package FlexibleEncoding.Parquet; /* * adapt from parquet * */ import; import; /** * Read values written by {@link DeltaBinaryPackingValuesWriter} * * @author Tianshuo Deng */ public class DeltaBinaryPackingValuesReader extends ValuesReader { private int totalValueCount; /** * values read by the caller */ private int valuesRead; private int minDeltaInCurrentBlock; private byte[] page; /** * stores the decoded values including the first value which is written to the header */ private int[] valuesBuffer; /** * values loaded to the buffer, it could be bigger than the totalValueCount * when data is not aligned to mini block, which means padding 0s are in the buffer */ private int valuesBuffered; private ByteArrayInputStream in; private int nextOffset; private DeltaBinaryPackingConfig config; private int[] bitWidths; /** * eagerly load all the data into memory * * @param valueCount count of values in this page * @param page the array to read from containing the page data (repetition levels, definition levels, data) * @param offset where to start reading from in the page * @throws IOException */ @Override public void initFromPage(int valueCount, byte[] page, int offset) throws IOException { in = new ByteArrayInputStream(page, offset, page.length - offset); this.config = DeltaBinaryPackingConfig.readConfig(in); = page; this.totalValueCount = BytesUtils.readUnsignedVarInt(in); allocateValuesBuffer(); bitWidths = new int[config.miniBlockNumInABlock]; //read first value from header valuesBuffer[valuesBuffered++] = BytesUtils.readZigZagVarInt(in); while (valuesBuffered < totalValueCount) { //values Buffered could be more than totalValueCount, since we flush on a mini block basis loadNewBlockToBuffer(); } this.nextOffset = page.length - in.available(); } @Override public int getNextOffset() { return nextOffset; } /** * the value buffer is allocated so that the size of it is multiple of mini block * because when writing, data is flushed on a mini block basis */ private void allocateValuesBuffer() { int totalMiniBlockCount = (int) Math.ceil((double) totalValueCount / config.miniBlockSizeInValues); //+ 1 because first value written to header is also stored in values buffer valuesBuffer = new int[totalMiniBlockCount * config.miniBlockSizeInValues + 1]; // System.out.println( valuesBuffer.length); } @Override public void skip() { checkRead(); valuesRead++; } @Override public int readInteger() { checkRead(); return valuesBuffer[valuesRead++]; } private void checkRead() { if (valuesRead >= totalValueCount) { throw new ParquetDecodingException("no more value to read, total value count is " + totalValueCount); } } private void loadNewBlockToBuffer() { try { minDeltaInCurrentBlock = BytesUtils.readZigZagVarInt(in); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParquetDecodingException("can not read min delta in current block", e); } readBitWidthsForMiniBlocks(); // mini block is atomic for reading, we read a mini block when there are more values left int i; for (i = 0; i < config.miniBlockNumInABlock && valuesBuffered < totalValueCount; i++) { BytePacker packer = Packer.LITTLE_ENDIAN.newBytePacker(bitWidths[i]); unpackMiniBlock(packer); } //calculate values from deltas unpacked for current block int valueUnpacked=i*config.miniBlockSizeInValues; for (int j = valuesBuffered-valueUnpacked; j < valuesBuffered; j++) { int index = j; valuesBuffer[index] += minDeltaInCurrentBlock + valuesBuffer[index - 1]; // // if(index>5800&&index<5810){ // System.out.println(valuesBuffer[index]); // } } } /** * mini block has a size of 8*n, unpack 8 value each time * * @param packer the packer created from bitwidth of current mini block */ private void unpackMiniBlock(BytePacker packer) { for (int j = 0; j < config.miniBlockSizeInValues; j += 8) { unpack8Values(packer); } } private void unpack8Values(BytePacker packer) { //calculate the pos because the packer api uses array not stream int pos = page.length - in.available(); packer.unpack8Values(page, pos, valuesBuffer, valuesBuffered); this.valuesBuffered += 8; //sync the pos in stream in.skip(packer.getBitWidth()); } private void readBitWidthsForMiniBlocks() { for (int i = 0; i < config.miniBlockNumInABlock; i++) { try { bitWidths[i] = BytesUtils.readIntLittleEndianOnOneByte(in); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParquetDecodingException("Can not decode bitwidth in block header", e); } } } }