package org.wildfly.swarm.container.config; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.wildfly.swarm.spi.api.config.ConfigKey; import org.wildfly.swarm.spi.api.config.SimpleKey; /** * A preferred-order configuration resolution strategy. * * <p>The strategy uses either an explicitly-passed {@link Properties} object * or the System properties to augment any {@link ConfigNode} objects that have * been added. The strategy will reflect any configuration from the {@code ConfigNode} * sequence back to the given properties. If using the System properties approach, * this will actively change properties as returned by {@code System.getProperty(...)} * and similar methods.</p> * * <p>The given {@code ConfigNode} objects will be search in-order for the first match.</p> * * @author Bob McWhirter */ class ConfigResolutionStrategy { /** * Construct a strategy based upon Java System properties. */ ConfigResolutionStrategy() { this(PropertiesManipulator.system()); } /** * Construct a strategy based upon a given properties object. * * @param properties The properties. */ ConfigResolutionStrategy(Properties properties) { this(properties == null ? PropertiesManipulator.system() : PropertiesManipulator.forProperties(properties)); } private ConfigResolutionStrategy(PropertiesManipulator properties) { this.propertiesNode = PropertiesConfigNodeFactory.load(properties.getProperties()); this.nodes.add(this.propertiesNode); = properties; } void withProperties(Properties properties) { this.propertiesNode = PropertiesConfigNodeFactory.load(properties); this.nodes.add(this.propertiesNode); = PropertiesManipulator.forProperties(properties); } void withEnvironment(Map<String, String> environment) { this.nodes.add(EnvironmentConfigNodeFactory.load(environment)); } /** * Add a {@code ConfigNode} to the search list. * * @param node The node to add. */ void add(ConfigNode node) { this.nodes.add(node); } void defaults(ConfigNode defaults) { this.defaults = defaults; } void withProperty(String name, String value) { this.propertiesNode.recursiveChild(name, value); } /** * Activate the strategy. */ void activate() { nodes().flatMap(e -> e.allKeysRecursively()) .distinct() .forEach(key -> { activate(key); }); } Stream<ConfigNode> nodes() { if (this.defaults == null) { return; } return Stream.concat(, Stream.of(this.defaults)); } /** * Activate a given key. * * @param key The key to activate. */ private void activate(ConfigKey key) { optionalValueOf(key).ifPresent((v) -> {, v.toString()); }); } private void deactivate(ConfigKey key) { optionalValueOf(key).ifPresent((v) -> {; }); } /** * Retrieve the configuration value for a key. * * @param key The possibly complex key. * @return The value, otherwise {@code null}. */ public Object valueOf(ConfigKey key) { return optionalValueOf(key).orElse(null); } Optional<Object> optionalValueOf(ConfigKey key) { return nodes() .map(e -> e.valueOf(key)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .findFirst(); } Stream<ConfigKey> allKeysRecursively() { return nodes().flatMap(e -> e.allKeysRecursively()); } Set<SimpleKey> simpleSubkeysOf(ConfigKey prefix) { return nodes() .map(e -> e.descendant(prefix)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .flatMap(e -> e.childrenKeys().stream()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } boolean hasKeyOrSubkeys(ConfigKey prefix) { return nodes() .map(e -> e.descendant(prefix)) .anyMatch(Objects::nonNull); } Properties asProperties() { return; } private PropertiesManipulator properties; private List<ConfigNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); private ConfigNode defaults; private ConfigNode propertiesNode; }