package org.zaproxy.zap.view.panels; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import javax.swing.JToggleButton; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.parosproxy.paros.Constant; import org.parosproxy.paros.control.Control; import org.parosproxy.paros.control.Control.Mode; import org.zaproxy.zap.model.Context; import org.zaproxy.zap.scan.BaseScannerThread; import org.zaproxy.zap.scan.BaseScannerThreadManager; import org.zaproxy.zap.scan.ScanListener; import org.zaproxy.zap.scan.ScanStartOptions; import org.zaproxy.zap.utils.ThreadUtils; import org.zaproxy.zap.view.LayoutHelper; import org.zaproxy.zap.view.ScanPanel; import org.zaproxy.zap.view.ZapToggleButton; /** * An extended implementation of a {@link AbstractContextSelectToolbarStatusPanel} that should be * used for status panels for scans. Contains a toolbar with the following elements: context * selection, scan control buttons (start, stop, pause) and a progress bar. * <p> * This panel should be used in a scan based on a <b>{@link BaseScannerThread}</b>. It also requires * a corresponding {@link BaseScannerThreadManager} that is used for obtaining the scanner threads * for given contexts. Certain control actions (stop, pause, resume) are being forwarded directly to * the {@link BaseScannerThread scanner thread}, while the start action is being left unimplemented * to be properly handled by implementing classes. * * @see BaseScannerThread * @see BaseScannerThreadManager * @see ScanStartOptions */ public abstract class AbstractScanToolbarStatusPanel extends AbstractContextSelectToolbarStatusPanel implements ScanListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2351280081989616482L; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AbstractScanToolbarStatusPanel.class); /** * Location provided to {@link #addToolBarElements(JToolBar, short, int)} to add items after the * buttons. */ protected static final short TOOLBAR_LOCATION_AFTER_BUTTONS = 10; /** * Location provided to {@link #addToolBarElements(JToolBar, short, int)} to add items after the * progress bar. */ protected static final short TOOLBAR_LOCATION_AFTER_PROGRESS_BAR = 11; private JButton startScanButton; private JButton stopScanButton; private ZapToggleButton pauseScanButton; private JProgressBar progressBar; private Mode mode; private BaseScannerThreadManager<?> threadManager; public AbstractScanToolbarStatusPanel(String prefix, ImageIcon icon, BaseScannerThreadManager<?> threadManager) { super(prefix, icon); mode = Control.getSingleton().getMode(); this.threadManager = threadManager; } @Override protected void setupToolbarElements(JToolBar toolbar) { // We need to override this method completely to add more components and properly call the // addToolbarElements method with the new locations int x = 0; Insets insets = new Insets(0, 4, 0, 2); x = this.addToolBarElements(toolbar, TOOLBAR_LOCATION_START, x); toolbar.add(new JLabel(Constant.messages.getString(panelPrefix + ".toolbar.context.label")), LayoutHelper.getGBC(x++, 0, 1, 0, insets)); toolbar.add(getContextSelectComboBox(), LayoutHelper.getGBC(x++, 0, 1, 0, insets)); x = this.addToolBarElements(toolbar, TOOLBAR_LOCATION_AFTER_CONTEXTS_SELECT, x); toolbar.add(getStartScanButton(), LayoutHelper.getGBC(x++, 0, 1, 0, insets)); toolbar.add(getPauseScanButton(), LayoutHelper.getGBC(x++, 0, 1, 0, insets)); toolbar.add(getStopScanButton(), LayoutHelper.getGBC(x++, 0, 1, 0, insets)); x = this.addToolBarElements(toolbar, TOOLBAR_LOCATION_AFTER_BUTTONS, x); toolbar.add(getProgressBar(), LayoutHelper.getGBC(x++, 0, 1, 1, insets)); x = this.addToolBarElements(toolbar, TOOLBAR_LOCATION_AFTER_PROGRESS_BAR, x); toolbar.add(new JLabel(), LayoutHelper.getGBC(x++, 0, 1, 1.0)); // Spacer if(hasOptions()) { toolbar.add(getOptionsButton(), LayoutHelper.getGBC(x++, 0, 1, 0, insets)); } this.addToolBarElements(toolbar, TOOLBAR_LOCATION_END, x); } private JButton getStartScanButton() { if (startScanButton == null) { startScanButton = new JButton(); startScanButton .setToolTipText(Constant.messages.getString(panelPrefix + ".toolbar.button.start")); startScanButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ScanPanel.class.getResource("/resource/icon/16/131.png"))); startScanButton.setEnabled(false); startScanButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { startScan(getSelectedContext()); } }); } return startScanButton; } private JButton getStopScanButton() { if (stopScanButton == null) { stopScanButton = new JButton(); stopScanButton.setToolTipText(Constant.messages.getString(panelPrefix + ".toolbar.button.stop")); stopScanButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ScanPanel.class.getResource("/resource/icon/16/142.png"))); stopScanButton.setEnabled(false); stopScanButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { stopScan(getSelectedContext()); } }); } return stopScanButton; } private JToggleButton getPauseScanButton() { if (pauseScanButton == null) { pauseScanButton = new ZapToggleButton(); pauseScanButton .setToolTipText(Constant.messages.getString(panelPrefix + ".toolbar.button.pause")); pauseScanButton.setSelectedToolTipText(Constant.messages.getString(panelPrefix + ".toolbar.button.unpause")); pauseScanButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon(ScanPanel.class.getResource("/resource/icon/16/141.png"))); pauseScanButton.setRolloverIcon(new ImageIcon(ScanPanel.class.getResource("/resource/icon/16/141.png"))); pauseScanButton.setSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(ScanPanel.class.getResource("/resource/icon/16/131.png"))); pauseScanButton.setRolloverSelectedIcon(new ImageIcon(ScanPanel.class.getResource("/resource/icon/16/131.png"))); pauseScanButton.setEnabled(false); pauseScanButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (isScanPaused(getSelectedContext())) { resumeScan(getSelectedContext()); } else { pauseScan(getSelectedContext()); } } }); } return pauseScanButton; } private JProgressBar getProgressBar() { if (progressBar == null) { progressBar = new JProgressBar(0, 100); progressBar.setValue(0); progressBar.setSize(new Dimension(80, 20)); progressBar.setStringPainted(true); progressBar.setEnabled(false); } return progressBar; } @Override protected void contextSelected(Context context) { if (context == null) { resetScanButtonsAndProgressBarStates(false); super.contextSelected(context); return; } // If we are in 'Safe' mode, there's no need to disable anything as it was already disabled // when switching the mode if ( { super.contextSelected(context); return; } // If context is not in scope and we are in 'Protect' mode, disable scanning. if (Mode.protect.equals(this.mode) && !context.isInScope()) { resetScanButtonsAndProgressBarStates(false); super.contextSelected(context); return; } if (isScanStarted(context)) { getStartScanButton().setEnabled(false); getStopScanButton().setEnabled(true); getPauseScanButton().setEnabled(true); getPauseScanButton().setSelected(isScanPaused(context)); getProgressBar().setEnabled(true); } else { resetScanButtonsAndProgressBarStates(true); } getProgressBar().setValue(getScanProgress(context)); getProgressBar().setMaximum(getScanMaximumProgress(context)); // Calling super takes care of updating the selectedContext and triggering a work panel view // switch super.contextSelected(context); } private void resetScanButtonsAndProgressBarStates(boolean allowStartScan) { setScanButtonsAndProgressBarStates(false, false, allowStartScan); getProgressBar().setValue(0); } /** * Method used for setting the state of the scan buttons and of the progress bar. * <p> * <strong>NOTE:</strong> Must be called from the main thread (EDT). * * @param isStarted {@code true} if the scan is started, {@code false} otherwise. * @param isPaused {@code true} if the scan is paused, {@code false} otherwise. * @param allowStartScan {@code true} if should possible to start a scan, {@code false} otherwise. */ private void setScanButtonsAndProgressBarStates(boolean isStarted, boolean isPaused, boolean allowStartScan) { if (isStarted) { getStartScanButton().setEnabled(false); getPauseScanButton().setEnabled(true); getPauseScanButton().setSelected(isPaused); getStopScanButton().setEnabled(true); getProgressBar().setEnabled(true); } else { getStartScanButton().setEnabled(allowStartScan); getStopScanButton().setEnabled(false); getPauseScanButton().setEnabled(false); getPauseScanButton().setSelected(false); getProgressBar().setEnabled(false); } } public void sessionModeChanged(Mode mode) { this.mode = mode; switch (mode) { case attack: case standard: case protect: // If the mode is standard or protect, make sure everything is set accordingly and // 'refresh' the UI if needed getContextSelectComboBox().setEnabled(true); if (getSelectedContext() != null) { this.contextSelected(getSelectedContext()); } break; case safe: // If the mode is 'safe', stop scans and disable controls resetScanButtonsAndProgressBarStates(false); getContextSelectComboBox().setEnabled(false); } } /* * Basic implementation for scanner thread related options. */ /** * Method called when the pause button is pressed. Base implementation forward the calls to the * Scanner Thread that corresponds to the provided Context and obtained via the Thread Manager * specified in the constructor. * @param context the context whose scan should be paused */ protected void pauseScan(Context context) { log.debug("Access Control pause on Context: " + context); threadManager.getScannerThread(context.getIndex()).pauseScan(); } /** * Method called when the resume button is pressed. Base implementation forward the calls to the * Scanner Thread that corresponds to the provided Context and obtained via the Thread Manager * specified in the constructor. * @param context the context whose scan should be resumed */ protected void resumeScan(Context context) { log.debug("Access Control resume on Context: " + context); threadManager.getScannerThread(context.getIndex()).resumeScan(); } /** * Method called when the stop button is pressed. Base implementation forward the calls to the * Scanner Thread that corresponds to the provided Context and obtained via the Thread Manager * specified in the constructor. * @param context the context whose scan should be stopped */ protected void stopScan(Context context) { log.debug("Access Control stop on Context: " + context); threadManager.getScannerThread(context.getIndex()).stopScan(); } /** * Method called to check whether the scan for a given Context has started. Base implementation * forward the calls to the Scanner Thread that corresponds to the provided Context and obtained * via the Thread Manager specified in the constructor. * @param context the context whose scan should be checked * @return {@code true} if the scan is paused, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean isScanStarted(Context context) { return threadManager.getScannerThread(context.getIndex()).isRunning(); } /** * Method called to check whether the scan for a given Context is paused. Base implementation * forward the calls to the Scanner Thread that corresponds to the provided Context and obtained * via the Thread Manager specified in the constructor. * @param context the context whose scan should be checked * @return {@code true} if the scan is paused, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean isScanPaused(Context context) { return threadManager.getScannerThread(context.getIndex()).isPaused(); } /** * Method called to check the scan progress for a given Context. Base implementation forward the * calls to the Scanner Thread that corresponds to the provided Context and obtained via the * Thread Manager specified in the constructor. * @param context the context whose scan should be checked * @return the progress */ protected int getScanProgress(Context context) { return threadManager.getScannerThread(context.getIndex()).getScanProgress(); } /** * Method called to check the scan maximum progress for a given Context. Base implementation * forward the calls to the Scanner Thread that corresponds to the provided Context and obtained * via the Thread Manager specified in the constructor. * @param context the context whose scan should be checked * @return the maximum value of the progress */ protected int getScanMaximumProgress(Context context) { return threadManager.getScannerThread(context.getIndex()).getScanMaximumProgress(); } @Override public void scanStarted(final int contextId) { Runnable handler = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { log.debug("ScanStarted " + panelPrefix + " on context" + contextId); if (getSelectedContext() != null && contextId == getSelectedContext().getIndex()) { setScanButtonsAndProgressBarStates(true, false, false); getProgressBar().setValue(0); } } }; try { ThreadUtils.invokeAndWait(handler); } catch (InvocationTargetException | InterruptedException e) { log.error("Error while starting scan: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void scanFinished(final int contextId) { Runnable handler = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { log.debug("ScanFinished " + panelPrefix + " on context" + contextId); if (getSelectedContext() != null && contextId == getSelectedContext().getIndex()) { setScanButtonsAndProgressBarStates(false, false, true); } } }; try { ThreadUtils.invokeAndWait(handler); } catch (InvocationTargetException | InterruptedException e) { log.error("Error while finishing scan: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public void scanProgress(final int contextId, final int progress, final int maximum) { Runnable handler = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { log.debug("scanProgress " + panelPrefix + " on context " + contextId + " " + progress); if (getSelectedContext() != null && contextId == getSelectedContext().getIndex()) { getProgressBar().setValue(progress); getProgressBar().setMaximum(maximum); } } }; try { ThreadUtils.invokeAndWait(handler); } catch (InvocationTargetException | InterruptedException e) { log.error("Error while updating progress: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Method called when the user has pressed the 'start scan' button. * <p> * Normally, implementing classes could create a dialog for specifying scan options or directly * build the proper {@link ScanStartOptions} and start the {@link BaseScannerThread}. * * @param context the context selected when starting the scan. */ protected abstract void startScan(Context context); }