package org.wickedsource.wickedforms.formelements; import org.wickedsource.wickedforms.model.FormModel; import org.wickedsource.wickedforms.model.SectionModel; import org.wickedsource.wickedforms.model.elements.TextModel; import org.wickedsource.wickedforms.model.elements.fields.TextAreaModel; public class TextAreaExample extends FormModel { public TextAreaExample() { super("Text Area Examples"); add(new SectionModel("Simple Text Area") .add(new TextModel( "A simple Text Area. It's almost rocket science... .")) .add(new TextAreaModel("Your favorite childhood story"))); add(new SectionModel("Text Area with default text") .add( new TextModel( "Most form elements provide a constructor in which you can pass a default value.")) .add(new TextAreaModel("Your favorite animal story", "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."))); } }