package antlr; /* ANTLR Translator Generator * Project led by Terence Parr at * Software rights: * * $Id:,v 1.1 2004/01/21 19:18:31 rgrimm Exp $ */ import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Enumeration; import; import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet; import antlr.collections.impl.Vector; /**A Grammar holds a set of rules (which are stored * in a symbol table). Most of the time a grammar * needs a code generator and an LLkAnalyzer too. */ public abstract class Grammar { protected Tool antlrTool; protected CodeGenerator generator; protected LLkGrammarAnalyzer theLLkAnalyzer; protected Hashtable symbols; protected boolean buildAST = false; protected boolean analyzerDebug = false; protected boolean interactive = false; protected String superClass = null; /** The token manager associated with the grammar, if any. // The token manager is responsible for maintaining the set of valid tokens, and // is conceptually shared between the lexer and parser. This may be either a // LexerGrammar or a ImportVocabTokenManager. */ protected TokenManager tokenManager; /** The name of the export vocabulary...used to generate the output * token types interchange file. */ protected String exportVocab = null; /** The name of the import vocabulary. "Initial conditions" */ protected String importVocab = null; // Mapping from String keys to Token option values protected Hashtable options; // Vector of RuleSymbol entries protected Vector rules; protected Token preambleAction = new CommonToken(Token.INVALID_TYPE, ""); protected String className = null; protected String fileName = null; protected Token classMemberAction = new CommonToken(Token.INVALID_TYPE, ""); protected boolean hasSyntacticPredicate = false; protected boolean hasUserErrorHandling = false; // max lookahead that can be attempted for this parser. protected int maxk = 1; // options protected boolean traceRules = false; protected boolean debuggingOutput = false; protected boolean defaultErrorHandler = true; protected String comment = null; // javadoc comment public Grammar(String className_, Tool tool_, String superClass) { className = className_; antlrTool = tool_; symbols = new Hashtable(); options = new Hashtable(); rules = new Vector(100); this.superClass = superClass; } /** Define a rule */ public void define(RuleSymbol rs) { rules.appendElement(rs); // add the symbol to the rules hash table symbols.put(rs.getId(), rs); } /** Top-level call to generate the code for this grammar */ public abstract void generate() throws IOException; protected String getClassName() { return className; } /* Does this grammar have a default error handler? */ public boolean getDefaultErrorHandler() { return defaultErrorHandler; } public String getFilename() { return fileName; } /** Get an integer option. Given the name of the option find its * associated integer value. If the associated value is not an integer or * is not in the table, then throw an exception of type NumberFormatException. * @param key The name of the option * @return The value associated with the key. */ public int getIntegerOption(String key) throws NumberFormatException { Token t = (Token)options.get(key); if (t == null || t.getType() != ANTLRTokenTypes.INT) { throw new NumberFormatException(); } else { return Integer.parseInt(t.getText()); } } /** Get an option. Given the name of the option find its associated value. * @param key The name of the option * @return The value associated with the key, or null if the key has not been set. */ public Token getOption(String key) { return (Token)options.get(key); } // Get name of class from which generated parser/lexer inherits protected abstract String getSuperClass(); public GrammarSymbol getSymbol(String s) { return (GrammarSymbol)symbols.get(s); } public Enumeration getSymbols() { return symbols.elements(); } /** Check the existence of an option in the table * @param key The name of the option * @return true if the option is in the table */ public boolean hasOption(String key) { return options.containsKey(key); } /** Is a rule symbol defined? (not used for tokens) */ public boolean isDefined(String s) { return symbols.containsKey(s); } /**Process command line arguments. Implemented in subclasses */ public abstract void processArguments(String[] args); public void setCodeGenerator(CodeGenerator gen) { generator = gen; } public void setFilename(String s) { fileName = s; } public void setGrammarAnalyzer(LLkGrammarAnalyzer a) { theLLkAnalyzer = a; } /** Set a generic option. * This associates a generic option key with a Token value. * No validation is performed by this method, although users of the value * (code generation and/or analysis) may require certain formats. * The value is stored as a token so that the location of an error * can be reported. * @param key The name of the option. * @param value The value to associate with the key. * @return true if the option was a valid generic grammar option, false o/w */ public boolean setOption(String key, Token value) { options.put(key, value); String s = value.getText(); int i; if (key.equals("k")) { try { maxk = getIntegerOption("k"); if ( maxk<=0 ) { antlrTool.error("option 'k' must be greater than 0 (was " + value.getText() + ")", getFilename(), value.getLine(), value.getColumn()); maxk = 1; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { antlrTool.error("option 'k' must be an integer (was " + value.getText() + ")", getFilename(), value.getLine(), value.getColumn()); } return true; } if (key.equals("codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold")) { try { i = getIntegerOption("codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { antlrTool.error("option 'codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold' must be an integer", getFilename(), value.getLine(), value.getColumn()); } return true; } if (key.equals("codeGenBitsetTestThreshold")) { try { i = getIntegerOption("codeGenBitsetTestThreshold"); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { antlrTool.error("option 'codeGenBitsetTestThreshold' must be an integer", getFilename(), value.getLine(), value.getColumn()); } return true; } if (key.equals("defaultErrorHandler")) { if (s.equals("true")) { defaultErrorHandler = true; } else if (s.equals("false")) { defaultErrorHandler = false; } else { antlrTool.error("Value for defaultErrorHandler must be true or false", getFilename(), value.getLine(), value.getColumn()); } return true; } if (key.equals("analyzerDebug")) { if (s.equals("true")) { analyzerDebug = true; } else if (s.equals("false")) { analyzerDebug = false; } else { antlrTool.error("option 'analyzerDebug' must be true or false", getFilename(), value.getLine(), value.getColumn()); } return true; } if (key.equals("codeGenDebug")) { if (s.equals("true")) { analyzerDebug = true; } else if (s.equals("false")) { analyzerDebug = false; } else { antlrTool.error("option 'codeGenDebug' must be true or false", getFilename(), value.getLine(), value.getColumn()); } return true; } if (key.equals("classHeaderSuffix")) { return true; } if (key.equals("classHeaderPrefix")) { return true; } if (key.equals("namespaceAntlr")) { return true; } if (key.equals("namespaceStd")) { return true; } if (key.equals("genHashLines")) { return true; } if (key.equals("noConstructors")) { return true; } return false; } public void setTokenManager(TokenManager tokenManager_) { tokenManager = tokenManager_; } /** Print out the grammar without actions */ public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(20000); Enumeration ids = rules.elements(); while (ids.hasMoreElements()) { RuleSymbol rs = (RuleSymbol)ids.nextElement(); if (!"mnextToken")) { buf.append(rs.getBlock().toString()); buf.append("\n\n"); } } return buf.toString(); } }