/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * Elements of the WallTime class are a port of Bionic's localtime.c to Java. That code had the * following header: * * This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of * 1996-06-05 by Arthur David Olson. */ package libcore.util; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.TimeZone; import libcore.io.BufferIterator; /** * Our concrete TimeZone implementation, backed by zoneinfo data. * * @hide - used to implement TimeZone */ public final class ZoneInfo extends TimeZone { private static final long MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; private static final long MILLISECONDS_PER_400_YEARS = MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY * (400 * 365 + 100 - 3); private static final long UNIX_OFFSET = 62167219200000L; private static final int[] NORMAL = new int[] { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, }; private static final int[] LEAP = new int[] { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, }; private int mRawOffset; private final int mEarliestRawOffset; private final boolean mUseDst; private final int mDstSavings; // Implements TimeZone.getDSTSavings. private final int[] mTransitions; private final int[] mOffsets; private final byte[] mTypes; private final byte[] mIsDsts; public static ZoneInfo makeTimeZone(String id, BufferIterator it) { // Variable names beginning tzh_ correspond to those in "tzfile.h". // Check tzh_magic. if (it.readInt() != 0x545a6966) { // "TZif" return null; } // Skip the uninteresting part of the header. it.skip(28); // Read the sizes of the arrays we're about to read. int tzh_timecnt = it.readInt(); int tzh_typecnt = it.readInt(); it.skip(4); // Skip tzh_charcnt. int[] transitions = new int[tzh_timecnt]; it.readIntArray(transitions, 0, transitions.length); byte[] type = new byte[tzh_timecnt]; it.readByteArray(type, 0, type.length); int[] gmtOffsets = new int[tzh_typecnt]; byte[] isDsts = new byte[tzh_typecnt]; for (int i = 0; i < tzh_typecnt; ++i) { gmtOffsets[i] = it.readInt(); isDsts[i] = it.readByte(); // We skip the abbreviation index. This would let us provide historically-accurate // time zone abbreviations (such as "AHST", "YST", and "AKST" for standard time in // America/Anchorage in 1982, 1983, and 1984 respectively). ICU only knows the current // names, though, so even if we did use this data to provide the correct abbreviations // for en_US, we wouldn't be able to provide correct abbreviations for other locales, // nor would we be able to provide correct long forms (such as "Yukon Standard Time") // for any locale. (The RI doesn't do any better than us here either.) it.skip(1); } return new ZoneInfo(id, transitions, type, gmtOffsets, isDsts); } private ZoneInfo(String name, int[] transitions, byte[] types, int[] gmtOffsets, byte[] isDsts) { mTransitions = transitions; mTypes = types; mIsDsts = isDsts; setID(name); // Find the latest daylight and standard offsets (if any). int lastStd = 0; boolean haveStd = false; int lastDst = 0; boolean haveDst = false; for (int i = mTransitions.length - 1; (!haveStd || !haveDst) && i >= 0; --i) { int type = mTypes[i] & 0xff; if (!haveStd && mIsDsts[type] == 0) { haveStd = true; lastStd = i; } if (!haveDst && mIsDsts[type] != 0) { haveDst = true; lastDst = i; } } // Use the latest non-daylight offset (if any) as the raw offset. if (lastStd >= mTypes.length) { mRawOffset = gmtOffsets[0]; } else { mRawOffset = gmtOffsets[mTypes[lastStd] & 0xff]; } // Use the latest transition's pair of offsets to compute the DST savings. // This isn't generally useful, but it's exposed by TimeZone.getDSTSavings. if (lastDst >= mTypes.length) { mDstSavings = 0; } else { mDstSavings = Math.abs(gmtOffsets[mTypes[lastStd] & 0xff] - gmtOffsets[mTypes[lastDst] & 0xff]) * 1000; } // Cache the oldest known raw offset, in case we're asked about times that predate our // transition data. int firstStd = -1; for (int i = 0; i < mTransitions.length; ++i) { if (mIsDsts[mTypes[i] & 0xff] == 0) { firstStd = i; break; } } int earliestRawOffset = (firstStd != -1) ? gmtOffsets[mTypes[firstStd] & 0xff] : mRawOffset; // Rather than keep offsets from UTC, we use offsets from local time, so the raw offset // can be changed and automatically affect all the offsets. mOffsets = gmtOffsets; for (int i = 0; i < mOffsets.length; i++) { mOffsets[i] -= mRawOffset; } // Is this zone observing DST currently or in the future? // We don't care if they've historically used it: most places have at least once. // See http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=877. // This test means that for somewhere like Morocco, which tried DST in 2009 but has // no future plans (and thus no future schedule info) will report "true" from // useDaylightTime at the start of 2009 but "false" at the end. This seems appropriate. boolean usesDst = false; int currentUnixTimeSeconds = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); int i = mTransitions.length - 1; while (i >= 0 && mTransitions[i] >= currentUnixTimeSeconds) { if (mIsDsts[mTypes[i]] > 0) { usesDst = true; break; } i--; } mUseDst = usesDst; // tzdata uses seconds, but Java uses milliseconds. mRawOffset *= 1000; mEarliestRawOffset = earliestRawOffset * 1000; } @Override public int getOffset(int era, int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int millis) { // XXX This assumes Gregorian always; Calendar switches from // Julian to Gregorian in 1582. What calendar system are the // arguments supposed to come from? long calc = (year / 400) * MILLISECONDS_PER_400_YEARS; year %= 400; calc += year * (365 * MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY); calc += ((year + 3) / 4) * MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY; if (year > 0) { calc -= ((year - 1) / 100) * MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY; } boolean isLeap = (year == 0 || (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0)); int[] mlen = isLeap ? LEAP : NORMAL; calc += mlen[month] * MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY; calc += (day - 1) * MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY; calc += millis; calc -= mRawOffset; calc -= UNIX_OFFSET; return getOffset(calc); } @Override public int getOffset(long when) { int unix = (int) (when / 1000); int transition = Arrays.binarySearch(mTransitions, unix); if (transition < 0) { transition = ~transition - 1; if (transition < 0) { // Assume that all times before our first transition correspond to the // oldest-known non-daylight offset. The obvious alternative would be to // use the current raw offset, but that seems like a greater leap of faith. return mEarliestRawOffset; } } return mRawOffset + mOffsets[mTypes[transition] & 0xff] * 1000; } @Override public boolean inDaylightTime(Date time) { long when = time.getTime(); int unix = (int) (when / 1000); int transition = Arrays.binarySearch(mTransitions, unix); if (transition < 0) { transition = ~transition - 1; if (transition < 0) { // Assume that all times before our first transition are non-daylight. // Transition data tends to start with a transition to daylight, so just // copying the first transition would assume the opposite. // http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=14395 return false; } } return mIsDsts[mTypes[transition] & 0xff] == 1; } @Override public int getRawOffset() { return mRawOffset; } @Override public void setRawOffset(int off) { mRawOffset = off; } @Override public int getDSTSavings() { return mUseDst ? mDstSavings: 0; } @Override public boolean useDaylightTime() { return mUseDst; } @Override public boolean hasSameRules(TimeZone timeZone) { if (!(timeZone instanceof ZoneInfo)) { return false; } ZoneInfo other = (ZoneInfo) timeZone; if (mUseDst != other.mUseDst) { return false; } if (!mUseDst) { return mRawOffset == other.mRawOffset; } return mRawOffset == other.mRawOffset // Arrays.equals returns true if both arrays are null && Arrays.equals(mOffsets, other.mOffsets) && Arrays.equals(mIsDsts, other.mIsDsts) && Arrays.equals(mTypes, other.mTypes) && Arrays.equals(mTransitions, other.mTransitions); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof ZoneInfo)) { return false; } ZoneInfo other = (ZoneInfo) obj; return getID().equals(other.getID()) && hasSameRules(other); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + getID().hashCode(); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(mOffsets); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(mIsDsts); result = prime * result + mRawOffset; result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(mTransitions); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(mTypes); result = prime * result + (mUseDst ? 1231 : 1237); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "[id=\"" + getID() + "\"" + ",mRawOffset=" + mRawOffset + ",mEarliestRawOffset=" + mEarliestRawOffset + ",mUseDst=" + mUseDst + ",mDstSavings=" + mDstSavings + ",transitions=" + mTransitions.length + "]"; } @Override public Object clone() { // Overridden for documentation. The default clone() behavior is exactly what we want. // Though mutable, the arrays of offset data are treated as immutable. Only ID and // mRawOffset are mutable in this class, and those are an immutable object and a primitive // respectively. return super.clone(); } /** * A class that represents a "wall time". This class is modeled on the C tm struct and * is used to support android.text.format.Time behavior. Unlike the tm struct the year is * represented as the full year, not the years since 1900. * * <p>This class contains a rewrite of various native functions that android.text.format.Time * once relied on such as mktime_tz and localtime_tz. This replacement does not support leap * seconds but does try to preserve behavior around ambiguous date/times found in the BSD * version of mktime that was previously used. * * <p>The original native code used a 32-bit value for time_t on 32-bit Android, which * was the only variant of Android available at the time. To preserve old behavior this code * deliberately uses {@code int} rather than {@code long} for most things and performs * calculations in seconds. This creates deliberate truncation issues for date / times before * 1901 and after 2038. This is intentional but might be fixed in future if all the knock-ons * can be resolved: Application code may have come to rely on the range so previously values * like zero for year could indicate an invalid date but if we move to long the year zero would * be valid. * * <p>All offsets are considered to be safe for addition / subtraction / multiplication without * worrying about overflow. All absolute time arithmetic is checked for overflow / underflow. */ public static class WallTime { // We use a GregorianCalendar (set to UTC) to handle all the date/time normalization logic // and to convert from a broken-down date/time to a millis value. // Unfortunately, it cannot represent an initial state with a zero day and would // automatically normalize it, so we must copy values into and out of it as needed. private final GregorianCalendar calendar; private int year; private int month; private int monthDay; private int hour; private int minute; private int second; private int weekDay; private int yearDay; private int isDst; private int gmtOffsetSeconds; public WallTime() { this.calendar = createGregorianCalendar(); calendar.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); } // LayoutLib replaces this method via bytecode manipulation, since the // minimum-cost constructor is not available on host machines. private static GregorianCalendar createGregorianCalendar() { return new GregorianCalendar(false); } /** * Sets the wall time to a point in time using the time zone information provided. This * is a replacement for the old native localtime_tz() function. * * <p>When going from an instant to a wall time it is always unambiguous because there * is only one offset rule acting at any given instant. We do not consider leap seconds. */ public void localtime(int timeSeconds, ZoneInfo zoneInfo) { try { int offsetSeconds = zoneInfo.mRawOffset / 1000; // Find out the timezone DST state and adjustment. byte isDst; if (zoneInfo.mTransitions.length == 0) { isDst = 0; } else { // transitionIndex can be in the range -1..zoneInfo.mTransitions.length - 1 int transitionIndex = findTransitionIndex(zoneInfo, timeSeconds); if (transitionIndex < 0) { // -1 means timeSeconds is "before the first recorded transition". The first // recorded transition is treated as a transition from non-DST and the raw // offset. isDst = 0; } else { byte transitionType = zoneInfo.mTypes[transitionIndex]; offsetSeconds += zoneInfo.mOffsets[transitionType]; isDst = zoneInfo.mIsDsts[transitionType]; } } // Perform arithmetic that might underflow before setting fields. int wallTimeSeconds = checkedAdd(timeSeconds, offsetSeconds); // Set fields. calendar.setTimeInMillis(wallTimeSeconds * 1000L); copyFieldsFromCalendar(); this.isDst = isDst; this.gmtOffsetSeconds = offsetSeconds; } catch (CheckedArithmeticException e) { // Just stop, leaving fields untouched. } } /** * Returns the time in seconds since beginning of the Unix epoch for the wall time using the * time zone information provided. This is a replacement for an old native mktime_tz() C * function. * * <p>When going from a wall time to an instant the answer can be ambiguous. A wall * time can map to zero, one or two instants given sane date/time transitions. Sane * in this case means that transitions occur less frequently than the offset * differences between them (which could cause all sorts of craziness like the * skipping out of transitions). * * <p>For example, this is not fully supported: * <ul> * <li>t1 { time = 1, offset = 0 } * <li>t2 { time = 2, offset = -1 } * <li>t3 { time = 3, offset = -2 } * </ul> * A wall time in this case might map to t1, t2 or t3. * * <p>We do not handle leap seconds. * <p>We assume that no timezone offset transition has an absolute offset > 24 hours. * <p>We do not assume that adjacent transitions modify the DST state; adjustments can * occur for other reasons such as when a zone changes its raw offset. */ public int mktime(ZoneInfo zoneInfo) { // Normalize isDst to -1, 0 or 1 to simplify isDst equality checks below. this.isDst = this.isDst > 0 ? this.isDst = 1 : this.isDst < 0 ? this.isDst = -1 : 0; copyFieldsToCalendar(); final long longWallTimeSeconds = calendar.getTimeInMillis() / 1000; if (Integer.MIN_VALUE > longWallTimeSeconds || longWallTimeSeconds > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // For compatibility with the old native 32-bit implementation we must treat // this as an error. Note: -1 could be confused with a real time. return -1; } try { final int wallTimeSeconds = (int) longWallTimeSeconds; final int rawOffsetSeconds = zoneInfo.mRawOffset / 1000; final int rawTimeSeconds = checkedSubtract(wallTimeSeconds, rawOffsetSeconds); if (zoneInfo.mTransitions.length == 0) { // There is no transition information. There is just a raw offset for all time. if (this.isDst > 0) { // Caller has asserted DST, but there is no DST information available. return -1; } copyFieldsFromCalendar(); this.isDst = 0; this.gmtOffsetSeconds = rawOffsetSeconds; return rawTimeSeconds; } // We cannot know for sure what instant the wall time will map to. Unfortunately, in // order to know for sure we need the timezone information, but to get the timezone // information we need an instant. To resolve this we use the raw offset to find an // OffsetInterval; this will get us the OffsetInterval we need or very close. // The initialTransition can be between -1 and (zoneInfo.mTransitions - 1). -1 // indicates the rawTime is before the first transition and is handled gracefully by // createOffsetInterval(). final int initialTransitionIndex = findTransitionIndex(zoneInfo, rawTimeSeconds); if (isDst < 0) { // This is treated as a special case to get it out of the way: // When a caller has set isDst == -1 it means we can return the first match for // the wall time we find. If the caller has specified a wall time that cannot // exist this always returns -1. Integer result = doWallTimeSearch(zoneInfo, initialTransitionIndex, wallTimeSeconds, true /* mustMatchDst */); return result == null ? -1 : result; } // If the wall time asserts a DST (isDst == 0 or 1) the search is performed twice: // 1) The first attempts to find a DST offset that matches isDst exactly. // 2) If it fails, isDst is assumed to be incorrect and adjustments are made to see // if a valid wall time can be created. The result can be somewhat arbitrary. Integer result = doWallTimeSearch(zoneInfo, initialTransitionIndex, wallTimeSeconds, true /* mustMatchDst */); if (result == null) { result = doWallTimeSearch(zoneInfo, initialTransitionIndex, wallTimeSeconds, false /* mustMatchDst */); } if (result == null) { result = -1; } return result; } catch (CheckedArithmeticException e) { return -1; } } /** * Attempt to apply DST adjustments to {@code oldWallTimeSeconds} to create a wall time in * {@code targetInterval}. * * <p>This is used when a caller has made an assertion about standard time / DST that cannot * be matched to any offset interval that exists. We must therefore assume that the isDst * assertion is incorrect and the invalid wall time is the result of some modification the * caller made to a valid wall time that pushed them outside of the offset interval they * were in. We must correct for any DST change that should have been applied when they did * so. * * <p>Unfortunately, we have no information about what adjustment they made and so cannot * know which offset interval they were previously in. For example, they may have added a * second or a year to a valid time to arrive at what they have. * * <p>We try all offset types that are not the same as the isDst the caller asserted. For * each possible offset we work out the offset difference between that and * {@code targetInterval}, apply it, and see if we are still in {@code targetInterval}. If * we are, then we have found an adjustment. */ private Integer tryOffsetAdjustments(ZoneInfo zoneInfo, int oldWallTimeSeconds, OffsetInterval targetInterval, int transitionIndex, int isDstToFind) throws CheckedArithmeticException { int[] offsetsToTry = getOffsetsOfType(zoneInfo, transitionIndex, isDstToFind); for (int j = 0; j < offsetsToTry.length; j++) { int rawOffsetSeconds = zoneInfo.mRawOffset / 1000; int jOffsetSeconds = rawOffsetSeconds + offsetsToTry[j]; int targetIntervalOffsetSeconds = targetInterval.getTotalOffsetSeconds(); int adjustmentSeconds = targetIntervalOffsetSeconds - jOffsetSeconds; int adjustedWallTimeSeconds = checkedAdd(oldWallTimeSeconds, adjustmentSeconds); if (targetInterval.containsWallTime(adjustedWallTimeSeconds)) { // Perform any arithmetic that might overflow. int returnValue = checkedSubtract(adjustedWallTimeSeconds, targetIntervalOffsetSeconds); // Modify field state and return the result. calendar.setTimeInMillis(adjustedWallTimeSeconds * 1000L); copyFieldsFromCalendar(); this.isDst = targetInterval.getIsDst(); this.gmtOffsetSeconds = targetIntervalOffsetSeconds; return returnValue; } } return null; } /** * Return an array of offsets that have the requested {@code isDst} value. * The {@code startIndex} is used as a starting point so transitions nearest * to that index are returned first. */ private static int[] getOffsetsOfType(ZoneInfo zoneInfo, int startIndex, int isDst) { // +1 to account for the synthetic transition we invent before the first recorded one. int[] offsets = new int[zoneInfo.mOffsets.length + 1]; boolean[] seen = new boolean[zoneInfo.mOffsets.length]; int numFound = 0; int delta = 0; boolean clampTop = false; boolean clampBottom = false; do { // delta = { 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3...} delta *= -1; if (delta >= 0) { delta++; } int transitionIndex = startIndex + delta; if (delta < 0 && transitionIndex < -1) { clampBottom = true; continue; } else if (delta > 0 && transitionIndex >= zoneInfo.mTypes.length) { clampTop = true; continue; } if (transitionIndex == -1) { if (isDst == 0) { // Synthesize a non-DST transition before the first transition we have // data for. offsets[numFound++] = 0; // offset of 0 from raw offset } continue; } byte type = zoneInfo.mTypes[transitionIndex]; if (!seen[type]) { if (zoneInfo.mIsDsts[type] == isDst) { offsets[numFound++] = zoneInfo.mOffsets[type]; } seen[type] = true; } } while (!(clampTop && clampBottom)); int[] toReturn = new int[numFound]; System.arraycopy(offsets, 0, toReturn, 0, numFound); return toReturn; } /** * Find a time <em>in seconds</em> the same or close to {@code wallTimeSeconds} that * satisfies {@code mustMatchDst}. The search begins around the timezone offset transition * with {@code initialTransitionIndex}. * * <p>If {@code mustMatchDst} is {@code true} the method can only return times that * use timezone offsets that satisfy the {@code this.isDst} requirements. * If {@code this.isDst == -1} it means that any offset can be used. * * <p>If {@code mustMatchDst} is {@code false} any offset that covers the * currently set time is acceptable. That is: if {@code this.isDst} == -1, any offset * transition can be used, if it is 0 or 1 the offset used must match {@code this.isDst}. * * <p>Note: This method both uses and can modify field state. It returns the matching time * in seconds if a match has been found and modifies fields, or it returns {@code null} and * leaves the field state unmodified. */ private Integer doWallTimeSearch(ZoneInfo zoneInfo, int initialTransitionIndex, int wallTimeSeconds, boolean mustMatchDst) throws CheckedArithmeticException { // The loop below starts at the initialTransitionIndex and radiates out from that point // up to 24 hours in either direction by applying transitionIndexDelta to inspect // adjacent transitions (0, -1, +1, -2, +2). 24 hours is used because we assume that no // total offset from UTC is ever > 24 hours. clampTop and clampBottom are used to // indicate whether the search has either searched > 24 hours or exhausted the // transition data in that direction. The search stops when a match is found or if // clampTop and clampBottom are both true. // The match logic employed is determined by the mustMatchDst parameter. final int MAX_SEARCH_SECONDS = 24 * 60 * 60; boolean clampTop = false, clampBottom = false; int loop = 0; do { // transitionIndexDelta = { 0, -1, 1, -2, 2,..} int transitionIndexDelta = (loop + 1) / 2; if (loop % 2 == 1) { transitionIndexDelta *= -1; } loop++; // Only do any work in this iteration if we need to. if (transitionIndexDelta > 0 && clampTop || transitionIndexDelta < 0 && clampBottom) { continue; } // Obtain the OffsetInterval to use. int currentTransitionIndex = initialTransitionIndex + transitionIndexDelta; OffsetInterval offsetInterval = OffsetInterval.create(zoneInfo, currentTransitionIndex); if (offsetInterval == null) { // No transition exists with the index we tried: Stop searching in the // current direction. clampTop |= (transitionIndexDelta > 0); clampBottom |= (transitionIndexDelta < 0); continue; } // Match the wallTimeSeconds against the OffsetInterval. if (mustMatchDst) { // Work out if the interval contains the wall time the caller specified and // matches their isDst value. if (offsetInterval.containsWallTime(wallTimeSeconds)) { if (this.isDst == -1 || offsetInterval.getIsDst() == this.isDst) { // This always returns the first OffsetInterval it finds that matches // the wall time and isDst requirements. If this.isDst == -1 this means // the result might be a DST or a non-DST answer for wall times that can // exist in two OffsetIntervals. int totalOffsetSeconds = offsetInterval.getTotalOffsetSeconds(); int returnValue = checkedSubtract(wallTimeSeconds, totalOffsetSeconds); copyFieldsFromCalendar(); this.isDst = offsetInterval.getIsDst(); this.gmtOffsetSeconds = totalOffsetSeconds; return returnValue; } } } else { // To retain similar behavior to the old native implementation: if the caller is // asserting the same isDst value as the OffsetInterval we are looking at we do // not try to find an adjustment from another OffsetInterval of the same isDst // type. If you remove this you get different results in situations like a // DST -> DST transition or STD -> STD transition that results in an interval of // "skipped" wall time. For example: if 01:30 (DST) is invalid and between two // DST intervals, and the caller has passed isDst == 1, this results in a -1 // being returned. if (isDst != offsetInterval.getIsDst()) { final int isDstToFind = isDst; Integer returnValue = tryOffsetAdjustments(zoneInfo, wallTimeSeconds, offsetInterval, currentTransitionIndex, isDstToFind); if (returnValue != null) { return returnValue; } } } // See if we can avoid another loop in the current direction. if (transitionIndexDelta > 0) { // If we are searching forward and the OffsetInterval we have ends // > MAX_SEARCH_SECONDS after the wall time, we don't need to look any further // forward. boolean endSearch = offsetInterval.getEndWallTimeSeconds() - wallTimeSeconds > MAX_SEARCH_SECONDS; if (endSearch) { clampTop = true; } } else if (transitionIndexDelta < 0) { boolean endSearch = wallTimeSeconds - offsetInterval.getStartWallTimeSeconds() >= MAX_SEARCH_SECONDS; if (endSearch) { // If we are searching backward and the OffsetInterval starts // > MAX_SEARCH_SECONDS before the wall time, we don't need to look any // further backwards. clampBottom = true; } } } while (!(clampTop && clampBottom)); return null; } public void setYear(int year) { this.year = year; } public void setMonth(int month) { this.month = month; } public void setMonthDay(int monthDay) { this.monthDay = monthDay; } public void setHour(int hour) { this.hour = hour; } public void setMinute(int minute) { this.minute = minute; } public void setSecond(int second) { this.second = second; } public void setWeekDay(int weekDay) { this.weekDay = weekDay; } public void setYearDay(int yearDay) { this.yearDay = yearDay; } public void setIsDst(int isDst) { this.isDst = isDst; } public void setGmtOffset(int gmtoff) { this.gmtOffsetSeconds = gmtoff; } public int getYear() { return year; } public int getMonth() { return month; } public int getMonthDay() { return monthDay; } public int getHour() { return hour; } public int getMinute() { return minute; } public int getSecond() { return second; } public int getWeekDay() { return weekDay; } public int getYearDay() { return yearDay; } public int getGmtOffset() { return gmtOffsetSeconds; } public int getIsDst() { return isDst; } private void copyFieldsToCalendar() { calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, month); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, monthDay); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, second); } private void copyFieldsFromCalendar() { year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH); monthDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE); second = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND); // Calendar uses Sunday == 1. Android Time uses Sunday = 0. weekDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1; // Calendar enumerates from 1, Android Time enumerates from 0. yearDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - 1; } /** * Find the transition in the {@code timezone} in effect at {@code timeSeconds}. * * <p>Returns an index in the range -1..timeZone.mTransitions.length - 1. -1 is used to * indicate the time is before the first transition. Other values are an index into * timeZone.mTransitions. */ private static int findTransitionIndex(ZoneInfo timeZone, int timeSeconds) { int matchingRawTransition = Arrays.binarySearch(timeZone.mTransitions, timeSeconds); if (matchingRawTransition < 0) { matchingRawTransition = ~matchingRawTransition - 1; } return matchingRawTransition; } } /** * A wall-time representation of a timezone offset interval. * * <p>Wall-time means "as it would appear locally in the timezone in which it applies". * For example in 2007: * PST was a -8:00 offset that ran until Mar 11, 2:00 AM. * PDT was a -7:00 offset and ran from Mar 11, 3:00 AM to Nov 4, 2:00 AM. * PST was a -8:00 offset and ran from Nov 4, 1:00 AM. * Crucially this means that there was a "gap" after PST when PDT started, and an overlap when * PDT ended and PST began. * * <p>For convenience all wall-time values are represented as the number of seconds since the * beginning of the Unix epoch <em>in UTC</em>. To convert from a wall-time to the actual time * in the offset it is necessary to <em>subtract</em> the {@code totalOffsetSeconds}. * For example: If the offset in PST is -07:00 hours, then: * timeInPstSeconds = wallTimeUtcSeconds - offsetSeconds * i.e. 13:00 UTC - (-07:00) = 20:00 UTC = 13:00 PST */ static class OffsetInterval { private final int startWallTimeSeconds; private final int endWallTimeSeconds; private final int isDst; private final int totalOffsetSeconds; /** * Creates an {@link OffsetInterval}. * * <p>If {@code transitionIndex} is -1, the transition is synthesized to be a non-DST offset * that runs from the beginning of time until the first transition in {@code timeZone} and * has an offset of {@code timezone.mRawOffset}. If {@code transitionIndex} is the last * transition that transition is considered to run until the end of representable time. * Otherwise, the information is extracted from {@code timeZone.mTransitions}, * {@code timeZone.mOffsets} an {@code timeZone.mIsDsts}. */ public static OffsetInterval create(ZoneInfo timeZone, int transitionIndex) throws CheckedArithmeticException { if (transitionIndex < -1 || transitionIndex >= timeZone.mTransitions.length) { return null; } int rawOffsetSeconds = timeZone.mRawOffset / 1000; if (transitionIndex == -1) { int endWallTimeSeconds = checkedAdd(timeZone.mTransitions[0], rawOffsetSeconds); return new OffsetInterval(Integer.MIN_VALUE, endWallTimeSeconds, 0 /* isDst */, rawOffsetSeconds); } byte type = timeZone.mTypes[transitionIndex]; int totalOffsetSeconds = timeZone.mOffsets[type] + rawOffsetSeconds; int endWallTimeSeconds; if (transitionIndex == timeZone.mTransitions.length - 1) { // If this is the last transition, make up the end time. endWallTimeSeconds = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { endWallTimeSeconds = checkedAdd(timeZone.mTransitions[transitionIndex + 1], totalOffsetSeconds); } int isDst = timeZone.mIsDsts[type]; int startWallTimeSeconds = checkedAdd(timeZone.mTransitions[transitionIndex], totalOffsetSeconds); return new OffsetInterval( startWallTimeSeconds, endWallTimeSeconds, isDst, totalOffsetSeconds); } private OffsetInterval(int startWallTimeSeconds, int endWallTimeSeconds, int isDst, int totalOffsetSeconds) { this.startWallTimeSeconds = startWallTimeSeconds; this.endWallTimeSeconds = endWallTimeSeconds; this.isDst = isDst; this.totalOffsetSeconds = totalOffsetSeconds; } public boolean containsWallTime(long wallTimeSeconds) { return wallTimeSeconds >= startWallTimeSeconds && wallTimeSeconds < endWallTimeSeconds; } public int getIsDst() { return isDst; } public int getTotalOffsetSeconds() { return totalOffsetSeconds; } public long getEndWallTimeSeconds() { return endWallTimeSeconds; } public long getStartWallTimeSeconds() { return startWallTimeSeconds; } } /** * An exception used to indicate an arithmetic overflow or underflow. */ private static class CheckedArithmeticException extends Exception { } /** * Calculate (a + b). * * @throws CheckedArithmeticException if overflow or underflow occurs */ private static int checkedAdd(int a, int b) throws CheckedArithmeticException { // Adapted from Guava IntMath.checkedAdd(); long result = (long) a + b; if (result != (int) result) { throw new CheckedArithmeticException(); } return (int) result; } /** * Calculate (a - b). * * @throws CheckedArithmeticException if overflow or underflow occurs */ private static int checkedSubtract(int a, int b) throws CheckedArithmeticException { // Adapted from Guava IntMath.checkedSubtract(); long result = (long) a - b; if (result != (int) result) { throw new CheckedArithmeticException(); } return (int) result; } }