/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * * Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wildfly.swarm.internal; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.LogMessage; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageLogger; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Param; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive; import org.wildfly.swarm.container.DeploymentException; import org.wildfly.swarm.spi.api.Customizer; import org.wildfly.swarm.spi.api.annotations.DeploymentModule; /** * @author <a href="mailto:jperkins@redhat.com">James R. Perkins</a> */ @MessageLogger(projectCode = "WFSWARM", length = 4) public interface SwarmMessages extends BasicLogger { SwarmMessages MESSAGES = Logger.getMessageLogger(SwarmMessages.class, "org.wildfly.swarm"); @Message(id = 1, value = "Cannot invoke %s on a container that has not been started.") IllegalStateException containerNotStarted(String method); @Message(id = 2, value = "%s requires an argument.") RuntimeException argumentRequired(String arg); @Message(id = 3, value = "Failed to mount deployment.") DeploymentException failToMountDeployment(@Cause Throwable cause, @Param Archive<?> archive); @Message(id = 4, value = "Deployment failed: %s") String deploymentFailed(String failureMessage); @Message(id = 5, value = "Failure during deployment") DeploymentException deploymentFailed(@Cause Throwable cause, @Param Archive<?> archive); @Message(id = 6, value = "JavaArchive spec does not support Libraries") UnsupportedOperationException librariesNotSupported(); @Message(id = 7, value = "Fraction \"%s\" was configured using @WildFlyExtension with a module=''," + " but has multiple extension classes. Please use classname='' to specify exactly one, or noClass=true to ignore all. %s") RuntimeException fractionHasMultipleExtensions(String className, Collection<String> extensions); @Message(id = 8, value = "Artifact '%s' not found.") RuntimeException artifactNotFound(String gav); @Message(id = 9, value = "Unable to determine version number from GAV: %s") RuntimeException unableToDetermineVersion(String gav); @Message(id = 10, value = "GAV must includes at least 2 segments") RuntimeException gavMinimumSegments(); @Message(id = 11, value = "System property '%s' not provided.") IllegalStateException systemPropertyNotFound(String key); @Message(id = 12, value = "Cannot identify FileSystemLayout for given path: %s") IllegalArgumentException cannotIdentifyFileSystemLayout(String path); @Message(id = 13, value = "Installed fraction: %24s - %-15s %s:%s:%s") String availableFraction(String name, String stabilityLevel, String groupId, String artifactId, String version); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.ERROR) @Message(id = 14, value = "Unable to setup Shrinkwrap Domain") void shrinkwrapDomainSetupFailed(@Cause Throwable cause); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.DEBUG) @Message(id = 15, value = "Add deployment module: %s") void deploymentModuleAdded(DeploymentModule module); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.DEBUG) @Message(id = 16, value = "Calling Pre Customizer: %s") void callingPreCustomizer(Customizer customizer); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.DEBUG) @Message(id = 17, value = "Calling Post Customizer: %s") void callingPostCustomizer(Customizer customizer); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.DEBUG) @Message(id = 18, value = "WildFly Bootstrap operations: \n %s") void wildflyBootstrap(String operations); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO) @Message(id = 19, value = "Install MSC service for command line args: %s") void argsInstalled(List<String> args); @Message(id = 20, value = "HTTP/S is configured correctly, but org.wildfly.swarm:management is not available") RuntimeException httpsRequiresManagementFraction(); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.WARN) @Message(id = 21, value = "Ignoring subsystem %s:%s") void ignoringSubsystem(String nsURI, String name); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.WARN) @Message(id = 22, value = "Failed to register modules mbeans") void moduleMBeanServerNotInstalled(@Cause Throwable cause); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.ERROR) @Message(id = 23, value = "Error installing user-space CDI extension: %s") void errorInstallingUserSpaceExtension(String factoryClassName); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.WARN) @Message(id = 24, value = "In order to use HTTP/2 in WildFly Swarm, you must have the OpenSSL provider with ALPN capability from " + "JBoss Core Services installed and configured. This is due to the fact that HTTP/2 requires " + "a TLS stack that supports ALPN, which is not provided by the default installation of Java 8. " + "HTTP/2 will only work with browsers that also support the HTTP/2 standard. " + "OpenSSL usage with WildFly Swarm on HP-UX is NOT supported.") void http2NotSupported(); @Message(id = 25, value = "This version of WildFly Swarm does not support generating self signed certificates.") RuntimeException generateSelfSignedCertificateNotSupported(); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.ERROR) @Message(id = 26, value = "Error invoking SslServerIdentity.generateSelfSignedCertificateHost(String) in HTTPSCustomizer.") void failToInvokeGenerateSelfSignedCertificateHost(@Cause Throwable cause); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO) @Message(id = 27, value = "Shutdown requested") void shutdownRequested(); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.ERROR) @Message(id = 28, value = "Error invoking SslServerIdentity.generateSelfSignedCertificateHost(String) in HTTPSCustomizer.") void errorWaitingForContainerShutdown(@Cause Throwable cause); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.ERROR) @Message(id = 29, value = "Error setting up temporary file provider.") void errorSettingUpTempFileProvider(@Cause Throwable cause); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.ERROR) @Message(id = 30, value = "Error cleaning up temporary file provider.") void errorCleaningUpTempFileProvider(@Cause Throwable cause); @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.TRACE) @Message(id = 31, value = "Registered archive-preparer: %s") void registeredArchivePreparer(String preparer); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @LogMessage(level = Logger.Level.INFO) @Message(id = 99999, value = "WildFly Swarm is Ready") void wildflySwarmIsReady(); }