package mediabrowser.model.entities; import mediabrowser.model.dto.*; import mediabrowser.model.serialization.*; /** This is a stub class containing only basic information about an item */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [DebuggerDisplay("Name = {Name}, ID = {Id}, Type = {Type}")] public class BaseItemInfo public class BaseItemInfo { /** Gets or sets the name. <value>The name.</value> */ private String Name; public final String getName() { return Name; } public final void setName(String value) { Name = value; } /** Gets or sets the id. <value>The id.</value> */ private String Id; public final String getId() { return Id; } public final void setId(String value) { Id = value; } /** Gets or sets the type. <value>The type.</value> */ private String Type; public final String getType() { return Type; } public final void setType(String value) { Type = value; } /** Gets or sets the type of the media. <value>The type of the media.</value> */ private String MediaType; public final String getMediaType() { return MediaType; } public final void setMediaType(String value) { MediaType = value; } /** Gets or sets the run time ticks. <value>The run time ticks.</value> */ private Long RunTimeTicks = null; public final Long getRunTimeTicks() { return RunTimeTicks; } public final void setRunTimeTicks(Long value) { RunTimeTicks = value; } /** Gets or sets the primary image tag. <value>The primary image tag.</value> */ private String PrimaryImageTag; public final String getPrimaryImageTag() { return PrimaryImageTag; } public final void setPrimaryImageTag(String value) { PrimaryImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the primary image item identifier. <value>The primary image item identifier.</value> */ private String PrimaryImageItemId; public final String getPrimaryImageItemId() { return PrimaryImageItemId; } public final void setPrimaryImageItemId(String value) { PrimaryImageItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the logo image tag. <value>The logo image tag.</value> */ private String LogoImageTag; public final String getLogoImageTag() { return LogoImageTag; } public final void setLogoImageTag(String value) { LogoImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the logo item identifier. <value>The logo item identifier.</value> */ private String LogoItemId; public final String getLogoItemId() { return LogoItemId; } public final void setLogoItemId(String value) { LogoItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the thumb image tag. <value>The thumb image tag.</value> */ private String ThumbImageTag; public final String getThumbImageTag() { return ThumbImageTag; } public final void setThumbImageTag(String value) { ThumbImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the thumb item identifier. <value>The thumb item identifier.</value> */ private String ThumbItemId; public final String getThumbItemId() { return ThumbItemId; } public final void setThumbItemId(String value) { ThumbItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the thumb image tag. <value>The thumb image tag.</value> */ private String BackdropImageTag; public final String getBackdropImageTag() { return BackdropImageTag; } public final void setBackdropImageTag(String value) { BackdropImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the thumb item identifier. <value>The thumb item identifier.</value> */ private String BackdropItemId; public final String getBackdropItemId() { return BackdropItemId; } public final void setBackdropItemId(String value) { BackdropItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the premiere date. <value>The premiere date.</value> */ private java.util.Date PremiereDate = null; public final java.util.Date getPremiereDate() { return PremiereDate; } public final void setPremiereDate(java.util.Date value) { PremiereDate = value; } /** Gets or sets the production year. <value>The production year.</value> */ private Integer ProductionYear = null; public final Integer getProductionYear() { return ProductionYear; } public final void setProductionYear(Integer value) { ProductionYear = value; } /** Gets or sets the index number. <value>The index number.</value> */ private Integer IndexNumber = null; public final Integer getIndexNumber() { return IndexNumber; } public final void setIndexNumber(Integer value) { IndexNumber = value; } /** Gets or sets the index number end. <value>The index number end.</value> */ private Integer IndexNumberEnd = null; public final Integer getIndexNumberEnd() { return IndexNumberEnd; } public final void setIndexNumberEnd(Integer value) { IndexNumberEnd = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent index number. <value>The parent index number.</value> */ private Integer ParentIndexNumber = null; public final Integer getParentIndexNumber() { return ParentIndexNumber; } public final void setParentIndexNumber(Integer value) { ParentIndexNumber = value; } /** Gets or sets the name of the series. <value>The name of the series.</value> */ private String SeriesName; public final String getSeriesName() { return SeriesName; } public final void setSeriesName(String value) { SeriesName = value; } /** Gets or sets the album. <value>The album.</value> */ private String Album; public final String getAlbum() { return Album; } public final void setAlbum(String value) { Album = value; } private boolean IsThemeMedia; public final boolean getIsThemeMedia() { return IsThemeMedia; } public final void setIsThemeMedia(boolean value) { IsThemeMedia = value; } /** Gets or sets the artists. <value>The artists.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> Artists; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getArtists() { return Artists; } public final void setArtists(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { Artists = value; } /** Gets or sets the media streams. <value>The media streams.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<MediaStream> MediaStreams; public final java.util.ArrayList<MediaStream> getMediaStreams() { return MediaStreams; } public final void setMediaStreams(java.util.ArrayList<MediaStream> value) { MediaStreams = value; } /** Gets or sets the chapter images item identifier. <value>The chapter images item identifier.</value> */ private String ChapterImagesItemId; public final String getChapterImagesItemId() { return ChapterImagesItemId; } public final void setChapterImagesItemId(String value) { ChapterImagesItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the chapters. <value>The chapters.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<ChapterInfoDto> Chapters; public final java.util.ArrayList<ChapterInfoDto> getChapters() { return Chapters; } public final void setChapters(java.util.ArrayList<ChapterInfoDto> value) { Chapters = value; } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has primary image. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has primary image; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasPrimaryImage public final boolean getHasPrimaryImage() { return getPrimaryImageTag() != null; } public BaseItemInfo() { setArtists(new java.util.ArrayList<String>()); setMediaStreams(new java.util.ArrayList<MediaStream>()); setChapters(new java.util.ArrayList<ChapterInfoDto>()); } }