package org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.parquet; /* * this is used for test various encoding from Parquet and ORC file . also used to test some new combinations encodings of basic encoding ways from Parquet and ORC ,which is combineed by wangmeng * @author wangmeng */ import; import; import; import; public class TestDictionaryRLEBitPackingZIgzar { static java.util.Calendar c=java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); static java.text.SimpleDateFormat f=new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy年MM月dd日hh时mm分ss秒"); public static int fileLong ; public static void testIntDictionary(String[] s) throws IOException { System.out.println("intDictionaryRLEBitPackingZIgzar : begin write to DictionaryRLE : " +new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy年MM月dd日hh时mm分ss秒").format(java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); File file=new File(s[0]) ; FileInputStream fis =new FileInputStream(file); DataInputStream dis=new DataInputStream(fis); fileLong=(int) file.length()/4; System.out.println("fileLong : "+fileLong); final DictionaryValuesWriter.PlainIntegerDictionaryValuesWriter cw = new DictionaryValuesWriter.PlainIntegerDictionaryValuesWriter(Integer.MAX_VALUE, fileLong); for (int i = 0; i < fileLong; i++) { cw.writeInteger(dis.readInt()); } dis.close(); String[] str =new String[s.length-1]; for(int i=0 ;i<s.length-1;i++){ str[i]=s[i+1]; } cw.getBytes().writeToDisk(str); cw.WriteDictionaryToDisk(s); System.out.println("intDictionaryRLEBitPackingZIgzar : finish write to DictionaryRLE : " +new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy年MM月dd日hh时mm分ss秒").format(java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); System.out.println("intDictionaryRLEBitPackingZIgzar: begin read from DictionaryRLE : " +new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy年MM月dd日hh时mm分ss秒").format(java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); byte[] bytes=getBytes(s); System.out.println(bytes.length); DictionaryValuesReader cr = initDicReader(s,PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName.INT32); cr.initFromPage(fileLong, bytes, 0); int count=0 ; for (int i = 0; i < fileLong; i++) { int back = cr.readInteger(); count ++ ; // System.out.println("back =: "+back); } System.out.println("totoal number =: "+count); System.out.println("intDictionaryRLEBitPackingZIgzar : finish read from DictionaryRLE : " +new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy年MM月dd日hh时mm分ss秒").format(java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTime())); } private static byte[] getBytes(String[] s) throws IOException{ // BytesInput bit=cw.getBytes(); // System.out.println("67 "+bit.size()); // byte[] byt= bit.toByteArray();////inner write data to disk wm File file=new File(s[1]); DataInputStream dis =new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); byte[] byt=new byte[(int) file.length()]; // System.out.println(dis.readInt()); // System.out.println(dis.readInt()); dis.readFully(byt); return byt; } private static DictionaryValuesReader initDicReader(String[] s , PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName type) throws IOException { //need know dictionary size(50) dictionaryBytesSize(50*4) dictionary BytsInput wm // final DictionaryPage dictionaryPage = cw.createDictionaryPage().copy(); // new DictionaryPage(dictionaryEncoder.getBytes(), lastUsedDictionarySize, Encoding.PLAIN_DICTIONARY); // final DictionaryPage dictionaryPage = cw.createDictionaryPage().copy() ; File file =new File(s[3]); DataInputStream dis =new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); byte[] bytes=new byte[(int) (file.length()-4)]; //System.out.println(file.length()-4); int DictionarySize = dis.readInt(); dis.readFully(bytes); dis.close(); CapacityByteArrayOutputStream cbs=new CapacityByteArrayOutputStream(bytes.length); cbs.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length); BytesInput bytesInput =new BytesInput.CapacityBAOSBytesInput(cbs) ; // DictionaryPage dictionaryPage =new DictionaryPage(200,50,Encoding.PLAIN_DICTIONARY); DictionaryPage dictionaryPage =new DictionaryPage( bytesInput,DictionarySize,Encoding.PLAIN_DICTIONARY); // System.out.println(bytesInput.toByteArray().length); final ColumnDescriptor descriptor = new ColumnDescriptor(new String[] {"foo"}, type, 0, 0); Encoding encoding=Encoding.PLAIN_DICTIONARY ; final Dictionary dictionary = encoding.initDictionary(descriptor, dictionaryPage); final DictionaryValuesReader cr = new DictionaryValuesReader(dictionary); return cr; } private void roundTripInt(DictionaryValuesWriter cw, ValuesReader reader, int maxDictionaryByteSize) throws IOException { int fallBackThreshold = maxDictionaryByteSize / 4; for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { cw.writeInteger(i); if (i < fallBackThreshold) { // assertEquals(cw.getEncoding(), PLAIN_DICTIONARY); } else { // assertEquals(cw.getEncoding(), PLAIN); } } reader.initFromPage(100, cw.getBytes().toByteArray(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // assertEquals(i, reader.readInteger()); } } // @Test public void testIntDictionaryFallBack() throws IOException { int slabSize = 100; int maxDictionaryByteSize = 50; final DictionaryValuesWriter cw = new DictionaryValuesWriter.PlainIntegerDictionaryValuesWriter(maxDictionaryByteSize, slabSize); // Fallbacked to Plain encoding, therefore use PlainValuesReader to read it back ValuesReader reader = new PlainValuesReader.IntegerPlainValuesReader(); roundTripInt(cw, reader, maxDictionaryByteSize); //simulate cutting the page cw.reset(); // assertEquals(0,cw.getBufferedSize()); cw.resetDictionary(); roundTripInt(cw, reader, maxDictionaryByteSize); } // // @Test // public static void testBinaryDictionary() throws IOException { // int COUNT = 100; // ValuesWriter cw = new DictionaryValuesWriter.PlainBinaryDictionaryValuesWriter(200, 10000);///200 stand for max dictionary bytes size 10000 stand for the inital buffer size to store value // //atach to the Max Size and the number of dictionary id can not > Integer.Max wm // writeRepeated(COUNT, cw, "b"); // System.out.println("191"+cw.getBufferedSize()); // BytesInput bytes2 = getBytesAndCheckEncoding(cw, Encoding.PLAIN_DICTIONARY); // System.out.println("193"+bytes2.size()); // // // // writeRepeated(COUNT, cw, "a"); // // System.out.println("187"+cw.getBufferedSize()); // // BytesInput bytes1 = getBytesAndCheckEncoding(cw, Encoding.PLAIN_DICTIONARY); // // System.out.println("189"+bytes1.size()); // // now we will fall back // // writeDistinct(COUNT, cw, "c"); // // BytesInput bytes3 = getBytesAndCheckEncoding(cw, Encoding.PLAIN); // // System.out.println("199 "+bytes3.size()); // DictionaryValuesReader cr = initDicReader(cw, PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName.BINARY); // // checkRepeated(COUNT, bytes1, cr, "a"); // checkRepeated(COUNT, bytes2, cr, "b"); // // BinaryPlainValuesReader cr2 = new BinaryPlainValuesReader(); // // checkDistinct(COUNT, bytes3, cr2, "c"); // } // @Test public void testBinaryDictionaryFallBack() throws IOException { int slabSize = 100; int maxDictionaryByteSize = 50; final DictionaryValuesWriter cw = new DictionaryValuesWriter.PlainBinaryDictionaryValuesWriter(maxDictionaryByteSize, slabSize); int fallBackThreshold = maxDictionaryByteSize; int dataSize=0; for (long i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Binary binary = Binary.fromString("str" + i); cw.writeBytes(binary); dataSize+=(binary.length()+4); if (dataSize < fallBackThreshold) { // assertEquals( PLAIN_DICTIONARY,cw.getEncoding()); } else { // assertEquals(PLAIN,cw.getEncoding()); } } //Fallbacked to Plain encoding, therefore use PlainValuesReader to read it back ValuesReader reader = new BinaryPlainValuesReader(); reader.initFromPage(100, cw.getBytes().toByteArray(), 0); for (long i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // assertEquals(Binary.fromString("str" + i), reader.readBytes()); } //simulate cutting the page cw.reset(); // assertEquals(0,cw.getBufferedSize()); } // @Test // public void testFirstPageFallBack() throws IOException { // int COUNT = 1000; // ValuesWriter cw = new DictionaryValuesWriter.PlainBinaryDictionaryValuesWriter(10000, 10000); // writeDistinct(COUNT, cw, "a"); // // not efficient so falls back // BytesInput bytes1 = getBytesAndCheckEncoding(cw, Encoding.PLAIN); // writeRepeated(COUNT, cw, "b"); // // still plain because we fell back on first page // BytesInput bytes2 = getBytesAndCheckEncoding(cw, Encoding.PLAIN); // // ValuesReader cr = new BinaryPlainValuesReader(); // checkDistinct(COUNT, bytes1, cr, "a"); // checkRepeated(COUNT, bytes2, cr, "b"); // // } //@Test // public void testSecondPageFallBack() throws IOException { // // int COUNT = 1000; // ValuesWriter cw = new DictionaryValuesWriter.PlainBinaryDictionaryValuesWriter(1000, 10000); // writeRepeated(COUNT, cw, "a"); // BytesInput bytes1 = getBytesAndCheckEncoding(cw, Encoding.PLAIN_DICTIONARY); // writeDistinct(COUNT, cw, "b"); // // not efficient so falls back // BytesInput bytes2 = getBytesAndCheckEncoding(cw, Encoding.PLAIN); // writeRepeated(COUNT, cw, "a"); // // still plain because we fell back on previous page // BytesInput bytes3 = getBytesAndCheckEncoding(cw, Encoding.PLAIN); // // ValuesReader cr = initDicReader(cw, PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName.BINARY); // checkRepeated(COUNT, bytes1, cr, "a"); // cr = new BinaryPlainValuesReader(); // checkDistinct(COUNT, bytes2, cr, "b"); // checkRepeated(COUNT, bytes3, cr, "a"); // } // // @Test // public static void testLongDictionary() throws IOException { // // int COUNT = 1000; // int COUNT2 = 2000; // final DictionaryValuesWriter cw = new DictionaryValuesWriter.PlainLongDictionaryValuesWriter(10000, 10000); // for (long i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { // cw.writeLong(i % 50); // } // BytesInput bytes1 = getBytesAndCheckEncoding(cw, Encoding.PLAIN_DICTIONARY); // // assertEquals(50, cw.getDictionarySize()); // // // // for (long i = COUNT2; i > 0; i--) { // // cw.writeLong(i % 50); // // } // // BytesInput bytes2 = getBytesAndCheckEncoding(cw, Encoding.PLAIN_DICTIONARY); // // assertEquals(50, cw.getDictionarySize()); // // DictionaryValuesReader cr = initDicReader(cw, PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName.INT64); // // cr.initFromPage(COUNT, bytes1.toByteArray(), 0); // for (long i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { // long back = cr.readLong(); // // assertEquals(i % 50, back); // } // // cr.initFromPage(COUNT2, bytes2.toByteArray(), 0); // for (long i = COUNT2; i > 0; i--) { // long back = cr.readLong(); // // assertEquals(i % 50, back); // } //} // private void roundTripLong(DictionaryValuesWriter cw, ValuesReader reader, int maxDictionaryByteSize) throws IOException { // int fallBackThreshold = maxDictionaryByteSize / 8; // for (long i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // cw.writeLong(i); // if (i < fallBackThreshold) { // // assertEquals(cw.getEncoding(), PLAIN_DICTIONARY); // } else { // // assertEquals(cw.getEncoding(), PLAIN); // } // } // // reader.initFromPage(100, cw.getBytes().toByteArray(), 0); // // for (long i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // /// assertEquals(i, reader.readLong()); // } // } // // @Test // public void testLongDictionaryFallBack() throws IOException { // int slabSize = 100; // int maxDictionaryByteSize = 50; // final DictionaryValuesWriter cw = new DictionaryValuesWriter.PlainLongDictionaryValuesWriter(maxDictionaryByteSize, slabSize); // // Fallbacked to Plain encoding, therefore use PlainValuesReader to read it back // ValuesReader reader = new PlainValuesReader.LongPlainValuesReader(); // // roundTripLong(cw, reader, maxDictionaryByteSize); // //simulate cutting the page // cw.reset(); // // assertEquals(0,cw.getBufferedSize()); // cw.resetDictionary(); // // roundTripLong(cw, reader, maxDictionaryByteSize); // } private static void checkDistinct(int COUNT, BytesInput bytes, ValuesReader cr, String prefix) throws IOException { cr.initFromPage(COUNT, bytes.toByteArray(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { // Assert.assertEquals(prefix + i, cr.readBytes().toStringUsingUTF8()); } } private static void checkRepeated(int COUNT, BytesInput bytes, ValuesReader cr, String prefix) throws IOException { cr.initFromPage(COUNT, bytes.toByteArray(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { // Assert.assertEquals(prefix + i % 10, cr.readBytes().toStringUsingUTF8()); } } private static void writeDistinct(int COUNT, ValuesWriter cw, String prefix) { for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { cw.writeBytes(Binary.fromString(prefix + i)); } } private static void writeRepeated(int COUNT, ValuesWriter cw, String prefix) { for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { cw.writeBytes(Binary.fromString(prefix + i % 10)); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub testIntDictionary(args); // testBinaryDictionary(); // testLongDictionary(); } }