package FlexibleEncoding.Parquet; /* * adapt from parquet * */ /** * Packs and unpacks into bytes * * packing unpacking treats: * - n values at a time (with n % 8 == 0) * - bitWidth * (n/8) bytes at a time. * * @author Julien Le Dem * */ public abstract class BytePacker { private final int bitWidth; protected BytePacker(int bitWidth) { this.bitWidth = bitWidth; } /** * @return the width in bits used for encoding, also how many bytes are packed/unpacked at a time by pack8Values/unpack8Values */ public final int getBitWidth() { return bitWidth; } /** * pack 8 values from input at inPos into bitWidth bytes in output at outPos. * nextPosition: inPos += 8; outPos += getBitWidth() * @param input the input values * @param inPos where to read from in input * @param output the output bytes * @param outPos where to write to in output */ public abstract void pack8Values(final int[] input, final int inPos, final byte[] output, final int outPos); /** * pack 32 values from input at inPos into bitWidth * 4 bytes in output at outPos. * nextPosition: inPos += 32; outPos += getBitWidth() * 4 * @param input the input values * @param inPos where to read from in input * @param output the output bytes * @param outPos where to write to in output */ public abstract void pack32Values(int[] input, int inPos, byte[] output, int outPos); /** * unpack bitWidth bytes from input at inPos into 8 values in output at outPos. * nextPosition: inPos += getBitWidth(); outPos += 8 * @param input the input bytes * @param inPos where to read from in input * @param output the output values * @param outPos where to write to in output */ public abstract void unpack8Values(final byte[] input, final int inPos, final int[] output, final int outPos); /** * unpack bitWidth * 4 bytes from input at inPos into 32 values in output at outPos. * nextPosition: inPos += getBitWidth() * 4; outPos += 32 * @param input the input bytes * @param inPos where to read from in input * @param output the output values * @param outPos where to write to in output */ public abstract void unpack32Values(byte[] input, int inPos, int[] output, int outPos); }