package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import javax.vecmath.Vector2f; import javax.vecmath.Vector4f; import com.artemis.Aspect; import com.artemis.Component; import com.artemis.ComponentMapper; import com.artemis.Entity; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SpriteSim extends IntervalEntityProcessingSystem { private ComponentMapper<Position> mapPos; private ComponentMapper<Health> mapHealth; private ComponentMapper<Velocity> mapVelocity; private ComponentMapper<EntityData> mapData; private ComponentMapper<ProfileData> mapProfile; private ComponentMapper<PhysicsData> mapPhysics; private ComponentMapper<ProjectileData> mapProjectile; private ComponentMapper<WeaponData> mapWeapons; public class CollisionEntry { public int entIDA; public int entIDB; public CollisionEntry(int entIDA, int entIDB) { this.entIDA = entIDA; this.entIDB = entIDB; } } public SpriteSim(float interval) { super(, Health.class, Velocity.class, EntityData.class, ProfileData.class, PhysicsData.class, ProjectileData.class), interval); } @Override protected void initialize() { super.initialize(); } @Override protected void process(Entity e) { //Position pos = mapPos.get(e); Health health = mapHealth.get(e); Position pos = mapPos.get(e); Velocity motion = mapVelocity.get(e); EntityData data = mapData.get(e); ProfileData profileData = mapProfile.get(e); PhysicsData physics = mapPhysics.get(e); //ProjectileData projData = mapProjectile.get(e); Level level = Game_AI_TestBed.instance().getLevel(data.levelID); if (physics.needInit) { physics.needInit = false; //need to make enemy projectiles not able to hurt enemies //teams? short categoryBits = 0; if (data.type == EnumEntityType.SPRITE) { if ( == 0) { categoryBits = PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM0_SPRITE; } else if ( == 1) { categoryBits = PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM1_SPRITE; } else { Logger.dbg("MISSING TEAM COLLIDE DATA"); } } else if (data.type == EnumEntityType.PROJECTILE) { if ( == 0) { categoryBits = PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM0_PROJECTILE; } else if ( == 1) { categoryBits = PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM1_SPRITE; } else { Logger.dbg("MISSING TEAM COLLIDE DATA"); } } short maskBits = 0; if (data.type == EnumEntityType.SPRITE) { if ( == 0) { maskBits = (short) (PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM1_PROJECTILE | PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM0_SPRITE | PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM1_SPRITE); } else if ( == 1) { maskBits = (short) (PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM0_PROJECTILE | PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM1_SPRITE | PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM0_SPRITE); } else { Logger.dbg("MISSING TEAM COLLIDE DATA"); } } else if (data.type == EnumEntityType.PROJECTILE) { if ( == 0) { maskBits = PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM1_SPRITE; //make projectiles also collide with eachother //maskBits = (short) (PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM1_SPRITE | PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM1_PROJECTILE); } else if ( == 1) { maskBits = PhysicsData.COLLIDE_TEAM0_SPRITE; } else { Logger.dbg("MISSING TEAM COLLIDE DATA"); } } //TODO: refine use of CCD on fast moving projectiles only, determine best based on smallest sprite and prj size / speed physics.initPhysics(data.levelID, e.getId(), pos.x, pos.y, data.sizeDiameter, categoryBits, maskBits, data.type == EnumEntityType.PROJECTILE); } List<Component> listComponents = new ArrayList<Component>(); listComponents.add(motion); for (int i = 0; i < profileData.listRoutines.size(); i++) { ActionRoutine action = profileData.listRoutines.get(i); action.tick(listComponents); if (action.isActive()) { }/* else { action.dispose(); profileData.listRoutines.remove(i--); }*/ } Random rand = new Random(); //Logger.dbg("data.type: " + data.type + " pos: " + pos.x + ", " + pos.y); if (data.type == EnumEntityType.SPRITE) { WeaponData weapons = mapWeapons.get(e); if (data.aiControlled) { data.getAgent().tick(); /*if (weapons.hasPrimaryWeapon()) { Weapon weapon = weapons.getActivePrimary(); float distRand = 1F; EntityFactory.getEntity(weapon.projectileType).prepareFromData(data.levelID, pos.x, pos.y,, rand.nextFloat()-rand.nextFloat(), rand.nextFloat()-rand.nextFloat()); }*/ //TEMP DUMMY AI profileData.moveSpeed = 5; /*motion.x = rand.nextInt(2)-rand.nextInt(2); motion.y = rand.nextInt(2)-rand.nextInt(2);*/ Entity player = level.getPlayerEntity(); if (player != null) { Position posPlayer = mapPos.get(player); float distPlayer = VecUtil.getDist(new Vector2f(pos.x, pos.y), new Vector2f(posPlayer.x, posPlayer.y)); boolean chase = false; boolean omnipotent = false; if (omnipotent || (distPlayer < 800 && VecUtil.canSee(data.levelID, pos.toVec(), posPlayer.toVec()))) { chase = true; data.getAgent().getBlackboard().setTargetID(player.getId()); } if (data.getAgent().getBlackboard().getTargetID() != -1) { data.getAgent().moveTo(posPlayer.toVec()); } else { int distRand = Cst.TILESIZE * 30; int tryCount = 10; if (rand.nextInt(30) == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < tryCount; i++) { Vector2f tryPos = new Vector2f(rand.nextInt(distRand)-rand.nextInt(distRand), rand.nextInt(distRand)-rand.nextInt(distRand)); tryPos = new Vector2f(pos.x + tryPos.x, pos.y + tryPos.y); if (level.isPassable((int)tryPos.x, (int)tryPos.y)) { data.getAgent().moveTo(tryPos); break; } } } } if (chase) { Vector2f targVec = VecUtil.getTargetVector(pos.x, pos.y, posPlayer.x, posPlayer.y); /*if (distPlayer > 64) { motion.x = targVec.x * profileData.moveSpeed; motion.y = targVec.y * profileData.moveSpeed; } else { motion.x = 0; motion.y = 0; }*/ if (weapons.hasPrimaryWeapon()) { Weapon weapon = weapons.getActivePrimary(); if (weapon.canFire()) { //float speed = proj.moveSpeed * 4F; float vecX = targVec.x; float vecY = targVec.y;; GameAssetManager.instance().getSound("shoot").play(GameSettings.vol); EntityFactory.getEntity(weapon.projectileType).prepareFromData(data.levelID, pos.x + vecX * 2, pos.y + vecY * 2,, vecX, vecY); } } /*if (level.getGameTime() % 2 == 0) { if (rand.nextInt(5) == 0) { float speed = profileData.moveSpeed * 4F; float vecX = targVec.x * speed; float vecY = targVec.y * speed; EntityFactory.getEntity(SpawnableTypes.PRJ_PULSE).prepareFromData(pos.x + vecX * 2, pos.y + vecY * 2,, vecX, vecY); } }*/ } else { /*motion.x = rand.nextInt(distRand)-rand.nextInt(distRand); motion.y = rand.nextInt(distRand)-rand.nextInt(distRand);*/ } } //move to AI target position if (data.getAgent().getBlackboard().getPosTarget() != null) { float distToTarg = VecUtil.getDist(new Vector2f(pos.x, pos.y), data.getAgent().getBlackboard().getPosTarget()); if (distToTarg > Cst.TILESIZE / 32) { Vector2f targVec = VecUtil.getTargetVector(new Vector2f(pos.x, pos.y), data.getAgent().getBlackboard().getPosTarget()); motion.x = targVec.x * profileData.moveSpeed; motion.y = targVec.y * profileData.moveSpeed; } } //make rotationYaw be aimed at motion double angle = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(motion.y, motion.x)); if (angle < 0) angle += 360; pos.rotationYaw = (float) angle; } else { //non AI player stuff... } //TODO: is this proper ecs design? maybe we should have a subsystem for weapon logic? or just a separate system? //process weapons - cooldowns all weapons for (WeaponLocation weapLoc : weapons.listWeaponLocations) { for (Weapon weapon : weapLoc.listWeapons) { if (weapon.ticksCooldownCur > 0) { weapon.ticksCooldownCur--; } } } /*float drag = 0.15F; motion.x *= drag; motion.y *= drag;*/ } else if (data.type == EnumEntityType.PROJECTILE) { if (health.lifeTime > 100) { //TODO: RELOCATE TO PROPER CLEANUP METHOD killEntity(data.levelID, e); } } //physics pos.prevX = pos.x; pos.prevY = pos.y; //process specific entity collision before applying motion to pos //List<CollisionEntry> listCollisions = lookupEntIDToCollisionList.get(e.getId()); //if (listCollisions != null) { boolean spreadOutNPCs = true; if (spreadOutNPCs) { Vector2f pushVec = new Vector2f(); float maxAxisSpeed = 3; float maxPushForce = 3; for (int entry : physics.listEntitiesCollidingWith) { int entIDTarget = entry; /*if (entry.entIDA == e.getId()) { entIDTarget = entry.entIDB; } else { entIDTarget = entry.entIDA; }*/ Entity entHit = level.getWorld().getEntity(entIDTarget); if (entHit != null) { EntityData dataHit = mapData.get(entHit); Position posB = mapPos.get(entHit); if (dataHit != null && data.type == EnumEntityType.SPRITE) { if (dataHit.type == EnumEntityType.SPRITE) { Vector2f futurePos = new Vector2f(pos.x + motion.x, pos.y + motion.y); Vector2f pushA = VecUtil.getTargetVector(pos.toVec(), posB.toVec()); //Vector2f pushB = VecUtil.getTargetVector(posB.toVec(), pos.toVec()); float pushDistA = VecUtil.getDist(pos.toVec(), posB.toVec()); //float pushDistB = VecUtil.getDist(posB.toVec(), pos.toVec()); float cusionSize = Cst.COLLIDESIZE_SPRITE + 1; float pushForce = 8.5F / (cusionSize / (cusionSize - pushDistA)); if (pushForce > maxPushForce) { pushForce = maxPushForce; } try { //player? if (data.getAgent() == null || dataHit.getAgent() == null) continue; //float distA = VecUtil.getDist(pos.toVec(), data.getAgent().getBlackboard().getPosTarget()); //float distB = VecUtil.getDist(posB.toVec(), dataHit.getAgent().getBlackboard().getPosTarget()); float distNow = VecUtil.getDist(pos.toVec(), posB.toVec()); float distFuture = VecUtil.getDist(futurePos, posB.toVec()); if (Float.isNaN(pushA.x)) { pushVec.x += rand.nextFloat() * pushForce; } else { pushVec.x += -pushA.x * pushForce; } if (Float.isNaN(pushA.y)) { pushVec.y += rand.nextFloat() * pushForce; } else { pushVec.y += -pushA.y * pushForce; } float speedReduce = (rand.nextFloat() * 0.5F) + 0.5F; speedReduce = (rand.nextFloat() * 1F); speedReduce = 0.001F; float speedIncrease = 0.8F; //speedReduce = 1F; //motion.x += pushVec.x; //motion.y += pushVec.y; //Logger.dbg("processing collision, distA: " + distA + ", distB: " + distB); /*if (e.getId() > entIDTarget && level.getPlayerEntity().getId() != e.getId()) { motion.x *= speedReduce; motion.y *= speedReduce; break; }*/ if (distFuture < distNow) { /*motion.x *= speedReduce; motion.y *= speedReduce; break;*/ } else { /*motion.x /= speedIncrease; motion.y /= speedIncrease; break;*/ } /*if (distA < distB) { motion.x /= speedReduce; motion.y /= speedReduce; break; } else if (distA > distB) { motion.x *= speedReduce; motion.y *= speedReduce; break; }*//* else if (e.getId() > entIDTarget && level.getPlayerEntity().getId() != e.getId()) { motion.x *= speedReduce; motion.y *= speedReduce; break; }*/ } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } else if (dataHit.type == EnumEntityType.PROJECTILE) { ProjectileData prjData = mapProjectile.get(entHit); Health prjHealth = mapHealth.get(entHit); health.hp -= prjData.prjDamage; //healthB.hp -= projDataA.prjDamage; prjHealth.hp = 0; GameAssetManager.instance().getSound("hit") .play(GameSettings.vol); } } } } if (pushVec.x > maxAxisSpeed) { pushVec.x = maxAxisSpeed; } else if (pushVec.x < -maxAxisSpeed) { pushVec.x = -maxAxisSpeed; } if (pushVec.y > maxAxisSpeed) { pushVec.y = maxAxisSpeed; } else if (pushVec.y < -maxAxisSpeed) { pushVec.y = -maxAxisSpeed; } if (pushVec != null) { motion.x += pushVec.x; motion.y += pushVec.y; //break; } } //} /*motion.x *= 0.98F; motion.y *= 0.98F;*/ //temp code \\ /*float maxAxisSpeed = 7; if (motion.x > maxAxisSpeed) { motion.x = maxAxisSpeed; } else if (motion.x < -maxAxisSpeed) { motion.x = -maxAxisSpeed; } if (motion.y > maxAxisSpeed) { motion.y = maxAxisSpeed; } else if (motion.y < -maxAxisSpeed) { motion.y = -maxAxisSpeed; }*/ //temp code // int fPosX = (int) (pos.x + motion.x); int fPosY = (int) (pos.y + motion.y); //int fTileX = MathUtil.floorF((float)fPosX / (float)Cst.TILESIZE); //int fTileY = MathUtil.floorF((float)fPosY / (float)Cst.TILESIZE); Vector4f vec = level.getCellBorder(fPosX, (int) pos.y); //Logger.dbg("x: " + fPosX + " - y: " + fPosY + " vs " + vec + " passable: " + level.isPassable(fPosX, fPosY)); //Logger.dbg("real pos: " + fPosX + " - " + fPosY + " tile pos: " + fTileX + " - " + fTileY); boolean collide = false; boolean bounce = false; if (!level.isPassable(fPosX, (int) pos.y) && motion.x < 0 && fPosX < vec.x + Cst.TILESIZE) { //System.out.println("adjust -x!"); fPosX = (int) (vec.x + Cst.TILESIZE) + 1; if (bounce) { motion.x *= -1; } else { motion.x = 0; } collide = true; } vec = level.getCellBorder(fPosX, (int) pos.y); if (!level.isPassable(fPosX, (int) pos.y) && motion.x > 0 && fPosX > vec.x) { //System.out.println("adjust +x!"); fPosX = (int) (vec.x) - 1; if (!collide) { if (bounce) { motion.x *= -1; } else { motion.x = 0; } } collide = true; } vec = level.getCellBorder((int) pos.x, fPosY); if (!level.isPassable((int) pos.x, fPosY) && motion.y < 0 && fPosY < vec.y + Cst.TILESIZE) { //System.out.println("adjust -y!"); fPosY = (int) (vec.y + Cst.TILESIZE) + 1; if (!collide) { if (bounce) { motion.y *= -1; } else { motion.y = 0; } } collide = true; } vec = level.getCellBorder((int) pos.x, fPosY); if (!level.isPassable((int) pos.x, fPosY) && motion.y > 0 && fPosY > vec.y) { //System.out.println("adjust +y!"); fPosY = (int) (vec.y) - 1; if (!collide) { if (bounce) { motion.y *= -1; } else { motion.y = 0; } } collide = true; } //left /*if (fPosX < vec.x + Cst.TILESIZE) { System.out.println("adjust!"); fPosX = (int) (vec.x + Cst.TILESIZE) + 1; } else if (fPosX > vec.x) { System.out.println("adjust2!"); fPosX = (int) (vec.x) - 1; }*/ if (collide && data.type == EnumEntityType.PROJECTILE) { health.hp = 0; } vec = level.getCellBorder(fPosX, fPosY); if (!level.isPassable(fPosX, fPosY)) { //up /*if (fPosY > vec.y + Cst.TILESIZE) { System.out.println("adjust!"); fPosY = (int) (vec.y + Cst.TILESIZE); }*/ } pos.x = fPosX; pos.y = fPosY; health.lifeTime++; //possibly relocate this code to physicswrapper system if (physics.body != null) { physics.body.setTransform(pos.x, pos.y, 0); physics.body.applyForceToCenter(0, 0, true); } /*if (pos.x < 0) { pos.setPos(0, pos.y); } if (pos.x > level.getLevelSizeX()) { pos.setPos(level.getLevelSizeX(), pos.y); } if (pos.y < 0) { pos.setPos(pos.x, 0); } if (pos.y > level.getLevelSizeY()) { pos.setPos(pos.x, level.getLevelSizeY()); }*/ /*if (pos.x < 0 || pos.x > level.getLevelSizeX() || pos.y < 0 || pos.y > level.getLevelSizeY()) { //System.out.println("killed out of bound entity"); level.killEntity(e); }*/ if (health.isDead()) { //System.out.println("killed entity"); killEntity(data.levelID, e); } } public void killEntity(int levelID, Entity e) { Level level = Game_AI_TestBed.instance().getLevel(levelID); if (e.getId() == level.getPlayerEntity().getId()) { level.respawnPlayer(); } else { PhysicsData phys = mapPhysics.get(e); // phys.dispose(levelID); PhysicsWrapper.pendRemoveBody(phys); level.killEntity(e); } } @Override protected void processSystem() { super.processSystem(); } public void triggerCollisionEvent(int entIDA, int entIDB) { addToLookup(entIDA, entIDB); addToLookup(entIDB, entIDA); } public void addToLookup(int id, int idHit) { // TODO: WE ARE ASSUMING LEVEL 0 HERE, FIX!!! Level level = Game_AI_TestBed.instance().getLevel(0); Entity entA = level.getWorld().getEntity(id); Entity entB = level.getWorld().getEntity(idHit); if (entA != null && entB != null) { PhysicsData dataA = entA.getComponent(PhysicsData.class); PhysicsData dataB = entB.getComponent(PhysicsData.class); if (dataA != null) dataA.addCollision(idHit); if (dataB != null) dataB.addCollision(id); } } public void removeFromLookup(int id, int idHit) { // TODO: WE ARE ASSUMING LEVEL 0 HERE, FIX!!! Level level = Game_AI_TestBed.instance().getLevel(0); Entity entA = level.getWorld().getEntity(id); Entity entB = level.getWorld().getEntity(idHit); if (entA != null && entB != null) { PhysicsData dataA = entA.getComponent(PhysicsData.class); PhysicsData dataB = entB.getComponent(PhysicsData.class); if (dataA != null) dataA.removeCollision(idHit); if (dataB != null) dataB.removeCollision(id); } } public void triggerCollisionEndEvent(int entIDA, int entIDB) { removeFromLookup(entIDA, entIDB); removeFromLookup(entIDB, entIDA); } }