package mediabrowser.model.drawing; import mediabrowser.model.extensions.*; /** Struct ImageSize */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Java does not allow user-defined value types. The behavior of this class will differ from the original: //ORIGINAL LINE: public struct ImageSize public final class ImageSize { private double _height; private double _width; /** Gets or sets the height. <value>The height.</value> */ public double getHeight() { return _height; } public void setHeight(double value) { _height = value; } /** Gets or sets the width. <value>The width.</value> */ public double getWidth() { return _width; } public void setWidth(double value) { _width = value; } public boolean equals(ImageSize size) { return (new Double(getWidth())).equals(size.getWidth()) && (new Double(getHeight())).equals(size.getHeight()); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%1$s-%2$s", getWidth(), getHeight()); } public ImageSize() { } public ImageSize(String value) { _width = 0; _height = 0; ParseValue(value); } public ImageSize(int width, int height) { _width = width; _height = height; } private void ParseValue(String value) { if (!tangible.DotNetToJavaStringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(value)) { String[] parts = value.split("[-]", -1); if (parts.length == 2) { double val = 0; tangible.RefObject<Double> tempRef_val = new tangible.RefObject<Double>(val); boolean tempVar = DoubleHelper.TryParseCultureInvariant(parts[0], tempRef_val); val = tempRef_val.argValue; if (tempVar) { _width = val; } tangible.RefObject<Double> tempRef_val2 = new tangible.RefObject<Double>(val); boolean tempVar2 = DoubleHelper.TryParseCultureInvariant(parts[1], tempRef_val2); val = tempRef_val2.argValue; if (tempVar2) { _height = val; } } } } public ImageSize clone() { ImageSize varCopy = new ImageSize(); varCopy._height = this._height; varCopy._width = this._width; return varCopy; } }