package; import tk.amberide.Amber; import*; import; import; import; import; import static*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; /** * @author Tudor */ public class V1 extends Codec { public interface Tag { short MAP_MAGIC = 0x1337; int MAP_VERSION = 0x01; byte TAG_TILESHEET = 0x01; byte TAG_AUDIO = 0x02; byte TAG_MODEL = 0x03; byte MATRIX_SPARSE = 0x01; byte MATRIX_DENSE = 0x02; } @Override public LevelMap loadMap(DataInputStream buffer) throws IOException { if (buffer.readShort() != MAP_MAGIC) { throw new InvalidMapException("magic number != " + MAP_MAGIC); } int v; if ((v = buffer.readInt()) != MAP_VERSION) throw new InvalidMapException("wrong map version " + v); LevelMap map = new LevelMap(buffer.readShort(), buffer.readShort()); HashMap<Short, Tileset.TileSprite> sprites = new HashMap<Short, Tileset.TileSprite>(); HashMap<Short, WavefrontObject> models = new HashMap<Short, WavefrontObject>(); int constantsCount = buffer.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i != constantsCount; i++) { byte tag; switch (tag = buffer.readByte()) { case TAG_TILESHEET: sprites.put(buffer.readShort(), TileSprite.byId(buffer.readUTF())); break; case TAG_MODEL: short id = buffer.readShort(); String name = buffer.readUTF(); for (Resource<WavefrontObject> e : Amber.getResourceManager().getModels()) { if (e.getName().equals(name)) { models.put(id, e.get()); } } break; case TAG_AUDIO: throw new InvalidMapException("tag not implemented yet"); default: throw new InvalidMapException("invalid tag " + tag + " at index " + i); } } short layersCount = buffer.readShort(); for (int i = 0; i != layersCount; i++) { String name = buffer.readUTF(); Layer level = new Layer(name, map); int layerCnt = buffer.readInt(); if (layerCnt == 0) { map.addLayer(level); continue; } for (int s = 0; s != layerCnt; s++) { byte matrix = buffer.readByte(); int z = buffer.readInt(); switch (matrix) { case MATRIX_SPARSE: int full = buffer.readInt(); for (int f = 0; f != full; f++) { int x = buffer.readShort(); int y = buffer.readShort(); short id = buffer.readShort(); if (id > 0) { Tile t = new Tile(sprites.get(id), Direction.values()[buffer.readByte()], Angle.values()[buffer.readByte()], TileType.values()[buffer.readByte()]); level.setTile(x, y, z, t); } } break; case MATRIX_DENSE: for (int x = 0; x != map.getWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y != map.getLength(); y++) { short id = buffer.readShort(); if (id > 0) { Tile t = new Tile(sprites.get(id), Direction.values()[buffer.readByte()], Angle.values()[buffer.readByte()], TileType.values()[buffer.readByte()]); level.setTile(x, y, z, t); } } } break; default: System.err.println("invalid matrix type " + matrix + " at index " + s); break; } } int modelCount = buffer.readInt(); for (int m = 0; m != modelCount; m++) { level.setModel(buffer.readShort(), buffer.readShort(), buffer.readShort(), new TileModel(models.get(buffer.readShort()))); } map.addLayer(level); } return map; } @Override public void compileMap(LevelMap map, DataOutputStream out) throws IOException { ByteStream mapBuffer = ByteStream.writeStream(); mapBuffer.writeShort(MAP_MAGIC); mapBuffer.writeInt(MAP_VERSION); mapBuffer.writeShort(map.getWidth()); mapBuffer.writeShort(map.getLength()); HashMap<Tileset.TileSprite, Integer> recordedTiles = new HashMap<Tileset.TileSprite, Integer>(); HashMap<WavefrontObject, Integer> recordedModels = new HashMap<WavefrontObject, Integer>(); int constantsCount = 0; ByteStream constantBuffer = ByteStream.writeStream(); ByteStream mapLayerBuffer = ByteStream.writeStream(); mapLayerBuffer.writeShort(map.getLayers().size()); for (Layer layer : map.getLayers()) { ByteStream layerBuffer = ByteStream.writeStream(); int totFull = 0; SparseVector.SparseVectorIterator tileIterator = layer.tileMatrix().iterator(); while (tileIterator.hasNext()) { SparseMatrix<Tile> matrix = (SparseMatrix<Tile>); // This is a two step process. First, we calculate the amount of non-null // tiles in the current plane. // We can also use this phase to compile tile IDs int full = 0; for (int x = 0; x != map.getWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y != map.getLength(); y++) { Tile t = matrix.get(x, y); if (t != null) { full++; Tileset.TileSprite spr = t.getSprite(); // This is not a recorded tile, so we should save it. if (!recordedTiles.containsKey(spr)) { constantBuffer.writeByte(TAG_TILESHEET).writeShort(recordedTiles.size() + 1).writeUTF(spr.getId()); recordedTiles.put(spr, recordedTiles.size() + 1); constantsCount++; } } } } if (full == 0) { // There are no tiles in this plane, it can be ignored continue; } totFull++; int z = tileIterator.realIndex(); // Now we fetch the total amount of cells on the current plane. int totalTiles = map.getWidth() * map.getLength(); // To store in a sparse format, we need 3 pieces of information: // * tile id // * x coordinate // * y coordinate // To store in a solid block, we need only the id, but we need to fill // the entire block. Assuming tile id, x-coord and y-coord // are of the same datatype, we can check whether it is worthwhile to save // in a sparce format with a simple evaluation, below. boolean sparse = totalTiles > full * 3; // We need to identify this plane as being sparse or block based. // We also need to write the plane z-coord, in case a layer was // skipped, or the format is not in sequential order. layerBuffer.writeByte(sparse ? MATRIX_SPARSE : MATRIX_DENSE); layerBuffer.writeInt(z); if (sparse) { layerBuffer.writeInt(full); for (int x = 0; x != map.getWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y != map.getLength(); y++) { Tile t = layer.getTile(x, y, z); int id = t != null ? recordedTiles.get(t.getSprite()) : 0; if (id > 0) { layerBuffer.writeShort(x) .writeShort(y) .writeShort(id); layerBuffer.writeByte(t.getDirection().ordinal()); layerBuffer.writeByte(t.getAngle().ordinal()); layerBuffer.writeByte(t.getType().ordinal()); } } } } else { // Iterate over every row and save each tile id // sequentially. for (int x = 0; x != map.getWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y != map.getLength(); y++) { Tile t = layer.getTile(x, y, z); int id = t != null ? recordedTiles.get(t.getSprite()) : 0; layerBuffer.writeShort(id); if (id > 0) { layerBuffer.writeByte(t.getDirection().ordinal()); layerBuffer.writeByte(t.getAngle().ordinal()); layerBuffer.writeByte(t.getType().ordinal()); } } } } } int nz = 0; for (SparseMatrix<TileModel> matrix : layer.modelMatrix()) { for (TileModel u : matrix) { if (u != null) { nz++; } } } layerBuffer.writeInt(nz); SparseVector.SparseVectorIterator modelIterator = layer.modelMatrix().iterator(); HashMap<WavefrontObject, String> modelIds = new HashMap<WavefrontObject, String>(); for (Resource<WavefrontObject> models : Amber.getResourceManager().getModels()) { modelIds.put(models.get(), models.getName()); } while (modelIterator.hasNext()) { SparseMatrix.SparseMatrixIterator matrixIterator = ((SparseMatrix<WavefrontObject>); while (matrixIterator.hasNext()) { TileModel tile = (TileModel); if (tile != null) { WavefrontObject obj = tile.getModel(); if (!recordedModels.containsKey(obj)) { if (modelIds.containsKey(obj)) { constantBuffer.writeByte(TAG_MODEL).writeShort(recordedModels.size() + 1).writeUTF(modelIds.get(obj)); recordedModels.put(obj, recordedModels.size() + 1); constantsCount++; } } layerBuffer.writeShort(matrixIterator.realX()) .writeShort(matrixIterator.realY()) .writeShort(modelIterator.realIndex()) // z .writeShort(recordedModels.get(obj)); } } } mapLayerBuffer.writeUTF(layer.getName()); mapLayerBuffer.writeInt(totFull); System.out.println(totFull); mapLayerBuffer.writeBytes(layerBuffer.getBuffer()); } mapBuffer.writeShort(constantsCount); mapBuffer.writeBytes(constantBuffer.getBuffer()); mapBuffer.writeBytes(mapLayerBuffer.getBuffer()); out.write(mapBuffer.getBuffer()); } }