package org.wickedsource.wickedforms.validators; import org.wickedsource.wickedforms.model.FormModel; import org.wickedsource.wickedforms.model.elements.TextModel; import org.wickedsource.wickedforms.model.elements.fields.StringTextFieldModel; import org.wickedsource.wickedforms.model.validation.UrlValidatorModel; public class UrlValidatorExample extends FormModel { public UrlValidatorExample() { super("URL Validator"); add( new TextModel( "This validator checks against a regular expression" + " if the input value is a valid URL including the " + "protocol prefix (i.e. 'http://'). Type in an invalid URL and submit the form.")) .add(new StringTextFieldModel("Your web site URL") .add(new UrlValidatorModel())); } }