package org.apache.hadoop.hive.mastiffFlexibleEncoding.orc; /** adapted from ORC @author wangmeng */ import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import; class ZlibCodec implements CompressionCodec { @Override public boolean compress(ByteBuffer in, ByteBuffer out, ByteBuffer overflow) throws IOException { Deflater deflater = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, true); int length = in.remaining(); deflater.setInput(in.array(), in.arrayOffset() + in.position(), length); deflater.finish(); int outSize = 0; int offset = out.arrayOffset() + out.position(); while (!deflater.finished() && (length > outSize)) { int size = deflater.deflate(out.array(), offset, out.remaining()); out.position(size + out.position()); outSize += size; offset += size; // if we run out of space in the out buffer, use the overflow if (out.remaining() == 0) { if (overflow == null) { deflater.end(); return false; } out = overflow; offset = out.arrayOffset() + out.position(); } } deflater.end(); return length > outSize; } @Override public void decompress(ByteBuffer in, ByteBuffer out) throws IOException { Inflater inflater = new Inflater(true); inflater.setInput(in.array(), in.arrayOffset() + in.position(), in.remaining()); while (!(inflater.finished() || inflater.needsDictionary() || inflater.needsInput())) { try { int count = inflater.inflate(out.array(), out.arrayOffset() + out.position(), out.remaining()); out.position(count + out.position()); } catch (DataFormatException dfe) { throw new IOException("Bad compression data", dfe); } } out.flip(); inflater.end(); in.position(in.limit()); } }