.mediainfo; import mediabrowser.model.dlna.*; import mediabrowser.model.dto.*; public class PlaybackInfoResponse { /** Gets or sets the media sources. <value>The media sources.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<MediaSourceInfo> MediaSources; public final java.util.ArrayList<MediaSourceInfo> getMediaSources() { return MediaSources; } public final void setMediaSources(java.util.ArrayList<MediaSourceInfo> value) { MediaSources = value; } /** Gets or sets the play session identifier. <value>The play session identifier.</value> */ private String PlaySessionId; public final String getPlaySessionId() { return PlaySessionId; } public final void setPlaySessionId(String value) { PlaySessionId = value; } /** Gets or sets the error code. <value>The error code.</value> */ private PlaybackErrorCode ErrorCode = null; public final PlaybackErrorCode getErrorCode() { return ErrorCode; } public final void setErrorCode(PlaybackErrorCode value) { ErrorCode = value; } public PlaybackInfoResponse() { setMediaSources(new java.util.ArrayList<MediaSourceInfo>()); } }