package de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.drawables; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.preferences.ColorPreference; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.preferences.Preferences; /** * Drawable to show a scale matching the shown frequency spectrum * */ public class FrequencyGridDrawable extends MyDrawable { private int gridSize; private int fftWidth; private int fftHeight; private boolean relFreq; public void setFftWidth(int width) { this.fftWidth = width; } public void setFftHeight(int height) { this.fftHeight = height; } public void setDisplayRelativeFrequencies(boolean relFreq) { this.relFreq = relFreq; } public void init(int width, int height, boolean relfreq) { gridSize = Preferences.GUI_PREFERENCE.getGridSize(); setFftHeight(height); setFftWidth(width); setDisplayRelativeFrequencies(relfreq); } @SuppressLint("DefaultLocale") @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { String textStr; double MHZ = 1000000F; double tickFreqMHz; final float bandwidth = Preferences.GUI_PREFERENCE.getBandwidth(); final long guiFrequency = Preferences.GUI_PREFERENCE.getFrequency(); float lastTextEndPos = -99999; // will indicate the horizontal pixel pos // where the last text ended float textPos; Rect bounds = createRect(); float minFreeSpaceBetweenText = bounds.width(); // Calculate span of a minor tick (must be a power of 10KHz) int tickSize = 10; // we start with 10KHz float helperVar = bandwidth / 20f; while (helperVar > 100) { helperVar = helperVar / 10f; tickSize = tickSize * 10; } // Calculate pixel width of a minor tick float pixelPerMinorTick = fftWidth / (bandwidth / (float) tickSize); // Calculate the frequency at the left most point of the fft: long startFrequency; if (relFreq) startFrequency = (long) (-1 * (bandwidth / 2.0)); else startFrequency = (long) (guiFrequency - (bandwidth / 2.0)); // Calculate the frequency and position of the first Tick (ticks are // every <tickSize> KHz) long tickFreq = (long) (Math.ceil((double) startFrequency / (float) tickSize) * tickSize); float tickPos = pixelPerMinorTick / (float) tickSize * (tickFreq - startFrequency); // Draw the ticks for (int i = 0; i < bandwidth / (float) tickSize; i++) { float tickHeight; if (tickFreq % (tickSize * 10) == 0) { // Major Tick (10x <tickSize> KHz) tickHeight = (float) (gridSize / 2.0); // Draw Frequency Text (always in MHz) tickFreqMHz = tickFreq / MHZ; if (tickFreqMHz == (int) tickFreqMHz) textStr = String.format("%d", (int) tickFreqMHz); else textStr = String.format("%s", tickFreqMHz); ColorPreference.TEXT_PAINT.getTextBounds(textStr, 0, textStr.length(), bounds); textPos = tickPos - bounds.width() / 2; // ...only if not overlapping with the last text: if (lastTextEndPos + minFreeSpaceBetweenText < textPos) { canvas.drawText(textStr, textPos, fftHeight - tickHeight, ColorPreference.TEXT_PAINT); lastTextEndPos = textPos + bounds.width(); } } else if (tickFreq % (tickSize * 5) == 0) { // Half major tick (5x <tickSize> KHz) tickHeight = (float) (gridSize / 3.0); // Draw Frequency Text (always in MHz)... tickFreqMHz = tickFreq / MHZ; if (tickFreqMHz == (int) tickFreqMHz) textStr = String.format("%d", (int) tickFreqMHz); else textStr = String.format("%s", tickFreqMHz); ColorPreference.TEXT_SMALL_PAINT.getTextBounds(textStr, 0, textStr.length(), bounds); textPos = tickPos - bounds.width() / 2; // ...only if not overlapping with the last text: if (lastTextEndPos + minFreeSpaceBetweenText < textPos) { // ... if enough space between the major ticks: if (bounds.width() < pixelPerMinorTick * 3) { canvas.drawText(textStr, textPos, fftHeight - tickHeight, ColorPreference.TEXT_SMALL_PAINT); lastTextEndPos = textPos + bounds.width(); } } } else { // Minor tick (<tickSize> KHz) tickHeight = (float) (gridSize / 4.0); } // Draw the tick line: canvas.drawLine(tickPos, fftHeight, tickPos, fftHeight - tickHeight, ColorPreference.TEXT_PAINT); tickFreq += tickSize; tickPos += pixelPerMinorTick; } } }