/* ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 XMind Ltd. and others. * * This file is a part of XMind 3. XMind releases 3 and * above are dual-licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL), * which is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), * which is available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * See http://www.xmind.net/license.html for details. * * Contributors: * XMind Ltd. - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.xmind.ui.viewers; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Path; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener; public class SWTUtils { protected static final int lower2Upper = 'A' - 'a'; protected static final int upper2lower = 'a' - 'A'; public static int toLowerLetter(int letterChar) { if (letterChar >= 'A' && letterChar <= 'Z') return letterChar + upper2lower; return letterChar; } public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(int char1, int char2) { return toLowerLetter(char1) == toLowerLetter(char2); } public static boolean matchKey(int stateMask, int keyCode, int expectedState, int expectedKeyCode) { return matchState(stateMask, expectedState) && matchKeyCode(keyCode, expectedKeyCode); } public static boolean matchState(int stateMask, int expectedState) { if (expectedState != 0 && (stateMask & expectedState) == 0) return false; int unexpectedState = ~expectedState; return ((stateMask & unexpectedState) == 0); } public static boolean matchKeyCode(int keyCode, int expectedKeyCode) { if (expectedKeyCode == SWT.CR || expectedKeyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_CR) return keyCode == SWT.CR || keyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_CR; if (expectedKeyCode == '+' || expectedKeyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_ADD) return keyCode == '+' || keyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_ADD; if (expectedKeyCode == '-' || expectedKeyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_SUBTRACT) return keyCode == '-' || keyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_SUBTRACT; // ... // TODO add other key code matching policy when needed return equalsIgnoreCase(keyCode, expectedKeyCode); } public static boolean isModifierKey(int stateMask, int keyCode) { return stateMask == 0 && (keyCode == SWT.MOD1 || keyCode == SWT.MOD2 || keyCode == SWT.MOD3 || keyCode == SWT.MOD4); } public static Path addRoundedRectangle(Path path, float x, float y, float width, float height, float corner) { float r = x + width; float b = y + height; float x0 = x + width / 2; float y0 = y + height / 2; float y1 = Math.min(y + corner, y0); path.moveTo(x, y1); float x1 = Math.min(x + corner, x0); float cx1 = x + (x1 - x) / 4; float cy1 = y + (y1 - y) / 4; path.cubicTo(x, cy1, cx1, y, x1, y); float x2 = Math.max(r - corner, x0); path.lineTo(x2, y); float cx2 = r - (r - x2) / 4; path.cubicTo(cx2, y, r, cy1, r, y1); float y2 = Math.max(b - corner, y0); path.lineTo(r, y2); float cy2 = b - (b - y2) / 4; path.cubicTo(r, cy2, cx2, b, x2, b); path.lineTo(x1, b); path.cubicTo(cx1, b, x, cy2, x, y2); path.close(); return path; } public static void makeNumeralInput(Control inputControl, final boolean minusPermitted, final boolean dotPermitted) { inputControl.addListener(SWT.KeyDown, new Listener() { public void handleEvent(Event event) { if (event.character < 0x20 || event.character > 0x7e) { event.doit = true; return; } if ((event.character >= '0' && event.character <= '9') || (minusPermitted && event.character == '-')) { event.doit = true; } else if (event.character == '.' && dotPermitted) { event.doit = true; } else { event.doit = false; } } }); } }