package abbot.editor.widgets; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.lang.ref.*; import java.util.*; import abbot.Log; /** Provide a method for consistently painting over a given component. This implementation uses an invisible, added componenet in order to insert code at the appropriate time in the painting process. */ // cf CellRendererPane public abstract class AbstractComponentDecorator { private Container component; private Renderer renderer; private boolean inViewport; /** Create a decorator for the given component. */ public AbstractComponentDecorator(Container c) { if (c instanceof JViewport && c.getComponentCount() != 0 && c.getComponents()[0] instanceof Container) { c = (Container)c.getComponents()[0]; // Viewports only support a single child, so instead add to the // child, and use the viewport's graphics to paint any areas // outside the child. inViewport = true; } else if (c instanceof RootPaneContainer) { c = ((RootPaneContainer)c).getLayeredPane(); } else if (c instanceof JRootPane) { c = ((JRootPane)c).getLayeredPane(); } component = c; renderer = new Renderer(); // FIXME never add anything to JViewport component.add(renderer); component.repaint(); // don't repaint the viewport here, or any custom painting // will be wiped out. } protected Container getComponent() { return component; } /** Stop decorating. */ public void dispose() { Runnable action = new Runnable() { public void run() { component.remove(renderer); component.repaint(); if (inViewport) component.getParent().repaint(); synchronized(AbstractComponentDecorator.this) { renderer = null; component = null; } } }; if (SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) {; } else { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(action); } } public abstract void paint(Graphics g); private class Renderer extends JComponent { public Renderer() { setOpaque(false); } public void invalidate() { } public boolean isVisible() { return true; } public boolean isShowing() { return true; } public Rectangle getBounds(Rectangle b) { // Pretend to have the same bounds as the component b = component.getBounds(b); b.x = 0; b.y = 0; Log.debug("bounds: " + b); return b; } // must use the paint method; paintComponent will not work here public void paint(Graphics g) { synchronized(AbstractComponentDecorator.this) { if (inViewport) { Log.debug("painting viewport"); Graphics g2 = component.getParent().getGraphics(); AbstractComponentDecorator.this.paint(g2); } Log.debug("painting component"); AbstractComponentDecorator.this.paint(g); } // NOTE: see paintComponent from CellRendererPane // setBounds(-width,-height,0,0) to avoid getting any input } } }