/* ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 XMind Ltd. and others. * * This file is a part of XMind 3. XMind releases 3 and * above are dual-licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL), * which is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), * which is available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html * See http://www.xmind.net/license.html for details. * * Contributors: * XMind Ltd. - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.xmind.ui.internal.fishbone.decorations; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ColorConstants; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.PositionConstants; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Pattern; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.xmind.gef.GEF; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.IDecoratedFigure; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.IReferencedFigure; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.decoration.AbstractDecoration; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.decoration.IDecoration; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.decoration.IShapeDecoration; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.geometry.Geometry; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.geometry.IPrecisionTransformer; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.geometry.PrecisionHorizontalFlipper; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.geometry.PrecisionPoint; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.geometry.PrecisionRectangle; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.graphics.GradientPattern; import org.xmind.gef.draw2d.graphics.Path; import org.xmind.ui.decorations.ITopicDecoration; import org.xmind.ui.mindmap.IBranchPart; import org.xmind.ui.mindmap.ITopicPart; public class MainFishboneBranchDecoration extends AbstractDecoration { private IBranchPart branch; private IPrecisionTransformer hf = new PrecisionHorizontalFlipper(); private PrecisionPoint lineStart = null; private PrecisionPoint lineEnd = null; private PrecisionPoint tailTop = null; private PrecisionPoint tailBottom = null; public static final int TailLength = 30; public MainFishboneBranchDecoration(IBranchPart branch, String id) { super(id); this.branch = branch; } public void validate(IFigure figure) { super.validate(figure); if (branch.isFolded() || branch.getSubBranches().isEmpty()) { setVisible(figure, false); return; } setVisible(figure, true); PrecisionPoint ref = getReference(figure); hf.setOrigin(ref); int orientation = branch.getConnections().getSourceOrientation(); hf.setEnabled(orientation == PositionConstants.WEST); PrecisionRectangle r = getChildrenBounds(figure); PrecisionRectangle b = hf.tr(getTopicBounds(ref)); PrecisionPoint source = hf.rp(new PrecisionPoint(b.right() - 1, ref.y)); PrecisionPoint target = hf.rp(new PrecisionPoint(hf.tr(r).right(), ref.y)); double tailX = target.x + (source.x < target.x ? MainFishboneBranchDecoration.TailLength : -MainFishboneBranchDecoration.TailLength); double tw = Math.max(0, Math.min(b.height / 2, Math.min(target.y - r.y, r.bottom() - target.y))); this.lineStart = source; this.lineEnd = target; this.tailTop = new PrecisionPoint(tailX, target.y - tw); this.tailBottom = new PrecisionPoint(tailX, target.y + tw); } private PrecisionRectangle getTopicBounds(PrecisionPoint ref) { ITopicPart topicPart = branch.getTopicPart(); if (topicPart != null) { return new PrecisionRectangle(topicPart.getFigure().getBounds()); } return new PrecisionRectangle(ref.x, ref.y, 0, 0); } private PrecisionRectangle getChildrenBounds(IFigure figure) { PrecisionRectangle r = null; ITopicPart topicPart = branch.getTopicPart(); if (topicPart != null) { r = Geometry.union(r, new PrecisionRectangle(topicPart.getFigure() .getBounds())); } for (IBranchPart subBranch : branch.getSubBranches()) { r = Geometry.union(r, new PrecisionRectangle(subBranch.getFigure() .getBounds())); } if (r != null) return r; return new PrecisionRectangle(figure.getBounds()); } private PrecisionPoint getReference(IFigure figure) { ITopicPart topicPart = branch.getTopicPart(); if (topicPart != null) { return new PrecisionPoint(((IReferencedFigure) topicPart .getFigure()).getReference()); } return new PrecisionPoint(figure.getBounds().getCenter()); } public void invalidate() { lineStart = null; lineEnd = null; tailTop = null; tailBottom = null; super.invalidate(); } protected void performPaint(IFigure figure, Graphics graphics) { if (lineStart == null || lineEnd == null || tailTop == null || tailBottom == null) return; ITopicDecoration topicDecoration = getTopicDecoration(); if (topicDecoration == null) return; Color lineColor = topicDecoration.getLineColor(); Color fillColor = topicDecoration.getFillColor(); if (lineColor == null || fillColor == null) return; int lineWidth = topicDecoration.getLineWidth(); int lineStyle = topicDecoration.getLineStyle(); graphics.setAlpha(getAlpha()); graphics.setLineStyle(lineStyle); graphics.setAntialias(SWT.ON); Path shape = new Path(Display.getCurrent()); if (branch.getConnections().isTapered()) { graphics.setLineWidth(lineWidth); shape.moveTo((float) lineStart.x + (lineStart.x < lineEnd.x ? -1 : 1), (float) (lineStart.y - lineWidth * 5 - 0)); shape.lineTo((float) lineStart.x + (lineStart.x < lineEnd.x ? -1 : 1), (float) (lineStart.y + lineWidth * 5 + 0)); shape.lineTo((float) lineEnd.x, (float) (lineEnd.y + lineWidth * 0.5)); shape.lineTo((float) lineEnd.x, (float) (lineEnd.y - lineWidth * 0.5)); shape.close(); graphics.setBackgroundColor(lineColor); graphics.fillPath(shape); // shape.moveTo(lineStart); // shape.lineTo(lineEnd); // graphics.setForegroundColor(lineColor); // graphics.setLineWidth(lineWidth * 5); // graphics.drawPath(shape); } else { shape.moveTo(lineStart); shape.lineTo(lineEnd); graphics.setForegroundColor(lineColor); graphics.setLineWidth(lineWidth); graphics.drawPath(shape); } shape.dispose(); shape = new Path(Display.getCurrent()); shape.moveTo(lineEnd); shape.lineTo(tailTop); shape.lineTo(tailBottom); shape.lineTo(lineEnd); shape.close(); if (fillColor != null) { Pattern pattern = null; if (isGradient()) { PrecisionRectangle r = new PrecisionRectangle(tailTop, tailBottom).union(lineEnd); pattern = createPattern(figure, getAlpha(), fillColor, r); if (pattern != null) { graphics.pushState(); graphics.setBackgroundPattern(pattern); } } else { graphics.setAlpha(getAlpha()); graphics.setBackgroundColor(fillColor); } graphics.fillPath(shape); if (pattern != null) { graphics.popState(); pattern.dispose(); } } if (lineColor != null) { graphics.setForegroundColor(lineColor); graphics.setLineWidth(lineWidth); graphics.setLineStyle(lineStyle); graphics.setAlpha(getAlpha()); graphics.drawPath(shape); } shape.dispose(); } private ITopicDecoration getTopicDecoration() { ITopicPart topicPart = branch.getTopicPart(); if (topicPart != null) { IFigure topicFigure = topicPart.getFigure(); if (topicFigure instanceof IDecoratedFigure) { IDecoration decoration = ((IDecoratedFigure) topicFigure) .getDecoration(); if (decoration instanceof ITopicDecoration) return (ITopicDecoration) decoration; } } return null; } private Pattern createPattern(IFigure figure, int alpha, Color color, PrecisionRectangle r) { int delta = (int) (r.height * 0.4); Pattern p = new GradientPattern(Display.getCurrent(), // (float) r.x, (float) (r.y - delta), // (float) r.x, (float) (r.y + r.height), // ColorConstants.white, alpha, color, alpha); return p; } private boolean isGradient() { ITopicPart topicPart = branch.getTopicPart(); if (topicPart != null) { IFigure figure = topicPart.getFigure(); if (figure instanceof IDecoratedFigure) { IDecoration decoration = ((IDecoratedFigure) figure) .getDecoration(); if (decoration instanceof IShapeDecoration) { return ((IShapeDecoration) decoration).isGradient(); } } } return GEF.IS_PLATFORM_SUPPORT_GRADIENT; } }