/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.wildfly.security.sasl.gs2; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import static org.wildfly.security.sasl.gs2.Gs2.GS2_KRB5; import static org.wildfly.security.sasl.gs2.Gs2.GS2_KRB5_PLUS; import static org.wildfly.security.sasl.gs2.Gs2.OID_KRB5; import static org.wildfly.security.sasl.gs2.Gs2.OID_SPNEGO; import static org.wildfly.security.sasl.gs2.Gs2.SPNEGO; import static org.wildfly.security.sasl.gs2.Gs2.SPNEGO_PLUS; import static org.wildfly.security.sasl.gssapi.JaasUtil.loginClient; import static org.wildfly.security.sasl.gssapi.JaasUtil.loginServer; import static org.wildfly.security.sasl.gssapi.TestKDC.LDAP_PORT; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.security.PrivilegedActionException; import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.naming.directory.DirContext; import javax.security.auth.Subject; import javax.security.auth.callback.Callback; import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler; import javax.security.auth.callback.UnsupportedCallbackException; import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException; import javax.security.sasl.Sasl; import javax.security.sasl.SaslClient; import javax.security.sasl.SaslClientFactory; import javax.security.sasl.SaslException; import javax.security.sasl.SaslServer; import javax.security.sasl.SaslServerFactory; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSCredential; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException; import org.ietf.jgss.GSSManager; import org.ietf.jgss.Oid; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.wildfly.common.function.ExceptionSupplier; import org.wildfly.security.auth.callback.ChannelBindingCallback; import org.wildfly.security.auth.client.AuthenticationConfiguration; import org.wildfly.security.auth.client.AuthenticationContext; import org.wildfly.security.auth.client.ClientUtils; import org.wildfly.security.auth.client.MatchRule; import org.wildfly.security.auth.realm.ldap.DirContextFactory; import org.wildfly.security.auth.realm.ldap.LdapSecurityRealmBuilder; import org.wildfly.security.auth.realm.ldap.SimpleDirContextFactoryBuilder; import org.wildfly.security.auth.server.SecurityRealm; import org.wildfly.security.auth.util.RegexNameRewriter; import org.wildfly.security.credential.GSSKerberosCredential; import org.wildfly.security.sasl.WildFlySasl; import org.wildfly.security.sasl.gssapi.GssapiTestSuite; import org.wildfly.security.sasl.test.BaseTestCase; import org.wildfly.security.sasl.test.SaslServerBuilder; import org.wildfly.security.sasl.util.ChannelBindingSaslClientFactory; import org.wildfly.security.sasl.util.PropertiesSaslClientFactory; import org.wildfly.security.sasl.util.ProtocolSaslClientFactory; import org.wildfly.security.sasl.util.ServerNameSaslClientFactory; /** * Client and server side tests for the GS2 SASL mechanism. * * @author <a href="mailto:fjuma@redhat.com">Farah Juma</a> */ public class Gs2SuiteChild extends BaseTestCase { private static final String TEST_SERVER_1 = "test_server_1"; private static Subject clientSubject; private static Subject serverSubject; private SaslServer saslServer; private SaslClient saslClient; @BeforeClass public static void init() throws LoginException { clientSubject = loginClient(); serverSubject = loginServer(GssapiTestSuite.serverKeyTab); } @Test public void testChannelBindingIndirect_Server() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // No properties are set, an appropriate Gs2SaslServer should be returned saslServer = getIndirectSaslServer(GS2_KRB5, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, null, null); assertEquals(GS2_KRB5, saslServer.getMechanismName()); // Require channel binding props.put(WildFlySasl.CHANNEL_BINDING_REQUIRED, Boolean.toString(true)); saslServer = getIndirectSaslServer(GS2_KRB5_PLUS, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, "tls-unique", new byte[0]); assertEquals(GS2_KRB5_PLUS, saslServer.getMechanismName()); // If channel binding is required even though a non-PLUS mechanism is specified, no server should be returned saslServer = getIndirectSaslServer(GS2_KRB5, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, null, null); assertNull(saslServer); } @Test public void testChannelBindingDirect_Server() { SaslServerFactory factory = obtainSaslServerFactory(Gs2SaslServerFactory.class); assertNotNull("SaslServerFactory not registered", factory); String[] mechanisms; Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // No properties set mechanisms = factory.getMechanismNames(props); assertMechanisms(new String[]{GS2_KRB5, GS2_KRB5_PLUS}, mechanisms); // Require channel binding props.put(WildFlySasl.CHANNEL_BINDING_REQUIRED, Boolean.toString(true)); mechanisms = factory.getMechanismNames(props); assertMechanisms(new String[]{GS2_KRB5_PLUS}, mechanisms); } @Test public void testChannelBindingIndirect_Client() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // No properties are set, an appropriate Gs2SaslClient should be returned saslClient = getIndirectSaslClient(new String[]{GS2_KRB5}, null, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, null, null); assertEquals(Gs2SaslClient.class, saslClient.getClass()); assertEquals(GS2_KRB5, saslClient.getMechanismName()); // If channel binding is required even though only non-PLUS mechanisms are specified, no client should be returned props.put(WildFlySasl.CHANNEL_BINDING_REQUIRED, Boolean.toString(true)); saslClient = getIndirectSaslClient(new String[]{"GS2-DT4PIK22T6A", GS2_KRB5}, null, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, null, null); assertNull(saslClient); // If channel binding is required, an appropriate Gs2SaslClient should be returned saslClient = getIndirectSaslClient(new String[]{"GS2-DT4PIK22T6A-PLUS", GS2_KRB5_PLUS}, null, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, "tls-unique", new byte[0]); assertEquals(Gs2SaslClient.class, saslClient.getClass()); assertEquals(GS2_KRB5_PLUS, saslClient.getMechanismName()); } @Test public void testChannelBindingDirect_Client() { SaslClientFactory factory = obtainSaslClientFactory(Gs2SaslClientFactory.class); assertNotNull("SaslClientFactory not registered", factory); String[] mechanisms; Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // No properties set mechanisms = factory.getMechanismNames(props); assertMechanisms(new String[]{ GS2_KRB5, GS2_KRB5_PLUS }, mechanisms); // Request channel binding props.put(WildFlySasl.CHANNEL_BINDING_REQUIRED, Boolean.toString(true)); mechanisms = factory.getMechanismNames(props); assertMechanisms(new String[]{GS2_KRB5_PLUS}, mechanisms); } // -- Successful authentication exchanges -- @Test public void testKrb5AuthenticationWithoutChannelBinding() throws Exception { saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNotNull(saslServer); assertEquals(GS2_KRB5, saslServer.getMechanismName()); assertFalse(saslServer.isComplete()); saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[] { GS2_KRB5 }, null, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNotNull(saslClient); assertTrue(saslClient instanceof Gs2SaslClient); assertTrue(saslClient.hasInitialResponse()); assertFalse(saslClient.isComplete()); byte[] message = evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]); assertFalse(saslClient.isComplete()); assertFalse(saslServer.isComplete()); message = evaluateResponse(message); assertTrue(saslServer.isComplete()); assertNotNull(message); assertFalse(saslClient.isComplete()); message = evaluateChallenge(message); assertTrue(saslClient.isComplete()); assertNull(message); assertEquals("jduke@WILDFLY.ORG", saslServer.getAuthorizationID()); } @Test public void testKrb5AuthenticationWithChannelBinding() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put(WildFlySasl.CHANNEL_BINDING_REQUIRED, Boolean.toString(true)); saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5_PLUS, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, "tls-unique", new byte[0]); assertNotNull(saslServer); assertEquals(GS2_KRB5_PLUS, saslServer.getMechanismName()); assertFalse(saslServer.isComplete()); saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[]{GS2_KRB5_PLUS}, "jduke@WILDFLY.ORG", "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, "tls-unique", new byte[0]); assertNotNull(saslClient); assertTrue(saslClient instanceof Gs2SaslClient); assertTrue(saslClient.hasInitialResponse()); assertFalse(saslClient.isComplete()); byte[] message = evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]); assertFalse(saslClient.isComplete()); assertFalse(saslServer.isComplete()); message = evaluateResponse(message); assertTrue(saslServer.isComplete()); assertNotNull(message); assertFalse(saslClient.isComplete()); message = evaluateChallenge(message); assertTrue(saslClient.isComplete()); assertNull(message); assertEquals("jduke@WILDFLY.ORG", saslServer.getAuthorizationID()); } @Test public void testKrb5AuthenticationWithCredentialPassedInForClientAndServer() throws Exception { saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null, true); assertNotNull(saslServer); assertEquals(GS2_KRB5, saslServer.getMechanismName()); assertFalse(saslServer.isComplete()); saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[] { GS2_KRB5 }, "jduke@WILDFLY.ORG", "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.emptyMap(), null, null, true); assertNotNull(saslClient); assertTrue(saslClient instanceof Gs2SaslClient); assertTrue(saslClient.hasInitialResponse()); assertFalse(saslClient.isComplete()); byte[] message = saslClient.evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]); assertFalse(saslClient.isComplete()); assertFalse(saslServer.isComplete()); message = saslServer.evaluateResponse(message); assertTrue(saslServer.isComplete()); assertNotNull(message); assertFalse(saslClient.isComplete()); message = saslClient.evaluateChallenge(message); assertTrue(saslClient.isComplete()); assertNull(message); assertEquals("jduke@WILDFLY.ORG", saslServer.getAuthorizationID()); } // -- Unsuccessful authentication exchanges -- @Test public void testChannelBindingNotUsedByClientSupportedByServer() throws Exception { // gs2-cb-flag = "y" saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[] { GS2_KRB5 }, null, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), "tls-unique", new byte[0]); assertNotNull(saslClient); saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5_PLUS, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), "tls-unique", new byte[0]); assertNotNull(saslServer); byte[] message = evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]); try { message = evaluateResponse(message); fail("Expected SaslException not thrown"); } catch (SaslException expected) { } } @Test public void testChannelBindingUsedByClientUnsupportedByServer() throws Exception { // gs2-cb-flag = "p" Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put(WildFlySasl.CHANNEL_BINDING_REQUIRED, Boolean.toString(true)); saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[] { GS2_KRB5_PLUS }, null, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, "tls-unique", new byte[0]); assertNotNull(saslClient); saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNotNull(saslServer); byte[] message = evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]); try { message = evaluateResponse(message); fail("Expected SaslException not thrown"); } catch (SaslException expected) { } } @Test public void testChannelBindingUnsupportedByClientSupportedByServer() throws Exception { // gs2-cb-flag = "n" saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[] { GS2_KRB5 }, null, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNotNull(saslClient); saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5_PLUS, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), "tls-unique", new byte[0]); assertNotNull(saslServer); byte[] message = evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]); try { message = evaluateResponse(message); fail("Expected SaslException not thrown"); } catch (SaslException expected) { } } @Test public void testChannelBindingTypeMismatch() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put(WildFlySasl.CHANNEL_BINDING_REQUIRED, Boolean.toString(true)); saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[]{GS2_KRB5_PLUS}, null, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, "tls-unique", new byte[0]); assertNotNull(saslClient); saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5_PLUS, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), "tls-unique-for-telnet", new byte[0]); assertNotNull(saslServer); byte[] message = evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]); try { message = evaluateResponse(message); fail("Expected SaslException not thrown"); } catch (SaslException expected) { } } @Test public void testChannelBindingDataMismatch() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put(WildFlySasl.CHANNEL_BINDING_REQUIRED, Boolean.toString(true)); saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[]{GS2_KRB5_PLUS}, null, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, props, "tls-unique", new byte[0]); assertNotNull(saslClient); saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5_PLUS, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), "tls-unique", new byte[1]); assertNotNull(saslServer); byte[] message = evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]); try { message = evaluateResponse(message); fail("Expected SaslException not thrown"); } catch (SaslException expected) { } } @Test public void testUnauthorizedAuthorizationId() throws Exception { saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNotNull(saslServer); saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[]{GS2_KRB5}, "sasl/test_server_1@WILDFLY.ORG", "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNotNull(saslClient); byte[] message = evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]); try { message = evaluateResponse(message); fail("Expected SaslException not thrown"); } catch (SaslException expected) { } } @Test public void testUnneededNonStdFlag() throws Exception { saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNotNull(saslServer); saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[] { GS2_KRB5 }, null, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNotNull(saslClient); byte[] origMessage = evaluateChallenge(new byte[0]); assertFalse(saslClient.isComplete()); assertFalse(saslServer.isComplete()); byte[] message = new byte[origMessage.length + 2]; System.arraycopy(origMessage, 0, message, 2, origMessage.length); message[0] = (byte)'F'; // Insert gs2-nonstd-flag message[1] = (byte)','; try { message = evaluateResponse(message); fail("Expected SaslException not thrown"); } catch (SaslException expected) { } } @Test public void testInvalidGs2Header() throws Exception { saslServer = getSaslServer(GS2_KRB5, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNotNull(saslServer); try { // gs2-header starts with an invalid character byte[] message = evaluateResponse(new byte[] {98, 44, 44, 1, 0, 110, -126, 1, -13, 48, -126, 1, -17, -96, 3, 2, 1, 5, -95, 3, 2, 1, 14, -94, 7, 3, 5, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, -93, -126, 1, 11, 97, -126, 1, 7, 48, -126, 1, 3, -96, 3, 2, 1, 5, -95, 13, 27, 11, 87, 73, 76, 68, 70, 76, 89, 46, 79, 82, 71, -94, 32, 48, 30, -96, 3, 2, 1, 0, -95, 23, 48, 21, 27, 4, 115, 97, 115, 108, 27, 13, 116, 101, 115, 116, 95, 115, 101, 114, 118, 101, 114, 95, 49, -93, -127, -54, 48, -127, -57, -96, 3, 2, 1, 16, -94, -127, -65, 4, -127, -68, 85, 26, 77, -98, -85, 110, 17, -61, 12, -36, 34, -105, 37, 126, 2, 74, -98, 47, -23, -108, 57, 2, -4, 110, -71, -79, -99, 8, 71, 11, -90, -118, -23, -122, -115, 3, -105, 31, 52, -50, -104, 35, -7, -14, -102, -39, 110, 74, -17, 55, 78, 67, -52, 74, -59, 85, 40, 89, -8, -61, -109, -69, -126, 31, -100, 62, 37, 78, -20, 99, -24, -28, -54, 112, 34, 87, -4, 57, -46, 97, 118, 43, 103, -74, -39, -59, -16, -88, 8, -122, 81, 83, -103, 83, 49, 54, -20, -125, -110, 18, 26, 87, -22, -111, 71, 122, 110, 83, -33, -92, -94, 114, -92, -30, 114, 22, 46, 73, 38, 58, -117, -118, -23, -18, -91, -14, -42, 84, 37, -4, 90, 116, -77, -41, 93, 82, 54, -69, 114, 124, -82, -102, -50, -83, 17, 117, -86, 106, 50, 78, -122, 54, 57, -27, -89, -85, 125, -104, 110, -38, 75, -25, -85, 91, -77, -7, -68, 112, 87, -125, -28, 34, 71, -62, -34, -110, -122, -120, -86, -93, -41, 41, -34, 91, 88, -114, 112, 83, -92, -127, -54, 48, -127, -57, -96, 3, 2, 1, 16, -94, -127, -65, 4, -127, -68, -12, -3, 100, 43, -53, 16, 56, -68, 107, -81, 105, 26, 123, 115, 94, -94, 119, 36, 65, 109, 68, 26, -61, 22, -68, -68, 29, -36, -80, 80, -66, 24, 74, -7, -5, -43, 37, -75, 26, -33, 50, 89, 81, 125, 67, 64, 27, 104, 24, -42, 37, -19, 13, 65, 95, -25, -19, 23, 58, -42, -43, 88, -42, -1, 121, 87, -12, 17, 55, -116, 81, -107, -22, -56, 0, 99, -56, 56, 67, 57, -127, -3, 73, -56, -100, -74, -78, 27, 7, 58, -47, 23, -12, 20, 15, 65, -77, -36, 14, 122, -95, 45, -9, -116, 89, 87, 82, -117, -60, 22, 55, 104, 103, -71, -12, -45, -1, -44, 106, -117, 91, 83, -44, -60, 122, -100, -89, -65, 43, 107, -124, -57, -82, 113, 72, 77, -84, 121, -90, 57, -28, 90, 80, -33, 97, -62, 10, 124, 67, 97, 110, 87, 20, -78, -14, -9, 84, 64, 78, 28, -63, -78, -29, -93, 29, 111, -34, -128, 96, -53, -25, -84, -39, -44, 85, 96, 0, -35, 35, -100, -123, 7, -112, -26, -89, 14, 92, -28}); fail("Expected SaslException not thrown"); } catch (SaslException expected) { } } @Test public void testDisallowedMechanism() throws Exception { // SPNEGO must not be used as a GS2 mechanism (section 14.3 in RFC 5801) saslServer = getSaslServer(SPNEGO, "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNull(saslServer); saslClient = getSaslClient(new String[] { SPNEGO, SPNEGO_PLUS }, "bsmith@WILDFLY.ORG", "sasl", TEST_SERVER_1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap(), null, null); assertNull(saslClient); } // -- Validate mapping SASL mechanism names to GSS-API OIDs and vice versa -- @Test public void testGetSaslNameForMechanismOid() throws Exception { assertEquals(GS2_KRB5, Gs2.getSaslNameForMechanism(new Oid("1.2.840.113554.1.2.2"), false)); assertEquals(SPNEGO_PLUS, Gs2.getSaslNameForMechanism(new Oid(""), true)); assertEquals("GS2-DT4PIK22T6A-PLUS", Gs2.getSaslNameForMechanism(new Oid(""), true)); } @Test public void testGetMechanismForSaslName() throws Exception { assertEquals(OID_KRB5, Gs2.getMechanismForSaslName(GSSManager.getInstance(), "GS2-KRB5-PLUS")); assertEquals(OID_SPNEGO, Gs2.getMechanismForSaslName(GSSManager.getInstance(), "SPNEGO")); } private SaslServer getIndirectSaslServer(final String mechanism, final String protocol, final String serverName, final Map<String, Object> props, final String bindingType, final byte[] bindingData) throws SaslException { try { return Subject.doAs(serverSubject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<SaslServer>() { public SaslServer run() throws SaslException { //TODO I don't like people having to pass in a callback handler to get this information CallbackHandler cbh = new IndirectCallbackHandler(bindingType, bindingData); return Sasl.createSaslServer(mechanism, protocol, serverName, props, cbh); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SaslException) { throw (SaslException) e.getCause(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } } private SaslServer getSaslServer(final String mechanism, final String protocol, final String serverName, final Map<String, Object> props, final String bindingType, final byte[] bindingData) throws SaslException { return getSaslServer(mechanism, protocol, serverName, props, bindingType, bindingData, false); } private SaslServer getSaslServer(final String mechanism, final String protocol, final String serverName, final Map<String, Object> props, final String bindingType, final byte[] bindingData, final boolean passCredential) throws SaslException { GSSCredential credential = null; if (passCredential) { try { credential = Subject.doAs(serverSubject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<GSSCredential>() { public GSSCredential run() throws SaslException { try { return GSSManager.getInstance().createCredential(null, GSSCredential.INDEFINITE_LIFETIME, OID_KRB5, GSSCredential.ACCEPT_ONLY); } catch (GSSException e) { throw new SaslException(e.getMessage()); } } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SaslException) { throw (SaslException) e.getCause(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } } final SaslServerBuilder builder = new SaslServerBuilder(Gs2SaslServerFactory.class, mechanism) .setDontAssertBuiltServer(); final ExceptionSupplier<DirContext, NamingException> dirContextSupplier = () -> SimpleDirContextFactoryBuilder.builder() .setProviderUrl(String.format("ldap://localhost:%d/", LDAP_PORT)) .setSecurityPrincipal("uid=Sasl_1,ou=Users,dc=wildfly,dc=org") .setSecurityCredential("servicepwd") .build().obtainDirContext(DirContextFactory.ReferralMode.IGNORE); final SecurityRealm securityRealm = LdapSecurityRealmBuilder.builder() .setDirContextSupplier(dirContextSupplier) .setNameRewriter(new RegexNameRewriter(Pattern.compile("(.*)@WILDFLY\\.ORG"), "$1", true)) .identityMapping() .setSearchDn("dc=wildfly,dc=org") .searchRecursive() .setRdnIdentifier("uid") .build() .build(); final String realmName = "ldapRealm"; builder.addRealm(realmName, securityRealm); builder.setDefaultRealmName(realmName); if (protocol != null) { builder.setProtocol(protocol); } if (serverName != null) { builder.setServerName(serverName); } if (props != null) { builder.setProperties(props); } if (bindingType != null || bindingData != null) { builder.setChannelBinding(bindingType, bindingData); } if (credential != null) { builder.setCredential(new GSSKerberosCredential(credential)); } try { return Subject.doAs(serverSubject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<SaslServer>() { public SaslServer run() throws Exception { return builder.build(); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SaslException) { throw (SaslException) e.getCause(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } } private SaslClient getIndirectSaslClient(final String[] mechanisms, final String authorizationId, final String protocol, final String serverName, final Map<String, Object> props, final String bindingType, final byte[] bindingData) throws SaslException { try { return Subject.doAs(clientSubject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<SaslClient>() { public SaslClient run() throws SaslException { //TODO I don't like people having to pass in a callback handler to get this information CallbackHandler cbh = new IndirectCallbackHandler(bindingType, bindingData); return Sasl.createSaslClient(mechanisms, authorizationId, protocol, serverName, props, cbh); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SaslException) { throw (SaslException) e.getCause(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } } private SaslClient getSaslClient(final String[] mechanisms, final String authorizationId, final String protocol, final String serverName, final Map<String, Object> props, final String bindingType, final byte[] bindingData) throws Exception { return getSaslClient(mechanisms, authorizationId, protocol, serverName, props, bindingType, bindingData, false); } private SaslClient getSaslClient(final String[] mechanisms, final String authorizationId, final String protocol, final String serverName, final Map<String, Object> props, final String bindingType, final byte[] bindingData, final boolean passCredential) throws Exception { GSSCredential credential = null; if (passCredential) { try { credential = Subject.doAs(clientSubject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<GSSCredential>() { public GSSCredential run() throws SaslException { try { return GSSManager.getInstance().createCredential(null, GSSCredential.INDEFINITE_LIFETIME, OID_KRB5, GSSCredential.INITIATE_ONLY); } catch (GSSException e) { throw new SaslException(e.getMessage()); } } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SaslException) { throw (SaslException) e.getCause(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } } final CallbackHandler cbh = createClientCallbackHandler(mechanisms, authorizationId, credential); SaslClientFactory clientFactory = obtainSaslClientFactory(Gs2SaslClientFactory.class); assertNotNull(clientFactory); if (bindingType != null || bindingData != null) { clientFactory = new ChannelBindingSaslClientFactory(clientFactory, bindingType, bindingData); assertNotNull(clientFactory); } if (protocol != null) { clientFactory = new ProtocolSaslClientFactory(clientFactory, protocol); assertNotNull(clientFactory); } if (serverName != null) { clientFactory = new ServerNameSaslClientFactory(clientFactory, serverName); assertNotNull(clientFactory); } if (props != null) { clientFactory = new PropertiesSaslClientFactory(clientFactory, props); assertNotNull(clientFactory); } final SaslClientFactory factory = clientFactory; try { return Subject.doAs(clientSubject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<SaslClient>() { public SaslClient run() throws SaslException { return factory.createSaslClient(mechanisms, authorizationId, protocol, serverName, props, cbh); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SaslException) { throw (SaslException) e.getCause(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } } private CallbackHandler createClientCallbackHandler(final String[] mechanisms, final String authorizationId, final GSSCredential credential) throws Exception { final AuthenticationContext context = AuthenticationContext.empty() .with( MatchRule.ALL, AuthenticationConfiguration.EMPTY .useAuthorizationName(authorizationId) .useGSSCredential(credential) .allowSaslMechanisms(mechanisms)); return ClientUtils.getCallbackHandler(new URI("remote://localhost"), context); } private byte[] evaluateResponse(final byte[] response) throws SaslException { try { return Subject.doAs(serverSubject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<byte[]>() { public byte[] run() throws SaslException { return saslServer.evaluateResponse(response); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SaslException) { throw (SaslException) e.getCause(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } } private byte[] evaluateChallenge(final byte[] challenge) throws SaslException { try { return Subject.doAs(clientSubject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction<byte[]>(){ public byte[] run() throws SaslException { return saslClient.evaluateChallenge(challenge); } }); } catch (PrivilegedActionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SaslException) { throw (SaslException) e.getCause(); } else { throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } } //TODO I don't like the indirect tests having to pass in a callback handler to get this information private static class IndirectCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler { private final String bindingType; private final byte[] bindingData; private IndirectCallbackHandler(String bindingType, byte[] bindingData) { this.bindingType = bindingType; this.bindingData = bindingData; } @Override public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException { for (Callback callback : callbacks) { if (callback instanceof ChannelBindingCallback) { final ChannelBindingCallback channelBindingCallback = (ChannelBindingCallback) callback; channelBindingCallback.setBindingType(bindingType); channelBindingCallback.setBindingData(bindingData); } } } }; }