package; import cz.mallat.uasparser.UASparser; import cz.mallat.uasparser.UserAgentInfo; import; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A tool to receive log-lines and maintain current means that are sent to a command-line listener */ public class LogAnalysisCursor extends Thread { public LogAnalysisCursor(String zabbixCli, String zabbixHost, boolean automatic) { this.zabbixCli = zabbixCli; this.zabbixHost = zabbixHost; this.timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss ZZZZZ", new Locale("en-US")); this.numberFormat = new DecimalFormat("##########"); try { parser = new UASparser(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/userAgentStrings.ini")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("No user Agent Strings."); } if(automatic) super.start(); } private String zabbixCli, zabbixHost; private final DateFormat timeFormat; private final NumberFormat numberFormat; private static Pattern fileNamePattern; private long timeDifference = 0; private long periodicity = 10000; private final UASparser parser; void setFakeStartTime(long startTime) { timeDifference = startTime-System.currentTimeMillis(); } void setPeriodicity(long periodicity) { this.periodicity = periodicity; } public void run() { while(true) { try { Thread.sleep(periodicity); calculateAndReport(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } static String readExtension(String path) { if(fileNamePattern==null) fileNamePattern = Pattern.compile("((/xwiki/bin/download/[^/]*/[^/]*/(.*))(\\?.*)?|(/xwiki/bin/[a-z]+/[^/]*/[^/]*)(\\?.*)?|(.*)\\.([a-zA-Z]+)(\\?.*)?|(.*)/)"); Matcher m = fileNamePattern.matcher(path); String extension = null; try { if(!m.matches()) { System.err.println("Broken filename: " + path); } else if(!=null) { // e.g. /xwiki/bin/download/Main/WebHome/xx.gif extension =; } else if(m.groupCount()>=5 &&!=null) { // e.g. /xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome extension = "html"; } else if(m.groupCount()>=8 &&!=null) { // e.g. /xwiki/skins/xx/x.png extension =; } } catch (Exception e) { // something happened with the regexp, just report and keep things null e.printStackTrace(); } return extension; } void handleLine(String ip, String timeS, String durationS, String user, String method, String path, String protocol, String statusS, String sizeS, String referer, String userAgent, String route) { try { // parsing ops Date time; synchronized(timeFormat) { time = timeFormat.parse(timeS); } long duration, size; int status; synchronized(numberFormat) { duration = numberFormat.parse(durationS).longValue(); size = "-".equals(sizeS) ? 0 : numberFormat.parse(sizeS).longValue(); status = numberFormat.parse(statusS).intValue(); } String extension = readExtension(path); //System.out.println("PATH: " + path); UserAgentInfo userAgentInfo = parser.parse(userAgent); //System.err.println("Extension: " + extension); handleLog(time, duration, status, size, null, extension, user, method, route, userAgent, userAgentInfo); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Broken line: time: " + timeS + " duration: " + durationS + " path: " + path); } } private void handleLog(Date time, long duration, int status, long size, String fileName, String extension, String user, String httpMethod, String route, String userAgentString, UserAgentInfo userAgentInfo) { Event event = new Event(time, duration, status, size, fileName, extension, user, httpMethod, route, userAgentString, userAgentInfo); insertEvent(event); } /* -- window of 1 minute -- delay of 10 s -- put events in a linkedList, in order of start time -- make measures on the current window -- an event is in the current window if its start-time is more than 10s ago, and its end-time is after 70s ago */ private class Event { private final long startTime, endTime; private final long size, duration; private int status; private String fileName, extension, user, httpMethod, category, route, userAgentString; private UserAgentInfo userAgentInfo; public Event(Date time, long duration, int status, long size, String fileName, String extension, String user, String httpMethod, String route, String userAgentString, UserAgentInfo userAgentInfo) { this.startTime = time.getTime(); this.endTime = startTime + duration/1000; this.duration = duration; this.status = status; this.size = size; this.fileName = fileName; this.extension = extension; this.category = guessCategory(extension); this.user = user; this.httpMethod = httpMethod; this.route = route; this.userAgentInfo = userAgentInfo; this.userAgentString = userAgentString; } private String guessCategory(String extension) { if(extension==null || extension.length()==0) return "none"; String cat = categoryByExtension.get(extension.toLowerCase()); if(cat==null) return "none"; return cat; } } final LinkedList<Event> events =new LinkedList<Event>(); static final Set<String> personalComputerOSs = new HashSet(Arrays.asList("OS X", "Windows", "Linux")), mobileOSs = new HashSet(Arrays.asList("iOS", "Android", "Blackberry")); private void insertEvent(Event e) { synchronized(events) { events.add(e); } } /** * Removes events whose end date is before 70 s ago */ private void purgeEvents() { long limit = System.currentTimeMillis()-70000L + timeDifference; synchronized (events) { Iterator<Event> it = events.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Event e =; if(e.endTime < limit) it.remove(); } } } void calculateAndReport() { if(events.isEmpty()) return; long meanDuration, meanSize; int numberOfRequests=0, numberOf200=0, numberOf304=0, numberOfRedirects=0, numberOfErrors=0, numberOfGet=0, numberOfPost=0; Map<String, Integer> numberByCategory = new HashMap<String, Integer>(), numberByRoute= new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // set limits long intervalEnd = System.currentTimeMillis()-10000+timeDifference; purgeEvents(); // mean duration long m = 0; int count = 0; synchronized (events) { for(Event e: events) { if(e.startTime > intervalEnd) continue; count++; m += e.duration; } } meanDuration = count==0 ? 0 : m/count; // mean size m = 0; count = 0; synchronized (events) { for(Event e: events) { if(e.startTime > intervalEnd) continue; count++; m += e.size; } } meanSize = count==0 ? 0 : m/count; // numberOfRequests numberOfRequests = count; // numberOf304 and numberOfRedirects count = 0; synchronized (events) { for(Event e: events) { int hundreds = e.status/100; if(hundreds==3 && e.startTime > intervalEnd) { if(e.status==304) numberOf304++; else numberOfRedirects++; } if(e.status==200) numberOf200++; if(hundreds== 4 || hundreds==5) numberOfErrors++; } } // numberByCategory for(String category: categories) numberByCategory.put(category, 0); synchronized (events) { for(Event e: events) { int cc = numberByCategory.get(e.category); numberByCategory.put(e.category, ++cc); } } // numberByRoute synchronized (events) { for(Event e: events) { if(!(numberByRoute.containsKey(e.route))) numberByRoute.put(e.route, 0); numberByRoute.put(e.route, numberByRoute.get(e.route)+1); //System.err.println("NumberByRoute: " + e.route + numberByRoute.get(e.route)); } } // numberOfGet, numberOfPost numberOfGet = 0; numberOfPost = 0; synchronized(events) { for(Event e: events) { if(e.startTime > intervalEnd) continue; if("GET".equals(e.httpMethod)) numberOfGet++; if("POST".equals(e.httpMethod)) numberOfPost++; } } // robots/computer/portable int numberOfRobots=0, numberOfMobiles=0, numberOfComputers=0, numberOfUnknownDevice=0; synchronized(events) { for(Event e: events) { if (e.startTime > intervalEnd) continue; UserAgentInfo ua = e.userAgentInfo; if (ua.isRobot() || e.userAgentString.toLowerCase().contains("bot")) numberOfRobots++; else if ("Personal computer".equals(ua.getDeviceType()) || personalComputerOSs.contains(ua.getOsFamily())) { numberOfComputers++; } else if ("Tablet".equals(ua.getDeviceType()) || "Smartphone".equals(ua.getDeviceType()) || mobileOSs.contains(ua.getOsFamily())) { numberOfMobiles++; } else { numberOfUnknownDevice++; } } } reportNumbers(meanDuration, meanSize, numberOfRequests, numberOf200, numberOf304, numberOfRedirects, numberOfErrors, numberOfGet, numberOfPost, numberByCategory, numberByRoute, numberOfRobots, numberOfMobiles, numberOfComputers, numberOfUnknownDevice); System.out.flush(); // TODO: number of users // TODO: number of robot requests // number of sessions? // - currikiWeb[localhost,keyName] /* beta-web apache[localhost,ReadingRequest] 0 beta-web apache[localhost,Closingconnection] 0 beta-web apache[localhost,SendingReply] 1 beta-web apache[localhost,Startingup] 0 beta-web apache[localhost,Idlecleanupofworker] 0 beta-web apache[localhost,DNSLookup] 0 beta-web apache[localhost,WaitingforConnection] 9 beta-web apache[localhost,Keepaliveread] 0 beta-web apache[localhost,IdleWorkers] 9 beta-web apache[localhost,Logging] 0 beta-web apache[localhost,BusyWorkers] 1 beta-web apache[localhost,Gracefullyfinishing] 0 beta-web apache[localhost,Openslotwithnocurrentprocess] 246 */ } protected void reportNumbers(long meanDuration, long meanSize, int numberOfRequests, int numberOf200, int numberOf304, int numberOfRedirects, int numberOfErrors, int numberOfGet, int numberOfPost, Map<String, Integer> numberByCategory, Map<String, Integer> numberByRoute, int numberOfRobots, int numberOfMobiles, int numberOfComputers, int numberOfUnknownDevice) { System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,RequestDuration] " + meanDuration); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,MeanSize] " + meanSize); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,NumberOfRequests] " + numberOfRequests); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,NumberOfStatus200] " + numberOf200); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,NumberOfStatus304] " + numberOf304); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,NumberOfRedirects] " + numberOfRedirects); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,NumberOfErrorStatus] " + numberOfErrors); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,NumberOfGetRequests] " + numberOfGet); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,NumberOfPosts] " + numberOfPost); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,numberOfRobots] " + numberOfRobots); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,numberOfMobiles] " + numberOfMobiles); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,numberOfComputers] " + numberOfComputers); System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,numberOfUnknownDevice] " + numberOfUnknownDevice); for(String category: categories) { System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,NumberOfRequestsInCategory-" + category + "] " + numberByCategory.get(category)); } for(String route: numberByRoute.keySet()) { Object o = numberByRoute.get(route); if(o==null) o = 0; System.out.println("- currikiWeb[localhost,NumberOfRequestsRouted_" + route+ "] " + o); } } private List<String> categories = Arrays.asList("none", "image", "js", "doc", "css", "ico"); private Map<String, String> categoryByExtension = createCategoryByExtension(); private Map<String,String> createCategoryByExtension() { Map<String,String> m = new HashMap<String,String>(); m.put("png", "image"); m.put("jpg", "image"); m.put("jpeg", "image"); m.put("pdf", "doc"); m.put("ico", "ico"); m.put("doc", "doc"); m.put("js", "js"); return m; } }