package de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.preferences; import; import; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.MainActivity; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.R; public class ColorPreference extends MySharedPreferences { public ColorPreference(MainActivity activity) { super(activity); } public static Paint DEFAULT_PAINT = null; // Paint object to draw bitmaps on // the canvas public static Paint BLACK_PAINT = null; // Paint object to draw black // (erase) public static Paint FFT_PAINT = null; // Paint object to draw the fft lines public static Paint PEAK_HOLD_PAINT = null; // Paint object to draw the fft // peak hold points public static Paint WATERFALL_LINE_PAINT = null;// Paint object to draw one // waterfall pixel public static Paint TEXT_PAINT = null; // Paint object to draw text on the // canvas public static Paint TEXT_SMALL_PAINT = null; // Paint object to draw small // text on the canvas public static Paint DEMOD_SELECTOR_PAINT = null;// Paint object to draw the // area of the channel public static Paint SQUELCH_PAINT = null; // Paint object to draw the // squelch selector public static Paint SQUELCH_PAINT_SATISFIED = null; // Paint object to draw // the // squelch selector @Override public void loadPreference() { DEFAULT_PAINT = new Paint(); BLACK_PAINT = new Paint(); BLACK_PAINT.setColor(Color.BLACK); WATERFALL_LINE_PAINT = new Paint(); FFT_PAINT = new Paint(); FFT_PAINT.setColor(getInt("color_fft", Color.BLUE)); FFT_PAINT.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); PEAK_HOLD_PAINT = new Paint(); PEAK_HOLD_PAINT.setColor(getInt("color_peak_hold", Color.YELLOW)); TEXT_PAINT = new Paint(); TEXT_PAINT.setColor(getInt("color_text", Color.WHITE)); TEXT_PAINT.setAntiAlias(true); TEXT_SMALL_PAINT = new Paint(); TEXT_SMALL_PAINT.setColor(getInt("color_text_small", Color.WHITE)); TEXT_SMALL_PAINT.setAntiAlias(true); DEMOD_SELECTOR_PAINT = new Paint(); DEMOD_SELECTOR_PAINT.setColor(getInt("color_demod_selector", Color.WHITE)); SQUELCH_PAINT = new Paint(); SQUELCH_PAINT.setColor(getInt("color_squelch", Color.RED)); SQUELCH_PAINT_SATISFIED = new Paint(); SQUELCH_PAINT_SATISFIED.setColor(getInt("color_squelch", Color.GREEN)); } @Override public void savePreference() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public String getName() { return "color"; } @Override public int getResID() { return R.xml.color_preferences; } }