package weka.core.pmml; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import weka.core.Attribute; /** * Class encapsulating a FieldRef Expression. Is simply a * pass-through to an existing field. * * @author Mark Hall (mhall{[at]}pentaho{[dot]}com) * @version $Revision 1.0 $ */ public class FieldRef extends Expression { /** The name of the field to reference */ protected String m_fieldName = null; public FieldRef(Element fieldRef, FieldMetaInfo.Optype opType, ArrayList<Attribute> fieldDefs) throws Exception { super(opType, fieldDefs); m_fieldName = fieldRef.getAttribute("field"); } public void setFieldDefs(ArrayList<Attribute> fieldDefs) throws Exception { super.setFieldDefs(fieldDefs); validateField(); } protected void validateField() throws Exception { // do some type checking here if (m_fieldDefs != null) { Attribute a = getFieldDef(m_fieldName); if (a == null) { throw new Exception("[FieldRef] Can't find field " + m_fieldName + " in the supplied field definitions"); } if ((m_opType == FieldMetaInfo.Optype.CATEGORICAL || m_opType == FieldMetaInfo.Optype.ORDINAL) && a.isNumeric()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[FieldRef] Optype is categorical/ordinal but matching " + "parameter in the field definitions is not!"); } if (m_opType == FieldMetaInfo.Optype.CONTINUOUS && a.isNominal()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[FieldRef] Optype is continuous but matching " + "parameter in the field definitions is not!"); } } } @Override public double getResult(double[] incoming) throws Exception { double result = Double.NaN; boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < m_fieldDefs.size(); i++) { Attribute a = m_fieldDefs.get(i); if ( { if (a.isNumeric()) { if (m_opType == FieldMetaInfo.Optype.CATEGORICAL || m_opType == FieldMetaInfo.Optype.ORDINAL) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[FieldRef] Optype is categorical/ordinal but matching " + "parameter is not!"); } } else if (a.isNominal()) { if (m_opType == FieldMetaInfo.Optype.CONTINUOUS) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[FieldRef] Optype is continuous but matching " + "parameter is not!"); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[FieldRef] Unhandled attribute type"); } result = incoming[i]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { throw new Exception("[FieldRef] this field: " + m_fieldName + " is not in the supplied " + "list of parameters!"); } return result; } @Override public String getResultCategorical(double[] incoming) throws Exception { if (m_opType == FieldMetaInfo.Optype.CONTINUOUS) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("[FieldRef] Can't return result as " +"categorical/ordinal because optype is continuous!"); } boolean found = false; String result = null; for (int i = 0; i < m_fieldDefs.size(); i++) { Attribute a = m_fieldDefs.get(i); if ( { found = true; result = a.value((int)incoming[i]); break; } } if (!found) { throw new Exception("[FieldRef] this field: " + m_fieldName + " is not in the supplied " + "list of parameters!"); } return result; } /** * Return the structure of the result of applying this Expression * as an Attribute. * * @return the structure of the result of applying this Expression as an * Attribute. */ public Attribute getOutputDef() { Attribute a = getFieldDef(m_fieldName); if (a != null) { return a; /* Attribute result = a.copy(attName); return result; */ } // If we can't find the reference field in the field definitions then // we can't return a definition for the result return null; } public String toString(String pad) { return pad + "FieldRef: " + m_fieldName; } }