/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* * FTLeavesNode.java * Copyright (C) 2007 University of Porto, Porto, Portugal * */ package weka.classifiers.trees.ft; import weka.classifiers.functions.SimpleLinearRegression; import weka.classifiers.trees.j48.C45ModelSelection; import weka.classifiers.trees.j48.NoSplit; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.RevisionUtils; import weka.core.Utils; /** * Class for Functional Leaves tree version. * * @author Jo\~{a}o Gama * @author Carlos Ferreira * * @version $Revision$ */ public class FTLeavesNode extends FTtree { /** for serialization. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 950601378326259315L; /** * Constructor for Functional Leaves tree node. * * @param errorOnProbabilities Use error on probabilities for stopping criterion of LogitBoost? * @param numBoostingIterations sets the numBoostingIterations parameter * @param minNumInstances minimum number of instances at which a node is considered for splitting */ public FTLeavesNode( boolean errorOnProbabilities, int numBoostingIterations, int minNumInstances, double weightTrimBeta, boolean useAIC) { m_errorOnProbabilities = errorOnProbabilities; m_fixedNumIterations = numBoostingIterations; m_minNumInstances = minNumInstances; m_maxIterations = 200; setWeightTrimBeta(weightTrimBeta); setUseAIC(useAIC); } /** * Method for building a Functional Leaves tree (only called for the root node). * Grows an initial Functional Tree. * * @param data the data to train with * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public void buildClassifier(Instances data) throws Exception{ buildTree(data, null, data.numInstances(), 0); } /** * Method for building the tree structure. * Builds a logistic model, splits the node and recursively builds tree for child nodes. * @param data the training data passed on to this node * @param higherRegressions An array of regression functions produced by LogitBoost at higher * levels in the tree. They represent a logistic regression model that is refined locally * at this node. * @param totalInstanceWeight the total number of training examples * @param higherNumParameters effective number of parameters in the logistic regression model built * in parent nodes * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public void buildTree(Instances data, SimpleLinearRegression[][] higherRegressions, double totalInstanceWeight, double higherNumParameters) throws Exception{ //save some stuff m_totalInstanceWeight = totalInstanceWeight; m_train = new Instances(data); m_isLeaf = true; m_sons = null; m_numInstances = m_train.numInstances(); m_numClasses = m_train.numClasses(); //init m_numericData = getNumericData(m_train); m_numericDataHeader = new Instances(m_numericData, 0); m_regressions = initRegressions(); m_numRegressions = 0; if (higherRegressions != null) m_higherRegressions = higherRegressions; else m_higherRegressions = new SimpleLinearRegression[m_numClasses][0]; m_numHigherRegressions = m_higherRegressions[0].length; m_numParameters = higherNumParameters; //build logistic model if (m_numInstances >= m_numFoldsBoosting) { if (m_fixedNumIterations > 0){ performBoosting(m_fixedNumIterations); } else if (getUseAIC()) { performBoostingInfCriterion(); } else { performBoostingCV(); } } m_numParameters += m_numRegressions; //only keep the simple regression functions that correspond to the selected number of LogitBoost iterations m_regressions = selectRegressions(m_regressions); boolean grow; //Compute logistic probs double[][] FsConst; double[] probsConst; int j; FsConst = getFs(m_numericData); for (j = 0; j < data.numInstances(); j++) { probsConst=probs(FsConst[j]); // Computes constructor error if (data.instance(j).classValue()!=getConstError(probsConst)) m_constError=m_constError +1; } //to choose split point on the node data m_modelSelection=new C45ModelSelection(m_minNumInstances, data, true); m_localModel = m_modelSelection.selectModel(data); //split node if more than minNumInstances... if (m_numInstances > m_minNumInstances) { grow = (m_localModel.numSubsets() > 1); } else { grow = false; } // logitboost uses distribution for instance m_hasConstr=false; if (grow) { //create and build children of node m_isLeaf = false; Instances[] localInstances = m_localModel.split(data); m_sons = new FTLeavesNode[m_localModel.numSubsets()]; for (int i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) { m_sons[i] = new FTLeavesNode(m_errorOnProbabilities, m_fixedNumIterations, m_minNumInstances,getWeightTrimBeta(), getUseAIC()); m_sons[i].buildTree(localInstances[i], mergeArrays(m_regressions, m_higherRegressions), m_totalInstanceWeight, m_numParameters); localInstances[i] = null; } } else{ m_leafclass=m_localModel.distribution().maxClass(); } } /** * Prunes a tree using C4.5 pruning procedure. * * @exception Exception if something goes wrong */ public double prune() throws Exception { double errorsLeaf; double errorsTree; double errorsConstModel; double treeError=0; int i; double probBranch; // Compute error if this Tree would be leaf without contructor errorsLeaf = getEstimatedErrorsForDistribution(m_localModel.distribution()); if (m_isLeaf ) { return errorsLeaf; } else { //Computes da error of the constructor model errorsConstModel = getEtimateConstModel(m_localModel.distribution()); errorsTree=0; for (i = 0; i < m_sons.length; i++) { probBranch = m_localModel.distribution().perBag(i) / m_localModel.distribution().total(); errorsTree += probBranch* m_sons[i].prune(); } // Decide if leaf is best choice. if (Utils.smOrEq(errorsLeaf, errorsTree) && Utils.smOrEq(errorsLeaf, errorsConstModel)) { // Free son Trees m_sons = null; m_isLeaf = true; m_hasConstr=false; m_leafclass=m_localModel.distribution().maxClass(); // Get NoSplit Model for node. m_localModel = new NoSplit(m_localModel.distribution()); treeError=errorsLeaf; }else{ // Decide if Constructor is best choice. if (Utils.smOrEq(errorsConstModel, errorsTree)) { // Free son Trees m_sons = null; m_isLeaf = true; m_hasConstr =true; // Get NoSplit Model for node. m_localModel = new NoSplit(m_localModel.distribution()); treeError=errorsConstModel; } else treeError=errorsTree; } } return treeError; } /** * Returns the class probabilities for an instance given by the Functional Leaves tree. * @param instance the instance * @return the array of probabilities */ public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception { double[] probs; if (m_isLeaf && m_hasConstr) { //leaf //leaf: use majoraty class or constructor model probs = modelDistributionForInstance(instance); } else { if (m_isLeaf && !m_hasConstr) { probs=new double[instance.numClasses()]; probs[m_leafclass]=(double)1; }else{ int branch = m_localModel.whichSubset(instance); //split probs = m_sons[branch].distributionForInstance(instance); } } return probs; } /** * Returns the revision string. * * @return the revision */ public String getRevision() { return RevisionUtils.extract("$Revision$"); } }