package org.curriki.xwiki.plugin.asset.composite; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiContext; import com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException; import com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiMessageTool; import com.xpn.xwiki.api.Document; import com.xpn.xwiki.objects.BaseObject; import org.curriki.xwiki.plugin.asset.Asset; import org.curriki.xwiki.plugin.asset.Constants; import org.curriki.xwiki.plugin.asset.AssetException; import org.curriki.xwiki.plugin.asset.other.ProtectedAsset; import org.curriki.xwiki.plugin.asset.other.InvalidAsset; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Collections; /** */ public abstract class CompositeAsset extends Asset { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RootCollectionCompositeAsset.class); public final static String CATEGORY_NAME = Constants.ASSET_CATEGORY_COLLECTION; public CompositeAsset(XWikiDocument doc, XWikiContext context) { super(doc, context); } protected void initSubType() throws XWikiException { super.initSubType(); BaseObject obj = doc.newObject(Constants.COMPOSITE_ASSET_CLASS, context); obj.setStringValue(Constants.COMPOSITE_ASSET_CLASS_TYPE, compositeAssetType()); determineCategory(); setDefaultContent(); } protected void setDefaultContent() throws XWikiException { assertCanEdit(); doc.setContent(""); } @Override public String getCategorySubtype() { return compositeAssetType(); } abstract protected String compositeAssetType(); public Map<String,Object> getCompositeInfo() { Map<String,Object> docInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); addSubinfo(docInfo, this); // Children List<Map<String,Object>> subList = getSubassetsInfo(); if (subList.size() > 0) { docInfo.put("children", subList); } return docInfo; } protected Map<String,Object> addEmptySubinfo(Map<String,Object> subInfo, String assetType) { subInfo.put("displayTitle", ""); subInfo.put("description", ""); subInfo.put("revision", ""); subInfo.put("fwItems", new String[]{}); subInfo.put("levels", new String[]{}); subInfo.put("category", ""); subInfo.put("subcategory", ""); subInfo.put("ict", ""); subInfo.put("assetType", assetType); Map<String,Boolean> rightsInfo = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(3); rightsInfo.put("view", false); rightsInfo.put("edit", false); rightsInfo.put("delete", false); subInfo.put("rights", rightsInfo); return subInfo; } protected Map<String,Object> addSubinfo(Map<String,Object> subInfo, Document doc) { if (doc instanceof Asset) { Asset aDoc = (Asset) doc; subInfo.put("displayTitle", aDoc.getDisplayTitle()); subInfo.put("description", aDoc.getDescription()); subInfo.put("revision", aDoc.getVersion()); subInfo.put("fwItems", aDoc.getValue(Constants.ASSET_CLASS_FRAMEWORK_ITEMS)); subInfo.put("levels", aDoc.getValue(Constants.ASSET_CLASS_EDUCATIONAL_LEVEL)); subInfo.put("category", aDoc.getCategory()); subInfo.put("subcategory", aDoc.getCategorySubtype()); subInfo.put("ict", aDoc.getValue(Constants.ASSET_CLASS_INSTRUCTIONAL_COMPONENT)); if (aDoc instanceof CompositeAsset) { subInfo.put("collectionType", ((CompositeAsset) aDoc).compositeAssetType()); } subInfo.put("assetType", aDoc.getAssetType()); subInfo.put("rights", aDoc.getRightsList()); } return subInfo; } public List<Map<String, Object>> getSubassetsInfo() { List<BaseObject> objs = doc.getObjects(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS); if (objs != null ) { List<Map<String,Object>> subList = new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(objs.size()); for (BaseObject obj : objs) { if (obj != null) { String subPage = obj.getStringValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_PAGE); Map<String,Object> subInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(11); subInfo.put(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_PAGE, subPage); subInfo.put(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER, obj.getLongValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER)); com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki xwikiApi = new com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki(context.getWiki(), context); try { Document doc = xwikiApi.getDocument(subPage); if (doc instanceof Asset) { subInfo = addSubinfo(subInfo, doc); } else if (doc == null) { // getDocument returns null if the page is not viewable by the user subInfo = addEmptySubinfo(subInfo, ProtectedAsset.class.getSimpleName().replaceAll("Asset$", "")); } else if (doc.isNew()) { // Document does not exist -- thus invalid subInfo = addEmptySubinfo(subInfo, InvalidAsset.class.getSimpleName().replaceAll("Asset$", "")); } } catch (Exception e) { subInfo = addEmptySubinfo(subInfo, InvalidAsset.class.getSimpleName().replaceAll("Asset$", "")); } subList.add(subInfo); } } Collections.sort(subList, new Comparator<Map<String,Object>>(){ public int compare(Map<String,Object> s1, Map<String,Object> s2){ return ((Long) s1.get(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER)).compareTo((Long) s2.get(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER)); } }); return subList; } return new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>(1); } public List<String> getSubassetList() { List<BaseObject> objs = doc.getObjects(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS); if (objs != null && objs.size() > 0) { objs = sortSubassetList(objs); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (BaseObject obj : objs){ if (obj != null) { list.add(obj.getStringValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_PAGE)); } } return filterViewablePages(list); } return new ArrayList<String>(); } protected List<BaseObject> sortSubassetList(List<BaseObject> list) { if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<BaseObject>(){ public int compare(BaseObject s1, BaseObject s2){ if (s1 == null) { return s2 == null ? 0 : -1; } else if (s2 == null) { return 1; } Long c1 = s1.getLongValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER); Long c2 = s2.getLongValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER); if (c1 == null) { return c2 == null ? 0 : -1; } else if (c2 == null) { return 1; } return (c1.compareTo(c2)); } }); } return list; } public Map<String,Object> getSubassetInfo(long subassetId) throws AssetException { List<BaseObject> objs = doc.getObjects(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS); Map<String,Object> subInfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(11); if (objs != null) { for (BaseObject obj : objs){ if (obj != null) { String subPage = obj.getStringValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_PAGE); Long order = obj.getLongValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER); if (order.equals(subassetId)) { subInfo.put(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_PAGE, subPage); subInfo.put(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER, order); com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki xwikiApi = new com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki(context.getWiki(), context); try { Document doc = xwikiApi.getDocument(subPage); if (doc instanceof Asset) { subInfo = addSubinfo(subInfo, doc); } else { subInfo.put("error", "Subasset does not exist"); } } catch (Exception e) { subInfo.put("error", "Subasset does not exist"); } return subInfo; } } } } throw new AssetException(AssetException.ERROR_ASSET_SUBASSET_NOTFOUND, "No subasset exists with the order number "+subassetId); } public long insertSubassetBefore(String page, String beforePage) throws XWikiException { if (beforePage == null){ return addSubasset(page); } List<BaseObject> objs = doc.getObjects(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS); Long beforePosition = null; if (objs != null) { for (BaseObject obj : objs) { if (obj != null) { String objName = obj.getStringValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_PAGE); if (objName.equals(beforePage)){ beforePosition = obj.getLongValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER); } } } } return insertSubassetAt(page, beforePosition); } public long insertSubassetAt(String page, Long atPosition) throws XWikiException { if (atPosition == null || atPosition == -1){ return addSubasset(page); } relocateAssets(atPosition); createSubasset(page, atPosition); return atPosition; } protected void relocateAssets(long freePosition) throws XWikiException { List<BaseObject> objs = doc.getObjects(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS); if (objs == null) { return ; } for (BaseObject obj : objs) { if (obj != null) { long objPos = obj.getLongValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER); if (objPos >= freePosition) { obj.setLongValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER, objPos + 1); } } } } public long addSubasset(String page) throws XWikiException { Long highestOrder = getLastPosition() + 1; createSubasset(page, highestOrder); return highestOrder; } public void createSubasset(String page, Long position) throws XWikiException { com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki xwikiApi = new com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki(context.getWiki(), context); try { Document subAsset = xwikiApi.getDocument(page); if (subAsset instanceof Asset) { // Do not allow ancestor to be added as a sub-asset boolean done = false; List<String> searchFor = new ArrayList<String>(); searchFor.add(doc.getFullName()); while (!done){ String sql = null; for (String item : searchFor) { if (item.equals(page)) { XWikiMessageTool msg = (XWikiMessageTool) context.get("msg"); throw new AssetException(AssetException.ERROR_ASSET_SUBASSET_RECURSION, msg.get("addsubasset.recursive_add_message")); } if (sql != null) { sql = sql + ", '" + item + "'"; } else { sql = "'" + item + "'"; } } sql = ", BaseObject as obj, StringProperty as prop where and obj.className='"+Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS+"' and = and'"+Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_PAGE+"' and prop.value in (" + sql + ")"; List<String> list = context.getWiki().getStore().searchDocumentsNames(sql, context); if ((list==null)||(list.size()==0)){ done = true; } else { searchFor = list; } } // Is not being added to itself BaseObject obj = doc.newObject(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS, context); obj.setStringValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_PAGE, subAsset.getFullName()); obj.setLongValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER, position); } else { throw new AssetException(AssetException.ERROR_ASSET_SUBASSET_NOTFOUND, "Subasset to add does not exist"); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssetException(AssetException.ERROR_ASSET_SUBASSET_NOTFOUND, "Subasset to add does not exist"); } } public void setSubassets(List<String> wantedList) throws XWikiException { XWikiDocument assetDoc = getDoc(); List<BaseObject> existingList = assetDoc.getObjects(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS); String[] want = new String[0]; if (wantedList != null) { want = wantedList.toArray(want); } BaseObject[] existing = new BaseObject[0]; if (existingList != null) { existing = existingList.toArray(existing); } // TODO: Remove // DEBUGGING CODE for CURRIKI-4238 System.out.println("REORDER "+assetDoc.getFullName()+" want: "+(wantedList==null?"NULL":wantedList.toString())); System.out.println("REORDER "+assetDoc.getFullName()+" existing: "+(existingList==null?"NULL":existingList.toString())); int wSize = (wantedList != null)?want.length:0; int eSize = (existingList != null)?existing.length:0; int e = 0; int w = 0; while (w < wSize) { if (want[w] != null && context.getWiki().exists(want[w], context)) { // Only add the asset if it still exists BaseObject b = null; while (b == null && e < eSize) { b = existing[e]; e++; } if (b == null) { System.out.println("REORDER "+assetDoc.getFullName()+" Adding object w="+w+" e="+e); b = assetDoc.newObject(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS, context); } else { System.out.println("REORDER "+assetDoc.getFullName()+" Updating object w="+w+" e="+e); } b.setStringValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_PAGE, want[w]); b.setLongValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER, w); } w++; } while (e < eSize) { BaseObject b = null; while (b == null && e < eSize) { b = existing[e]; e++; } if (b != null) { System.out.println("REORDER "+assetDoc.getFullName()+" Removing object w="+w+" e="+e); assetDoc.removeObject(b); } } } public void reorder(String previousRevision, List<String> want) throws XWikiException { if (!getVersion().equals(previousRevision)){ throw new AssetException(AssetException.ERROR_ASSET_REORDER_NOTMATCH, "This resource has been updated since originally checked"); } setSubassets(want); } public void reorder(List<String> orig, List<String> want) throws XWikiException { List<String> cur = getSubassetList(); // Check that the original list matches the current list int i = 0; for (String page : cur){ if (!page.equals(orig.get(i))){ throw new AssetException(AssetException.ERROR_ASSET_REORDER_NOTMATCH, "Original list does not match current list"); } ++i; } setSubassets(want); } protected long getLastPosition() { List<BaseObject> objs = doc.getObjects(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS); long highestOrder = (long) -1; if (objs != null) { for (BaseObject obj : objs) { if (obj != null) { long objOrder = obj.getLongValue(Constants.SUBASSET_CLASS_ORDER); if (objOrder > highestOrder) { highestOrder = objOrder; } } } } return highestOrder; } protected List<String> filterViewablePages(List<String> pageList) { List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); if (pageList!=null) { String favorites = getSpace()+"."+ Constants.FAVORITES_COLLECTION_PAGE; for (String page : pageList) { try { if (context.getWiki().getRightService().hasAccessLevel("view", context.getUser(), page, context) && context.getWiki().exists(page, context) && !favorites.equals(page)) { results.add(page); } } catch (XWikiException e) { // Ignore exception -- just don't add to result list LOG.error("Error filtering collections", e); } } } return results; } protected void determineCategory() throws XWikiException { BaseObject obj = doc.getObject(Constants.ASSET_CLASS); if (obj != null) { obj.setStringValue(Constants.ASSET_CLASS_CATEGORY, CATEGORY_NAME); } } }