/* * Copyright (c) 2012, Codename One and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Codename One designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Codename One through http://www.codenameone.com/ if you * need additional information or have any questions. */ package com.codename1.cloud; import com.codename1.io.ConnectionRequest; import com.codename1.io.Log; import com.codename1.io.MultipartRequest; import com.codename1.io.NetworkManager; import com.codename1.io.Storage; import com.codename1.io.Util; import com.codename1.ui.Display; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.DataInputStream; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; /** * The cloud storage class allows developers to use the Codename One cloud * based storage API as a shared database for your application. The database * will be visible only to a specific application (based on author/package * definitions).<br> * The calls to this class only become effective as a single batch when commit * is sent. The commit can be synchronous or asynchronous.<br> * <b>Important</b> due to the nature of the underlying object data store queries * can only be performed against an indexed field of which there are 10 hardcoded * indexes! Basic data is case sensitive and queries/sort will be performed in a case * sensitive way! In order to work around this create a property with an identical * name that contains the field as lower or upper case in order to query/sort * against. * @deprecated this API is targeted for removal due to changes in Google App Engine API support * * @author Shai Almog */ public class CloudStorage { static final String SERVER_URL = "https://codename-one.appspot.com"; //static final String SERVER_URL = ""; /** * Return code for methods in this class indicating a successful operation */ public static final int RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS = 0; /** * Return code for methods in this class indicating a failure due to server side * modification of an object (e.g. different user changed the object) */ public static final int RETURN_CODE_FAIL_OBJECT_MODIFIED = 1; /** * Return code for methods in this class indicating a failure due to generic server side * error */ public static final int RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR = 2; /** * Return code for methods in this class indicating a failure due to exceeding * server storage quotas */ public static final int RETURN_CODE_FAIL_QUOTA_EXCEEDED = 3; /** * Return code for methods in this class indicating an empty queue */ public static final int RETURN_CODE_EMPTY_QUEUE = 4; /** * Return code for methods in this class indicating a failure due to exceeding * server storage quotas */ public static final int RETURN_CODE_FAIL_PERMISSION_VIOLATION = 5; /** * Indicates the type of the field for queries and filtering */ static final String TYPE_FIELD = "CN1Type"; /** * Indicates the index field prefix */ static final String INDEX_FIELD = "CN1Index"; private static CloudStorage INSTANCE; private Vector storageQueue; static { Util.register("CloudObject", CloudObject.class); } private CloudStorage() { storageQueue = (Vector)Storage.getInstance().readObject("CN1StorageQueue"); if(storageQueue == null) { storageQueue = new Vector(); } } /** * Creates an instance of the cloud storage object, only one instance should be used per application. * This method is important since it may block to complete/cleanup a previous transaction that wasn't * fully completed before exiting the application. * @return the instance of the class */ public static CloudStorage getInstance() { if(INSTANCE == null) { INSTANCE = new CloudStorage(); } return INSTANCE; } /** * Adds the given object to the save queue, the operation will only take place once committed * @param object the object to save into the cloud, new objects are inserted. existing * objects are updated */ public synchronized void save(CloudObject object) { if(storageQueue.contains(object)) { storageQueue.remove(object); } storageQueue.addElement(object); Storage.getInstance().writeObject("CN1StorageQueue", storageQueue); object.setStatus(CloudObject.STATUS_COMMIT_IN_PROGRESS); } /** * Deletes the following object from the cloud storage upon commit * @param cl the cloud object to delete */ public synchronized void delete(CloudObject cl) { storageQueue.addElement(cl.getCloudId()); Storage.getInstance().writeObject("CN1StorageQueue", storageQueue); cl.setStatus(CloudObject.STATUS_DELETE_IN_PROGRESS); } /** * Refresh the given objects with data from the server if they were modified on the server (this is the asynchronous * version of the method). * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * * @param objects objects to refresh * @param response object for the response */ public void refresh(CloudObject[] objects, CloudResponse<Integer> response) { refreshImpl(objects, response); } private Vector<CloudObject> pendingRefreshes; /** * Adds the given object to a set of refresh operations in which we don't * really care if the operation is successful * @param obj the object to refresh */ public void refreshAsync(CloudObject obj) { if(pendingRefreshes == null) { pendingRefreshes = new Vector<CloudObject>(); Display.getInstance().callSerially(new Runnable() { public void run() { CloudObject[] arr = new CloudObject[pendingRefreshes.size()]; pendingRefreshes.toArray(arr); pendingRefreshes = null; refresh(arr); } }); } pendingRefreshes.addElement(obj); obj.setStatus(CloudObject.STATUS_REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS); } class RefreshConnection extends ConnectionRequest { int returnValue; CloudObject[] objects; CloudResponse<Integer> response; protected void postResponse() { if(response != null) { if(returnValue != RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS) { response.onError(new CloudException(returnValue)); } else { response.onSuccess(new Integer(returnValue)); } } } protected void handleErrorResponseCode(int code, String message) { returnValue = RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR; } protected void readResponse(InputStream input) throws IOException { DataInputStream di = new DataInputStream(input); for(int iter = 0 ; iter < objects.length ; iter++) { try { if(di.readBoolean()) { objects[iter].setLastModified(di.readLong()); objects[iter].setValues((Hashtable)Util.readObject(di)); } objects[iter].setStatus(CloudObject.STATUS_COMMITTED); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.e(ex); } } Util.cleanup(di); returnValue = RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS; } } private int refreshImpl(CloudObject[] objects, CloudResponse<Integer> response) { RefreshConnection refreshRequest = new RefreshConnection(); refreshRequest.objects = objects; refreshRequest.response = response; refreshRequest.setPost(true); refreshRequest.setUrl(SERVER_URL + "/objStoreRefresh"); for(int iter = 0 ; iter < objects.length ; iter++) { objects[iter].setStatus(CloudObject.STATUS_REFRESH_IN_PROGRESS); refreshRequest.addArgument("i" + iter, objects[iter].getCloudId()); refreshRequest.addArgument("m" + iter, "" + objects[iter].getLastModified()); } refreshRequest.addArgument("t", CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken()); refreshRequest.addArgument("pk", Display.getInstance().getProperty("package_name", null)); refreshRequest.addArgument("bb", Display.getInstance().getProperty("built_by_user", null)); // async code if(response != null) { NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueue(refreshRequest); return -1; } NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueueAndWait(refreshRequest); return refreshRequest.returnValue; } /** * Refresh the given objects with data from the server if they were modified on the server. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * * @param objects objects to refresh * @return status code matching the situation, one of: RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS, * RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR */ public int refresh(CloudObject[] objects) { return refreshImpl(objects, null); } /** * Fetches the objects from the server. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * * @param cloudIds the object id's to fetch * @return the cloud objects or null if a server error occurred * @throws CloudException thrown for a server side/connection error */ public CloudObject[] fetch(String[] cloudIds) throws CloudException { CloudObject[] objs = new CloudObject[cloudIds.length]; for(int iter = 0 ; iter < objs.length ; iter++) { objs[iter] = new CloudObject(); objs[iter].setCloudId(cloudIds[iter]); } int err = refresh(objs); if(err == RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS) { return objs; } throw new CloudException(err); } /** * Fetches the objects from the server asynchronously. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * * @param cloudIds the object id's to fetch * @param response returns the response from the server * @return the cloud objects or null if a server error occurred */ public void fetch(String[] cloudIds, final CloudResponse<CloudObject[]> response) { final CloudObject[] objs = new CloudObject[cloudIds.length]; for(int iter = 0 ; iter < objs.length ; iter++) { objs[iter] = new CloudObject(); objs[iter].setCloudId(cloudIds[iter]); } refresh(objs, new CloudResponse<Integer>() { public void onSuccess(Integer returnValue) { response.onSuccess(objs); } public void onError(CloudException err) { response.onError(err); } }); } /** * Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the key * value is equal to the given value. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @return array of objects matching the query * @throws CloudException thrown for a server side/connection error */ public CloudObject[] queryEquals(String type, int index, String value, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope) throws CloudException { return (CloudObject[])queryImpl(type, value, index, page, limit, visibilityScope, 1, 0, false, false, false, null); } /** * Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the sort is equal to the given value. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * * @param type the object type * @param index the index on which the sort is based * @param ascending indicates if the sort order is ascending or descending * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @return array of objects matching the query * @throws CloudException thrown for a server side/connection error */ public CloudObject[] querySorted(String type, int index, boolean ascending, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope) throws CloudException { return (CloudObject[])queryImpl(type, null, 0, page, limit, visibilityScope, 1, index, ascending, false, false, null); } /** * Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the sort is equal to the given value and returning * the cloud key of these objects. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * * @param type the object type * @param index the index on which the sort is based * @param ascending indicates if the sort order is ascending or descending * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @return the keys for the cloud objects matching the query * @throws CloudException thrown for a server side/connection error */ public String[] querySortedKeys(String type, int index, boolean ascending, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope) throws CloudException { return (String[])queryImpl(type, null, 0, page, limit, visibilityScope, 1, index, ascending, false, true, null); } /** * Equivalent to the standard query but just returns the keys matching the given query * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @return the keys for the cloud objects matching the query * @throws CloudException thrown for a server side/connection error */ public String[] queryEqualsKeys(String type, int index, String value, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope) throws CloudException { return (String[])queryImpl(type, value, index, page, limit, visibilityScope, 1, 0, false, false, true, null); } /** * Equivalent to the standard query but just returns the total count of entries that will be returned * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @return the number of elements * @throws CloudException thrown for a server side/connection error */ public int queryEqualsCount(String type, int index, String value, int visibilityScope) throws CloudException { return ((Integer)queryImpl(type, value, index, 0, 0, visibilityScope, 1, 0, false, true, false, null)).intValue(); } /** * Equivalent to the standard query but just returns the total count of entries that will be returned * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @return the number of elements * @throws CloudException thrown for a server side/connection error */ public int queryGreaterThanCount(String type, int index, String value, int visibilityScope) throws CloudException { return ((Integer)queryImpl(type, value, index, 0, 0, visibilityScope, 2, 0, false, true, false, null)).intValue(); } /** * Equivalent to the standard query but just returns the total count of entries that will be returned * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @return the number of elements * @throws CloudException thrown for a server side/connection error */ public int queryLessThanCount(String type, int index, String value, int visibilityScope) throws CloudException { return ((Integer)queryImpl(type, value, index, 0, 0, visibilityScope, 3, 0, false, true, false, null)).intValue(); } /** * Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the key * value is greater than the given value. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @return array of objects matching the query * @throws CloudException thrown for a server side/connection error */ public CloudObject[] queryGreaterThan(String type, int index, String value, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope) throws CloudException { return (CloudObject[])queryImpl(type, value, index, page, limit, visibilityScope, 2, 0, false, false, false, null); } /** * Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the key * value is smaller than the given value. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @return array of objects matching the query * @throws CloudException thrown for a server side/connection error */ public CloudObject[] queryLessThan(String type, int index, String value, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope) throws CloudException { return (CloudObject[])queryImpl(type, value, index, page, limit, visibilityScope, 3, 0, false, false, false, null); } class QueryRequest extends ConnectionRequest { int returnValue = RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR; CloudResponse response; boolean countQuery; boolean keyQuery; Object returnObject; protected void postResponse() { if(response != null) { if(returnValue != RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS) { response.onError(new CloudException(returnValue)); } else { response.onSuccess(returnObject); } } } protected void handleErrorResponseCode(int code, String message) { returnValue = RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR; } protected void readResponse(InputStream input) throws IOException { DataInputStream di = new DataInputStream(input); CloudObject[] objects = null; try { int count = di.readInt(); if(countQuery) { di.close(); returnObject = new Integer(count); returnValue = RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS; return; } if(keyQuery) { String[] result = new String[count]; for(int iter = 0 ; iter < result.length ; iter++) { result[iter] = di.readUTF(); } returnValue = RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS; returnObject = result; return; } objects = new CloudObject[count]; for(int iter = 0 ; iter < objects.length ; iter++) { objects[iter] = new CloudObject(di.readInt()); objects[iter].setCloudId(di.readUTF()); objects[iter].setLastModified(di.readLong()); objects[iter].setValues((Hashtable)Util.readObject(di)); objects[iter].setStatus(CloudObject.STATUS_COMMITTED); } returnValue = RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS; returnObject = objects; } catch (IOException ex) { Log.e(ex); returnValue = RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR; } finally { Util.cleanup(di); } } } private Object queryImpl(String type, String value, int index, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope, int operator, int sort, boolean asc, boolean countQuery, boolean keyQuery, CloudResponse response) throws CloudException { if(CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken() == null) { CloudPersona.createAnonymous(); } QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest(); queryRequest.response = response; queryRequest.countQuery = countQuery; queryRequest.keyQuery = keyQuery; queryRequest.setPost(true); queryRequest.setUrl(SERVER_URL + "/objStoreQuery"); queryRequest.addArgument("t", CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken()); queryRequest.addArgument("pk", Display.getInstance().getProperty("package_name", null)); queryRequest.addArgument("bb", Display.getInstance().getProperty("built_by_user", null)); queryRequest.addArgument("ty", type); if(value != null && index > 0) { queryRequest.addArgument("k", INDEX_FIELD + index); queryRequest.addArgument("v", value); } queryRequest.addArgument("p", "" + page); queryRequest.addArgument("l", "" + limit); queryRequest.addArgument("sc", "" + visibilityScope); if(sort != 0) { queryRequest.addArgument("s", INDEX_FIELD + sort); if(asc) { queryRequest.addArgument("sd", "0"); } else { queryRequest.addArgument("sd", "1"); } } if(countQuery) { queryRequest.addArgument("c", "1"); } else { if(keyQuery) { queryRequest.addArgument("c", "2"); } } queryRequest.addArgument("o", "" + operator); if(response != null) { NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueue(queryRequest); return null; } NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueueAndWait(queryRequest); if(queryRequest.returnValue != RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS) { throw new CloudException(queryRequest.returnValue); } return queryRequest.returnObject; } /** * Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the sort is equal to the given value. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * * @param type the object type * @param index the index on which the sort is based * @param ascending indicates if the sort order is ascending or descending * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* */ public void querySorted(String type, int index, boolean ascending, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope, CloudResponse<CloudObject[]> response) { try { queryImpl(type, null, 0, page, limit, visibilityScope, 1, index, ascending, false, false, response); } catch(CloudException e) { // won't happen response.onError(e); } } /** * Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the key * value is equal to the given value. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* */ public void queryEquals(String type, int index, String value, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope, CloudResponse<CloudObject[]> response) { try { queryImpl(type, value, index, page, limit, visibilityScope, 1, 0, false, false, false, response); } catch(CloudException e) { // won't happen response.onError(e); } } /** * Equivalent to the standard query but just returns the total count of entries that will be returned * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* */ public void queryEqualsCount(String type, int index, String value, int visibilityScope, CloudResponse<Integer> response) { try { queryImpl(type, value, index, 0, 0, visibilityScope, 1, 0, false, true, false, response); } catch(CloudException e) { // won't happen response.onError(e); } } /** * Equivalent to the standard query but just returns the total count of entries that will be returned * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @return the number of elements */ public void queryGreaterThanCount(String type, int index, String value, int visibilityScope, CloudResponse<Integer> response) { try { queryImpl(type, value, index, 0, 0, visibilityScope, 2, 0, false, true, false, response); } catch(CloudException e) { // won't happen response.onError(e); } } /** * Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the sort is equal to the given value and returning * the cloud key of these objects. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * * @param type the object type * @param index the index on which the sort is based * @param ascending indicates if the sort order is ascending or descending * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* */ public void querySortedKeys(String type, int index, boolean ascending, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope, CloudResponse<String[]> response) { try { queryImpl(type, null, 0, page, limit, visibilityScope, 1, index, ascending, false, true, response); } catch(CloudException e) { // won't happen response.onError(e); } } /** * Equivalent to the standard query but just returns the keys matching the given query * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* */ public void queryEqualsKeys(String type, int index, String value, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope, CloudResponse<String[]> response) { try { queryImpl(type, value, index, page, limit, visibilityScope, 1, 0, false, false, true, response); } catch(CloudException e) { // won't happen response.onError(e); } } /** * Equivalent to the standard query but just returns the total count of entries that will be returned * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* */ public void queryLessThanCount(String type, int index, String value, int visibilityScope, CloudResponse<Integer> response) { try { queryImpl(type, value, index, 0, 0, visibilityScope, 3, 0, false, true, false, response); } catch(CloudException e) { // won't happen response.onError(e); } } /** * Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the key * value is greater than the given value. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* */ public void queryGreaterThan(String type, int index, String value, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope, CloudResponse<CloudObject[]> response) { try { queryImpl(type, value, index, page, limit, visibilityScope, 2, 0, false, false, false, response); } catch(CloudException e) { // won't happen response.onError(e); } } /** * Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the key * value is smaller than the given value. * This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. * @param type the object type * @param index the index to query for the given value * @param value the value of said index to include in the response object * @param page the page of responses (allows for paging) * @param limit number of responses to fetch * @param visibilityScope indicates the scope in which to look as one of the * CloudObject constants ACCESS_* * @param response array of objects matching the query */ public void queryLessThan(String type, int index, String value, int page, int limit, int visibilityScope, CloudResponse<CloudObject[]> response) { try { queryImpl(type, value, index, page, limit, visibilityScope, 3, 0, false, false, false, response); } catch(CloudException e) { // won't happen response.onError(e); } } /** * Allows uploading of images etc. to the cloud which can later on be referenced as URL's. * * @param mimeType the mimetype of the uploaded file * @param file the URL of the local file * @return an ID for the given file that can be used to delete the file or construct a URL of the file * @throws CloudException in case of a server side error * @throws IOException when a problem occurs with the file * @deprecated this API is currently deprecated due to Googles cloud storage deprection */ public String uploadCloudFile(String mimeType, String file) throws CloudException, IOException { return uploadCloudFileImpl(mimeType, file, null, -1); } /** * Allows uploading of images etc. to the cloud which can later on be referenced as URL's. * * @param mimeType the mimetype of the uploaded file * @param filename a short name for the file uploaded (not a full path) * @param data input stream from which to read the file * @param dataSize the size in bytes of the input stream (this is essential for file upload to work on all devices!) * @return an ID for the given file that can be used to delete the file or construct a URL of the file * @throws CloudException in case of a server side error * @throws IOException when a problem occurs with the file * @deprecated this API is currently deprecated due to Googles cloud storage deprection */ public String uploadCloudFile(String mimeType, String filename, InputStream data, int dataSize) throws CloudException, IOException { return uploadCloudFileImpl(mimeType, filename, data, dataSize); } private String uploadCloudFileImpl(String mimeType, String file, InputStream data, int dataSize) throws CloudException, IOException { String token = CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken(); if(token == null || token.length() == 0) { if(!CloudPersona.createAnonymous()) { throw new CloudException(RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR, "Error creating anonymous login"); } token = CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken(); } ConnectionRequest req = new ConnectionRequest(); req.setPost(false); req.setUrl(SERVER_URL + "/fileStoreURLRequest"); //req.addArgument("bb", Display.getInstance().getProperty("built_by_user", null)); NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueueAndWait(req); int rc = req.getResponseCode(); if(rc != 200) { if(rc == 420) { throw new CloudException(RETURN_CODE_FAIL_QUOTA_EXCEEDED); } throw new CloudException(RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR); } String d = new String(req.getResponseData()); MultipartRequest uploadReq = new MultipartRequest(); uploadReq.setUrl(d); uploadReq.setManualRedirect(false); uploadReq.addArgument("bb", Display.getInstance().getProperty("built_by_user", null)); uploadReq.addArgument("t", CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken()); uploadReq.addArgument("pk", Display.getInstance().getProperty("package_name", null)); if(data == null) { int pos = file.lastIndexOf('/'); String shortName = file; if(pos > -1) { shortName = file.substring(pos); } uploadReq.addData(shortName, file, mimeType); } else { uploadReq.addData(file, data, dataSize, mimeType); } NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueueAndWait(uploadReq); if(uploadReq.getResponseCode() != 200) { throw new CloudException(RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR); } String r = new String(uploadReq.getResponseData()); if("ERROR".equals(r)) { throw new CloudException(RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR); } return r; } /** * Deletes a file from the cloud storage * * @param fileId the file id to delete * @return true if the operation was successful * @deprecated this API is currently deprecated due to Googles cloud storage deprection */ public boolean deleteCloudFile(String fileId) { if(CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken() == null) { CloudPersona.createAnonymous(); } ConnectionRequest req = new ConnectionRequest(); req.setPost(false); req.setFailSilently(true); req.setUrl(SERVER_URL + "/fileStoreDelete"); req.addArgument("i", fileId); req.addArgument("t", CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken()); NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueueAndWait(req); if(req.getResponseCode() == 200) { return new String(req.getResponseData()).equals("OK"); } return false; } /** * Deletes all the cloud files under this user, notice that this method * is asynchronous and a background server process performs the actual deletion * @deprecated this API is currently deprecated due to Googles cloud storage deprection */ public void deleteAllCloudFilesForUser() { if(CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken() == null) { return; } ConnectionRequest req = new ConnectionRequest(); req.setPost(false); req.setFailSilently(true); req.setUrl(SERVER_URL + "/purgeCloudFiles"); req.addArgument("own", CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken()); req.addArgument("u", Display.getInstance().getProperty("built_by_user", "")); NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueue(req); } /** * Deletes all the cloud files before the given time stamp for the given * development account. Notice that this method is meant for internal use * and not for distributable apps since it includes your developer account. * This method works in a background server process and returns immediately. * @param timestamp the timestamp since epoch (as in System.currentTimemillis). * @param developerAccount your developer email * @param developerPassword your developer password * @deprecated this API is currently deprecated due to Googles cloud storage deprection */ public void deleteAllCloudFilesBefore(long timestamp, String developerAccount, String developerPassword) { if(CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken() == null) { return; } ConnectionRequest req = new ConnectionRequest(); req.setPost(false); req.setFailSilently(true); req.setUrl(SERVER_URL + "/purgeCloudFiles"); req.addArgument("d", "" + timestamp); req.addArgument("u", developerAccount); req.addArgument("p", developerPassword); NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueue(req); } /** * Converts a file id to a URL with which the file can be downloaded, notice that the file URL is world * readable! * * @param fileId the file ID * @return a URL that allows downloading the file * @deprecated this API is currently deprecated due to Googles cloud storage deprection */ public String getUrlForCloudFileId(String fileId) { return SERVER_URL + "/fileStoreDownload?i=" + fileId; } /** * Commit works synchronously and returns one of the return codes above to indicate * the status. * @return status code from the constants in this class */ public synchronized int commit() { if(storageQueue.size() > 0) { if(CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken() == null) { CloudPersona.createAnonymous(); } StorageRequest req = new StorageRequest(); req.setContentType("multipart/form-data"); req.setUrl(SERVER_URL + "/objStoreCommit"); req.setPost(true); NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueueAndWait(req); int i = req.getReturnCode(); if(i == RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS) { storageQueue.clear(); Storage.getInstance().deleteStorageFile("CN1StorageQueue"); } return i; } return RETURN_CODE_EMPTY_QUEUE; } /** * A commit version that works asynchronously and returns one of the return codes above to indicate * the status. * @param response response code with status code from the constants in this class */ public void commit(CloudResponse<Integer> response) { if(storageQueue.size() > 0) { if(CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken() == null) { CloudPersona.createAnonymous(); } StorageRequest req = new StorageRequest(); req.response = response; req.setContentType("multipart/form-data"); req.setUrl(SERVER_URL + "/objStoreCommit"); req.setPost(true); NetworkManager.getInstance().addToQueue(req); } } /** * Cancels current pending changes */ public synchronized void rollback() { storageQueue.clear(); Storage.getInstance().deleteStorageFile("CN1StorageQueue"); } class StorageRequest extends ConnectionRequest { CloudResponse<Integer> response; private int returnCode = RETURN_CODE_FAIL_SERVER_ERROR; protected void buildRequestBody(OutputStream os) throws IOException { DataOutputStream d = new DataOutputStream(os); d.writeInt(storageQueue.size()); d.writeUTF(CloudPersona.getCurrentPersona().getToken()); d.writeUTF(Display.getInstance().getProperty("package_name", null)); d.writeUTF(Display.getInstance().getProperty("built_by_user", null)); for(int iter = 0 ; iter < storageQueue.size() ; iter++) { Object e = storageQueue.elementAt(iter); if(e instanceof String) { // delete operation d.writeByte(1); d.writeUTF((String)e); } else { CloudObject cl = (CloudObject)e; if(cl.getCloudId() == null) { // insert operation d.writeByte(2); d.writeInt(cl.getAccessPermissions()); Util.writeObject(cl.getValues(), d); } else { // update operation d.writeByte(3); d.writeUTF(cl.getCloudId()); d.writeLong(cl.getLastModified()); Util.writeObject(cl.getValues(), d); } } } d.writeInt(1); } protected void readResponse(InputStream input) throws IOException { DataInputStream di = new DataInputStream(input); returnCode = di.readInt(); if(returnCode == RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS) { long timeStamp = di.readLong(); for(int iter = 0 ; iter < storageQueue.size() ; iter++) { Object o = storageQueue.elementAt(iter); if(o instanceof CloudObject) { CloudObject c = (CloudObject)o; if(c.getCloudId() == null) { c.setCloudId(di.readUTF()); } c.setLastModified(timeStamp); c.setStatus(CloudObject.STATUS_COMMITTED); } } } } protected void postResponse() { if(response != null) { if(returnCode == RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS) { storageQueue.clear(); Storage.getInstance().deleteStorageFile("CN1StorageQueue"); } response.onSuccess(new Integer(returnCode)); } } public int getReturnCode() { return returnCode; } } }