package abbot.tester; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.JTree; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel; import com.windowtester.runtime.util.StringComparator; import abbot.Log; import abbot.i18n.Strings; import abbot.script.parsers.TreePathParser; import abbot.util.ExtendedComparator; /** Provides encapsulation of a visible location on a {@link JTree}. * A row index or a {@link String}ified {@link TreePath} (i.e. each * {@link TreePath} component is a {@link String}) may be used to indicate the * location. Note that if a {@link TreePath} is used, it must be visible at * the time the location is used in order to be valid. */ // TODO: add flag for "in icon" vs in hit region public class JTreeLocation extends ComponentLocation { private int row = -1; /** TreePath of Strings. */ private TreePath treePath; private boolean inExpansion; /** Create an uninitialized JTreeLocation. If queried for its * {@link Point} will return the default location. */ public JTreeLocation() { } /** Create a JTreeLocation corresponding to the given row, by index. */ public JTreeLocation(int row) { this(row, false); } /** Create a JTreeLocation corresponding to the given row, by index. */ public JTreeLocation(int row, boolean inExpansion) { if (row < 0) { String msg = Strings.get("tester.JTree.row_not_visible", new Object[] { new Integer(row) }); throw new LocationUnavailableException(msg); } this.row = row; this.inExpansion = inExpansion; } /** Create a JTreeLocation corresponding to the given TreePath. The * TreePath must consist of usable String representations that can be * used in later comparisons. The default * <classname>@<hashcode> returned by * {@link Object#toString()} is not usable; if that is all that is * available, refer to the row number instead. */ public JTreeLocation(TreePath treePath) { this(treePath, false); } /** Create a JTreeLocation corresponding to the given TreePath. The * TreePath must consist of usable String representations that can be * used in later comparisons. The default * <classname>@<hashcode> format returned by * {@link Object#toString()} is not usable; if that is all that is * available, refer to the row number instead. */ public JTreeLocation(TreePath treePath, boolean inExpansion) { this.treePath = treePath; this.inExpansion = inExpansion; } public JTreeLocation(Point p) { super(p); } public void setInExpansion(boolean in) { inExpansion = in; } public boolean isInExpansion() { return inExpansion; } /** Convert the given row to an x, y coordinate. @throws LocationUnavailableException if the row is not visible. */ protected Point rowToPoint(JTree tree, int row) { TreePath path = tree.getPathForRow(row); if (path == null) { String msg = Strings.get("tester.JTree.row_not_visible", new Object[] { new Integer(row) }); throw new LocationUnavailableException(msg); } return pathToPoint(tree, path); } /** Convert the given path to an x, y coordinate. @throws LocationUnavailableException if any part of the path is hidden. */ protected Point pathToPoint(JTree tree, TreePath path) { path = findMatchingPath(tree, path); Rectangle rect = tree.getPathBounds(path); if (rect == null) { String msg = Strings.get("tester.JTree.path_not_visible", new Object[] { path }); throw new LocationUnavailableException(msg); } if (inExpansion) // FIXME this is only an approximation; should probably get the // location from the UI somehow, but it's not available in the API // FIXME this will probably be bogus if the tree rows are really // tall return new Point(rect.x - rect.height/2, rect.y + rect.height/2); return new Point(rect.x + rect.width/2, rect.y + rect.height/2); } /** Return the path represented by this JTree location. @return null if the path can not be found. */ public TreePath getPath(JTree tree) { if (treePath != null) { try { return findMatchingPath(tree, treePath); } catch(LocationUnavailableException e) { return null; } } if (row != -1) { return tree.getPathForRow(row); } Point where = super.getPoint(tree); return tree.getPathForLocation(where.x, where.y); } /** Return the row represented by this JTree location. @return -1 if the row is not found. */ int getRow(JTree tree) { if (treePath != null) return tree.getRowForPath(getPath(tree)); else if (row != -1) return row; Point where = super.getPoint(tree); return tree.getRowForLocation(where.x, where.y); } /** Return a concrete point for the abstract location. */ public Point getPoint(Component c) { JTree tree = (JTree)c; if (treePath != null) { // convert the string-based path to a real path return pathToPoint(tree, treePath); } if (row != -1) { return rowToPoint(tree, row); } return super.getPoint(c); } public Rectangle getBounds(Component c) { JTree tree = (JTree)c; int row = getRow(tree); if (row == -1) { Point where = getPoint(c); return new Rectangle(where.x, where.y, 1, 1); } Rectangle rect = tree.getRowBounds(row); if (rect == null) { String msg = Strings.get("tester.JTree.row_not_visible", new Object[] { new Integer(row) }); throw new LocationUnavailableException(msg); } if (inExpansion) { rect.x -= rect.height; rect.width = rect.height; } return rect; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof JTreeLocation) { JTreeLocation loc = (JTreeLocation)o; if (loc.inExpansion != inExpansion) return false; if (treePath != null) { if (treePath.getPathCount() != loc.treePath.getPathCount()) return false; for (int i=0;i < treePath.getPathCount();i++) { if (treePath.getPathComponent(i) == null) { if (loc.treePath.getPathComponent(i) != null) return false; } else if (!treePath.getPathComponent(i). equals(loc.treePath.getPathComponent(i))) { return false; } } return true; } if (row != -1) return row == loc.row; } return super.equals(o); } public String toString() { String s = inExpansion ? "+" : ""; if (treePath != null) { return s + encodeValue(treePath.toString()); } if (row != -1) return s + encodeIndex(row); return super.toString(); } public ComponentLocation parse(String encoded) { encoded = encoded.trim(); if (encoded.startsWith("+")) { inExpansion = true; encoded = encoded.substring(1); } if (isValue(encoded)) { String path = parseValue(encoded); treePath = (TreePath)new TreePathParser().parse(path); return this; } else if (isIndex(encoded)) { row = parseIndex(encoded); return this; } return super.parse(encoded); } protected String badFormat(String encoded) { return Strings.get("location.tree.bad_format", new Object[] { encoded }); } /** Return whether the given Object matches the final element of the given TreePath. */ private static boolean matchesLastComponent(JTree tree, Object pattern, TreePath path) { // For matching the root node, or for other nodes you don't care about // whether they match if (pattern == null) return true; if (pattern.equals(path.getLastPathComponent())) return true; // Try a string comparison String objString = JTreeTester.valueToString(tree, path); return StringComparator.matches(objString, pattern.toString()); } /** Given a {@link TreePath} of {@link String}s, return the equivalent {@link TreePath} for the given {@link JTree} constructed from objects from the tree's model. @throws LocationUnavailableException if no matching path is found. */ public static TreePath findMatchingPath(JTree tree, TreePath path) { Object[] input = path.getPath(); TreeModel model = tree.getModel(); Object root = model.getRoot(); // If the root is not visible and it doesn't match the first path // element, start the path with the invisible root. if (!tree.isRootVisible() && !matchesLastComponent(tree, input[0], new TreePath(root))) { Object[] tmp = new Object[input.length+1]; System.arraycopy(input, 0, tmp, 1, input.length); tmp[0] = null; // null always matches root input = tmp; } TreePath realPath = findMatchingPath(tree, new TreePath(root), input); if (realPath != null) return realPath; String msg = Strings.get("tester.JTree.path_not_found", new Object[] { path }); throw new LocationUnavailableException(msg); } /** Build up the given tree path with Objects from the TreeModel which * match the given array of Objects. */ private static TreePath findMatchingPath(JTree tree, TreePath realPath, Object[] input) { // The given array is a tree path of objects which may or may not be // node objects. Convert them to existing tree objects if necessary. // Return null if any of them are not found. Log.debug("Comparing " + realPath + " with " + input[0] + " from " + java.util.Arrays.asList(input)); TreeModel model = tree.getModel(); if (!matchesLastComponent(tree, input[0], realPath)) { Log.debug("no root match"); } else { Log.debug("node matched: " + realPath.getLastPathComponent()); if (input.length == 1) return realPath; Object[] subs = new Object[input.length-1]; System.arraycopy(input, 1, subs, 0, subs.length); Object obj = realPath.getLastPathComponent(); int count = model.getChildCount(obj); Log.debug("Obj " + obj + " (" + obj.getClass() + ") has " + count); // Find the right child to match for (int i=0;i < count;i++) { Log.debug("checking child " + i); Object child = model.getChild(obj, i); TreePath newPath = findMatchingPath(tree, realPath.pathByAddingChild(child), subs); if (newPath != null) { return newPath; } } Log.debug("No child path matched"); } return null; } }