package; import com.austinv11.collectiveframework.utils.LogicUtils; import com.austinv11.collectiveframework.utils.StringUtils; import com.austinv11.collectiveframework.utils.WebUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * This contains helpful APIs with Github. */ public class GithubService { private final String user; private final String repo; private final String branch; public GithubService(String user, String repo, String branch) { this.user = user; this.repo = repo; this.branch = branch; } /** * Instantiates with the branch as "master" */ public GithubService(String user, String repo) { this.user = user; this.repo = repo; branch = "master"; } public Release[] getReleases() { try { URL input = new URL(""+user+"/"+repo+"/releases"); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) input.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream(); connection.connect(); String json = StringUtils.stringFromList(StringUtils.getStringsFromStream(stream)); Gson gson = new Gson(); return gson.fromJson(json, Release[].class); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; //This shouldn't be reached } /** * Generates a changelog from the given sha * @param sha The sha to start the changelog from * @return The changelog */ public String generateChangelog(String sha) { Commit[] commits = getCommitsToRepo(sha); String log = ""; for (Commit commit : commits) { String list; String message = commit.commit.message.toLowerCase(); if (LogicUtils.xor(message.contains("add"), message.contains("remov"))) { if (message.contains("add")) list = "+"; else list = "-"; } else list = "*"; log = log+list+"\t"+commit.commit.message.replaceFirst("\n", "")+"("" SHA:"+commit.sha+")\n"; } return log; } /** * Generates a changelog * @return The changelog */ public String generateChangelog() { return generateChangelog("master"); } /** * Retrieves all the commits to the repo * @param start The sha representing where to start listing commits from * @return The commits */ public Commit[] getCommitsToRepo(String start) { try { URL input = new URL(""+user+"/"+repo+"/commits"); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) input.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("sha", branch); InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream(); connection.connect(); String json = StringUtils.stringFromList(StringUtils.getStringsFromStream(stream)); Gson gson = new Gson(); return gson.fromJson(json, Commit[].class); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; //This shouldn't be reached } /** * Retrieves all the commits to the repo * @return The commits */ public Commit[] getCommitsToRepo() { return getCommitsToRepo("master"); } /** * Gets the commit with the corresponding sha * @param sha The sha * @return The commit */ public Commit getCommitToRepo(String sha) { try { URL input = new URL(""+user+"/"+repo+"/commits/"+sha); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) input.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("sha", branch); InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream(); connection.connect(); String json = StringUtils.stringFromList(StringUtils.getStringsFromStream(stream)); Gson gson = new Gson(); return gson.fromJson(json, Commit.class); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; //This shouldn't be reached } /** * Reads the contents of the file at the given path relative to the repo * @param path The path * @return The contents * @throws IOException */ public List<String> readPath(String path) throws IOException { return WebUtils.readURL(constructUrl(true)+path); } /** * Constructs the url this service is directed at * @param raw Whether to use the raw version of the url * @return The url */ public String constructUrl(boolean raw) { return "https://"+(raw ? "raw." : "")+""+user+"/"+repo+"/"+branch+"/"; } public static class Release { public String url; public String html_url; public String assets_url; public String upload_url; public String tarball_url; public String zipball_url; public int id; public String tag_name; public String target_commitish; public String name; public String body; public boolean draft; public boolean prerelease; public String created_at; public String published_at; public AuthorExtended author; public Asset[] assets; @Override public String toString() { return name+" -"+tag_name; } } public static class Asset { public String url; public String browser_download_url; public int id; public String name; public String label; public String state; public String content_type; public int size; public int download_count; public String created_at; public String updated_at; public AuthorExtended uploader; } public static class Commit { public String url; public String sha; public String html_url; public String comments_url; public CommitInfo commit; public int comment_count; public AuthorExtended author; public AuthorExtended committer; public SHAInfo[] parents; @Override public String toString() { return commit.message.split("\n")[0]+"@"+sha; } } public static class CommitInfo { public String url; public Author author; public Author committer; public String message; } public static class Author { public String name; public String email; public String date; } public static class SHAInfo { public String url; public String sha; } public static class AuthorExtended { public String login; public int id; public String avatar_url; public String gravatar_id; public String url; public String html_url; public String followers_url; public String following_url; public String gists_url; public String starred_url; public String subscriptions_url; public String organizations_url; public String repos_url; public String events_url; public String received_events_url; public String type; public boolean site_admin; } }