package de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.filter; import android.util.Log; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.SamplePacket; /** * <h1>AnSiAn - Half Band Low Pass Filter</h1> * * Module: Description: This class implements a * half-band lowpass filter that decimates by 2. In order to gain performance * this is a very specific and unflexible implementation. It is used to * downsample a high rate signal. NOTE: This filter amplifies the signal by * factor 2! * * @author Dennis Mantz * * Copyright (C) 2014 Dennis Mantz License: * GPL version 2 or higher * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ public class HalfBandLowPassFilter { private float[] taps; private float[] delaysReal; private float[] delaysImag; private float[] delaysMiddleTapReal; private float[] delaysMiddleTapImag; private int delayIndex; private int delayMiddleTapIndex; private static final String LOGTAG = "HalfBandLowPassFilter"; /** * Constructor. Will allocate the delay arrays. * * @param N */ public HalfBandLowPassFilter(int N) { if (N % 4 != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("N must be multiple of 4"); delaysReal = new float[N / 2]; delaysImag = new float[N / 2]; delaysMiddleTapReal = new float[N / 4]; delaysMiddleTapImag = new float[N / 4]; delayIndex = 0; delayMiddleTapIndex = 0; // Taps where generated with scipy: // todo: generate them dynamically! switch (N) { case 8: taps = new float[] { -0.045567308121f, 0.550847429795f }; break; case 12: taps = new float[] { 0.018032677037f, -0.114591559026f, 0.597385968973f }; break; case 32: taps = new float[] { -0.020465752391f, 0.021334704213f, -0.032646869627f, 0.048752407464f, -0.072961784639f, 0.113978914053f, -0.203982998267f, 0.633841612044f }; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("N=" + N + " is not supported!"); } } /** * Filters the samples from the input sample packet and appends filter * output to the output sample packet. Stops automatically if output sample * packet is full. * * This method uses a half band low pass filter with N taps. It will * decimate by 2 and amplify the signal by 2. * * @param in * input sample packet * @param out * output sample packet * @param offset * offset to use as start index for the input packet * @param length * max number of samples processed from the input packet * @return number of samples consumed from the input packet */ public int filter(SamplePacket in, SamplePacket out, int offset, int length) { int index1, index2; int indexOut = out.size(); int outputCapacity = out.capacity(); float[] reIn = in.getRe(), imIn = in.getIm(), reOut = out.getRe(), imOut = out.getIm(); // insert each input sample into the delay line: for (int i = offset; i < length - 1; i += 2) { // first check if we have enough space in the output buffers: if (indexOut == outputCapacity) { out.setSize(indexOut); // update size of output sample packet out.setSampleRate(in.getSampleRate() / 2); // update the sample // rate of the // output sample // packet return i - offset; // We return the number of consumed samples // from the input buffers } // Insert samples in delay line: delaysReal[delayIndex] = reIn[i]; delaysImag[delayIndex] = imIn[i]; delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex] = reIn[i + 1]; delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex] = imIn[i + 1]; // Update middle tap index so that it points to the oldest sample: delayMiddleTapIndex++; if (delayMiddleTapIndex >= delaysMiddleTapReal.length) delayMiddleTapIndex = 0; // Calculate the results: reOut[indexOut] = 0; imOut[indexOut] = 0; index1 = delayIndex; index2 = delayIndex + delaysReal.length - 1; for (float tap : taps) { reOut[indexOut] += (delaysReal[index1] + delaysReal[index2]) * tap; imOut[indexOut] += (delaysImag[index1] + delaysImag[index2]) * tap; index1++; index2--; if (index1 > delaysReal.length) index1 = 0; if (index2 < 0) index2 = delaysReal.length - 1; } reOut[indexOut] += delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] += delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; indexOut++; } out.setSize(indexOut); // update size of output sample packet out.setSampleRate(in.getSampleRate() / 2); // update the sample rate of // the output sample packet return length; // We return the number of consumed samples from the // input buffers } /** * Filters the samples from the input sample packet and appends filter * output to the output sample packet. Stops automatically if output sample * packet is full. * * This method uses a half band low pass filter with 8 taps. It will * decimate by 2 and amplify the signal by 2. First 30% of the output signal * frequency spectrum are protected from aliasing (-30dB) * * @param in * input sample packet * @param out * output sample packet * @param offset * offset to use as start index for the input packet * @param length * max number of samples processed from the input packet * @return number of samples consumed from the input packet */ public int filterN8(SamplePacket in, SamplePacket out, int offset, int length) { int indexOut = out.size(); int outputCapacity = out.capacity(); float[] reIn = in.getRe(), imIn = in.getIm(), reOut = out.getRe(), imOut = out.getIm(); // insert each input sample into the delay line: for (int i = offset; i < length - 1; i += 2) { // first check if we have enough space in the output buffers: if (indexOut == outputCapacity) { out.setSize(indexOut); // update size of output sample packet out.setSampleRate(in.getSampleRate() / 2); // update the sample // rate of the // output sample // packet return i - offset; // We return the number of consumed samples // from the input buffers } // Insert samples in delay line: delaysReal[delayIndex] = reIn[i]; delaysImag[delayIndex] = imIn[i]; delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex] = reIn[i + 1]; delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex] = imIn[i + 1]; // Update middle tap index so that it points to the oldest sample: delayMiddleTapIndex++; if (delayMiddleTapIndex >= 2) delayMiddleTapIndex = 0; // Calculate the results: // note that this is fast but not very elegant xD switch (delayIndex) { case 0: reOut[indexOut] = (delaysReal[0] + delaysReal[3]) * -0.045567308121f + (delaysReal[1] + delaysReal[2]) * 0.550847429795f + delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] = (delaysImag[0] + delaysImag[3]) * -0.045567308121f + (delaysImag[1] + delaysImag[2]) * 0.550847429795f + delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; delayIndex = 1; break; case 1: reOut[indexOut] = (delaysReal[1] + delaysReal[0]) * -0.045567308121f + (delaysReal[2] + delaysReal[3]) * 0.550847429795f + delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] = (delaysImag[1] + delaysImag[0]) * -0.045567308121f + (delaysImag[2] + delaysImag[3]) * 0.550847429795f + delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; delayIndex = 2; break; case 2: reOut[indexOut] = (delaysReal[2] + delaysReal[1]) * -0.045567308121f + (delaysReal[3] + delaysReal[0]) * 0.550847429795f + delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] = (delaysImag[2] + delaysImag[1]) * -0.045567308121f + (delaysImag[3] + delaysImag[0]) * 0.550847429795f + delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; delayIndex = 3; break; case 3: reOut[indexOut] = (delaysReal[3] + delaysReal[2]) * -0.045567308121f + (delaysReal[0] + delaysReal[1]) * 0.550847429795f + delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] = (delaysImag[3] + delaysImag[2]) * -0.045567308121f + (delaysImag[0] + delaysImag[1]) * 0.550847429795f + delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; delayIndex = 0; break; default: Log.e(LOGTAG, "filterN8: illegal delayIndex value: " + delayIndex); } indexOut++; } out.setSize(indexOut); // update size of output sample packet out.setSampleRate(in.getSampleRate() / 2); // update the sample rate of // the output sample packet return length; // We return the number of consumed samples from the // input buffers } /** * Filters the samples from the input sample packet and appends filter * output to the output sample packet. Stops automatically if output sample * packet is full. * * This method uses a half band low pass filter with 12 taps. It will * decimate by 2 and amplify the signal by 2. First 50% of the input signal * frequency spectrum are protected from aliasing (-30dB) * * @param in * input sample packet * @param out * output sample packet * @param offset * offset to use as start index for the input packet * @param length * max number of samples processed from the input packet * @return number of samples consumed from the input packet */ public int filterN12(SamplePacket in, SamplePacket out, int offset, int length) { int indexOut = out.size(); int outputCapacity = out.capacity(); float[] reIn = in.getRe(), imIn = in.getIm(), reOut = out.getRe(), imOut = out.getIm(); // insert each input sample into the delay line: for (int i = offset; i < length - 1; i += 2) { // first check if we have enough space in the output buffers: if (indexOut == outputCapacity) { out.setSize(indexOut); // update size of output sample packet out.setSampleRate(in.getSampleRate() / 2); // update the sample // rate of the // output sample // packet return i - offset; // We return the number of consumed samples // from the input buffers } // Insert samples in delay line: delaysReal[delayIndex] = reIn[i]; delaysImag[delayIndex] = imIn[i]; delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex] = reIn[i + 1]; delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex] = imIn[i + 1]; // Update middle tap index so that it points to the oldest sample: delayMiddleTapIndex++; if (delayMiddleTapIndex >= 3) delayMiddleTapIndex = 0; // Calculate the results: // note that this is fast but not very elegant xD switch (delayIndex) { case 0: reOut[indexOut] = (delaysReal[0] + delaysReal[5]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysReal[1] + delaysReal[4]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysReal[2] + delaysReal[3]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] = (delaysImag[0] + delaysImag[5]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysImag[1] + delaysImag[4]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysImag[2] + delaysImag[3]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; delayIndex = 1; break; case 1: reOut[indexOut] = (delaysReal[1] + delaysReal[0]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysReal[2] + delaysReal[5]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysReal[3] + delaysReal[4]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] = (delaysImag[1] + delaysImag[0]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysImag[2] + delaysImag[5]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysImag[3] + delaysImag[4]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; delayIndex = 2; break; case 2: reOut[indexOut] = (delaysReal[2] + delaysReal[1]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysReal[3] + delaysReal[0]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysReal[4] + delaysReal[5]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] = (delaysImag[2] + delaysImag[1]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysImag[3] + delaysImag[0]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysImag[4] + delaysImag[5]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; delayIndex = 3; break; case 3: reOut[indexOut] = (delaysReal[3] + delaysReal[2]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysReal[4] + delaysReal[1]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysReal[5] + delaysReal[0]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] = (delaysImag[3] + delaysImag[2]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysImag[4] + delaysImag[1]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysImag[5] + delaysImag[0]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; delayIndex = 4; break; case 4: reOut[indexOut] = (delaysReal[4] + delaysReal[3]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysReal[5] + delaysReal[2]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysReal[0] + delaysReal[1]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] = (delaysImag[4] + delaysImag[3]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysImag[5] + delaysImag[2]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysImag[0] + delaysImag[1]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; delayIndex = 5; break; case 5: reOut[indexOut] = (delaysReal[5] + delaysReal[4]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysReal[0] + delaysReal[3]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysReal[1] + delaysReal[2]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapReal[delayMiddleTapIndex]; imOut[indexOut] = (delaysImag[5] + delaysImag[4]) * 0.018032677037f + (delaysImag[0] + delaysImag[3]) * -0.114591559026f + (delaysImag[1] + delaysImag[2]) * 0.597385968973f + delaysMiddleTapImag[delayMiddleTapIndex]; delayIndex = 0; break; default: Log.e(LOGTAG, "filterN12: illegal delayIndex value: " + delayIndex); } indexOut++; } out.setSize(indexOut); // update size of output sample packet out.setSampleRate(in.getSampleRate() / 2); // update the sample rate of // the output sample packet return length; // We return the number of consumed samples from the // input buffers } }