package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Constants for State serialization. Scope.PROJECT maps to * {PROJECT.DIR/project.xml}, while Scope.GLOBAL maps to * {GLOBAL.DIR/global.xml}. * * @author Tudor */ public class Scope { public static final int GLOBAL = 0, PROJECT = 1; protected static final HashMap<Integer, Scope> scopes = new HashMap<Integer, Scope>(); static { defineScope(0, "${GLOBAL.DIR}", "global"); defineScope(1, "${PROJECT.DIR}", "project"); } protected final String location, name; public Scope(String location, String name) { this.location = location; = name; } public static int defineScope(String location, String name) { return registerScope(new Scope(location, name)); } public static void defineScope(int id, String location, String name) { registerScope(id, new Scope(location, name)); } public static int registerScope(Scope scope) { int id = 0; while (true) { if (scopes.containsKey(id)) { id++; } else { break; } } registerScope(id, scope); return id; } public static void registerScope(int id, Scope scope) { if (scopes.containsKey(id)) { throw new IllegalStateException("scope id " + id + " already occupied by " + scopes.get(id) + " when adding " + scope); } scopes.put(id, scope); } public static boolean isValidScope(int id) { return scopes.containsKey(id); } public static Scope predefinedScope(int id) { return scopes.get(id); } public static void validateScope(int id) { if (!isValidScope(id)) throw new RuntimeException("scope " + id + " is invalid"); } public static Collection<Scope> scopes() { return scopes.values(); } public static Collection<Integer> scopeIds() { return scopes.keySet(); } public String location() { return location; } public String name() { return name; } }