package org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiff; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiff.SerializeUtil.PageId; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.orc.OutStream; //import FlexibleEncoding.ORC.RunLengthByteWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.orc.RunLengthByteWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.orc.RunLengthIntegerWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.orc.TestInStream; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.parquet.Binary; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.parquet.BytesInput; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.parquet.DeltaBinaryPackingValuesWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.parquet.DeltaByteArrayWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.parquet.OnlyDictionaryValuesWriter.PlainBinaryDictionaryValuesWriter; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.parquet.OnlyDictionaryValuesWriter.PlainIntegerDictionaryValuesWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import FlexibleEncoding.ORC.DynamicIntArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * File format for mastiff. * * Copied from {@link} */ public class SegmentFile { static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SegmentFile.class); public static final String SEGFILE_CACHE_SIZE_KEY = "mastiff.pagecache.size"; private static BlockCache globalPageCache = null; /** * SegmentFile Writer. */ public static class Writer implements Closeable { public class TabConfig { private String[] str=null ; private DeltaByteArrayWriter[] deltaByteArrayStringWriter =null; private DynamicIntArray[] dynamicIntArray =null ; private PlainBinaryDictionaryValuesWriter[] dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte=null; private PlainIntegerDictionaryValuesWriter[] dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt=null; private ORCStringEcnodingUtil[] oRCStringEcnodingUtil=null ; private TestInStream.OutputCollector[] collect=null; private DeltaBinaryPackingValuesWriter[] deltaBianryBitPackingInt=null ; private DeltaByteArrayWriter[] deltaByteArrayWriter=null ; private RunLengthIntegerWriter[] runLengthInteger=null; private RunLengthByteWriter[] runLengthByte=null; private boolean[] pageInit ,firstNumber; private int[] pagesizes ; private Algorithm[] algorithms ; public boolean isInit=false ,isFirst=true ; private DataType[][] originalTableSchema; private List<List<DataType>> originalSchema; private int numFields; private int[] cluster_pages; private List<List<DataType>> clusterSchema; private int numClusters; private ClusterAccessor[] accessors; private ClusterAccessor[] backups; private Row[] rows, prevRows, maxs, mins, segMaxs, segMins; private Encoder[] compressors; private CodingType[] codings; private ValPair[] vps; private ValPair[] backupVps; private PageMeta[] pms; private int[] pageIds; private long pageIdCount=0 ; private long sgementSize = 0; private int[] startPoss, numReps; private PageId segId; private final int count=0 ; private ArrayList<List<BytesWritable>> clusterValue =null; private final BytesWritable outValue = new BytesWritable(); private final DataOutputBuffer out = new DataOutputBuffer(); private final long SegmentSize=536870912-SerializeUtil.desc.clusterTypes.size()*131072; private final int[] tmpLength = new int[1]; private int[][] columnsMapping; private final DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer(); public void configure(JobConf job, Properties tbl) throws IOException { int numClusters = SerializeUtil.desc.clusterTypes.size(); if (numClusters != SerializeUtil.desc.clusterAlgos.length) { throw new RuntimeException("Please check the cluster algorithms, " + SerializeUtil.desc.clusterAlgos.length + " algorithms provided while there are " + numClusters + " clusters."); } if (numClusters != SerializeUtil.desc.clusterCodingTypes.length) { throw new RuntimeException("Please check the cluster coding types, " + SerializeUtil.desc.clusterAlgos.length + " coding types provided while there are " + numClusters + " clusters."); } numFields = SerializeUtil.desc.tableSchema[0].length; originalTableSchema = SerializeUtil.desc.tableSchema; DataType[][] storageSchema = new DataType[originalTableSchema.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < originalTableSchema.length; i++) { storageSchema[i] = new DataType[originalTableSchema[i].length]; for (int j = 0; j < storageSchema[i].length; j++) { if (originalTableSchema[i][j] == DataType.DATE) { storageSchema[i][j] = DataType.LONG; } else { storageSchema[i][j] = originalTableSchema[i][j]; } } } dynamicIntArray=new DynamicIntArray[numClusters] ; oRCStringEcnodingUtil=new ORCStringEcnodingUtil[numClusters] ; deltaByteArrayStringWriter=new DeltaByteArrayWriter[numClusters] ; runLengthInteger=new RunLengthIntegerWriter[numClusters] ; runLengthByte=new RunLengthByteWriter[numClusters] ; collect=new TestInStream.OutputCollector[numClusters] ; deltaBianryBitPackingInt=new DeltaBinaryPackingValuesWriter[numClusters] ; deltaByteArrayWriter=new DeltaByteArrayWriter[numClusters] ; dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt=new PlainIntegerDictionaryValuesWriter[numClusters] ; dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte=new PlainBinaryDictionaryValuesWriter[numClusters] ; pageInit=new boolean[numClusters]; firstNumber=new boolean[numClusters]; str=new String[numClusters]; for(int i=0 ;i<numClusters;i++){ pageInit[i]=false; firstNumber[i]=false; str[i]=new String() ; } // replace DataType.DATE to DataType.LONG for (int i = 0; i < SerializeUtil.desc.clusterTypes.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SerializeUtil.desc.clusterTypes.get(i).size(); j++) { if (SerializeUtil.desc.clusterTypes.get(i).get(j) == DataType.DATE) { SerializeUtil.desc.clusterTypes.get(i).set(j, DataType.LONG); } } } // int pagesize = MastiffMapReduce.getTablePageSize(job); int pagesize = 131072*4*10; cluster_pages = new int[numClusters]; for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) { cluster_pages[i] = pagesize ; // cluster_pages[i] = SerializeUtil.desc.clusterAlgos[i] == null ? // pagesize : SerializeUtil.desc.clusterAlgos[i].getScaleRatio() * pagesize; // } } // for (int b = 0; b < numClusters; b++) { // // switch (b){ // // case 0: // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(90)); // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(512)); // // // break ; // // // case 1: // // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(175)); // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(40)); // // // break ; // // // case 2: // // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(90)); // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(40)); // //// break ; // // case 3: // // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(680)); // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(40)); // // break ; // // case 4: // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(45)); // // break ; // // case 5: // // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(170)); // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(40)); // // break ; // // case 6: // // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(170)); // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(40)); // // break ; // // case 7: // // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(170)); // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(40)); // // break ; // // case 8: // // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(1120)); // // clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(40)); // // break ; // // } // // } preConfigure(job, storageSchema, ETLUtils.getSchema(SerializeUtil.desc.clusterTypes), cluster_pages, SerializeUtil.desc.clusterAlgos, SerializeUtil.desc.clusterCodingTypes, SerializeUtil.desc.columnsMapping); } public void preConfigure(JobConf job, DataType[][] originalTypes, DataType[][] clusterTypes, int[] pagesizes, Algorithm[] algorithms, CodingType[] codings, int[][] columnsMapping) { this.columnsMapping = columnsMapping; this.codings = codings; originalSchema = ETLUtils.getSchema(originalTypes);// //���������������������������������ize������ numFields = originalSchema.get(0).size();// //������������������ clusterSchema = ETLUtils.getSchema(clusterTypes); numClusters = clusterSchema.size(); accessors = new ClusterAccessor[numClusters]; backups = new ClusterAccessor[numClusters]; rows = new Row[numClusters];// /// prevRows = new Row[numClusters]; maxs = new Row[numClusters]; mins = new Row[numClusters]; segMaxs = new Row[numClusters]; segMins = new Row[numClusters]; compressors = new Encoder[numClusters]; vps = new ValPair[numClusters]; backupVps = new ValPair[numClusters]; pms = new PageMeta[numClusters]; pageIds = new int[numClusters]; startPoss = new int[numClusters]; numReps = new int[numClusters]; this.pagesizes=pagesizes; this.algorithms=algorithms; for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) { accessors[i] = new ClusterAccessor(); accessors[i].init(clusterSchema.get(i)); backups[i] = new ClusterAccessor(accessors[i]); rows[i] = new Row(clusterSchema.get(i)); prevRows[i] = null; if (Algorithm.NONE ==SerializeUtil.desc.clusterAlgos[i]) { algorithms[i] = null; } if (accessors[i].getFixedLen() > 0) { compressors[i]=EnDecode.getEncoder(pagesizes[i],accessors[i].getFixedLen(), 0, algorithms[i],codings[i]); } else { compressors[i]=EnDecode.getEncoder(pagesizes[i],0, 0, algorithms[i],codings[i]); // compressors[i] = new VarLenEncoder(pagesizes[i], 0, algorithms[i]); } compressors[i].reset(); vps[i] = new ValPair(); backupVps[i] = new ValPair(); pms[i] = new PageMeta(); pms[i].startPos = 0; pms[i].numPairs = 0; pageIds[i] = 0; startPoss[i] = numReps[i] = 0; } segId = new PageId(); segId.setSegmentId(Math.random() * 100 + ""); // String taskId = job.get(""); // String taskId = ETLUtils.getTaskId(job); // segId.setSegmentId(taskId); } public void updateMaxMins(Row oldMax, Row oldMin, Row newMax, Row newMin) { int size = oldMax.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Comparable maxCp = (Comparable) newMax.get(i).getObject(); if (maxCp.compareTo(oldMax.get(i).getObject()) > 0) { oldMax.get(i).setObject(newMax.get(i).getPrimitiveObject()); } Comparable minCp = (Comparable) newMin.get(i).getObject(); if (minCp.compareTo(oldMin.get(i).getObject()) < 0) { oldMin.get(i).setObject(newMin.get(i).getPrimitiveObject()); } } } void outputPage(int i) throws IOException { // 1) prepare the page byte[] page = compressors[i].getPage(); int pageLen = compressors[i].getPageLen(); if (page == null || pageLen <= 0) { return; } out.reset(); out.writeInt(pageLen); out.write(page, 0, pageLen); // 2) write page meta backupVps[i].data = backups[i].serialize(maxs[i], tmpLength); backupVps[i].offset = 0; backupVps[i].length = tmpLength[0]; backupVps[i].write(out); backupVps[i].data = backups[i].serialize(mins[i], tmpLength); backupVps[i].length = tmpLength[0]; // write min row backupVps[i].write(out); out.writeInt(pms[i].startPos); out.writeInt(pms[i].numPairs); // set max & min row of current segment if (segMaxs[i] == null || segMins[i] == null) { segMaxs[i] = maxs[i]; segMins[i] = mins[i]; } else { // Row.updateMaxMins(segMaxs[i], segMins[i], maxs[i], mins[i]); updateMaxMins(segMaxs[i], segMins[i], maxs[i], mins[i]); } // 3) output the page segId.setPageId(pageIds[i]); segId.setClusterId(i); if(!isInit){ isInit=true ; clusterValue=new ArrayList<List<BytesWritable>>(SerializeUtil.desc.clusterTypes.size()); for (int b = 0; b < numClusters; b++) { clusterValue.add(new ArrayList<BytesWritable>(512)); } } clusterValue.get(i).add(new BytesWritable()); clusterValue.get(i).get(clusterValue.get(i).size() - 1) .set(out.getData(), 0, out.getLength()); sgementSize = sgementSize + cluster_pages[i]; // 4) reset pageIds[i]++; pms[i].startPos += pms[i].numPairs; pms[i].numPairs = 0; maxs[i] = mins[i] = null; compressors[i].reset(); } void SegmentMeta() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) { if(codings[i]==CodingType.MV){ outputPage(i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.RunLengthEncodingInt){ lastPageRunLengthEncodingInt( i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.RunLengthEncodingByte){ lastPageRunLengthEncodingByte( i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.RunLengthEncodingLong){ lastPageRunLengthEncodingLong(i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.DeltaBinaryArrayZigZarByte){ // lastPageRunLengthEncodingByte( i); lastPageDeltaBinaryArraysBitPackingByte(i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.DeltaBinaryBitPackingZigZarInt){ // lastPageRunLengthEncodingByte( i); lastPageDeltaBinaryBitPackingInt(i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.DeltaBinaryBitPackingZigZarLong){ // lastPageRunLengthEncodingByte( i); lastPageDeltaBinaryBitPackingLong(i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.DictionaryBitPackingRLEByte){ // lastPageRunLengthEncodingByte( i); lastPageDictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte(i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.DictionaryBitPackingRLEInt){ // lastPageRunLengthEncodingByte( i); lastPageDictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt(i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.DictionaryBitPackingRLELong){ // lastPageRunLengthEncodingByte( i); lastPageDictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarLong(i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.DeltaBinaryPackingString){ // lastPageRunLengthEncodingByte( i); lastPageDeltaBinaryPackingString(i); } else if(codings[i]==CodingType.RedBlackTreeString){ // lastPageRunLengthEncodingByte( i); lastPageRedBlackTreeString(i); } else { throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("Wrong encoding Type"); } } // write out the segment infomations for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) { outputSegmentMeta(i); } } private void lastPageRedBlackTreeString(int i) throws IOException { oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].dictionarySize= oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].dictionary.size(); oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].dumpOrder=new int[ oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].dictionary.size()] ; oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].init(); oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].iterator(); oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].rowoutPut() ; oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].flush(); DataOutputBuffer dob=new DataOutputBuffer() ; dob.writeInt( oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].dictionarySize); int length=oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect1.buffer.size() ; ByteBuffer inBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate( length); oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect1.buffer.setByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, length); inBuf.flip(); dob.writeInt(length); dob.write(inBuf.array(), 0, length); inBuf.clear() ; length=oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect2.buffer.size() ; oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect2.buffer.setByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, length); inBuf.flip(); dob.writeInt(length); dob.write(inBuf.array(), 0, length); inBuf.clear() ; length=oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect3.buffer.size() ; oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect3.buffer.setByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, length); inBuf.flip(); dob.writeInt(length); dob.write(inBuf.array(), 0, length); inBuf.clear() ; vps[i].data=dob.getData() ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= vps[i].data.length ; compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); outputPage(i);"dataoffset "+compressors[i].dataOffset);"numPairs "+compressors[i].numPairs);"startPos "+compressors[i].startPos); pageInit[i]=false; } private void lastPageDeltaBinaryPackingString(int i) throws IOException { vps[i].data=deltaByteArrayStringWriter[i].getBytes().toByteArray(); vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= vps[i].data.length ; compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); outputPage(i); pageInit[i]=false; deltaByteArrayStringWriter[i].reset(); } void lastPageRunLengthEncodingInt(int i) throws IOException{ runLengthInteger[i].flush(); ByteBuffer inBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(collect[i].buffer.size()); byte[] pageBytes=collect[i].buffer.getByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, collect[i].buffer.size()) ; collect[i].buffer.clear(); inBuf.clear(); vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); outputPage(i); pageInit[i]=false; } void lastPageRunLengthEncodingByte(int i) throws IOException{ runLengthByte[i].flush(); ByteBuffer inBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(collect[i].buffer.size()); byte[] pageBytes=collect[i].buffer.getByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, collect[i].buffer.size()) ; collect[i].buffer.clear(); inBuf.clear(); vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); outputPage(i); pageInit[i]=false; } void lastPageRunLengthEncodingLong(int i) throws IOException{ throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("WangMeng has not implement this method on 03.27.2014 yet"); } void lastPageDeltaBinaryBitPackingInt(int i) throws IOException{ BytesInput bi=deltaBianryBitPackingInt[i].getBytes() ; byte[] pageBytes=bi.getBufferSize() ; vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; try { compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputPage(i); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pageInit[i]=false; } void lastPageDeltaBinaryArraysBitPackingByte(int i) throws IOException{ BytesInput bi=deltaByteArrayWriter[i].getBytes(); byte[] pageBytes=bi.getBufferSize() ; vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; try { compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputPage(i); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pageInit[i]=false; } void lastPageDeltaBinaryBitPackingLong(int i) throws IOException{ throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("WangMeng has not implement this method on 03.27.2014 yet"); } void lastPageDictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte(int i) throws IOException{ BytesInput sbi= dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte[i].getBytes(); byte[] dictionaryBuffer=dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte[i].getDictionaryBuffer(); byte[] dictionaryID=sbi.getBufferSize() ; DataOutputBuffer dob=new DataOutputBuffer() ; dob.writeInt(dictionaryBuffer.length); dob.write(dictionaryBuffer, 0, dictionaryBuffer.length); dob.write(dictionaryID, 0, dictionaryID.length); byte[] pageBytes=dob.getData() ; dob.close(); vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; try { compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputPage(i); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pageInit[i]=false; } void lastPageDictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt(int i) throws IOException{ BytesInput sbi= dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt[i].getBytes(); byte[] dictionaryBuffer=dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt[i].getDictionaryBuffer(); byte[] dictionaryID=sbi.getBufferSize() ; DataOutputBuffer dob=new DataOutputBuffer() ; dob.writeInt(dictionaryBuffer.length); dob.write(dictionaryBuffer, 0, dictionaryBuffer.length); dob.write(dictionaryID, 0, dictionaryID.length); byte[] pageBytes=dob.getData() ; dob.close(); vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; try { compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputPage(i); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pageInit[i]=false; } void lastPageDictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarLong(int i) throws IOException{ throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("WangMeng has not implement this method on 03.27.2014 yet"); } private void outputSegmentMeta(int i) throws IOException { out.reset(); // 1) write segment meta backupVps[i].data = backups[i].serialize(segMaxs[i], tmpLength); backupVps[i].offset = 0; backupVps[i].length = tmpLength[0]; backupVps[i].write(out); backupVps[i].data = backups[i].serialize(segMins[i], tmpLength); backupVps[i].length = tmpLength[0]; // write min row backupVps[i].write(out); out.writeInt(0); // start pos of a segment is zero out.writeInt(pms[i].startPos); // 2) output the page segId.setPageId(-1); // meta data page is -1 segId.setClusterId(i); outValue.set(out.getData(), 0, out.getLength()); clusterValue.get(i).add(new BytesWritable()); clusterValue.get(i).get(clusterValue.get(i).size() - 1) .set(out.getData(), 0, out.getLength()); sgementSize = sgementSize + cluster_pages[i]; // segMaxs[i]=null ; // segMins[i]=null ; pms[i].startPos =0; pms[i].numPairs = 0; ///////////////////////////////// if (accessors[i].getFixedLen() > 0) { compressors[i]=EnDecode.getEncoder(pagesizes[i], accessors[i].getFixedLen(), 0, algorithms[i],codings[i]); compressors[i].reset(); } else { // compressors[i] = new VarLenEncoder(pagesizes[i], 0, algorithms[i]); compressors[i]=EnDecode.getEncoder(pagesizes[i],0, 0, algorithms[i],codings[i]); compressors[i].reset(); } maxs[i] = mins[i] = null; segMaxs[i]=null ; segMins[i]=null ; pms[i].startPos =0; pms[i].numPairs = 0; backups[i] = new ClusterAccessor(accessors[i]); vps[i] = new ValPair(); backupVps[i] = new ValPair(); pms[i] = new PageMeta(); pageIds[i] = 0; startPoss[i] = numReps[i] = 0; } void passValue(PageId key, ArrayList<List<BytesWritable>> segmentValue2) throws IOException { int m = 0; beginSegment(); beginCluster(); for (int i = 0; i < segmentValue2.size(); i++) { for (int j = -1; j < segmentValue2.get(i).size() - 1; j++) { PageMeta pm = new PageMeta(); BytesWritable bw; if (j != -1) { bw = (BytesWritable) segmentValue2.get(i).get(j); in.reset(bw.getBytes(), 0, bw.getLength()); } else { bw = (BytesWritable) segmentValue2.get(i).get(segmentValue2.get(i).size() - 1); in.reset(bw.getBytes(), 0, bw.getLength()); } if (m == 0) { pm.readFields(in); addSegmentMeta(i, pm); m++; } else { int length = in.readInt(); in.skip(length); pm.readFields(in); Segappend(bw.getBytes(), Bytes.SIZEOF_INT, length, pm); } } finishCluster(); m = 0; if (i < segmentValue2.size() - 1) { beginCluster(); } } finishSegment(); } public void runLengthEncodingInt(int i){ if( pageInit[i]==false){ collect[i] = new TestInStream.OutputCollector(); compressors[i].reset(); try { runLengthInteger[i] = new RunLengthIntegerWriter(new OutStream("test", 1000, null, collect[i]), true); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pageInit[i]=true; } if(compressors[i].dataOffset + compressors[i].valueLen < compressors[i].pageCapacity){ try { runLengthInteger[i].write(((Integer)(rows[i].getValue(0))).intValue()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; } else{ try { runLengthInteger[i].write(((Integer)(rows[i].getValue(0))).intValue()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; try { runLengthInteger[i].flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ByteBuffer inBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(collect[i].buffer.size()); byte[] pageBytes=collect[i].buffer.getByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, collect[i].buffer.size()) ; collect[i].buffer.clear(); inBuf.clear(); vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; try { compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputPage(i); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); }"dataoffset "+compressors[i].dataOffset);"numPairs "+compressors[i].numPairs);"startPos "+compressors[i].startPos); pageInit[i]=false; } } public void runLengthEncodingByte(int i){ if( pageInit[i]==false){ collect[i] = new TestInStream.OutputCollector(); compressors[i].reset(); try { runLengthByte[i] = new RunLengthByteWriter(new OutStream("test", 1000, null, collect[i])); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pageInit[i]=true; } if(compressors[i].dataOffset + compressors[i].valueLen < compressors[i].pageCapacity){ try { runLengthByte[i].write(((Byte)(rows[i].getValue(0))).byteValue()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; } else{ try { runLengthByte[i].write(((Byte)(rows[i].getValue(0))).byteValue()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; try { runLengthByte[i].flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ByteBuffer inBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(collect[i].buffer.size()); // collect.buffer.write(dos, 0, collect.buffer.size()); byte[] pageBytes=collect[i].buffer.getByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, collect[i].buffer.size()) ; collect[i].buffer.clear(); inBuf.clear(); vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; try { compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputPage(i); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } // pms[i].numPairs++; pageInit[i]=false; } } public void runLengthEncodingLong(int i) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("WangMeng has not implement this method on 03.27.2014 yet"); } public void deltaBinaryArrayZigZarByte(int i) throws IOException{ if( pageInit[i]==false){ // int blockSize = 128; // int miniBlockNum = 4; deltaByteArrayWriter[i]=new DeltaByteArrayWriter( pagesizes[i]/4); compressors[i].reset(); pageInit[i]=true; } if(compressors[i].dataOffset + compressors[i].valueLen < compressors[i].pageCapacity){ deltaByteArrayWriter[i].writeBytes(Binary.fromString(""+((Byte)(rows[i].getValue(0))).byteValue())); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; } else{ deltaByteArrayWriter[i].writeBytes(Binary.fromString(""+((Byte)(rows[i].getValue(0))).byteValue())); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; BytesInput bi=deltaByteArrayWriter[i].getBytes(); byte[] pageBytes=bi.getBufferSize() ; vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; try { compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputPage(i); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); }"dataoffset "+compressors[i].dataOffset);"numPairs "+compressors[i].numPairs);"startPos "+compressors[i].startPos); // pms[i].numPairs++; pageInit[i]=false; } } public void deltaBinaryBitPackingZigZarInt(int i) throws IOException{ if( pageInit[i]==false){ int blockSize = 128; int miniBlockNum = 4; deltaBianryBitPackingInt[i] = new DeltaBinaryPackingValuesWriter(blockSize, miniBlockNum, pagesizes[i]/4); compressors[i].reset(); pageInit[i]=true; } if(compressors[i].dataOffset + compressors[i].valueLen < compressors[i].pageCapacity){ deltaBianryBitPackingInt[i].writeInteger(((Integer)(rows[i].getValue(0))).intValue()); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; } else{ deltaBianryBitPackingInt[i].writeInteger(((Integer)(rows[i].getValue(0))).intValue()); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; BytesInput bi=deltaBianryBitPackingInt[i].getBytes() ; byte[] pageBytes=bi.getBufferSize() ; vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; try { compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputPage(i); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); }"dataoffset "+compressors[i].dataOffset);"numPairs "+compressors[i].numPairs);"startPos "+compressors[i].startPos); // pms[i].numPairs++; pageInit[i]=false; } } public void deltaBinaryBitPackingZigZarLong(int i) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("now I have not implement this method for twitter.Parquet do not implement this just now") ; } public void dictionaryBitPackingRLEByte(int i) throws IOException{ if( pageInit[i]==false){ // deltaBianryBitPackingInt[i] = new DeltaBinaryPackingValuesWriter(blockSize, miniBlockNum, pagesizes[i]/4); dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte[i]= new PlainBinaryDictionaryValuesWriter(Integer.MAX_VALUE, pagesizes[i]); compressors[i].reset(); pageInit[i]=true; } if(compressors[i].dataOffset + compressors[i].valueLen < compressors[i].pageCapacity){ dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte[i].writeBytes(Binary.fromString("" +((Byte)(rows[i].getValue(0))).byteValue())); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; } else{ dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte[i].writeBytes(Binary.fromString("" +((Byte)(rows[i].getValue(0))).byteValue())); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; BytesInput sbi= dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte[i].getBytes(); byte[] dictionaryBuffer=dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarByte[i].getDictionaryBuffer(); byte[] dictionaryID=sbi.getBufferSize() ; DataOutputBuffer dob=new DataOutputBuffer() ; dob.writeInt(dictionaryBuffer.length); dob.write(dictionaryBuffer, 0, dictionaryBuffer.length); dob.write(dictionaryID, 0, dictionaryID.length); byte[] pageBytes=dob.getData() ; dob.close(); vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; try { compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputPage(i); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); }"dataoffset "+compressors[i].dataOffset);"numPairs "+compressors[i].numPairs);"startPos "+compressors[i].startPos); // pms[i].numPairs++; pageInit[i]=false; } } public void dictionaryBitPackingRLEInt(int i) throws IOException{ if( pageInit[i]==false){ // deltaBianryBitPackingInt[i] = new DeltaBinaryPackingValuesWriter(blockSize, miniBlockNum, pagesizes[i]/4); dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt[i]= new PlainIntegerDictionaryValuesWriter(Integer.MAX_VALUE, pagesizes[i]); compressors[i].reset(); pageInit[i]=true; } if(compressors[i].dataOffset + compressors[i].valueLen < compressors[i].pageCapacity){ dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt[i].writeInteger(((Integer)(rows[i].getValue(0))).intValue()); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; } else{ dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt[i].writeInteger(((Integer)(rows[i].getValue(0))).intValue()); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += compressors[i].valueLen; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; BytesInput sbi= dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt[i].getBytes(); byte[] dictionaryBuffer=dictionaryBitPackingRLEZigZarInt[i].getDictionaryBuffer(); byte[] dictionaryID=sbi.getBufferSize() ; DataOutputBuffer dob=new DataOutputBuffer() ; dob.writeInt(dictionaryBuffer.length); dob.write(dictionaryBuffer, 0, dictionaryBuffer.length); dob.write(dictionaryID, 0, dictionaryID.length); byte[] pageBytes=dob.getData() ; dob.close(); vps[i].data=pageBytes ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= pageBytes.length; try { compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { outputPage(i); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); }"dataoffset "+compressors[i].dataOffset);"numPairs "+compressors[i].numPairs);"startPos "+compressors[i].startPos); // pms[i].numPairs++; pageInit[i]=false; } } public void dictionaryBitPackingRLELong(int i) throws UnsupportedEncodingException{ throw new UnsupportedEncodingException("WangMeng has not implement this method on 03.27.2014 yet"); } public void append(Writable val) throws IOException { RowMap rowMap = (RowMap) val; for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) { rows[i]=rowMap.row[i]; if(codings[i]!=CodingType.MV){ switch (codings[i]){ case RunLengthEncodingByte: runLengthEncodingByte(i); break ; case RunLengthEncodingInt: runLengthEncodingInt(i); break ; case RunLengthEncodingLong: runLengthEncodingLong(i); break ; case DeltaBinaryArrayZigZarByte :deltaBinaryArrayZigZarByte(i); break ; case DeltaBinaryBitPackingZigZarInt :deltaBinaryBitPackingZigZarInt(i); break ; case DeltaBinaryBitPackingZigZarLong :deltaBinaryBitPackingZigZarLong(i); break ; case DictionaryBitPackingRLEByte:dictionaryBitPackingRLEByte(i);break ; case DictionaryBitPackingRLEInt:dictionaryBitPackingRLEInt(i);break ; case DictionaryBitPackingRLELong:dictionaryBitPackingRLELong(i);break ; case DeltaBinaryPackingString:deltaBinaryPackingString(i);break ; case RedBlackTreeString:redBlackTreeString(i);break ; default : throw new UnsupportedEncodingException() ; } } else { vps[i].data = accessors[i].serialize(rows[i], tmpLength); vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length = tmpLength[0]; vps[i].pos = pms[i].startPos + pms[i].numPairs; while (!compressors[i].append(vps[i])) {//bytesLeft < ) // System.out.println("............................................................................. "+rows[i].getValue(0)+compressors[i].bytesLeft+" "+(vps[i].length + Bytes.SIZEOF_INT)); outputPage(i); } // update page meta if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; } // ///very important ,jude whether write to disk or not if ((sgementSize>SegmentSize) && i == (numClusters - 1) ) { SegmentMeta(); passValue(segId, clusterValue); outputStream.flush(); segId = new PageId(); // segId.setSegmentId(Math.random() * 100 + ""); pageIdCount++ ; segId.setSegmentId(""+ pageIdCount); // for(int l=0 ;l< clusterValue.size();l++){ // // for(int j=0;j<clusterValue.get(i).size();j++){ // // clusterValue.get(i).get(j). // // } // clusterValue.get(l).clear(); // } // clusterValue.clear(); // segmentValue.clear(); sgementSize = 0; isInit=false ; } } // rowMap=null ; // val=null; } private void redBlackTreeString(int i) throws IOException { if( pageInit[i]==false){ System.out.println("compressors[i].bytesLeft "+compressors[i].bytesLeft); oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i]=new ORCStringEcnodingUtil() ; compressors[i].reset(); pageInit[i]=true; } if(firstNumber[i]==true){ // System.out.println("1545 run one time ..............................................................."+str[i]+" "+compressors[i].numPairs+" "+ compressors[i].dataOffset); deltaByteArrayStringWriter[i].writeBytes(Binary.fromString(str[i])); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += str[i].length(); compressors[i].index.writeInt(compressors[i].dataOffset); compressors[i].bytesLeft -= str[i].length() ; compressors[i].bytesLeft -= Bytes.SIZEOF_INT; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } firstNumber[i]=false; } // if (bytesLeft < pair.length + Bytes.SIZEOF_INT) String str=((String)(rows[i].getValue(0))) ; if(compressors[i].bytesLeft>=( Bytes.SIZEOF_INT+str.length()+2)){ //deltaByteArrayStringWriter[i].writeBytes(Binary.fromString(str)); oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].add(str); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += str.length()+2; //compressors[i].index.writeInt(compressors[i].dataOffset); compressors[i].bytesLeft -= str.length()+2 ; compressors[i].bytesLeft -= Bytes.SIZEOF_INT; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; } else{ firstNumber[i]=true; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].dictionarySize= oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].dictionary.size(); oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].dumpOrder=new int[ oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].dictionary.size()] ; oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].init(); oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].iterator(); oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].rowoutPut() ; oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].flush(); DataOutputBuffer dob=new DataOutputBuffer() ; dob.writeInt( oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].dictionarySize); int length=oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect1.buffer.size() ; ByteBuffer inBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate( length); oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect1.buffer.setByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, length); inBuf.flip(); dob.writeInt(length); dob.write(inBuf.array(), 0, length); inBuf.clear() ; length=oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect2.buffer.size() ; oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect2.buffer.setByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, length); inBuf.flip(); dob.writeInt(length); dob.write(inBuf.array(), 0, length); inBuf.clear() ; length=oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect3.buffer.size() ; oRCStringEcnodingUtil[i].collect3.buffer.setByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, length); inBuf.flip(); dob.writeInt(length); dob.write(inBuf.array(), 0, length); inBuf.clear() ; vps[i].data=dob.getData() ; vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= vps[i].data.length ; compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); outputPage(i);"dataoffset "+compressors[i].dataOffset);"numPairs "+compressors[i].numPairs);"startPos "+compressors[i].startPos); pageInit[i]=false; } } private void deltaBinaryPackingString(int i) throws IOException { if( pageInit[i]==false){ // System.out.println("compressors[i].bytesLeft "+compressors[i].bytesLeft); deltaByteArrayStringWriter[i]=new DeltaByteArrayWriter(64*1024) ; // fixedEncoding= (FixedLenEncoder)compressors[i] ; compressors[i].reset(); pageInit[i]=true; } str[i]=((String)(rows[i].getValue(0))) ; if(compressors[i].bytesLeft-100>=( Bytes.SIZEOF_INT+str[i].length()+2)){ deltaByteArrayStringWriter[i].writeBytes(Binary.fromString(str[i])); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += str[i].length()+2; compressors[i].bytesLeft -= str[i].length()+2 ; compressors[i].bytesLeft -= Bytes.SIZEOF_INT; if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; } else{ deltaByteArrayStringWriter[i].writeBytes(Binary.fromString(str[i])); compressors[i].numPairs++; compressors[i].dataOffset += str[i].length(); compressors[i].index.writeInt(compressors[i].dataOffset); compressors[i].bytesLeft -= str[i].length() ; compressors[i].bytesLeft -= Bytes.SIZEOF_INT; firstNumber[i]=true; // System.out.println("1579 .................................... " +" firstNumber[i] "+ firstNumber[i]+" "+ str[i]+" "+( Bytes.SIZEOF_INT+str[i].length()+2)+" "+compressors[i].bytesLeft); if (maxs[i] == null || mins[i] == null) { maxs[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); mins[i] = rows[i].duplicate(); } else { rows[i].compareAndSetMaxMin(maxs[i], mins[i]); } pms[i].numPairs++; vps[i].data=deltaByteArrayStringWriter[i].getBytes().toByteArray(); vps[i].offset = 0; vps[i].length= vps[i].data.length ; compressors[i].appendPage(vps[i]); outputPage(i);"dataoffset "+compressors[i].dataOffset);"numPairs "+compressors[i].numPairs);"startPos "+compressors[i].startPos); // pms[i].numPairs++; pageInit[i]=false; } } void close() throws IOException { SegmentMeta(); passValue(segId, clusterValue); for (int k = 0; k < numClusters; k++) { pageIds[k] = 0; pms[k].startPos = 0; pms[k].numPairs = 0; maxs[k] = mins[k] = null; } segId = new PageId(); segId.setSegmentId(Math.random() * 100 + ""); clusterValue.clear(); // segmentValue.clear(); sgementSize = 0; } } // FileSystem stream to write on. private FSDataOutputStream outputStream; // True if we opened the <code>outputStream</code> (and so will close it). private boolean closeOutputStream; // Name for this object used when logging or in toString. Is either // the result of a toString on stream or else toString of passed file Path. private String name; private boolean TabConfiInit = false; private final ArrayList<Long> segOffsets = new ArrayList<Long>(); private final ArrayList<Long> segLengths = new ArrayList<Long>(); private final ArrayList<Long> segPMSOffsets = new ArrayList<Long>(); // Segment Meta private PageMeta[] curSegMetas; private final List<PageMeta[]> segMetasList = new ArrayList<PageMeta[]>(); // Page Meta Section private PageMetaSection pms; private PageMetaList[] pageMetaLists; private List<PageMeta> curPageMetaList; private List<Long> curPMOffsetList; private TabConfig tabConfig; // Cluster Offset in current segment private long[] clusterOffsetInCurSegment; // May be null if we were passed a stream. private Path path = null; private Path tmpPath=null ; private Path tmpoutputPath=null ; private int curClusterIdx; private int curSegIdx; private int numClusters; private final boolean withPageMeta; private FileSystem fs =null ; /** * Constructor that takes a Path. * * @param fs * @param path * @param columns * @throws IOException */ public Writer(FileSystem fs, Path tmpPath, Path path, Path tmpoutputPath, List<List<DataType>> columns) throws IOException { this(fs, tmpPath, path, tmpoutputPath, columns, true); } /** * Constructor that takes a Path * * @param fs * @param path * @param columns * @param withPageMeta * @throws IOException */ public Writer(FileSystem fs, Path tmpPath, Path path, Path finalOutPath, List<List<DataType>> columns, boolean withPageMeta) throws IOException { this(fs.create(tmpPath, true, fs.getConf().getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), fs.getDefaultReplication(), fs.getDefaultBlockSize()), columns, withPageMeta); fs.setVerifyChecksum(true); closeOutputStream = true; name = path.toString(); this.path = path; this.tmpPath = tmpPath; this.fs = fs; this.tmpoutputPath = tmpoutputPath; } /** * Constructor that takes a stream. * * @param ostream * Stream to use. * @param columns * @param withPageMeta * @throws IOException */ public Writer(final FSDataOutputStream ostream, List<List<DataType>> columns, boolean withPageMeta) throws IOException { // LOG.debug("create a writer..."); this.outputStream = ostream; this.closeOutputStream = false; = this.outputStream.toString(); this.withPageMeta = withPageMeta; init(columns); } private void init(List<List<DataType>> columns) { if (columns != null) { numClusters = columns.size(); // LOG.debug("Init " + numClusters + " clusters."); pms = new PageMetaSection(withPageMeta); pageMetaLists = new PageMetaList[numClusters]; for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) { pageMetaLists[i] = new PageMetaList(withPageMeta); pageMetaLists[i].setMetaList(new ArrayList<PageMeta>(), new ArrayList<Long>()); } clusterOffsetInCurSegment = new long[numClusters]; } curSegIdx = 0; } public void append(Writable r) throws IOException { if (TabConfiInit == false) { tabConfig = new TabConfig(); tabConfig.configure(SerializeUtil.jc, SerializeUtil.tableProperties); TabConfiInit = true; tabConfig.append(r); } else { tabConfig.append(r); } } private void resetPageMetaSection() { for (PageMetaList pageMetaList : pageMetaLists) { pageMetaList.getMetaList().clear(); pageMetaList.getOffsetList().clear(); } } public void addSegmentMeta(int clusterId, final PageMeta pm) { curSegMetas[clusterId] = pm; } public void beginSegment() throws IOException {"Begin a new Segment from position " + outputStream.getPos()); // And the segment start offset; segOffsets.add(outputStream.getPos()); // reinit the arguments of a segment curClusterIdx = 0; if (withPageMeta) { curSegMetas = new PageMeta[numClusters]; } } public void finishSegment() throws IOException {"Finish data section in a Segment at position " + outputStream.getPos()); segPMSOffsets.add(outputStream.getPos()); // write the pagemeta section"And write its page meta section."); pms.setPageMetaLists(pageMetaLists); pms.write(outputStream); // write the cluter index"And write its clusters' offsets."); for (long l : clusterOffsetInCurSegment) { outputStream.writeLong(l); } // record the length of the segment long length = outputStream.getPos() - segOffsets.get(curSegIdx);"This segment length is " + length); segLengths.add(length); if (withPageMeta) { segMetasList.add(curSegMetas); curSegMetas = null; } resetPageMetaSection(); pageMetaLists = new PageMetaList[numClusters]; for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) { pageMetaLists[i] = new PageMetaList(withPageMeta); pageMetaLists[i].setMetaList(new ArrayList<PageMeta>(), new ArrayList<Long>()); } curSegIdx++; } /** * @return Path or null if we were passed a stream rather than a Path. */ public Path getPath() { return this.path; } @Override public String toString() { return "writer=" +; } public void beginCluster() throws IOException {"Begin a new Cluster from position " + outputStream.getPos()); curPageMetaList = this.pageMetaLists[curClusterIdx].getMetaList(); curPMOffsetList = this.pageMetaLists[curClusterIdx].getOffsetList(); this.clusterOffsetInCurSegment[curClusterIdx] = outputStream.getPos(); } public void finishCluster() {"Finish Cluster " + curClusterIdx + ".");"Finish a Cluster while writing " + curPageMetaList.size() + " pages."); curClusterIdx++; } public void Segappend(final byte[] page, final int offset, final int length, final PageMeta pm) throws IOException { curPMOffsetList.add(outputStream.getPos()); outputStream.write(page, offset, length); curPageMetaList.add(pm); } public void fileClose() throws IOException { // outputStream.flush(); // outputStream.sync(); if (outputStream == null) { return; }"Finish the segment file by writing its segments' index at position " + outputStream.getPos() + " .");"Total segments are " + curSegIdx); long segIdxOffset = outputStream.getPos(); // Write out the segment index for (int i = 0; i < curSegIdx; i++) { outputStream.writeLong(segOffsets.get(i)); outputStream.writeLong(segPMSOffsets.get(i)); outputStream.writeLong(segLengths.get(i)); if (withPageMeta) { for (int j = 0; j < numClusters; j++) { // segMetasList.get(i)[j].write(outputStream); PageMeta pageMeta = segMetasList.get(i)[j]; pageMeta.write(outputStream); } } } outputStream.writeInt(numClusters); outputStream.writeInt(curSegIdx); outputStream.writeLong(segIdxOffset);"Finished @ position " + outputStream.getPos()); // if (this.closeOutputStream) { //"fs.size"+fs.getLength(path)); //""+fs.getName()); //"fs.backup"+fs.getReplication(path)); //"fs.status"+fs.getFileStatus(path)); // //""+fs.setVerifyChecksum(verifyChecksum);); // fs.setVerifyChecksum(true); // fs.printStatistics(); outputStream.close(); //"fs.size"+fs.getLength(path)); //""+fs.getName()); //"fs.backup"+fs.getReplication(path)); //"fs.status"+fs.getFileStatus(path)); outputStream = null; // DistributedFileSystem dfs=(DistributedFileSystem)fs ; if (fs.exists(path)) { fs.delete(path, true); } fs.rename(tmpPath, path); // fs.create(path); // dfs.moveToLocalFile(tmpPath,finalOutPath); fs.delete(tmpPath, true); // fs.delete(tmpoutputPath, true); // fs.MoveTask } @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { tabConfig.close(); fileClose(); } } public static class SegmentIndexRef { public int numSegs; public int numClusters; public long[] segOffsets; public long[] segPMSOffsets; public long[] segLengths; public PageMeta[][] segMetas; } /** * Segment Index Reader. (read in the segment index for M/R splitting.) */ public static class SegmentIndexReader implements Closeable { long segIndexOffset; SegmentIndexRef ref = new SegmentIndexRef(); // Stream to read from private FSDataInputStream istream = null; private final long fileSize; private final boolean withPageMeta; public SegmentIndexReader(FileSystem fs, Path path) throws IOException { this(fs, path, true); } public SegmentIndexReader(FileSystem fs, Path path, boolean withPM) throws IOException { istream =; fileSize = fs.getFileStatus(path).getLen(); this.withPageMeta = withPM;"Open Segment File " + path + " : file length is " + fileSize + " , with page meta : " + withPageMeta); } public synchronized void readSegIndex() throws IOException { - 2 * Bytes.SIZEOF_INT - Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG); ref.numClusters = istream.readInt(); ref.numSegs = istream.readInt(); segIndexOffset = istream.readLong();"Trying to read " + ref.numSegs + " segments at position " + segIndexOffset); ref.segOffsets = new long[ref.numSegs]; ref.segPMSOffsets = new long[ref.numSegs]; ref.segLengths = new long[ref.numSegs]; if (withPageMeta) { ref.segMetas = new PageMeta[ref.numSegs][]; }; for (int i = 0; i < ref.numSegs; i++) { ref.segOffsets[i] = istream.readLong(); ref.segPMSOffsets[i] = istream.readLong(); ref.segLengths[i] = istream.readLong(); if (withPageMeta) { ref.segMetas[i] = new PageMeta[ref.numClusters]; for (int j = 0; j < ref.numClusters; j++) { ref.segMetas[i][j] = new PageMeta(); ref.segMetas[i][j].readFields(istream); } } } } public synchronized long[] getSegOffsets() { return ref.segOffsets; } public synchronized long[] getSegPMSOffsets() { return ref.segPMSOffsets; } public synchronized long[] getSegLengths() { return ref.segLengths; } public synchronized PageMeta[][] getSegMetas() { return ref.segMetas; } public synchronized int getNumSegs() { return ref.numSegs; } public synchronized SegmentIndexRef getRef() { return ref; } @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (istream == null) { return; } istream.close(); istream = null; } } /** * Counters to calculate read pages */ public static enum SegmentReadPageCounter { CLUSTER1, CLUSTER2, CLUSTER3, CLUSTER4, CLUSTER5, CLUSTER6, CLUSTER7, CLUSTER8, CLUSTER9, CLUSTER10, CLUSTER11, CLUSTER12, CLUSTER13, CLUSTER14, CLUSTER15, CLUSTER16, OTHERCLUSTERS } /** * Counters to calculate skipped pages */ public static enum SegmentSkippedPageCounter { CLUSTER1, CLUSTER2, CLUSTER3, CLUSTER4, CLUSTER5, CLUSTER6, CLUSTER7, CLUSTER8, CLUSTER9, CLUSTER10, CLUSTER11, CLUSTER12, CLUSTER13, CLUSTER14, CLUSTER15, CLUSTER16, OTHERCLUSTERS } /** * Counters to calculate the cache hits */ public static enum SegmentCacheHitCounter { CLUSTER1, CLUSTER2, CLUSTER3, CLUSTER4, CLUSTER5, CLUSTER6, CLUSTER7, CLUSTER8, CLUSTER9, CLUSTER10, CLUSTER11, CLUSTER12, CLUSTER13, CLUSTER14, CLUSTER15, CLUSTER16, OTHERCLUSTERS } /** Counters to calculate the position seek times */ public static enum SegmentPosSeekCounter { MOVEON, MOVEBACK } /** * <p> * SegmentReader is used to read a segment. It wasn't used to read the actual data. A * <i>SegmentReader</i> is used to process the segment page meta section and generated the related * <i> ClusterReader</i>s to read the actual data. * </p> * */ public static class SegmentReader implements Closeable { public static enum READMODE { /** * During point query, we use a shared global lru page cache * to reduce the overhead of random access. */ POINTQUERY, /** * During m/r scan query, we use a simple queue-based page cache * to reduce the overhead of random access in a segment split. */ MR } // Configuration conf; // stream to read in private final FSDataInputStream istream; // read in the page meta section PageMetaSection pms = null; // Segment information long segmentOffset; long segmentLength; long segmentPMSOffset; // Number of Clusters int numClusters; long[] clusterOffsets; // Cache Pool // pcp just used in m/r mode PageCache[] pcp; // pagecache used in POINTQUERY mode BlockCache pagecache; // Statistics of Cache Pool int pageLoads; int cacheHits; Map<Integer, ScanMode[]> scanMap = null; Reporter reporter = null; boolean withPageMeta; READMODE mode; int segId; /** * Create the Segment Reader. * * @param fs * which file system that store the segment file * @param file * the path of the segment file * @param buffersize * the length of the buffer size to read the data * @param segmentOffset * the file offset of the segment in the segment file * @param segmentLength * the length of the segment * @param segmentPMSOffset * the file offset of the page meta section of the segment * @throws IOException */ public SegmentReader(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Path file, int segId, int buffersize, long segmentOffset, long segmentLength, long segmentPMSOffset) throws IOException { this(conf, fs, file, segId, buffersize, segmentOffset, segmentLength, segmentPMSOffset, true, READMODE.MR); } public SegmentReader(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Path file, int segId, int buffersize, long segmentOffset, long segmentLength, long segmentPMSOffset, boolean withPageMeta) throws IOException { this(conf, fs, file, segId, buffersize, segmentOffset, segmentLength, segmentPMSOffset, withPageMeta, READMODE.MR); } /** * Create the Segment Reader * * @param fs * which file system that store the segment file * @param file * the path of the segment file * @param buffersize * the length of the buffer size to read the data * @param segmentOffset * the file offset of the segment in the segment file * @param segmentLength * the length of the segment * @param segmentPMSOffset * the file offset of the page meta section of the segment * @param withPageMeta * do we need to read the max/min page meta * @throws IOException */ public SegmentReader(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Path file, int segId, int buffersize, long segmentOffset, long segmentLength, long segmentPMSOffset, boolean withPageMeta, READMODE readMode) throws IOException { this.conf = conf; this.istream =, buffersize); this.segmentOffset = segmentOffset; this.segmentLength = segmentLength; this.segmentPMSOffset = segmentPMSOffset; this.withPageMeta = withPageMeta; this.mode = readMode; this.segId = segId; } /** * Init a M/R repoter, so we can collect the statistics of the activities * of a segment reader during query processing * * @param reporter * the M/R reporter */ public synchronized void initReporter(Reporter reporter) { this.reporter = reporter; } /** * Load the page meta section. * Note: this methods need to be called before any other activity * * @throws IOException */ public synchronized void loadPMS() throws IOException { // move to the offset of page meta section; pms = new PageMetaSection(withPageMeta); pms.readFields(istream); // we get the page meta section, we know the number of clusters numClusters = pms.getPageMetaLists().length;"Load page meta section with " + numClusters + " clusters."); if (mode == READMODE.MR) { pcp = new PageCache[numClusters]; for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) { pcp[i] = new SimplePageCache(); } } else if (mode == READMODE.POINTQUERY) { pagecache = getBlockCache(conf); } // read in the cluster offsets clusterOffsets = new long[numClusters]; for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) { clusterOffsets[i] = istream.readLong(); } } public synchronized void buildScanMap(ExprDesc expr, ClusterAccessor[] accessors) { if (pms == null) { return; } pms.setClusterAccessors(accessors); this.scanMap = pms.computeScanMap(expr); } /** * Clear the scan map of the last query. So the segment reader can be re-used * in the following query processing. */ public synchronized void clearScanMap() { scanMap = null; } /** * Create a cluster reader to read the actual data. * * @param clusterId * which cluster to read data * @param cachePage * do we need to cache the page in the buffer * @return cluster reader */ public synchronized ClusterReader newClusterReader(int clusterId, boolean cachePage) { long clusterLength; if (clusterId == numClusters - 1) { clusterLength = segmentPMSOffset - clusterOffsets[clusterId]; } else { clusterLength = clusterOffsets[clusterId + 1] - clusterOffsets[clusterId]; } ScanMode[] modes = null; if (scanMap != null) { modes = scanMap.get(clusterId); } return new ClusterReader(this, clusterId, clusterOffsets[clusterId], clusterLength, pms.getPageMetaLists()[clusterId], modes, cachePage); } /** * Read a page of clusterId at position * * @param clusterId * @param position * @return */ // DynamicByteArray dynamicBuffer = new DynamicByteArray(); // dynamicBuffer.add(bytes, 0, bytes.length); // // ByteBuffer inBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(dynamicBuffer.size()); // // System.out.println("56 "+inBuf.getInt()); // dynamicBuffer.setByteBuffer(inBuf, 0, dynamicBuffer.size()); // // inBuf.flip(); // // RunLengthIntegerReader in = new RunLengthIntegerReader(InStream.create // ("test", inBuf, codec, (int)readfile.length()), true); // // int count=0 ; // int[] result=new int[fileLong] ; // for(int i=0; i < fileLong; ++i) { // // result[i]= (int); // count ++ ; // } //// inBuf.clear(); public synchronized ByteBuffer readPage(int clusterId, int position, boolean cachePage) throws IOException { PageMetaList pmList = pms.getPageMetaLists()[clusterId]; int pageId = Utils.findTargetPos(pmList.getMetaList(), 0, pmList.getMetaList().size() - 1, position); if (pageId < 0) { throw new IOException("No page in segment " + this.segId + " contains position " + position); } long offset = pmList.getOffsetList().get(pageId); long length; if (pageId == pmList.getOffsetList().size() - 1) { long clusterLength; if (clusterId == numClusters - 1) { clusterLength = segmentPMSOffset - clusterOffsets[clusterId]; } else { clusterLength = clusterOffsets[clusterId + 1] - clusterOffsets[clusterId]; } length = clusterOffsets[clusterId] + clusterLength - offset; } else { length = pmList.getOffsetList().get(pageId + 1) - offset; } return readPage(clusterId, pageId, offset, length, cachePage); } /** * Read in a file page. * * @param clusterId * which cluster to read * @param pageId * which page to read * @param cachePage * need to cache a page? * @return Block wrapped in a ByteBuffer. * @throws IOException */ synchronized ByteBuffer readPage(int clusterId, int pageId, long offset, long length, boolean cachePage) throws IOException { pageLoads++; ByteBuffer cachedPage = null; if (mode == READMODE.MR) { cachedPage = pcp[clusterId].getPage(pageId); } else if (mode == READMODE.POINTQUERY) { cachedPage = pagecache.getBlock(makePageName(segId, clusterId, pageId)); } if (cachedPage != null) { cacheHits++; if (reporter != null) { if (clusterId < 16) { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentCacheHitCounter.values()[clusterId], 1); } else { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentCacheHitCounter.OTHERCLUSTERS, 1); } } return cachedPage.duplicate(); } /** * Report the related activities to M/R frameworks, so we will know * what happened during query processing */ if (reporter != null) { if (clusterId < 16) { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentReadPageCounter.values()[clusterId], 1); } else { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentReadPageCounter.OTHERCLUSTERS, 1); } if (istream.getPos() - offset > 0) { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentPosSeekCounter.MOVEBACK, 1); } else { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentPosSeekCounter.MOVEON, 1); } } // ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(longToInt(length)); // istream.readFully(offset, buf.array()); // Read the page from filesystem InputStream is = new BoundedRangeFileInputStream(istream, offset, length); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(longToInt(length)); IOUtils.readFully(is, buf.array(), 0, buf.capacity()); is.close(); if (cachePage) { if (mode == READMODE.MR) { pcp[clusterId].cachePage(pageId, buf.duplicate()); } else if (mode == READMODE.POINTQUERY) { pagecache.cacheBlock(makePageName(segId, clusterId, pageId), buf.duplicate(), true); } } return buf; } @Override public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (istream != null) { istream.close(); } } } /** * A <i>ClusterReader</i> is used to handle the read action * of a specified cluster. */ public static class ClusterReader { private final SegmentReader sr; private final int clusterId; private final long clusterOffset; private final long clusterLength; private final List<PageMeta> pmList; private final List<Long> poList; private final ScanMode[] scanmode; private boolean cachePage; int curPageId; int numPages; PosRLEChunk prb = new PosRLEChunk(); Reporter reporter = null; /** * ClusterReader Constructor * * @param sr * @param clusterId * which cluster to read * @param clusterOffset * the file offset of the cluster * @param clusterLength * the length of the cluster * @param pml * the pagemeta list of the cluster * @param sm * the scan mode of the query * @param cachePage * do we need to cache a page for random access */ public ClusterReader(SegmentReader sr, int clusterId, long clusterOffset, long clusterLength, PageMetaList pml, ScanMode[] sm, boolean cachePage) { // System.out.println("Open reader for cluster " + clusterId + " offset " + clusterOffset + // " length " + clusterLength); = sr; this.clusterId = clusterId; this.clusterOffset = clusterOffset; this.clusterLength = clusterLength; this.pmList = pml.getMetaList(); this.poList = pml.getOffsetList(); this.cachePage = cachePage; scanmode = sm; numPages = poList.size(); curPageId = 0; } public synchronized void setCachePage(boolean cachePage_) { this.cachePage = cachePage_; } public synchronized void initReporter(Reporter reporter) { this.reporter = reporter; } public synchronized int getNumPages() { return numPages; } public synchronized int getCurPageId() { return curPageId; } public synchronized boolean isPageCached() { return cachePage; } /** * Read a next page (sequencely) * * @return the next page data * @throws IOException */ public synchronized byte[] nextPage() throws IOException { if (curPageId < numPages) { long offset = poList.get(curPageId); long length = curPageId == numPages - 1 ? clusterOffset + clusterLength - offset : poList.get(curPageId + 1) - offset; System.out.println("1567 byte[] nextPage() length "+length+" clusterId "+clusterId+" curPageId "+curPageId+" offset "+offset); byte[] page = sr.readPage(clusterId, curPageId, offset, length, cachePage).array(); curPageId++; return page; } else { return null; } } /** * @deprecated * @param predicate * @return the page data * @throws IOException */ @Deprecated public synchronized byte[] nextPage(Predicate predicate) throws IOException { return null; } /** * Skip to the page thats contain the target position. * It is useful during position filtering. * * @param pos * position * @return the page data * @throws IOException */ public synchronized byte[] skipToPosAndGetPage(int pos) throws IOException { // System.err.println("[SegmentFile]skipToPosAndGetPage : skip to pos " + pos + // " to read a page."); if (curPageId >= numPages) { return null; } int skipToIdx = Utils.findTargetPos(pmList, curPageId, numPages - 1, pos); if (skipToIdx >= 0) { if (reporter != null && skipToIdx > curPageId) { if (clusterId < 16) { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentSkippedPageCounter.values()[clusterId], skipToIdx - curPageId - 1); } else { reporter .incrCounter(SegmentSkippedPageCounter.OTHERCLUSTERS, skipToIdx - curPageId - 1); } } curPageId = skipToIdx; } return nextPage(); } /** * Get the last position of the cluster * * @return last position */ public synchronized int getLastPos() { PageMeta pm = pmList.get(numPages - 1); return pm.startPos + pm.numPairs - 1; } /** * <p> * Read in the next necessary page by predicate. (skip all the negative pages) <br> * 1) if the page is a rough page, return the rough page and its scan mode. <br> * 2) if the page is a positive page, return the first positive page and its scan mode, and we * also collect the continuous position range until we encounters a rough/negative page. * </p> * * <p> * this method is used in producing position chunks stream</i> * * @param modes * the scan mode of the page(output) * @param blks * the position range of the predicate pages(output) * @return the reference to the page * @throws IOException */ public synchronized byte[] nextPredicatePagePos(ScanMode[] modes, PosChunk[] blks) throws IOException { if (scanmode == null) { modes[0] = ScanMode.Rough; if (curPageId < numPages) { PageMeta tmpPm = pmList.get(curPageId); prb.setTriple(null, tmpPm.startPos, tmpPm.numPairs); blks[0] = prb; return nextPage(); } else { return null; } } byte[] page = null; // skip all the negative pages int prevPageId = curPageId; while (curPageId < numPages && scanmode[curPageId] == ScanMode.Negative) { curPageId++; } if (reporter != null) { if (clusterId < 16) { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentSkippedPageCounter.values()[clusterId], curPageId - prevPageId - 1); } else { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentSkippedPageCounter.OTHERCLUSTERS, curPageId - prevPageId - 1); } } if (curPageId < numPages) { if (scanmode[curPageId] == ScanMode.Rough) { modes[0] = ScanMode.Rough; PageMeta pm = pmList.get(curPageId); // System.err.println("Read page " + curPageId + " : start from " + pm.startPos + // ", numReps " + pm.numPairs); prb.setTriple(null, pm.startPos, pm.numPairs); blks[0] = prb; page = nextPage(); } else if (scanmode[curPageId] == ScanMode.Positive) { modes[0] = ScanMode.Positive; PageMeta pm = pmList.get(curPageId); int startPos = pm.startPos; int numPairs = pm.numPairs; // System.err.println("Read page " + curPageId + " : start from " + startPos + ", numReps" // + numPairs); page = nextPage(); while (curPageId < numPages && scanmode[curPageId] == ScanMode.Positive) { pm = pmList.get(curPageId); numPairs += pm.numPairs; // System.err.println("Read page " + curPageId + " : start from " + pm.startPos + // ", numReps " + pm.numPairs); curPageId++; } // System.err.println("Return scan range : start from " + startPos + ", numReps " + // numPairs + "."); prb.setTriple(null, startPos, numPairs); blks[0] = prb; } else { assert (false); } } return page; } /** * Read in the next page by predicates * * @param modes * the scan mode of the next page * @return the next page data * @throws IOException */ public synchronized byte[] nextPredicatePageValue(ScanMode[] modes) throws IOException { if (scanmode == null) { modes[0] = ScanMode.Rough; return nextPage(); } byte[] page = null; int prevPageId = curPageId; // skip all the negative pages while (curPageId < numPages && scanmode[curPageId] == ScanMode.Negative) { curPageId++; } if (reporter != null) { if (clusterId < 16) { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentSkippedPageCounter.values()[clusterId], curPageId - prevPageId - 1); } else { reporter.incrCounter(SegmentSkippedPageCounter.OTHERCLUSTERS, curPageId - prevPageId - 1); } } if (curPageId < numPages) { modes[0] = scanmode[curPageId]; page = nextPage(); } return page; } } // Utility methods. /* * @param l Long to convert to an int. * * @return <code>l</code> cast as an int. */ static synchronized int longToInt(final long l) { // Expecting the size() of a block not exceeding 4GB. Assuming the // size() will wrap to negative integer if it exceeds 2GB (From tfile). return (int) (l & 0x00000000ffffffffL); } /** * Return the global block cache * * @param conf * The current configuration * @return the block cache or null */ public static synchronized BlockCache getBlockCache(Configuration conf) { if (globalPageCache != null) { return globalPageCache; } float cachePercentage = conf.getFloat(SEGFILE_CACHE_SIZE_KEY, 0.0f); if (cachePercentage == 0L) { return null; } if (cachePercentage > 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(SEGFILE_CACHE_SIZE_KEY + " must be between 0.0 and 1.0, not > 1.0"); } // Calculate the amount of heap to give the heap MemoryUsage mu = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); long cacheSize = (long) (mu.getMax() * cachePercentage);"Allocating LruPageCache with maximum size " + StringUtils.humanReadableInt(cacheSize)); globalPageCache = new LruBlockCache(cacheSize, MastiffMapReduce.getTablePageSize(conf)); return globalPageCache; } static synchronized String makePageName(int segId, int clusterId, int pageId) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(segId).append('-').append(clusterId).append('-').append(pageId); return sb.toString(); } }