package com.austinv11.collectiveframework.dependencies; import*; import com.austinv11.collectiveframework.multithreading.SimpleRunnable; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; /** * A class for managing dependencies */ public class DependencyManager { private static final List<IDownloadProvider> providers = new ArrayList<IDownloadProvider>(); private static volatile int numOfDownloaders = 0; static { registerDownloadProvider(new PlainTextProvider()); registerDownloadProvider(new BinaryProvider()); } /** * Register a download provider, note: the earlier the registration, the higher priority it has * @param provider The download provider */ public static void registerDownloadProvider(IDownloadProvider provider) { providers.add(provider); } /** * Attempts to load the specified library (must be a proper java archive!) * @param file The file representing the library * @throws MalformedURLException */ public static void loadLibrary(File file) throws MalformedURLException { URLClassLoader loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{file.toURI().toURL()}, DependencyManager.class.getClassLoader()); } /** * Method to download a file of the given file type * @param url URL to download the file from * @param downloadPath Path to download the file to * @param fileToDownload File type of the downlaod * @return Whether it succeeded * @throws NoProviderFoundException */ public static boolean downloadFile(String url, String downloadPath, FileType fileToDownload) throws NoProviderFoundException { IDownloadProvider provider = null; for (IDownloadProvider p : providers) for (FileType t : p.getCapabilities()) if (t.toString().equals(fileToDownload.toString())) { provider = p; break; } if (provider == null) throw new NoProviderFoundException(fileToDownload); return provider.downloadFile(url, downloadPath); } /** * An asynchronous method to download a file of the given file type * @param url URL to download the file from * @param downloadPath Path to download the file to * @param fileToDownload File type of the downlaod * @return Future object representing the future result * @throws NoProviderFoundException */ public static Future<Boolean> downloadFileAsync(String url, String downloadPath, FileType fileToDownload) throws NoProviderFoundException { IDownloadProvider provider = null; for (IDownloadProvider p : providers) for (FileType t : p.getCapabilities()) if (t.toString().equals(fileToDownload.toString())) { provider = p; break; } if (provider == null) throw new NoProviderFoundException(fileToDownload); return new DownloadFuture(url, downloadPath, provider); } protected static class DownloadFuture implements Future<Boolean> { public DownloadRunnable runnable; private boolean isCancelled = false; protected DownloadFuture(String url, String downloadPath, IDownloadProvider provider) { runnable = new DownloadRunnable(url, downloadPath, provider); runnable.start(); } @Override public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) { runnable.disable(true); isCancelled = true; return true; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { return isCancelled; } @Override public boolean isDone() { return runnable.isDone; } @Override public Boolean get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { return runnable.didDownload; } @Override public Boolean get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { return runnable.didDownload; } protected static class DownloadRunnable extends SimpleRunnable { public boolean isDone = false; public boolean didDownload = false; private String url, downloadPath; private IDownloadProvider provider; private int downloadNum; public DownloadRunnable(String url, String downloadPath, IDownloadProvider provider) { this.url = url; this.downloadPath = downloadPath; this.provider = provider; downloadNum = numOfDownloaders++; } @Override public void run() { didDownload = provider.downloadFile(url, downloadPath); isDone = true; } @Override public String getName() { return "CollectiveFramework Downloader #"+numOfDownloaders; } } } }