/* * xtc - The eXTensible Compiler * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 New York University * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. */ package xtc.lang.cpp; public class ParseTables { public final int YYFINAL; public final int YYLAST; public final int YYNTOKENS; public final int YYNNTS; public final int YYNRULES; public final int YYNSTATES; public final int YYUNDEFTOK; public final int YYMAXUTOK; public final int YYEOF; public final int YYPACT_NINF; public final int YYTABLE_NINF; public final int[] yytranslate; // public final int[] yyprhs; // public final int[] yyrhs; public final String[] yytname; public final int[] yytoknum; public final int[] yyr1; public final int[] yyr2; public final int[] yydefact; public final int[] yydefgoto; public final int[] yypact; public final int[] yypgoto; public final int[] yytable; public final int[] yycheck; public final int[] yystos; protected ParseTables(int YYFINAL, int YYLAST, int YYNTOKENS, int YYNNTS, int YYNRULES, int YYNSTATES, int YYUNDEFTOK, int YYMAXUTOK, int YYEOF, int YYPACT_NINF, int YYTABLE_NINF, int[] yytranslate, // int[] yyprhs, int[] yyrhs, String[] yytname, int[] yytoknum, int[] yyr1, int[] yyr2, int[] yydefact, int[] yydefgoto, int[] yypact, int[] yypgoto, int[] yytable, int[] yycheck, int[] yystos) { this.YYFINAL = YYFINAL; this.YYLAST = YYLAST; this.YYNTOKENS = YYNTOKENS; this.YYNNTS = YYNNTS; this.YYNRULES = YYNRULES; this.YYNSTATES = YYNSTATES; this.YYUNDEFTOK = YYUNDEFTOK; this.YYMAXUTOK = YYMAXUTOK; this.YYEOF = YYEOF; this.YYPACT_NINF = YYPACT_NINF; this.YYTABLE_NINF = YYTABLE_NINF; this.yytranslate = yytranslate; // this.yyprhs = yyprhs; // this.yyrhs = yyrhs; this.yytname = yytname; this.yytoknum = yytoknum; this.yyr1 = yyr1; this.yyr2 = yyr2; this.yydefact = yydefact; this.yydefgoto = yydefgoto; this.yypact = yypact; this.yypgoto = yypgoto; this.yytable = yytable; this.yycheck = yycheck; this.yystos = yystos; } }