package com.yoursway.sunrise.workbench; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.ui.IMemento; import org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout; import org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveDescriptor; import org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveFactory; import org.eclipse.ui.IPlaceholderFolderLayout; import org.eclipse.ui.IViewLayout; import org.eclipse.ui.IViewPart; import org.eclipse.ui.IViewReference; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPartReference; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants; import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException; import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI; import org.eclipse.ui.WorkbenchException; import org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextService; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorAreaTrimToolBar; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.FastViewBar; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.FastViewManager; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ILayoutContainer; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchConstants; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.LayoutPart; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PageLayout; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.Perspective; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PerspectiveHelper; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.StartupThreading; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewLayoutRec; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewPane; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewSashContainer; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewSite; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewStack; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPlugin; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchWindow; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane.Sashes; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.StartupThreading.StartupRunnable; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.contexts.ContextAuthority; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.intro.IIntroConstants; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.ITrimManager; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.layout.IWindowTrim; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.ActionSetRegistry; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.IActionSetDescriptor; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.PerspectiveDescriptor; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.PerspectiveExtensionReader; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.StickyViewDescriptor; import org.eclipse.ui.internal.util.PrefUtil; import org.eclipse.ui.presentations.IStackPresentationSite; import org.eclipse.ui.views.IStickyViewDescriptor; @SuppressWarnings("restriction") public class SunrisePerspective extends Perspective { private PerspectiveHelper sunrisePresentation; public SunrisePerspective(PerspectiveDescriptor desc, WorkbenchPage page) throws WorkbenchException { super(desc, page); } public SunrisePerspective(WorkbenchPage page) throws WorkbenchException { super(page); } @Override protected void addActionSet(IActionSetDescriptor newDesc) { super.addActionSet(newDesc); } @Override protected void addAlwaysOff(IActionSetDescriptor descriptor) { super.addAlwaysOff(descriptor); } @Override protected void addAlwaysOn(IActionSetDescriptor descriptor) { super.addAlwaysOn(descriptor); } @Override public void addFastView(IViewReference ref, boolean handleLayout) { super.addFastView(ref, handleLayout); } @Override public boolean bringToTop(IViewReference ref) { return super.bringToTop(ref); } @Override public int calcStackSide(Rectangle stackBounds) { return super.calcStackSide(stackBounds); } @Override public boolean containsView(IViewPart view) { return super.containsView(view); } @Override protected void createInitialActionSets(List outputList, List stringList) { super.createInitialActionSets(outputList, stringList); } @Override public void describeLayout(StringBuffer buf) { super.describeLayout(buf); } @Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); } @Override public IViewReference findView(String id, String secondaryId) { return super.findView(id, secondaryId); } @Override public IViewReference findView(String viewId) { return super.findView(viewId); } @Override public IViewReference getActiveFastView() { return super.getActiveFastView(); } @Override public IActionSetDescriptor[] getAlwaysOffActionSets() { return super.getAlwaysOffActionSets(); } @Override public IActionSetDescriptor[] getAlwaysOnActionSets() { return super.getAlwaysOnActionSets(); } @Override public Composite getClientComposite() { return super.getClientComposite(); } @Override public IPerspectiveDescriptor getDesc() { return super.getDesc(); } @Override public boolean getEditorAreaRestoreOnUnzoom() { return super.getEditorAreaRestoreOnUnzoom(); } @Override public int getEditorAreaState() { return super.getEditorAreaState(); } @Override public FastViewManager getFastViewManager() { return super.getFastViewManager(); } @Override public IViewReference[] getFastViews() { return super.getFastViews(); } @Override public int getFastViewState() { return super.getFastViewState(); } @Override public float getFastViewWidthRatio(IViewReference ref) { return super.getFastViewWidthRatio(ref); } @Override public String[] getNewWizardShortcuts() { return super.getNewWizardShortcuts(); } @Override public IWorkbenchPartReference getOldPartRef() { return super.getOldPartRef(); } @Override protected ViewPane getPane(IViewReference ref) { return super.getPane(ref); } @Override protected ArrayList getPerspectiveExtensionActionSets() { return super.getPerspectiveExtensionActionSets(); } @Override public String[] getPerspectiveShortcuts() { return super.getPerspectiveShortcuts(); } @Override public PerspectiveHelper getPresentation() { return super.getPresentation(); } @Override protected ArrayList getShowInIdsFromRegistry() { return super.getShowInIdsFromRegistry(); } @Override public ArrayList getShowInPartIds() { return super.getShowInPartIds(); } @Override public long getShowInTime(String partId) { return super.getShowInTime(partId); } @Override public boolean getShowTitleView(IViewReference ref) { return super.getShowTitleView(ref); } @Override public String[] getShowViewShortcuts() { return super.getShowViewShortcuts(); } @Override public ViewFactory getViewFactory() { return super.getViewFactory(); } @Override public ViewLayoutRec getViewLayoutRec(IViewReference ref, boolean create) { return super.getViewLayoutRec(ref, create); } @Override public IViewReference getViewReference(String viewId, String secondaryId) { return super.getViewReference(viewId, secondaryId); } @Override public IViewReference[] getViewReferences() { return super.getViewReferences(); } @Override protected void hideEditorArea() { super.hideEditorArea(); } @Override protected void hideEditorAreaLocal() { super.hideEditorAreaLocal(); } @Override public boolean hideView(IViewReference ref) { return super.hideView(ref); } @Override public boolean isCloseable(IViewReference reference) { return super.isCloseable(reference); } @Override protected boolean isEditorAreaVisible() { return super.isEditorAreaVisible(); } @Override public boolean isFastView(IViewReference ref) { return super.isFastView(ref); } @Override public boolean isFixedLayout() { return super.isFixedLayout(); } @Override public boolean isMoveable(IViewReference reference) { return super.isMoveable(reference); } @Override public boolean isStandaloneView(IViewReference ref) { return super.isStandaloneView(ref); } @Override protected void loadPredefinedPersp(PerspectiveDescriptor persp) throws WorkbenchException { // Create layout engine. IPerspectiveFactory factory = null; try { factory = persp.createFactory(); } catch (CoreException e) { throw new WorkbenchException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.Perspective_unableToLoad, persp.getId() )); } /* * IPerspectiveFactory#createFactory() can return null */ if (factory == null) { throw new WorkbenchException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.Perspective_unableToLoad, persp.getId() )); } // Create layout factory. ViewSashContainer container = new ViewSashContainer(page, getClientComposite()); layout = new PageLayout(container, getViewFactory(), editorArea, descriptor); layout.setFixed(descriptor.getFixed()); // add the placeholders for the sticky folders and their contents IPlaceholderFolderLayout stickyFolderRight = null, stickyFolderLeft = null, stickyFolderTop = null, stickyFolderBottom = null; IStickyViewDescriptor[] descs = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault() .getViewRegistry().getStickyViews(); for (int i = 0; i < descs.length; i++) { IStickyViewDescriptor stickyViewDescriptor = descs[i]; String id = stickyViewDescriptor.getId(); switch (stickyViewDescriptor.getLocation()) { case IPageLayout.RIGHT: if (stickyFolderRight == null) { stickyFolderRight = layout .createPlaceholderFolder( StickyViewDescriptor.STICKY_FOLDER_RIGHT, IPageLayout.RIGHT, .75f, IPageLayout.ID_EDITOR_AREA); } stickyFolderRight.addPlaceholder(id); break; case IPageLayout.LEFT: if (stickyFolderLeft == null) { stickyFolderLeft = layout.createPlaceholderFolder( StickyViewDescriptor.STICKY_FOLDER_LEFT, IPageLayout.LEFT, .25f, IPageLayout.ID_EDITOR_AREA); } stickyFolderLeft.addPlaceholder(id); break; case IPageLayout.TOP: if (stickyFolderTop == null) { stickyFolderTop = layout.createPlaceholderFolder( StickyViewDescriptor.STICKY_FOLDER_TOP, IPageLayout.TOP, .25f, IPageLayout.ID_EDITOR_AREA); } stickyFolderTop.addPlaceholder(id); break; case IPageLayout.BOTTOM: if (stickyFolderBottom == null) { stickyFolderBottom = layout.createPlaceholderFolder( StickyViewDescriptor.STICKY_FOLDER_BOTTOM, IPageLayout.BOTTOM, .75f, IPageLayout.ID_EDITOR_AREA); } stickyFolderBottom.addPlaceholder(id); break; } //should never be null as we've just added the view above IViewLayout viewLayout = layout.getViewLayout(id); viewLayout.setCloseable(stickyViewDescriptor.isCloseable()); viewLayout.setMoveable(stickyViewDescriptor.isMoveable()); } // Run layout engine. factory.createInitialLayout(layout); PerspectiveExtensionReader extender = new PerspectiveExtensionReader(); extender.extendLayout(page.getExtensionTracker(), descriptor.getId(), layout); // Retrieve view layout info stored in the page layout. // XXX AT commented // mapIDtoViewLayoutRec.putAll(layout.getIDtoViewLayoutRecMap()); // Create action sets. List temp = new ArrayList(); createInitialActionSets(temp, layout.getActionSets()); IContextService service = null; if (page != null) { service = (IContextService) page.getWorkbenchWindow().getService( IContextService.class); } try { if (service!=null) { service.activateContext(ContextAuthority.DEFER_EVENTS); } for (Iterator iter = temp.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IActionSetDescriptor descriptor = (IActionSetDescriptor) iter .next(); addAlwaysOn(descriptor); } } finally { if (service!=null) { service.activateContext(ContextAuthority.SEND_EVENTS); } } newWizardShortcuts = layout.getNewWizardShortcuts(); showViewShortcuts = layout.getShowViewShortcuts(); perspectiveShortcuts = layout.getPerspectiveShortcuts(); showInPartIds = layout.getShowInPartIds(); // Retrieve fast views if (fastViewManager != null) { ArrayList fastViews = layout.getFastViews(); for (Iterator fvIter = fastViews.iterator(); fvIter.hasNext();) { IViewReference ref = (IViewReference); fastViewManager.addViewReference(FastViewBar.FASTVIEWBAR_ID, -1, ref, !fvIter.hasNext()); } } // Is the layout fixed fixed = layout.isFixed(); // Create presentation. presentation = new SunrisePerspectiveHelper(page, container, this); // Hide editor area if requested by factory if (!layout.isEditorAreaVisible()) { hideEditorArea(); } } @Override public void makeFastView(IViewReference ref) { super.makeFastView(ref); } @Override protected void onActivate() { // Update editor area state. if (editorArea.getControl() != null) { boolean visible = isEditorAreaVisible(); boolean inTrim = editorAreaState == IStackPresentationSite.STATE_MINIMIZED; // Funky check: Intro uses the old zoom behaviour when maximized. Make sure we don't show the // editor if it's supposed to be hidden because the intro is maximized. Note that // 'childObscuredByZoom' will only respond 'true' when using the old behaviour. boolean introMaxed = getPresentation().getLayout().childObscuredByZoom(editorArea); editorArea.setVisible(visible && !inTrim && !introMaxed); } // Update fast views. // Make sure the control for the fastviews are created so they can // be activated. if (fastViewManager != null) { List fastViews = fastViewManager.getFastViews(null); for (int i = 0; i < fastViews.size(); i++) { ViewPane pane = getPane((IViewReference) fastViews.get(i)); if (pane != null) { Control ctrl = pane.getControl(); if (ctrl == null) { pane.createControl(getClientComposite()); ctrl = pane.getControl(); } ctrl.setEnabled(false); // Remove focus support. } } } // Set the visibility of all fast view pins setAllPinsVisible(true); // Trim Stack Support boolean useNewMinMax = Perspective.useNewMinMax(this); boolean hideEditorArea = shouldHideEditorsOnActivate || (editorHidden && editorHolder == null); // We have to set the editor area's stack state -before- // activating the presentation since it's used there to determine // size of the resulting stack if (useNewMinMax && !hideEditorArea) { refreshEditorAreaVisibility(); } // Show the layout presentation.activate(getClientComposite()); if (useNewMinMax) { fastViewManager.activate(); // Move any minimized extension stacks to the trim if (layout != null) { // Turn aimations off IPreferenceStore preferenceStore = PrefUtil.getAPIPreferenceStore(); boolean useAnimations = preferenceStore .getBoolean(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.ENABLE_ANIMATIONS); preferenceStore.setValue(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.ENABLE_ANIMATIONS, false); List minStacks = layout.getMinimizedStacks(); for (Iterator msIter = minStacks.iterator(); msIter.hasNext();) { ViewStack vs = (ViewStack); vs.setMinimized(true); } // Restore the animation pref preferenceStore.setValue(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.ENABLE_ANIMATIONS, useAnimations); // this is a one-off deal...set during the extension reading minStacks.clear(); layout = null; } } else { // Update the FVB only if not using the new min/max WorkbenchWindow wbw = (WorkbenchWindow) page.getWorkbenchWindow(); if (wbw != null) { ITrimManager tbm = wbw.getTrimManager(); if (tbm != null) { IWindowTrim fvb = tbm.getTrim(FastViewBar.FASTVIEWBAR_ID); if (fvb instanceof FastViewBar) { ((FastViewBar)fvb).update(true); } } } } // If we are -not- using the new min/max then ensure that there // are no stacks in the trim. This can happen when a user switches // back to the 3.0 presentation... if (!Perspective.useNewMinMax(this) && fastViewManager != null) { boolean stacksWereRestored = fastViewManager.restoreAllTrimStacks(); setEditorAreaTrimVisibility(false); // Restore any 'maximized' view stack since we've restored // the minimized stacks if (stacksWereRestored && presentation.getMaximizedStack() instanceof ViewStack) { ViewStack vs = (ViewStack) presentation.getMaximizedStack(); vs.setPresentationState(IStackPresentationSite.STATE_RESTORED); presentation.setMaximizedStack(null); } } // We hide the editor area -after- the presentation activates if (hideEditorArea) { // We do this here to ensure that createPartControl is called on the // top editor // before it is hidden. See bug 20166. hideEditorArea(); shouldHideEditorsOnActivate = false; // this is an override so it should handle both states if (useNewMinMax) setEditorAreaTrimVisibility(editorAreaState == IStackPresentationSite.STATE_MINIMIZED); } } @Override protected void onDeactivate() { super.onDeactivate(); } @Override public void partActivated(IWorkbenchPart activePart) { super.partActivated(activePart); } @Override public void performedShowIn(String partId) { super.performedShowIn(partId); } @Override public void refreshEditorAreaVisibility() { super.refreshEditorAreaVisibility(); } @Override public void removeFastView(IViewReference ref, boolean handleLayout) { super.removeFastView(ref, handleLayout); } @Override public void removeFastView(IViewReference ref) { super.removeFastView(ref); } @Override public IViewReference restoreFastView(IMemento fvMemento, MultiStatus result) { return super.restoreFastView(fvMemento, result); } static String extractPrimaryId(String compoundId) { int i = compoundId.lastIndexOf(":"); if (i == -1) { return compoundId; } return compoundId.substring(0, i); } static String extractSecondaryId(String compoundId) { int i = compoundId.lastIndexOf(":"); if (i == -1) { return null; } return compoundId.substring(i + 1); } static String getKey(String id, String secondaryId) { return secondaryId == null ? id : id + ":" + secondaryId; } @Override public IStatus restoreState() { if (this.memento == null) { return new Status(IStatus.OK, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 0, "", null); //$NON-NLS-1$ } MultiStatus result = new MultiStatus( PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, IStatus.OK, WorkbenchMessages.Perspective_problemsRestoringPerspective, null); IMemento memento = this.memento; this.memento = null; final IMemento boundsMem = memento.getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_WINDOW); if (boundsMem != null) { final Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); r.x = boundsMem.getInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_X).intValue(); r.y = boundsMem.getInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_Y).intValue(); r.height = boundsMem.getInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_HEIGHT) .intValue(); r.width = boundsMem.getInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_WIDTH) .intValue(); StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { public void runWithException() throws Throwable { if (page.getWorkbenchWindow().getPages().length == 0) { page.getWorkbenchWindow().getShell().setBounds(r); } } }); } // Create an empty presentation.. final PerspectiveHelper [] presArray = new PerspectiveHelper[1]; StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { public void runWithException() throws Throwable { ViewSashContainer mainLayout = new ViewSashContainer(page, getClientComposite()); presArray[0] = new SunrisePerspectiveHelper(page, mainLayout, SunrisePerspective.this); }}); final PerspectiveHelper pres = presArray[0]; // Read the layout. result.merge(pres.restoreState(memento .getChild(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_LAYOUT))); StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { public void runWithException() throws Throwable { // Add the editor workbook. Do not hide it now. pres.replacePlaceholderWithPart(editorArea); }}); // Add the visible views. IMemento[] views = memento.getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_VIEW); for (int x = 0; x < views.length; x++) { // Get the view details. IMemento childMem = views[x]; String id = childMem.getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID); String secondaryId = extractSecondaryId(id); if (secondaryId != null) { id = extractPrimaryId(id); } // skip the intro as it is restored higher up in workbench. if (id.equals(IIntroConstants.INTRO_VIEW_ID)) { continue; } // Create and open the view. IViewReference viewRef = getViewFactory().getView(id, secondaryId); WorkbenchPartReference ref = (WorkbenchPartReference) viewRef; // report error if (ref == null) { String key = getKey(id, secondaryId); result.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, PlatformUI.PLUGIN_ID, 0, NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.Perspective_couldNotFind, key ), null)); continue; } boolean willPartBeVisible = pres.willPartBeVisible(ref.getId(), secondaryId); if (willPartBeVisible) { IViewPart view = (IViewPart) ref.getPart(true); if (view != null) { ViewSite site = (ViewSite) view.getSite(); ViewPane pane = (ViewPane) site.getPane(); pres.replacePlaceholderWithPart(pane); } } else { pres.replacePlaceholderWithPart(ref.getPane()); } } // Load the fast views if (fastViewManager != null) fastViewManager.restoreState(memento, result); // Load the view layout recs IMemento[] recMementos = memento .getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_VIEW_LAYOUT_REC); // for (int i = 0; i < recMementos.length; i++) { // IMemento recMemento = recMementos[i]; // String compoundId = recMemento // .getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID); // if (compoundId != null) { // ViewLayoutRec rec = getViewLayoutRec(compoundId, true); // if (IWorkbenchConstants.FALSE.equals(recMemento // .getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_CLOSEABLE))) { // rec.isCloseable = false; // } // if (IWorkbenchConstants.FALSE.equals(recMemento // .getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_MOVEABLE))) { // rec.isMoveable = false; // } // if (IWorkbenchConstants.TRUE.equals(recMemento // .getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_STANDALONE))) { // rec.isStandalone = true; // rec.showTitle = !IWorkbenchConstants.FALSE // .equals(recMemento // .getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_SHOW_TITLE)); // } // } // } // final IContextService service = (IContextService)page.getWorkbenchWindow().getService(IContextService.class); try { // one big try block, don't kill me here // defer context events if (service != null) { service.activateContext(ContextAuthority.DEFER_EVENTS); } HashSet knownActionSetIds = new HashSet(); // Load the always on action sets. IMemento[] actions = memento .getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ALWAYS_ON_ACTION_SET); for (int x = 0; x < actions.length; x++) { String actionSetID = actions[x] .getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID); final IActionSetDescriptor d = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault() .getActionSetRegistry().findActionSet(actionSetID); if (d != null) { StartupThreading .runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { public void runWithException() throws Throwable { addAlwaysOn(d); } }); knownActionSetIds.add(actionSetID); } } // Load the always off action sets. actions = memento .getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ALWAYS_OFF_ACTION_SET); for (int x = 0; x < actions.length; x++) { String actionSetID = actions[x] .getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID); final IActionSetDescriptor d = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault() .getActionSetRegistry().findActionSet(actionSetID); if (d != null) { StartupThreading .runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { public void runWithException() throws Throwable { addAlwaysOff(d); } }); knownActionSetIds.add(actionSetID); } } // Load "show view actions". actions = memento .getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_SHOW_VIEW_ACTION); showViewShortcuts = new ArrayList(actions.length); for (int x = 0; x < actions.length; x++) { String id = actions[x].getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID); showViewShortcuts.add(id); } // Load "show in times". actions = memento.getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_SHOW_IN_TIME); for (int x = 0; x < actions.length; x++) { String id = actions[x].getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID); String timeStr = actions[x] .getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_TIME); if (id != null && timeStr != null) { try { long time = Long.parseLong(timeStr); showInTimes.put(id, new Long(time)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // skip this one } } } // Load "show in parts" from registry, not memento showInPartIds = getShowInIdsFromRegistry(); // Load "new wizard actions". actions = memento .getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_NEW_WIZARD_ACTION); newWizardShortcuts = new ArrayList(actions.length); for (int x = 0; x < actions.length; x++) { String id = actions[x].getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID); newWizardShortcuts.add(id); } // Load "perspective actions". actions = memento .getChildren(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_PERSPECTIVE_ACTION); perspectiveShortcuts = new ArrayList(actions.length); for (int x = 0; x < actions.length; x++) { String id = actions[x].getString(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_ID); perspectiveShortcuts.add(id); } ArrayList extActionSets = getPerspectiveExtensionActionSets(); for (int i = 0; i < extActionSets.size(); i++) { String actionSetID = (String) extActionSets.get(i); if (knownActionSetIds.contains(actionSetID)) { continue; } final IActionSetDescriptor d = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault() .getActionSetRegistry().findActionSet(actionSetID); if (d != null) { StartupThreading .runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { public void runWithException() throws Throwable { addAlwaysOn(d); } }); knownActionSetIds.add(d.getId()); } } // Add the visible set of action sets to our knownActionSetIds // Now go through the registry to ensure we pick up any new action // sets // that have been added but not yet considered by this perspective. ActionSetRegistry reg = WorkbenchPlugin.getDefault() .getActionSetRegistry(); IActionSetDescriptor[] array = reg.getActionSets(); int count = array.length; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { IActionSetDescriptor desc = array[i]; if ((!knownActionSetIds.contains(desc.getId())) && (desc.isInitiallyVisible())) { addActionSet(desc); } } } finally { // restart context changes if (service != null) { StartupThreading.runWithoutExceptions(new StartupRunnable() { public void runWithException() throws Throwable { service.activateContext(ContextAuthority.SEND_EVENTS); } }); } } // Save presentation. presentation = pres; // Hide the editor area if needed. Need to wait for the // presentation to be fully setup first. Integer areaVisible = memento .getInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_AREA_VISIBLE); // Rather than hiding the editors now we must wait until after their // controls // are created. This ensures that if an editor is instantiated, // createPartControl // is also called. See bug 20166. shouldHideEditorsOnActivate = (areaVisible != null && areaVisible .intValue() == 0); // Restore the trim state of the editor area IPreferenceStore preferenceStore = PrefUtil.getAPIPreferenceStore(); boolean useNewMinMax = preferenceStore.getBoolean(IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants.ENABLE_NEW_MIN_MAX); if (useNewMinMax) { Integer trimStateInt = memento.getInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_AREA_TRIM_STATE); if (trimStateInt != null) { editorAreaState = trimStateInt.intValue() & 0x3; // low order two bits contain the state editorAreaRestoreOnUnzoom = (trimStateInt.intValue() & 4) != 0; } } // restore the fixed state Integer isFixed = memento.getInteger(IWorkbenchConstants.TAG_FIXED); fixed = (isFixed != null && isFixed.intValue() == 1); return result; } @Override public IStatus restoreState(IMemento memento) { return super.restoreState(memento); } @Override public void restoreTrimPart(LayoutPart part) { super.restoreTrimPart(part); } @Override public void restoreZoomedParts() { super.restoreZoomedParts(); } @Override public void saveDesc() { super.saveDesc(); } @Override public void saveDescAs(IPerspectiveDescriptor desc) { super.saveDescAs(desc); } @Override public IStatus saveState(IMemento memento) { return super.saveState(memento); } @Override protected void setAllPinsVisible(boolean visible) { super.setAllPinsVisible(visible); } @Override public void setEditorAreaRestoreOnUnzoom(boolean restore) { super.setEditorAreaRestoreOnUnzoom(restore); } @Override public void setEditorAreaState(int newState) { super.setEditorAreaState(newState); } @Override protected EditorAreaTrimToolBar setEditorAreaTrimVisibility(boolean visible) { return super.setEditorAreaTrimVisibility(visible); } @Override public void setFastViewState(int newState) { super.setFastViewState(newState); } @Override public void setNewWizardActionIds(ArrayList newList) { super.setNewWizardActionIds(newList); } @Override public void setOldPartRef(IWorkbenchPartReference oldPartRef) { super.setOldPartRef(oldPartRef); } @Override public void setPerspectiveActionIds(ArrayList list) { super.setPerspectiveActionIds(list); } @Override public void setShowInPartIds(ArrayList list) { super.setShowInPartIds(list); } @Override public void setShowViewActionIds(ArrayList list) { super.setShowViewActionIds(list); } @Override protected void showEditorArea() { super.showEditorArea(); } @Override protected void showEditorAreaLocal() { super.showEditorAreaLocal(); } @Override public IViewPart showView(String viewId, String secondaryId) throws PartInitException { ViewFactory factory = getViewFactory(); IViewReference ref = factory.createView(viewId, secondaryId); IViewPart part = (IViewPart) ref.getPart(true); if (part == null) { throw new PartInitException(NLS.bind(WorkbenchMessages.ViewFactory_couldNotCreate, ref.getId())); } ViewSite site = (ViewSite) part.getSite(); ViewPane pane = (ViewPane) site.getPane(); if (pane != null && pane.getControl() != null) pane.getControl().setEnabled(true); SunriseViewManager sunriseViewManager = ((SunriseWorkbenchPage) page).getSunriseViewManager(); sunriseViewManager.showView(pane, site); return part; // return super.showView(viewId, secondaryId); } @Override public void testInvariants() { super.testInvariants(); } @Override public void toggleFastView(IViewReference ref) { super.toggleFastView(ref); } @Override public void turnOffActionSet(IActionSetDescriptor toDisable) { super.turnOffActionSet(toDisable); } @Override public void turnOffActionSets(IActionSetDescriptor[] toDisable) { super.turnOffActionSets(toDisable); } @Override public void turnOnActionSets(IActionSetDescriptor[] newArray) { super.turnOnActionSets(newArray); } // @Override // public PerspectiveHelper getPresentation() { // return sunrisePresentation; // } }