package de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.control.threads; import android.util.Log; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; import de.greenrobot.event.Subscribe; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.control.SourceControl; import; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.ScannerBuffer; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.preferences.Preferences; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.sources.IQSourceInterface; import de.tu.darmstadt.seemoo.ansian.model.sources.RtlsdrSource; /** * This thread takes care of switching the frequency for wider band scanning * mode. Wider band scanning mode extends the maximum visible bandwidth of the * input source by switching the frequency in a given area and appending those * smaller spectrums to a whole one. See {@link ScannerBuffer} on how this data * is collected * * @author Steffen Kreis * */ public class SourceControlThread extends Thread { private boolean stopRequested = false; private long lowerCenterFrequency; private long upperCenterFrequency; // samplerate will be changed only when Thread is started new private long shownSamplerate; private long sourceSamplerate; private static int cropDataFactor = 1; private long desiredFrequency = -1; private IQSourceInterface source; private boolean running = true; private long idleTime = 300; private static final String LOGTAG = "ScannerThread"; public SourceControlThread(int shownSamplerate) { this.shownSamplerate = shownSamplerate; this.sourceSamplerate = shownSamplerate; EventBus.getDefault().register(this); long guiCenterFrequency = Preferences.GUI_PREFERENCE.getFrequency(); long guiBandwidth = Preferences.GUI_PREFERENCE.getBandwidth(); setLowerFrequency((guiCenterFrequency - guiBandwidth / 2) + shownSamplerate / 2); setUpperFrequency((guiCenterFrequency + guiBandwidth / 2) + shownSamplerate / 2); // TODO assure the source is usable for scanning source = SourceControl.getSource(); } public static float getScanDataFactor() { return cropDataFactor; } @Override public void run() { stopRequested = false; shownSamplerate = sourceSamplerate / cropDataFactor; source.setSampleRate((int) sourceSamplerate); ((RtlsdrSource) SourceControl.getSource()).setManualGain(true); while (!stopRequested) { if (running && SourceControl.getSource().isTunerSettled()) { Log.d(LOGTAG, "changing freq"); if (desiredFrequency < lowerCenterFrequency || desiredFrequency >= upperCenterFrequency) { // in case scanner was scrolled further right than current // displayed frequency desiredFrequency = lowerCenterFrequency; } else if (desiredFrequency < upperCenterFrequency && desiredFrequency > 0) { // regular scan frequency tuning desiredFrequency += shownSamplerate; } source.setFrequency(desiredFrequency); try { Thread.sleep(idleTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } ((RtlsdrSource) SourceControl.getSource()).setManualGain(Preferences.MISC_PREFERENCE.isManualGain()); } public void setLowerFrequency(long lowerFrequency) { this.lowerCenterFrequency = ScannerBuffer.calcSuitableFrequency(lowerFrequency, true); } public void setUpperFrequency(long upperFrequency) { this.upperCenterFrequency = ScannerBuffer.calcSuitableFrequency(upperFrequency, false); } public void setSampleRate(long samplerate) { this.shownSamplerate = samplerate; this.sourceSamplerate = samplerate; } public void setScanCropDataFactor(int pCropDataFactor) { cropDataFactor = pCropDataFactor; } public void stopScanner() { stopRequested = true; } @Subscribe public void onEvent(ScanAreaUpdateEvent event) { setLowerFrequency(event.getLowerFrequency()); setUpperFrequency(event.getUpperFrequency()); setSampleRate(event.getSamplerate()); setScanCropDataFactor(event.getScanCropDataFactor()); } }