package de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.sources; import android.content.Context; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.SamplePacket; /** * <h1>AnSiAn - IQ Source Interface</h1> * * Module: Description: This interface represents a * source of IQ samples. It allows the Scheduler to be independent of the SDR * hardware. * * @author Dennis Mantz * * Copyright (C) 2014 Dennis Mantz License: * GPL version 2 or higher * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ public interface IQSourceInterface { public static enum SourceType { FILE_SOURCE, HACKRF_SOURCE, RTLSDR_SOURCE; }; /** * Will open the device. This is usually an asynchronous action and * therefore uses the callback function onIQSourceReady() from the Callback * interface to notify the application when the IQSource is ready to use. * * @param context * needed to open external devices * @param callback * reference to a class that implements the Callback interface * for notification * @return false if an error occurred. */ public boolean open(Context context, Callback callback); /** * Will return true if the source is opened and ready to use * * @return true if open, false if not open */ public boolean isOpen(); /** * Will close the device. * * @return false if an error occurred. */ public boolean close(); /** * @return a human readable Name of the source */ public String getName(); /** * @return the rate at which this source receives samples */ public int getSampleRate(); /** * @param sampleRate * sample rate that should be set for the IQ source */ public void setSampleRate(int sampleRate); /** * @return the Frequency to which the source is tuned */ public long getFrequency(); /** * @param frequency * frequency to which the IQ source should be tuned */ public void setFrequency(long frequency); /** * @return the maximum frequency to which the source can be tuned */ public long getMaxFrequency(); /** * @return the minimum frequency to which the source can be tuned */ public long getMinFrequency(); /** * @return the maximum sample rate to which the source can be set */ public int getMaxSampleRate(); /** * @return the minimum sample rate to which the source can be set */ public int getMinSampleRate(); /** * @param sampleRate * initial sample rate for the lookup * @return next optimal sample rate that is higher than sampleRate */ public int getNextHigherOptimalSampleRate(int sampleRate); /** * @param sampleRate * initial sample rate for the lookup * @return next optimal sample rate that is lower than sampleRate */ public int getNextLowerOptimalSampleRate(int sampleRate); /** * @return Array of all supported (optimal) sample rates */ public int[] getSupportedSampleRates(); /** * @return the size (in byte) of a packet that is returned by getPacket() */ public int getPacketSize(); /** * This method will grab the next packet from the source and return it. If * no packet is available after the timeout, null is returned. Make sure to * return the packet to the buffer pool by using returnPacket() after it is * no longer used. * * @return packet containing received samples */ public byte[] getPacket(int timeout); /** * This method will return the given buffer (packet) to the buffer pool of * the source instance. * * @param buffer * A packet that was returned by getPacket() and is now no longer * used */ public void returnPacket(byte[] buffer); /** * Start receiving samples. */ public void startSampling(); /** * Stop receiving samples. */ public void stopSampling(); /** * Used to convert a packet from this source to the SamplePacket format. * That means the samples in the SamplePacket are stored as signed double * values, normalized between -1 and 1. Note that samples are appended to * the buffer starting at the index samplePacket.size(). If you want to * overwrite, set the size to 0 first. * * @param packet * packet that was returned by getPacket() and that should now be * 'filled' into the samplePacket. * @param samplePacket * SamplePacket that should be filled with samples from the * packet. * @return the number of samples filled into the samplePacket. */ public int fillPacketIntoSamplePacket(byte[] packet, SamplePacket samplePacket); /** * Used to convert a packet from this source to the SamplePacket format * while at the same time mixing the signal with the specified frequency. * That means the samples in the SamplePacket are stored as signed double * values, normalized between -1 and 1. Note that samples are appended to * the buffer starting at the index samplePacket.size(). If you want to * overwrite, set the size to 0 first. * * @param packet * packet that was returned by getPacket() and that should now be * 'filled' into the samplePacket. * @param samplePacket * SamplePacket that should be filled with samples from the * packet. * @param channelFrequency * frequency to which the spectrum of the signal should be * shifted * @return the number of samples filled into the samplePacket and shifted by * mixFrequency. */ public int mixPacketIntoSamplePacket(byte[] packet, SamplePacket samplePacket, long channelFrequency); /** * Callback interface for asynchronous interactions with the source. */ public static interface Callback { /** * This method will be called when the source is ready to use after the * application called open() * * @param source * A reference to the IQSource that is now ready */ public void onIQSourceReady(IQSourceInterface source); /** * This method will be called when there is an error with the source * * @param source * A reference to the IQSource that caused the error * @param message * Description of the error */ public void onIQSourceError(IQSourceInterface source, String message); } public SourceType getType(); /** * after a frequency change, incoming data might contain invalid values from * the previously tuned frequency * * @return whether the data is valid or not */ public boolean isTunerSettled(); public boolean allowsScanning(); }