package com.austinv11.collectiveframework.minecraft.reference; import com.austinv11.collectiveframework.minecraft.config.Description; @com.austinv11.collectiveframework.minecraft.config.Config(fileName = Reference.MOD_ID+".cfg") public class Config { @Description(comment = "Setting this to true will attempt to translate item names which are not localized", category = "Translation", clientSideOnly = true) public static boolean translateItems = false; @Description(comment = "Setting this to true will attempt to translate chat messages", category = "Translation", clientSideOnly = true) public static boolean translateChat = false; @Description(comment = "This causes threads (which utilizes SimpleRunnable) to be reused; this *may* lead to performance improvements on lower end machines", category = "Misc") public static boolean restrictThreadUsage = true; @Description(comment = "If enabled (ONLY EFFECTS YOUR CLIENT) you could use essentials color codes", category = "Misc", clientSideOnly = true) public static boolean applyColorPatch = true; @Description(comment = "When enabled, misc tooltips will be displayed on items. Useful for debugging!", category = "Development", clientSideOnly = true) public static boolean debugTooltips = false; @Description(comment = "This causes /say commands to emit ServerChatEvents, disable this if mods are having issues with chat messages", category = "Tweaks") public static boolean commandBroadcastRelay = true; @Description(comment = "This shows overlay for all recently pressed keys", category = "Development", clientSideOnly = true) public static boolean keyOverlay = false; @Description(comment = "This is whether to allow button presses for changing time, you still need to be opped or on a world with cheats enabled", category = "Misc") public static boolean enableButtonTimeChanging = true; @Description(comment = "This is the rate at which time changes by when pressing a time button", category = "Misc") public static int timeChangeRate = 30; @Description(comment = "You know you wanna enable this ;)", category = "Misc", clientSideOnly = true) public static boolean enableCloudToButt = false; @Description(comment = "Plays a click sound when the main menu opens", category = "Misc", clientSideOnly = true) public static boolean clickOnMainMenuOpen = true; @Description(comment = "This can reduce the amount of RAM and permgen needed to run mc, but this disables various text related features", category = "Misc", clientSideOnly = true) public static boolean disableRenderTextEvents = false; }