/* * Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) and its related class files. * * ZAP is an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application security. * * Copyright The OWASP ZAP Development Team * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.zaproxy.zap.db.sql; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.parosproxy.paros.Constant; import org.parosproxy.paros.db.Database; import org.parosproxy.paros.db.DatabaseException; import org.parosproxy.paros.db.DbUtils; import org.parosproxy.paros.db.RecordHistory; import org.parosproxy.paros.db.TableHistory; import org.parosproxy.paros.extension.option.DatabaseParam; import org.parosproxy.paros.model.HistoryReference; import org.parosproxy.paros.network.HttpMalformedHeaderException; import org.parosproxy.paros.network.HttpMessage; import org.parosproxy.paros.network.HttpStatusCode; public class SqlTableHistory extends SqlAbstractTable implements TableHistory { private static final String TABLE_NAME = DbSQL.getSQL("history.table_name"); private static final String HISTORYID = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.historyid"); private static final String SESSIONID = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.sessionid"); private static final String HISTTYPE = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.histtype"); private static final String STATUSCODE = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.statuscode"); private static final String TIMESENTMILLIS = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.timesentmillis"); private static final String TIMEELAPSEDMILLIS = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.timeelapsedmillis"); private static final String REQHEADER = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.reqheader"); private static final String REQBODY = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.reqbody"); private static final String RESHEADER = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.resheader"); private static final String RESBODY = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.resbody"); private static final String TAG = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.tag"); private static final String NOTE = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.note"); private static final String RESPONSE_FROM_TARGET_HOST = DbSQL.getSQL("history.field.responsefromtargethost"); private int lastInsertedIndex; private static boolean isExistStatusCode = false; // ZAP: Added logger private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SqlTableHistory.class); private boolean bodiesAsBytes; public SqlTableHistory() { } //ZAP: Allow the request and response body sizes to be user-specifiable as far as possible int configuredrequestbodysize = -1; int configuredresponsebodysize = -1; @Override protected void reconnect(Connection conn) throws DatabaseException { try { //ZAP: Allow the request and response body sizes to be user-specifiable as far as possible //re-load the configuration data from file, to get the configured length of the request and response bodies //this will later be compared to the actual lengths of these fields in the database (in updateTable(Connection c)) DatabaseParam dbparams = new DatabaseParam (); dbparams.load(Constant.getInstance().FILE_CONFIG); this.configuredrequestbodysize = dbparams.getRequestBodySize(); this.configuredresponsebodysize = dbparams.getResponseBodySize(); bodiesAsBytes = true; if (DbSQL.getDbType().equals(Database.DB_TYPE_HSQLDB)) { updateTable(conn); } isExistStatusCode = DbUtils.hasColumn(conn, TABLE_NAME, STATUSCODE); int currentIndex = 0; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(DbSQL.getSQL("history.ps.lastindex")); try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) { if (rs.next()) { currentIndex = rs.getInt(1); } } } finally { if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch(SQLException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } lastInsertedIndex = currentIndex; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } // ZAP: Added the method. private void updateTable(Connection connection) throws DatabaseException { try { if (!DbUtils.hasColumn(connection, TABLE_NAME, TAG)) { DbUtils.executeAndClose(connection.prepareStatement(DbSQL.getSQL("history.ps.addtag"))); } // Add the NOTE column to the db if necessary if (!DbUtils.hasColumn(connection, TABLE_NAME, NOTE)) { DbUtils.executeAndClose(connection.prepareStatement(DbSQL.getSQL("history.ps.addnote"))); } /* TODO how to handle HSQLDB dependancy?? Need to parameterize somehow.. vvvvvvvvvvvv */ if (DbUtils.getColumnType(connection, TABLE_NAME, REQBODY) != 61 /*Types.SQL_VARBINARY*/) { bodiesAsBytes = false; } else { // Databases created with ZAP< used VARCHAR for the REQBODY/RESBODY // HSQLDB 1.8.x converted from VARCHAR to bytes without problems // (through the method ResultSet.getBytes) // but the new version doesn't, it throws the following exception: // incompatible data type in conversion: from SQL type VARCHAR } if (!DbUtils.hasColumn(connection, TABLE_NAME, RESPONSE_FROM_TARGET_HOST)) { DbUtils.executeAndClose(connection.prepareStatement(DbSQL.getSQL("history.ps.addrespfromtarget"))); DbUtils.executeUpdateAndClose(connection.prepareStatement(DbSQL.getSQL("history.ps.setrespfromtarget"))); } int requestbodysizeindb = DbUtils.getColumnSize(connection, TABLE_NAME, REQBODY); int responsebodysizeindb = DbUtils.getColumnSize(connection, TABLE_NAME, RESBODY); try { if (requestbodysizeindb != this.configuredrequestbodysize && this.configuredrequestbodysize > 0) { PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(DbSQL.getSQL("history.ps.changereqsize")); stmt.setInt(1, this.configuredrequestbodysize); DbUtils.executeAndClose(stmt); } if (responsebodysizeindb != this.configuredresponsebodysize && this.configuredresponsebodysize > 0) { PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(DbSQL.getSQL("history.ps.changerespsize")); stmt.setInt(1, this.configuredresponsebodysize); DbUtils.executeAndClose(stmt); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("An error occurred while modifying a column length on "+ TABLE_NAME); log.error("The 'Maximum Request Body Size' value in the Database Options needs to be set to at least " + requestbodysizeindb + " to avoid this error" ); log.error("The 'Maximum Response Body Size' value in the Database Options needs to be set to at least " + responsebodysizeindb + " to avoid this error" ); log.error("The SQL Exception was:", e); throw e; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#read(int) */ @Override public RecordHistory read(int historyId) throws HttpMalformedHeaderException, DatabaseException { SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psRead = null; try { psRead = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.read"); psRead.getPs().setInt(1, historyId); psRead.getPs().execute(); RecordHistory result = null; try (ResultSet rs = psRead.getPs().getResultSet()) { result = build(rs); } return result; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psRead); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#write(long, int, org.parosproxy.paros.network.HttpMessage) */ @Override public RecordHistory write(long sessionId, int histType, HttpMessage msg) throws HttpMalformedHeaderException, DatabaseException { String reqHeader = ""; byte[] reqBody = new byte[0]; String resHeader = ""; byte[] resBody = reqBody; String method = ""; String uri = ""; int statusCode = 0; String note = msg.getNote(); if (!msg.getRequestHeader().isEmpty()) { reqHeader = msg.getRequestHeader().toString(); reqBody = msg.getRequestBody().getBytes(); method = msg.getRequestHeader().getMethod(); uri = msg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString(); } if (!msg.getResponseHeader().isEmpty()) { resHeader = msg.getResponseHeader().toString(); resBody = msg.getResponseBody().getBytes(); statusCode = msg.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode(); } //return write(sessionId, histType, msg.getTimeSentMillis(), msg.getTimeElapsedMillis(), method, uri, statusCode, reqHeader, reqBody, resHeader, resBody, msg.getTag()); return write(sessionId, histType, msg.getTimeSentMillis(), msg.getTimeElapsedMillis(), method, uri, statusCode, reqHeader, reqBody, resHeader, resBody, null, note, msg.isResponseFromTargetHost()); } private RecordHistory write(long sessionId, int histType, long timeSentMillis, int timeElapsedMillis, String method, String uri, int statusCode, String reqHeader, byte[] reqBody, String resHeader, byte[] resBody, String tag, String note, boolean responseFromTargetHost) throws HttpMalformedHeaderException, DatabaseException { //ZAP: Allow the request and response body sizes to be user-specifiable as far as possible if (reqBody.length > this.configuredrequestbodysize) { throw new DatabaseException("The actual Request Body length "+ reqBody.length + " is greater than the configured request body length "+ this.configuredrequestbodysize); } if (resBody.length > this.configuredresponsebodysize) { throw new DatabaseException("The actual Response Body length "+ resBody.length + " is greater than the configured response body length "+ this.configuredresponsebodysize); } SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psInsert = null; try { psInsert = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.insertstd"); psInsert.getPs().setLong(1, sessionId); psInsert.getPs().setInt(2, histType); psInsert.getPs().setLong(3, timeSentMillis); psInsert.getPs().setInt(4, timeElapsedMillis); psInsert.getPs().setString(5, method); psInsert.getPs().setString(6, uri); psInsert.getPs().setString(7, reqHeader); if (bodiesAsBytes) { psInsert.getPs().setBytes(8, reqBody); } else { psInsert.getPs().setString(8, new String(reqBody, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)); } psInsert.getPs().setString(9, resHeader); if (bodiesAsBytes) { psInsert.getPs().setBytes(10, resBody); } else { psInsert.getPs().setString(10, new String(resBody, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)); } psInsert.getPs().setString(11, tag); // ZAP: Added the statement. int currentIdx = 12; if (isExistStatusCode) { psInsert.getPs().setInt(currentIdx, statusCode); // ZAP: Added the statement. ++currentIdx; } // ZAP: Added the statement. psInsert.getPs().setString(currentIdx, note); ++currentIdx; psInsert.getPs().setBoolean(currentIdx, responseFromTargetHost); psInsert.getPs().executeUpdate(); try (ResultSet rs = psInsert.getLastInsertedId()) { rs.next(); int id = rs.getInt(1); lastInsertedIndex = id; return read(id); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psInsert); } } private RecordHistory build(ResultSet rs) throws HttpMalformedHeaderException, DatabaseException { try { RecordHistory history = null; try { if (rs.next()) { byte[] reqBody; byte[] resBody; if (bodiesAsBytes) { reqBody = rs.getBytes(REQBODY); resBody = rs.getBytes(RESBODY); } else { reqBody = rs.getString(REQBODY).getBytes(); resBody = rs.getString(RESBODY).getBytes(); } history = new RecordHistory( rs.getInt(HISTORYID), rs.getInt(HISTTYPE), rs.getLong(SESSIONID), rs.getLong(TIMESENTMILLIS), rs.getInt(TIMEELAPSEDMILLIS), rs.getString(REQHEADER), reqBody, rs.getString(RESHEADER), resBody, rs.getString(TAG), rs.getString(NOTE), // ZAP: Added note rs.getBoolean(RESPONSE_FROM_TARGET_HOST) ); } } finally { rs.close(); } return history; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#getHistoryIds(long) */ @Override public List<Integer> getHistoryIds(long sessionId) throws DatabaseException { SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psGetAllHistoryIds = null; try { psGetAllHistoryIds = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.gethistoryids"); List<Integer> v = new ArrayList<>(); psGetAllHistoryIds.getPs().setLong(1, sessionId); try (ResultSet rs = psGetAllHistoryIds.getPs().executeQuery()) { while (rs.next()) { v.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt(HISTORYID))); } } return v; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psGetAllHistoryIds); } //return getHistoryIdsOfHistType(sessionId, null); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#getHistoryIdsOfHistType(long, int) */ @Override public List<Integer> getHistoryIdsOfHistType(long sessionId, int... histTypes) throws DatabaseException { if (histTypes == null || histTypes.length == 0) { return getHistoryIds(sessionId); } SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psGetAllHistoryIdsIncTypes = null; try { psGetAllHistoryIdsIncTypes = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.gethistoryidsinctypes"); List<Integer> v = new ArrayList<>(); psGetAllHistoryIdsIncTypes.getPs().setLong(1, sessionId); DbSQL.setSetValues(psGetAllHistoryIdsIncTypes.getPs(), 2, histTypes); try (ResultSet rs = psGetAllHistoryIdsIncTypes.getPs().executeQuery()) { while (rs.next()) { v.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt(HISTORYID))); } } return v; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psGetAllHistoryIdsIncTypes); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#getHistoryIdsExceptOfHistType(long, int) */ @Override public List<Integer> getHistoryIdsExceptOfHistType(long sessionId, int... histTypes) throws DatabaseException { if (histTypes == null || histTypes.length == 0) { return getHistoryIds(sessionId); } SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psGetAllHistoryIdsExcTypes = null; try { List<Integer> v = new ArrayList<>(); psGetAllHistoryIdsExcTypes = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.gethistoryidsnottypes"); psGetAllHistoryIdsExcTypes.getPs().setLong(1, sessionId); DbSQL.setSetValues(psGetAllHistoryIdsExcTypes.getPs(), 2, histTypes); try (ResultSet rs = psGetAllHistoryIdsExcTypes.getPs().executeQuery()) { while (rs.next()) { v.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt(HISTORYID))); } } return v; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psGetAllHistoryIdsExcTypes); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#getHistoryList(long, int, java.lang.String, boolean) */ @Override public List<Integer> getHistoryList(long sessionId, int histType, String filter, boolean isRequest) throws DatabaseException { try { // TODO PreparedStatement psReadSearch = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM HISTORY WHERE " + SESSIONID + " = ? AND " + HISTTYPE + " = ? ORDER BY " + HISTORYID); ResultSet rs = null; Vector<Integer> v = new Vector<>(); try { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(filter, Pattern.MULTILINE| Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = null; psReadSearch.setLong(1, sessionId); psReadSearch.setInt(2, histType); rs = psReadSearch.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { if (isRequest) { matcher = pattern.matcher(rs.getString(REQHEADER)); if (matcher.find()) { // ZAP: Changed to use the method Integer.valueOf. v.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt(HISTORYID))); continue; } matcher = pattern.matcher(rs.getString(REQBODY)); if (matcher.find()) { // ZAP: Changed to use the method Integer.valueOf. v.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt(HISTORYID))); continue; } } else { matcher = pattern.matcher(rs.getString(RESHEADER)); if (matcher.find()) { // ZAP: Changed to use the method Integer.valueOf. v.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt(HISTORYID))); continue; } matcher = pattern.matcher(rs.getString(RESBODY)); if (matcher.find()) { // ZAP: Changed to use the method Integer.valueOf. v.add(Integer.valueOf(rs.getInt(HISTORYID))); continue; } } } } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } } psReadSearch.close(); } return v; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#deleteHistorySession(long) */ @Override public void deleteHistorySession(long sessionId) throws DatabaseException { SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psDeleteSession = null; try { psDeleteSession = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.deletesession"); psDeleteSession.getPs().setLong(1, sessionId); psDeleteSession.getPs().executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psDeleteSession); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#deleteHistoryType(long, int) */ @Override public void deleteHistoryType(long sessionId, int historyType) throws DatabaseException { SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psDeleteType = null; try { psDeleteType = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.deletetype"); psDeleteType.getPs().setLong(1, sessionId); psDeleteType.getPs().setInt(2, historyType); psDeleteType.getPs().executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psDeleteType); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#delete(int) */ @Override public void delete(int historyId) throws DatabaseException { SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psDelete = null; try { psDelete = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.delete"); psDelete.getPs().setInt(1, historyId); psDelete.getPs().executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psDelete); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#delete(java.util.List) */ // ZAP: Added method. @Override public void delete(List<Integer> ids) throws DatabaseException { delete(ids, 1000); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#delete(java.util.List, int) */ @Override public void delete(List<Integer> ids, int batchSize) throws DatabaseException { if (ids == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter ids must not be null."); } if (batchSize <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter batchSize must be greater than zero."); } SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psDelete = null; try { psDelete = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.delete"); int count = 0; for (Integer id : ids) { psDelete.getPs().setInt(1, id.intValue()); psDelete.getPs().addBatch(); count++; if (count % batchSize == 0) { psDelete.getPs().executeBatch(); count = 0; } } if (count % batchSize != 0) { psDelete.getPs().executeBatch(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psDelete); } } /** * @deprecated (2.5.0) Use {@link HistoryReference#addTemporaryType(int)} instead. * @since 2.4 * @param historyType the history type that will be set as temporary * @see #deleteTemporary() */ @Deprecated public static void setHistoryTypeAsTemporary(int historyType) { } /** * @deprecated (2.5.0) Use {@link HistoryReference#removeTemporaryType(int)} instead. * @since 2.4 * @param historyType the history type that will be marked as temporary * @see #deleteTemporary() */ @Deprecated public static void unsetHistoryTypeAsTemporary(int historyType) { HistoryReference.removeTemporaryType(historyType); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#deleteTemporary() */ @Override public void deleteTemporary() throws DatabaseException { SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psDeleteTemp = null; try { psDeleteTemp = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.deletetemp"); for (Integer type : HistoryReference.getTemporaryTypes()) { psDeleteTemp.getPs().setInt(1, type); psDeleteTemp.getPs().execute(); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psDeleteTemp); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#containsURI(long, int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, byte[]) */ @Override public boolean containsURI(long sessionId, int historyType, String method, String uri, byte[] body) throws DatabaseException { SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psContainsURI = null; try { psContainsURI = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.containsuri"); psContainsURI.getPs().setString(1, uri); psContainsURI.getPs().setString(2, method); if (bodiesAsBytes) { psContainsURI.getPs().setBytes(3, body); } else { psContainsURI.getPs().setString(3, new String(body)); } psContainsURI.getPs().setLong(4, sessionId); psContainsURI.getPs().setInt(5, historyType); try (ResultSet rs = psContainsURI.getPs().executeQuery()) { if (rs.next()) { return true; } } return false; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psContainsURI); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#getHistoryCache(org.parosproxy.paros.model.HistoryReference, org.parosproxy.paros.network.HttpMessage) */ @Override public RecordHistory getHistoryCache(HistoryReference ref, HttpMessage reqMsg) throws DatabaseException , HttpMalformedHeaderException { try { // get the cache from provided reference. // naturally, the obtained cache should be AFTER AND NEARBY to the given reference. // - historyId up to historyId+200 // - match sessionId // - history type can be MANUEL or hidden (hidden is used by images not explicitly stored in history) // - match URI PreparedStatement psReadCache = null; // TODO if (isExistStatusCode) { // psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND " + HISTORYID + " >= ? AND " + HISTORYID + " <= ? AND SESSIONID = ? AND (HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_MANUAL + " OR HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_HIDDEN + ") AND STATUSCODE != 304"); psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND " + HISTORYID + " >= ? AND " + HISTORYID + " <= ? AND SESSIONID = ? AND STATUSCODE != 304"); } else { // psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND " + HISTORYID + " >= ? AND " + HISTORYID + " <= ? AND SESSIONID = ? AND (HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_MANUAL + " OR HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_HIDDEN + ")"); psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND " + HISTORYID + " >= ? AND " + HISTORYID + " <= ? AND SESSIONID = ?)"); } psReadCache.setString(1, reqMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString()); psReadCache.setString(2, reqMsg.getRequestHeader().getMethod()); if (bodiesAsBytes) { psReadCache.setBytes(3, reqMsg.getRequestBody().getBytes()); } else { psReadCache.setString(3, new String(reqMsg.getRequestBody().getBytes())); } psReadCache.setInt(4, ref.getHistoryId()); psReadCache.setInt(5, ref.getHistoryId()+200); psReadCache.setLong(6, ref.getSessionId()); ResultSet rs = psReadCache.executeQuery(); RecordHistory rec = null; try { do { rec = build(rs); // for retrieval from cache, the message requests nature must be the same. // and the result should NOT be NOT_MODIFIED for rendering by browser if (rec != null && rec.getHttpMessage().equals(reqMsg) && rec.getHttpMessage().getResponseHeader().getStatusCode() != HttpStatusCode.NOT_MODIFIED) { return rec; } } while (rec != null); } finally { try { rs.close(); psReadCache.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ZAP: Log exceptions log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } // if cache not exist, probably due to NOT_MODIFIED, // lookup from cache BEFORE the given reference // TODO if (isExistStatusCode) { psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND SESSIONID = ? AND STATUSCODE != 304"); } else { psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND SESSIONID = ?"); } psReadCache.setString(1, reqMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString()); psReadCache.setString(2, reqMsg.getRequestHeader().getMethod()); if (bodiesAsBytes) { psReadCache.setBytes(3, reqMsg.getRequestBody().getBytes()); } else { psReadCache.setString(3, new String(reqMsg.getRequestBody().getBytes())); } psReadCache.setLong(4, ref.getSessionId()); rs = psReadCache.executeQuery(); rec = null; try { do { rec = build(rs); if (rec != null && rec.getHttpMessage().equals(reqMsg) && rec.getHttpMessage().getResponseHeader().getStatusCode() != HttpStatusCode.NOT_MODIFIED) { return rec; } } while (rec != null); } finally { try { rs.close(); psReadCache.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ZAP: Log exceptions log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } return null; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#updateNote(int, java.lang.String) */ @Override public void updateNote(int historyId, String note) throws DatabaseException { SqlPreparedStatementWrapper psUpdateNote = null; try { psUpdateNote = DbSQL.getSingleton().getPreparedStatement( "history.ps.updatenote"); psUpdateNote.getPs().setString(1, note); psUpdateNote.getPs().setInt(2, historyId); psUpdateNote.getPs().execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new DatabaseException(e); } finally { DbSQL.getSingleton().releasePreparedStatement(psUpdateNote); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.parosproxy.paros.db.TbleHistoryIf#lastIndex() */ @Override public int lastIndex () { return lastInsertedIndex; } }