package; import static org.wildfly.common.Assert.checkNotNullParam; import static; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A {@link CredentialSource} capable of authenticating against a OAuth2 compliant authorization server and obtaining * access tokens in form of a {@link BearerTokenCredential}. * * @author <a href="">Pedro Igor</a> */ public class OAuth2CredentialSource implements CredentialSource { /** * Creates a new {@link Builder} instance in order to configure and build a {@link OAuth2CredentialSource}. * * @param tokenEndpointUrl the token endpoint that will be used to obtain OAuth2 access tokens * @return a new builder instance */ public static Builder builder(URL tokenEndpointUrl) { return new Builder(tokenEndpointUrl); } private final URL tokenEndpointUri; private final Consumer<Map<String, String>> authenticationHandler; private String scopes; private final Supplier<SSLContext> sslContextSupplier; private final Supplier<HostnameVerifier> hostnameVerifierSupplier; /** * Creates a new instance. * * @param tokenEndpointUrl the OAuth2 Token Endpoint {@link URL} * @param authenticationHandler a callback that can be used to push addition parameters to requests sent to the authorization server * @param scopes a string with the scope of the access request * @param sslContextSupplier a supplier from where the {@link SSLContext} is obtained in case the token endpoint is using TLS/HTTPS * @param hostnameVerifierSupplier a supplier from where the {@link HostnameVerifier} is obtained in case the token endpoint is using TLS/HTTPS */ private OAuth2CredentialSource(URL tokenEndpointUrl, Consumer<Map<String, String>> authenticationHandler, String scopes, Supplier<SSLContext> sslContextSupplier, Supplier<HostnameVerifier> hostnameVerifierSupplier) { this.tokenEndpointUri = checkNotNullParam("tokenEndpointUri", tokenEndpointUrl); if (isHttps(tokenEndpointUrl)) { checkNotNullParam("sslContextSupplier", sslContextSupplier); } this.authenticationHandler = checkNotNullParam("authenticationHandler", authenticationHandler); this.scopes = scopes; this.sslContextSupplier = sslContextSupplier; this.hostnameVerifierSupplier = hostnameVerifierSupplier; } @Override public SupportLevel getCredentialAcquireSupport(Class<? extends Credential> credentialType, String algorithmName, AlgorithmParameterSpec parameterSpec) throws IOException { return BearerTokenCredential.class.isAssignableFrom(credentialType) ? SupportLevel.POSSIBLY_SUPPORTED : SupportLevel.UNSUPPORTED; } @Override public <C extends Credential> C getCredential(Class<C> credentialType, String algorithmName, AlgorithmParameterSpec parameterSpec) throws IOException { if (BearerTokenCredential.class.isAssignableFrom(credentialType)) { try { HttpURLConnection connection = null; try { connection = openConnection(); connection.setDoOutput(true); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); HashMap<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(); authenticationHandler.accept(parameters); if (scopes != null) { parameters.put("scope", scopes); } byte[] paramBytes = buildParameters(parameters); try (OutputStream outputStream = connection.getOutputStream()) { outputStream.write(paramBytes); } try (InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream())) { JsonObject jsonObject = Json.createReader(inputStream).readObject(); String accessToken = jsonObject.getString("access_token"); return credentialType.cast(new BearerTokenCredential(accessToken)); } } catch (IOException ioe) { InputStream errorStream = null; if (connection != null && connection.getErrorStream() != null) { errorStream = connection.getErrorStream(); try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(errorStream))) { StringBuffer response = reader.lines().reduce(new StringBuffer(), StringBuffer::append, (buffer1, buffer2) -> buffer1); log.errorf(ioe, "Unexpected response from server [%s]. Response: [%s]", tokenEndpointUri, response); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } throw log.mechUnableToHandleResponseFromServer("OAuth2CredentialSource", ioe); } } catch (Exception cause) { throw log.mechCallbackHandlerFailedForUnknownReason("OAuth2CredentialSource", cause); } } return null; } private SSLContext resolveSSLContext() { if (!isHttps(tokenEndpointUri)) { return null; } return sslContextSupplier == null ? null : sslContextSupplier.get(); } private HttpURLConnection openConnection() throws IOException { log.debugf("Opening connection to [%s]", tokenEndpointUri); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) tokenEndpointUri.openConnection(); SSLContext sslContext = resolveSSLContext(); if (sslContext != null) { HttpsURLConnection https = (HttpsURLConnection) connection; https.setSSLSocketFactory(sslContext.getSocketFactory()); if (hostnameVerifierSupplier != null) { https.setHostnameVerifier(checkNotNullParam("hostnameVerifier", hostnameVerifierSupplier.get())); } } return connection; } private byte[] buildParameters(Map<String, String> parameters) { ByteStringBuilder params = new ByteStringBuilder(); parameters.entrySet().stream().forEach(entry -> { if (params.length() > 0) { params.append('&'); } params.append(entry.getKey()).append('=').append(entry.getValue()); }); return params.toArray(); } private boolean isHttps(URL tokenEndpointUrl) { return "https".equals(tokenEndpointUrl.getProtocol()); } public static class Builder { private final URL tokenEndpointUrl; private String scopes; private Supplier<SSLContext> sslContextSupplier = new Supplier<SSLContext>() { @Override public SSLContext get() { AuthenticationContextConfigurationClient contextConfigurationClient = AccessController.doPrivileged(AuthenticationContextConfigurationClient.ACTION); try { return contextConfigurationClient.getSSLContext(tokenEndpointUrl.toURI(), AuthenticationContext.captureCurrent()); } catch (Exception cause) { throw log.failedToObtainSSLContext(cause); } } }; private Supplier<HostnameVerifier> hostnameVerifierSupplier; private Consumer<Map<String, String>> authenticationHandler; private Builder(URL tokenEndpointUrl) { this.tokenEndpointUrl = checkNotNullParam("tokenEndpointUrl", tokenEndpointUrl); } /** * The scopes to grant access. * * @param scopes the scopes to grant access. * @return this instance */ public Builder grantScopes(String scopes) { this.scopes = checkNotNullParam("scopes", scopes); return this; } /** * <p>Configure OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Grant Type as defined by the OAuth2 specification. * * <p>When using this grant type, make sure to also configure one of the supported client authentication methods. For instance, * make sure to provide client credentials via {@link #clientCredentials(String, String)}. * * @param userName the resource owner's user name * @param password the resource owner's password * @return this instance. */ public Builder useResourceOwnerPassword(String userName, String password) { configureAuthenticationHandler(parameters -> configureResourceOwnerCredentialsParameters(parameters, userName, password)); return this; } /** * <p>Configure OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant Type as defined by the OAuth2 specification. * * @param id the client id * @param secret the client secret * @return this instance. */ public Builder clientCredentials(String id, String secret) { checkNotNullParam("id", id); checkNotNullParam("secret", secret); configureAuthenticationHandler(parameters -> { AuthenticationContext context = AuthenticationContext.captureCurrent(); AuthenticationContextConfigurationClient client = AccessController.doPrivileged(AuthenticationContextConfigurationClient.ACTION); AuthenticationConfiguration configuration = client.getAuthenticationConfiguration(URI.create(tokenEndpointUrl.toString()), context); CallbackHandler handler = client.getCallbackHandler(configuration); // if there is a handler associated with the configuration, we try to resolve username/password and change grant type to resource owner credentials if (handler != null) { NameCallback nameCallback = new NameCallback("Username"); PasswordCallback passwordCallback = new PasswordCallback("Password", false); try { handler.handle(new Callback[]{nameCallback, passwordCallback}); } catch (Exception ignore) { } String userName = nameCallback.getName(); char[] password = passwordCallback.getPassword(); if (userName != null && password != null) { configureResourceOwnerCredentialsParameters(parameters, userName, String.valueOf(password)); } } configureClientCredentialsParameters(parameters, id, secret.toCharArray()); }); return this; } /** * TThe {@link SSLContext} to be used in case connections to remote server require TLS/HTTPS. * * @param sslContext the SSLContext * @return this instance */ public Builder useSslContext(SSLContext sslContext) { checkNotNullParam("sslContext", sslContext); sslContextSupplier = () -> sslContext; return this; } /** * TThe {@link HostnameVerifier} to be used in case connections to remote server require TLS/HTTPS. * * @param hostnameVerifier the HostnameVerifier * @return this instance */ public Builder useSslHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier) { checkNotNullParam("hostnameVerifier", hostnameVerifier); this.hostnameVerifierSupplier = () -> hostnameVerifier; return this; } /** * Creates a new {@link OAuth2CredentialSource} instance. * * @return a OAuth2 credential source */ public OAuth2CredentialSource build() { if (authenticationHandler == null) { authenticationHandler = parameters -> { AuthenticationContext context = AuthenticationContext.captureCurrent(); AuthenticationContextConfigurationClient client = AccessController.doPrivileged(AuthenticationContextConfigurationClient.ACTION); AuthenticationConfiguration configuration = client.getAuthenticationConfiguration(URI.create(tokenEndpointUrl.toString()), context); CallbackHandler handler = client.getCallbackHandler(configuration); NameCallback nameCallback = new NameCallback("Client ID"); PasswordCallback password1 = new PasswordCallback("Client Secret", false); try { handler.handle(new Callback[]{nameCallback, password1}); } catch (Exception ignore) { } String userName = nameCallback.getName(); char[] password = password1.getPassword(); configureClientCredentialsParameters(parameters, userName, password); }; } return new OAuth2CredentialSource(tokenEndpointUrl, authenticationHandler.andThen(parameters -> { if (!parameters.containsKey("client_id") || !parameters.containsKey("client_secret")) { throw ElytronMessages.log.oauth2ClientCredentialsNotProvided(); } }), scopes, sslContextSupplier, hostnameVerifierSupplier); } private void configureClientCredentialsParameters(Map<String, String> parameters, String id, char[] secret) { parameters.putIfAbsent("grant_type", "client_credentials"); parameters.put("client_id", checkNotNullParam("client_id", id)); parameters.put("client_secret", checkNotNullParam("client_secret", secret == null ? null : String.valueOf(secret))); } private void configureResourceOwnerCredentialsParameters(Map<String, String> parameters, String userName, String password) { parameters.put("grant_type", "password"); parameters.put("username", checkNotNullParam("userName", userName)); parameters.put("password", checkNotNullParam("password", password)); } private void configureAuthenticationHandler(Consumer<Map<String, String>> handler) { if (authenticationHandler == null) { authenticationHandler = handler; } else { authenticationHandler = authenticationHandler.andThen(handler); } } } }